Claimed by the Desert

By Katrina_Crane

317K 14.9K 1.2K

Vera is a young archaeologist with a determination to prove herself in the field. While on a dig with her fat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 10.5
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Author Note
New Edited Version

Chapter Twelve

12.4K 716 62
By Katrina_Crane

Chapter Twelve

By the time Vera's train reached Suez her funds were almost completely depleted. She had never really been on her own or had to manage her own money, so she hadn't been as frugal as she should. Now she had to find a way to get all the way to Oman, a four-day trip at the least, on practically no money.

She blew a few curls out of her eyes and tapped her fingers on the railroad bench as she debated what to do. It was nearly sunset and she really wanted to rent a room for the night even if it wasn't the most sensible thing.  Thinking of her father and Kareem, Vera decided she needed to do what was best for them and not for herself.

"Excuse me?" Vera asked the railroad employee behind the ticket counter. "What would be the best way to get from here to Oman?"

He smiled at her and replied, "There are many ferry ships in the canal that travel to that area, to which city are you traveling?"

Vera hesitated. This was the first time she had spent any considerable time away from the train for days and even though she had an iron railroad spike and Halsten's dagger in her satchel, she was unsure whether or not she was safe from Amias.

Deciding she had no other option but to trust this man, Vera crossed her fingers and said, "I'm not sure. Which city is nearest Selma Plateau?"

He shrugged before turning and speaking to one of the other employees in Arabic. 

"Amir says the closest city would be Sur," he said as he turned back toward her. "He says there are villages that are closer, but none with a sea port to get to by ferry."

Vera smiled at them and called her thanks as she rushed away toward the canal. Perhaps if she made it there soon she could find a ship leaving this very evening.

When she finally arrived, the first thing she noticed was that the docks were even more crowded than the railway station. She was shoved and bumped into several times before she figured out how to move with the busy crowd.  It took her ages to find a ferry in all the madness, and even longer to find someone to tell her how much it would cost.

It wasn't long before Vera found herself once again sitting on a bench contemplating what to do. She had been told the ferry ride to Oman would cost much more money than she possessed and she had no way of making any more. The farthest she could travel on her meager funds was Hurgada, and that wasn't even out of Egypt.

Vera placed her head in her hands and groaned. She was a failure at being a heroine. She had begged Halsten and her father for years to stop being overprotective and let her go off on her own, but the truth was she hadn't even managed three days without them.

"Traveling to Sur, huh?" a man's voice said from the seat next to her.

Vera jumped in fright, not sure when he had sat down without her noticing.  Her fear increased astronomically as she saw the red flecks around the man's iris.

"Now, why would you want to do that?" 

His hand clamped down on her wrist before she could even think about getting away.

"Let me go, Amias," she snapped with more bravery than she felt.

"No, I don't think I will," he replied, his eyes glowing a brighter red in his anger. "Did you honestly think I would let you go? I told you before that you can't run from me. I'll always find you, Vera."

"I said, let go!" she shouted again, as she slashed at him with the dagger from her bag.

He immediately recoiled from the metal, letting go of her wrist long enough for her to leap up and race away. Her fear-addled brain was telling her to just keep running, but Vera knew he would eventually catch up to her. Her only shot was to find some place surrounded by iron where she could hide out for a while to think up a plan.

As her eyes scanned the canal a thought began to form in her mind. Steamships were made of iron!

All she had to do was find the ship manifest, figure out which ship was headed in the direction of Oman, and hide out somewhere on board until it arrived! Amias wouldn't be able to get to her and she wouldn't have to use up any of her money!

The only problem was she had no idea where, or even if, she could find the manifest and she couldn't just keep running around the docks like a crazy person. She knew it was a risk, but the only solution she could come up with was to stop and ask someone.

"Sir," she called out toward one of the men boarding a ship. "Are there any ships in port headed to Oman?"

Her hopes crashed to the ground as he replied, "Not that I am aware, miss."

Just as she was about to give up he continued, "But there is one stopping at Port Aden. That's in Yemen, so it's pretty close."

"How close?" she asked, practically holding her breath in anticipation.

He thought it over and said, "I'd say about another two or three days if you can find a boat in Aden to take you."

 "Can you tell me where the ship to Yemen is docked?"

"The one on the far side of the canal, I think," he replied. "But they're not taking on passengers, lady."

She ignored the last part of his statement and rushed off to find the ship. A painful jerk on her hair nearly caused her to fall, but Vera picked up speed and refused to turn around. She knew Amias was right behind her and if she faltered for even a second he would catch up and she wouldn't get away again.

As she got nearer to the ship Vera could feel the temperature dropping in the air around her. Amias was furious, and a surge of hope filled her when she realized that must mean she was close to getting away. The white paint on the sides of the ship gleamed like a beacon of freedom in front of her eyes.

Just a few more steps, just a few more steps, she kept repeating to herself. 

