The Loosing

By ColdCoffee

62 6 7


The Loosing

62 6 7
By ColdCoffee

Chapter 1

Daddy! Daddy, help!” My daughter’s plea echoed through the hall. My wife and I woke up. I quickly fast-walked to Lily’s room, opened the door then turned on the light,

              “What’s the matter?” I asked her softly.

              “There was a shadow, I saw it! It moved!” I couldn’t help but smile. My daughter, seven years old, still couldn’t live without light…or her teddy bear. (Which at this moment she had grasped tightly against her chest)

              “Shadows can’t hurt you, don’t worry.”

              “But, but, it moved.”

              “A lot of shadows move, all the time.”

              “But, but, this one looked like a person”

              “I promise, there is no one here but you and me. Your perfectly safe.” I assured her. Of course I did check afterwards for burglars; never can be too sure. “Want me to leave the light on?” I continued.

She nodded.

“Should I check under the bed?”

She nodded again; I hastily obeyed.

“Hmmm… No monsters here. Wait, there’s one!” I started pushing up on the mattress, she screamed in delight and begged me to stop. “Oh no! Here comes the tickle monster!”

“The TICKLE monster?!” She giggled.

Our favorite game: who could survive horrendous tickling?

But before we could begin, the wife came. She looked at me through the doorway; I knew that stare.

              “We’ll play tomorrow Lily, it’s time for bed.” I promptly told her, listening to my lover’s eyes. I turned to my daughter; she too had a look. It looked so innocent and lovable.

Adorable. Gentle. Beautiful…I am such a lady’s man.

I stroked her golden hair. My wife told me it was brown, but it always glowed golden when I looked at it.

              “I love you daddy.” She whispered.

              “I love you too sweetheart.” I whispered back. “No shadow will ever touch you, I promise.”

 She smiled, kissed me on the cheek, and hugged me. “I trust you.” She replied.

I waved as I closed the door; she was already closing her eyes.

Hey guys, there's more to this story I just haven't decided if I want to upload it or not. I really want your opinion. Tell me what you think I should add, subtract, or multiply. 



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