Lover From The Stars

By BlackxRaven

195K 7.7K 1K

I was only 6 when my escape pod separated me from my family. And before I knew it I was crash landing in Hell... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fithteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Book 2!!??!!

Chapter Twelve

9.4K 363 38
By BlackxRaven



Chapter 12: Marva Again


Awe yes, things are back to normal. Ri came and picked me up, we had breakfast and went to school. Awe the good old days-

"Thanks for the food Riana! I totally skipped breakfast!" Emma said from the back. Oh! There is something different about our usual schedule! That bitch from yesterday.

"No problem Emma." I rolled my eyes. And Ri put her hand on my thigh. I looked over at her and she smiled. Smiling, back I put my hand on top of hers.

"Can y'all roll a window down? I'm choking your gay hormonal secretions." Emma snorted and pressed my head against the window.

"How about you get out and walk?" I said, finally annoyed.

"I'm sorry but weren't you the girl who was crying yesterday? Riana handle your little girl."

"Who the-"

"-You two better be quiet or both of y'all are going to walk!" Ri yelled and we both groaned.

"I can't believe you are taking her side Ri." I mumbled with a pout. Ri turned to me rubbing her thumb against my pouted lip.

"I'm not picking sides Jade." She stopped at the red light and kissed me. Emma groaned loudly and I couldn't help but laugh.

So I was wrong, I have been seeing Emma all day! Don't you hate that? When you've never seen a person before but then you see them everywhere! And every time I see her we make eye contact and she makes a face. I was headed to the bathroom when I was pulled in the next hall. I yelped but then groaned when I saw who it was, Emma.

"What do you want?" She cut her eyes at me.

"For you to leave Riana alone."

"Why? So you can have her?" I asked crossing my arms. Her eyes widened and then she busted out laughing. This girl is nuts.

"Oh god no! Someone has low self esteem." She jokes and it stuck a nerve. I do in fact have low self esteem. And I don't need anyone telling me I do.

  "Then what do you want!? I have to pee!"

  "Look, Jade was it?" She stepped closer to me. Invading my personal space.

  "Yeah?" I answered taking a step back.

  "I'm honestly still in awe that she picked you to be with. You're you you know?" She said looking me up and down.

  "I don't know what the fuck that's supposed to mean but, fuck you! You don't know shit!"

  "You do. Now be a good girl and stay away from her."

  "You're sounding like a jealous bitch."

  "No. I'm sounding like a concerned daughter who's mothers job is on the line because two crazed teens can't keep their shit together! And a pregnant woman is close to losing everything again! So no I'm not jealous!"

  "We-Ri was just protecting me that day."

  "I don't care! Keep your shit under wraps!"

  "We will damn!" She looked me up and down again. I instantly felt nervous under her gaze. Her hand held my chin so we were looking each other in the eyes.

  "You must really be something but I can't see it... Riana has never liked anyone before..."

  "Are you sure you're not jealous ? Envious maybe?"

"No, never... It's just, she would always talk about her kind and how beautiful they were. So I just assumed she would never like humans so this is so strange to me."

"It's strange for me too." She dropped her hand.

"I know right. Her dick I way too big." She joked.

"Wait! You've seen her penis?"

"Yeah? I bet you're loving it." She laughed.

"Ah well, we aren't having sex." She raised her brow.


"Yeah-uh. When was the last time you saw it?" I asked.

"A few days ago. I went to go see my mom and there she was, butt naked- for y'all not to have sex you sure do make your mark huh?" My face heated up at the image.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" I pushed passed her and ran to the restroom.


"Hey Riana, can you give me a ride again?" Emma asked.

"Ah yeah. No problem."

"You're the best Riana!" She laughed giving me a hug. I stared at her questionably.

"Are you alright Emma?"

"Yeah why?"

"You haven't talked to me since we were kids."

"Well what do you expect a ten year old to do when her best friend drops her pants and has a wee wee?" She snorted then laughed.

  "I don't get that joke." She stopped laughing and shook her head.

  "Ah yeah, I forgot about that...Well see you later." She said smiling then left. I sat back in the lunch room chair. Having to wait a whole hour and a half for those two is really boring. I sighed and decided to play some games on my phone but then the screen got all messed up and Marva's face popped up.


"Ah Sister-ew! Why are you in such a disgusting state!" I groaned and headed to the restroom. Once I was in a stall I shifted.

"Sister! I'm at school! You can't video call me here!"

"I'll do whatever I want now. I'm just a week away dear. Are you excited?"

"No! You want to take me away from my life here!" She made a face.

"Did you forget you have a life with us as well! I can't with you- are you still with that human girl?!"

  "Yes I am." Marva groaned loudly.

  "What did I tell you!? You don't listen at all!"

"Marva, I've showed her what I am and she still loves me!" Marva laughed, but in an insulting manner.

"Loves you?! She could never love you like our people love one another... don't worry, you'll be with us and find your mate soon enough." It took everything in me not to throw my phone.

"She is my mate!" Her annoyed face went from shocked to fear.

"D-Did you mate-DID YOU CLAIM HER?!"

"Yes!" Lying isn't my thing but my sister is being a real bitch.

"RIANARA! Have you lost your mind!? How dare you do such a thing!?"

"Because I can Marva! If you can't except me and Jade then turn around and never come back!" I said then snapping my phone in half. I sighed knowing Momma is going to be mad at me.

I sighed, pulled Jade closer to me while she slept. I couldn't stop thinking about what Marva said. And how I handled it. But I have no doubt in my mind that Jade is the one for me. And if my sister still shows her face she'll know then.

"Hmn... what's bothering you Ri." Jade mumbled rolling over to face me.

"Nothing, just the whole Marva thing." She smiled sadly at me.

"Don't worry about that... I'm here for you Ri."

"I know you are Jade." I leaned in and kissed her. It was a simple peck but Jade moaned and shivered.

"I love you so much Ri."

"I love you too Jade-"

"Girls! Get up NOW!" Momma said busting into my room. We both quickly got up.

"What is it Momma?!" I asked following her out my room.

"Dr. Cuevas what's the matter." Jade asked and Momma turned around. Face red and eyes held unshed tears.

"It's Marva Riana. I don't know what you two fought about but she's ahead of schedule and she'll be here in a few days." Jade grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"W-What are we going to do?"

"We have a meeting place and Riana, you need to get there now. There's already a bag for you in the car." She said passing me a jacket. I looked back at Jade's sad eyes.

"I'm not going if Jade isn't going." I said sternly and Momma groaned.

"We can't take her Ri."

"I'll just tell my mom I'm here! She's completely okay with Ri." Jade said slipping on her coat.

"Then let's not waste anymore time then. Let's go."



Sooooooooo what you guys think?!?!!!!?

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!!!







(•́ ₃ •̀)

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