She laughed aloud as she saw just how easy it would be to sneak aboard. People were rushing about the ship in a state of confusion and chaos. It looked like the cargo was already loaded and they were about to set sail. She remembered her father telling her cargo inventory was checked as it was loaded and unloaded, so if she could get aboard and sneak into one of the cargo crates no one would notice her there until they reached their destination. It was a good thing she had convinced her father to let her wear trousers. As long as she kept her head down and didn't look anyone directly in the eye, perhaps they wouldn't notice she didn't belong on deck.

Suddenly everyone and everything around her froze – just stopped moving completely. Unsure of whether or not Amias was creating an illusion or if the people around her were actually motionless because of his power, Vera hesitated. It would seem they had come to a stalemate. The ship couldn't leave as long as its sailors were immobile and Amias couldn't get any closer to the ship because of the iron.

 As she looked in his direction her breath caught in her throat. Amias had abandoned his human host completely, his red eyes being his only recognizable feature. His body had become something monstrous: a billowing darkness resembling a mix of a flaming storm cloud and towering giant.

"I'm done trying to be nice, Vera," Amias raged at her. "Now get down from that ship before I kill everyone on this dock!"

She couldn't have moved even if she wanted to. Fear had frozen her in place just like everyone else.

"N-no," she stuttered at first, but gaining confidence once she realized he was bluffing. "You can't kill everyone."

"Oh? And what makes you so sure?" he asked.

"The iron. It weakens you, and most of these people are either on an iron ship or carrying something metallic."

He roared in anger and Vera smiled.

"That's why you've taken on this form isn't it?" she taunted him.  "You know you're practically powerless here so you've taken on this form to try and intimidate me. Well, it isn't going to work, Amias!"

"I may not be able to kill them, but I can keep them this way for some time," he replied. "How will you get away if the ship is frozen in time?"

Vera considered that and shrugged. "Well there's food, water, and beds aboard this ship so I don't have to go anywhere for a while. I have time to think about another plan."

Amias laughed. "Oh you think so? I think you'll find you have less time than you imagine, Vera."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Kareem didn't give you my message did he? Pity."

Vera paled and suddenly felt very stupid for taunting him. "No, why?"

He grinned, his expression becoming one of grim satisfaction. "I merely thought you would like to know your butler is still alive...for now."

"Halsten's alive?" She gasped and made to move toward him, but stopped. "You could be lying."

"I could be, but I have no reason to," Amias responded. "I knew you might try to be stubborn and I would need him as a bargaining chip."

Despite everything in her screaming to run away and save herself, Vera found herself asking, "So all you want is for me to come back with you? And you'll let him go? What about my father? And Kareem?"

Amias shrugged. "Well, your father and butler I might agree to let go, but not Kareem. I still need a human vessel temporarily."

"Why? Why not stay in the form you're in now?"

He glared at her, but said nothing else on the matter.

"If I agree to return with you I want your word that no one else will be harmed," she said as her entire body began to shake with fear. "Not like last time either, when you broke your promise."

"I'm not sure to what you're referring. I have broken no promises to you."

Vera sighed, exhausted and at her wits end. "You told me you wouldn't come into my house without my permission, but you did it anyway."

Amias shook his head. "No, if you remember correctly, dear Vera, I only promised not to touch your books. You didn't pay close enough attention."

She thought back to that day and cursed under her breath. He was right. But she wasn't about to let him get out of this so easily.

"Fine," she snapped. "But this time you must give me your word and swear you will not harm anyone else if I come with you."

"You seem to be under the impression you have some power over me. I don't have to swear to anything. If you don't agree to come with me I will just return alone and kill them both.'

A lump of panic had formed in her throat as she tried to think of a way out of her current predicament. It was an impossible situation. If she didn't go with him people she loved would die, but on the other hand if she did go with him it was possible he would still kill them. He was right when he said she had no power over him.

Or was he? She was his weakness. If he really wanted her that badly he should be willing to agree to a few conditions.

"What if I made you a better offer? Would you agree to leave my family and everyone else alone?"

"A better offer?" he responded, sounding skeptical. "I'm listening."

Taking a deep breath she continued, "What if I agreed to go with you willingly and do whatever you asked?"

Amais's eyes widened for a fraction of a second and she knew she had him.

"But you have to agree to my conditions. You will give me your word that you will take me to my house and show me that Halsten and my father are alive and agree never to harm or attack anyone else ever again. If you break your word our deal is off and you will let me go," she stated plainly, with no room for misinterpretation.

"Yes," he replied, almost too quickly for her liking. "I agree."

She shook her head. "No, you have to say it out loud, so I know you aren't trying to fool me."

He sighed and repeated, "I agree to show you that Halsten and your father are alive. I agree never to harm or attack anyone else ever again. If I break my word our deal is off and you will be let go. As long as you agree to go with me willingly and do whatever I ask."

Vera took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright, then I agree as well."

Her knees trembled violently as she descended the boat ramp toward him. The victorious look on his face only made it that much harder to put one foot in front of the other. The only thing that kept her going was hope that her new plan would work out better than the last one.


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