
By ducknoodles25

496 84 54

Just some rants by me. Maybe I'll publish my sucky old ones, maybe I won't. You'll never know. More

Erasers and Pencils
I Just Want...
I'm Falling Under
I Wish My Life is a Story
I'm a Small Boat on the Ocean
I Pretend
I'm Like a Small Cube of Ice
Because I'm Stupid
Crying For You
My Heart is Beating
I Need You
Saying Goodbye
I'm Giving Up
Running Away
I'm Dead
I'm Going to Say "No"
This is a Letter
Haikuu #1 (???)
A Brother (Haikuu)
Glass Emotions: The Calm
You Hate Me
Lost My Trust
Fair Hate
Sunshine Depression
Dear My Big Smol Hild
What Am I Doing With My Life?
Maple Syrup
Three is a Charm
A Huge Mistake
Technological Worries
Sad Ranking
Two Will Do
I'm Moving On
Scary Older Person
Time is Money
I Have a Boyfriend
I'm Scared of Losing
Lost in Deep Waters
Orange Love
The Green Man
I'm So Lonely
An Okay Explanation
Rumbling Inside
Prettier in the Rain
I Don't Know How to Feel
I'm a Psychopath
It Doesn't Hurt Anymore
Cookie Gifts
My Head Hurts
A Broken Heart
These Dark Lies
Heart Attack
love 2.0

Merry Christmas

5 1 2
By ducknoodles25

First came the exchange of words,
the exchange of well-wishing,

the exchange of fair mind.

"Merry Christmas!" We said,

happily and cheerfully,

sadness not in mind.

"Merry Christmas!" I said,
gleefully and naively,
not knowing the pain to come.

"Merry Christmas." You said,
a smile at your lips,
secret tears from your eyes slip.

Then came the exchange of gifts,
the exchange of one's thoughts,
the exchange of one's values.

To each other we exchanged small gifts,

small treasures to hold,

small treats to eat.

To me you gave me a scarf,

a warm sparkle at your lips and eyes,
your hands warm as they wrapped me in them.

To you I gave a pair of gloves,

to warm your cold hands,

my eyes sparkling as you put them on.

Then came the exchange of memories,

the exchange of immortality,

the exchange of time.

We all laughed and smiled,
a good time to live,

an event to hold dear.

I held your hand,

you held mine,
the exchange of our warmth stuck deep in my mind.

You squeezed my hand,
when I looked up,

your tears were long gone.

Little did I know,
in the future, this Christmas,

I would be alone and sad.

I touch the crinkled photo,
so precious and dear,
holding deep memories.

I touch it and cry,
holding the scarf you've given me,
holding the memories so dear.

I hold your gloves in my hand,
rest my head on the stone,
and then I sob.

"Merry Christmas." I sob,
sinking deeper into the ground,
your stone giving me the cold reminder of your leaving.

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