Always and Forever - A Harry...

By DiamondStarz99

12.1K 362 88

James Potter is dead and the Dark Lord may return... But he might not. Anyway Lily Potter and Harry Potter ar... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

1K 21 4
By DiamondStarz99

I opened my eyes. I was stood in a very bright and white place. I wasn't at first one hundred percent sure where exactly I was. Definitely no longer at Dorcas' house.

I sat up and cringed. Oh God I was naked. Where was clothes when you needed them? Weirdly enough, it was only seconds later that I noticed a pile of clothes. I was only too happy to put them on. Weirdly clean and comfy. Jeans and a shirt. The thing that truly hurt with myself and my surroundings was the fact that my abdomen was very flat, no longer pregnant with Ruby. And wherever I was, I was in no way in the same place as Harry.

I recognised the area then. A empty and very bright Great Hall. Hogwarts. The house tables were not there though and there was not a table for the staff. The ceiling was not the enchanted sky which I knew so well. It was just white. The windows shone bright light too.

The Great Hall doors were shut but a figure stood in front of them. I knew him immediately and my heart leaped in joy. His black messy hair, his glasses always askew, his beautiful hazel eyes shining in the light. He was wearing a dark blue sweater and black jeans and on his finger was the wedding ring which I had placed there on our wedding day.

"James..." He was running towards me and I, towards him. He caught me at the very second I flew into him and his arms wrapped around me tightly. He laughed softly.

"I thought I would never get to do this again."

"So did I..." I murmured, breathing in his warm, familiar scent. He placed me back down on my feet and took my hand.

"It would seem we have a lot to talk about."

"Yes..." James led me over to a table with a bench, maybe the house tables were here after all.

"So it would seem I have an apology to make."

"No! Not at all. It's me that has to apologise! I didn't think that I could ever love two people at the same time... But I loved you and I loved Severus and I... I don't know... He helped me heal."

"I know Lily... I was with you every day. I always saw how you suffered without me and wished I could help... I'm glad that Snape did because I didn't want you hurt anymore. You deserved to be happy, I'm just so sorry that my death caused you so much pain..." James bit his lip.

"Of course it did... I loved you so much... I still do."

"Are you sure?" He looked worried. I took his face in my hands, half smiling.

"Severus may have been my always but you will stay my forever." James' eyes warmed and he smiled as he pulled me close.

"That's all I ever asked." He kissed me and it warmed my heart, melted my insides. After our kiss, we talked so more.

"I'm sorry you died Lily." I laughed, it just sounded so natural!

"Me too. However I know that we left Harry in safe hands. Harry will be okay."

"I know he will."

"So is this it?" I gestured to the Hall.

"Oh no, Lily... This is our beginning." He stood up and pulled me to my feet. I stood up too. He started to walk down the Hall with me and to the Great Hall doors. "So just out of curiosity... Will you live with me or with Snape whenever he gets down here?" I smacked his arm.

"Can't I have both? I mean... This IS supposed to be Heaven?" James growled playfully.

"Absolutely not. You're MINE. Forever and ever." He kissed me again and I couldn't help my giggling.

"So... Is Peter here then?" I asked once the giggles had gone away.



"No seriously!"

"Siriusly?" He rolled his eyes.

"No! Lily, I'm not kidding! We put our trust in entirely the wrong person!" James started to explain as he and I walked out of the Hall to the start of our beginning.

"PETER PETTIGREW DID WHAT?! THAT BAS-" was the last few words to echo around the Hall before it was empty and still once more.

*And that's it. The End. 

Believe it or not, I actually am not a Snily shipper. I think Lily is better off with James and that's the reason why in this bit, she ends up with James in the end anyway. I honestly do believe that Lily would end up with James if she had the choice. James would always be her first which makes me feel very sorry for Severus! Just a bit of fun and I hope you enjoyed!** 

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