Haven (Sequel to Be My Escape)

By musiclover255

1.3K 30 13

We tend to wonder, "What happens after you escape?" Whether it's from situations, mindsets, or people, it all... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

749 14 0
By musiclover255


Noun, singular: time; plural noun: times,

1. the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

There's exactly 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 8,760 hours in a year. The amount of hours, minutes, or seconds that each human being has in their lifetime can not be further determined considering we each endure with our own hourglass, some having less sand in it than others. Everyone requests that one chance to have a long, happy, and well prevailed life. From how it's looking now, I feel as if I've finally become one of the lucky one's, and I hope to continue on that path.




The minute my eyes opened, the bright light shining through the curtains slightly impaired my vision. The sound of the alarm clock blared through my ears as I began to feel around the nightstand for it, hitting the top of it once I had found it. A strong arm was secured snugly around my waist and a warm chest pressed against my back as light breaths tickled the back of my neck. Suddenly, Harry began to stir slightly as he too was waking up from his slumber.

It's been a year since One Direction took a break and almost a year since Harry and I have been married. They say time wasted is not time well spent. Harry and I's marriage has certainly been the opposite. Although, my life has been hectic lately with me promoting the latest film that I had a wonderful opportunity to participate in, Harry and I still try to find ways to have time for each other. For the past month the boys and him had gotten back to their music and recorded a new album. It was just released this weekend which has caused him to be preocuppied as well, but still not as busy as me. Other than that, he has been a wonderful husband to me and I wouldn't want to be married to anyone else, even if we did bicker sometimes. We'd always make up in the end, though, and one thing always eventually led to the other.

"Mmm, Sam." He groaned turning back towards me and placing soft kisses on my shoulder.

"Harry," I giggled trying to push him away, "I have to get up."

"But I'd much rather relive last night, wouldn't you." He persuaded while tracing shapes on to my hips with his soft fingers.

"Well I'd much rather not be late for work." I replied turning around to face him.

His hair was a mess and his eyes glistened at me with the sun from the window shining on them. He made a pout with his lips as he squinted from the light.

"But babe!" He complained pulling me closer, "I want you to stay in bed. We never get to do that a lot anymore."

I sighed, remorse filling my mind before I responded, "But this is work, Harry. I can't just skip work."

"You can for me..." he persuaded, burying his face in my shoulder so that his curls tickled my jawline.

I pushed his body away willingly before getting up and skipping towards the bathroom as he groaned in discontent. I could hear the bed squeak and his heavy footsteps heading in the other direction, most likely downstairs. I let out a sigh as I gazed at my reflection through the large bathroom mirror. This was going to be a lengthy day.

It didn't take me long to get ready, and soon the essence of bacon compelled me downstairs, where the shirtless boy stood, cooking up something on the stove.

Once I had occupied the spot next to him, he placed the spatula that was once present in his hand to the side and left a peck on my lips, "I'm making omelettes."

I hesitated for a bit as I glanced over at the clock programed onto the oven, "I don't know if I have t-"

"At least give me breakfast with you." He begged quickly, "I even threw in some bacon to evoke you."

I let a small giggle escape from between my lips and shook my head, "Alright, alright, you win. You've found my weakness, bacon."

He smirked before he turned off the stove, placing an omelette on the glass plate and adding a few pieces of bacon before handing the meal to me, "Bon appetite mademoiselle!"  

I rolled my eyes playfully as I sat down in front of the granite island, "Aren't you supposed to lose your charm more and more as you get older."

His lips formed a pout as a crease formed between his furrowed eyebrows, "I'm not old at all! I'm still in my twenties!"

"Really? Because I can see the grey hairs forming already."

He gripped his curls between his fingers anxiously before narrowing his eyes in my direction, "You're horrible."

I let out a laugh before beginning to devour my food, "How come you never cook breakfast for me?"

"Because you're never here for it." He replied with a slight guff in his voice.

"Oh yeah," I recalled before checking the time again, "Shit, I really have to go."

I stood up and he frowned brokenly, "But babe, you promised we'd eat-"

"I'm sorry," I let out while collecting my belongings, "But I'll be home early tonight, alright? We can go on a date for once!"

He let out a long groan before leaning in to peck my lips, "You're lucky I love you Samantha Styles."

I responded with a smirk before stating whilst leaving, "I know I am."

"Tonight!" He called after me.

"Tonight." I spoke, getting in to the car, letting my mind wander.


"Hi Stranger, I haven't seen you since the Ice Age." The familiar blonde teased as she entered the dressing room after my latest press conference, her jacket slung over her shoulder casually.

"Kat," I giggled whilst shaking my head, "How the hell did you get in here?"

She let out a devious smirk, "Simple, I showed the guards our text conversation as evidence."

My eyes widened in disbelief towards her, "You showed them our texts? Kat! That's private!"

She let out a nervous giggle while twirling a strand of her hair, "Well..... let's just say the security guard knows when your time of the month is now..."

I groaned and covered my eyes with my hands. Well, some people never change I suppose.

"Anyways, I watched your press conference for your new movie and I enjoyed it." She spoke while sitting down in a chair next to mine and grabbing a soda provided on the table, taking a sip from it.

I let out a sigh, "Yea, it's been hectic. The only time I'm able to go home is during the late hours of the night."

"Hey, I understand." She spoke while tapping her fingers against the table.

"Oh yea, how's the fashion line going?"

"Well, I've gotten loads of business, so I'm hoping that I can launch some more stores."

"That's great Kat!" I cheered before resting back against the chair, "Man, remember when life was so much more easier?"

"When was it ever easy for you?" She joked before I smacked her arm.

"Oh hush, I mean when we used to just follow the boys around during tours." I stated while gazing back at her.

She smiled minusculely, "Yeah, I guess it was. I-"

"Sam," My co-star called as he popped his head in, "We're heading to the after-party."

"Alright, I'll be there!" I spoke with a small smile before turning to Kat, "Wanna join? The parties are out of this world."

"Oh, you know me so well." She giggled as we jaunted out of the room, arms linked.

I furrowed my eyebrows before letting out a sigh, "I feel like I was supposed to be somewhere tonight...."

She shrugged nonchalantly, "Probably the after party! Now let's get shaking!"

"Yea, yea, just don't get too drunk this time."

Ahehehehe.... hi guys, how have you all been? Yea, life has been pretty hectic. Basically my life has been consisted of college applications.... so that's all you need to know. Anyways, I went to the concert at Gillette and it was absolutely beautiful! I cried pretty much and Harry was beautiful whilst premiering his "Dream Boat" shit (he can be my dream boat any day ;) ). Anyways, I'm still not sure how much I'll be able to update with more college applications popping up and such! But I'll try to manage. I really hope my readers still exist and i hope that you all enjoy! This is going to be a fun roller coaster!

Vote please <3 <3 <3 <3

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