Always and Forever - A Harry...

By DiamondStarz99

12K 361 88

James Potter is dead and the Dark Lord may return... But he might not. Anyway Lily Potter and Harry Potter ar... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter One

2.2K 55 5
By DiamondStarz99

**The story HAS changed in order for it to make sense. I have tried to keep as close to the original story line as much as possible but of course Lily lives so it won't all be accurate. This story is entirely my own plot line with ideas, descriptions and characters taken from the books by J.K Rowling.**

We froze. The gate had creaked and we knew for a fact that no one was supposed to be coming tonight. We knew who it was. We hoped it wouldn't be but we knew. He had found out.

"Lily... Take Harry and go." James murmured. His stress made him speak in no more than a whisper. I was still frozen still. Only my lips moved.

"Where? How?" My voice broke on the last word.

"Anywhere. Just take him."

"No. You take him. I can... I can stop him. Block his path."

"No way. He'll kill you." James gasped.

"We don't have time to debate this!" I grabbed Harry and pushed him into James' arms so James automatically wrapped his arms around his son. In his eyes were pure fear.

"I love you, Lily Potter." He took our son and ran. I followed him into the hallway, wishing beyond wish that I had my wand... James ran up the stairs, leaving his own wand in the living room...

The door burst open with a bang and Voldemort stood in the doorway, a look of pure glee on his face.

"No! YOU WILL NOT HARM MY SON!" I screamed as I pounced on him, scratching his white face with my nails, hitting him in any available space that I could reach.

"Get out of the way, you stupid girl." He said calmly, despite the scratches he had on his face. He pulled his wand out and before I could stop him, he shouted the spell.

"STUPEFY!" What?! Wait! NO! KILL ME! Don't leave me without a husband... Without my son... BANG! And everything went black.


There was a roar and Sirius Black burst into view, on a motorbike, a quite handsome motorbike. He dismounted. Sirius Black was a smartly dressed man in a suit of burgundy red, his hair was shoulder length and combed nicely but his face was paler than paper and creased with worry lines, anxiety showing in his eyes. He took one step forward and then stopped, rocking back onto his heels as he saw that the Fidelius Charm had already broke. The house had been blasted apart, there was a fire burning in the upper left floors. The door had been blown off its hinges and there was no light coming from the doorway. Sirius gasped a gasp of utter agony, clutching at the fence surrounding the house. Before he could recover, there was a pop and a giant figure appeared out of thin air. He was not as giant as most giants but he clearly had some giant blood in him to be so tall... The man stepped into the light, pulling a pink umbrella out from under his overcoat. As he stepped into the light, more of his features came into view and Sirius recognised him immediately, putting his own wand away in the pocket of his suit.

"Hagrid?" Sirius' voice was full of stress, tension and panic. Hagrid was a tall man with a hairy beard and a dirty brown trench coat. The part of his face which was not covered by the thick hair of his beard or of his head hair, the part which Sirius could see from the little light of the streetlight, was pale. Hagrid usually had a very ruddy, red face so this was unusual but he was looking at the house in panic. He looked from Sirius to the house and back again, putting his umbrella away as he recognised Sirius.


"It's true then? They're all dead?" Before Hagrid could respond, there was a faint cry coming from inside the house. Sirius and Hagrid both froze again, looking towards the house.

"'Harry." Hagrid ran into the house, without a second's hesitation.

"Hagrid, wait! The house doesn't look safe!" Sirius cried out but Hagrid did not hesitate. A body lay in the doorway of the living room but Hagrid tried to not pay attention, focusing on the small cry of Harry Potter coming from upstairs. However it was harder to ignore James' body who lay slain on the floor of Harry's bedroom floor in front of the cot. Harry stood up in his cot, holding onto the bars with tears and blood streaking down his small face. Hagrid's tears fell fast and thick as he cried but he plucked the baby boy out from his cot, tucking his overcoat around him to shield him from the distress all around.

Once Hagrid got back outside, he saw that Sirius was leaning against his motorbike which he had enlarged. In his hand was his wand and he was twirling it between his fingers. His face was still extremely anxious and his eyes kept darting from one side of the road to the other without a pause. He looked over at Hagrid and pushed away from the bike, standing up straight. He stopped twirling his wand. Hagrid pushed the gate and walked over to Sirius. Sirius leaned up to examine Harry who had stopped crying but looked at the two men with curiosity.

"Here, Hagrid. Give him to me. I'm his Godfather, I'll look after him." Hagrid shook his shaggy head.

"No can do, Sirius. Dumbledore gave me orders. He's to live with his aunt and uncle, now." Sirius hesitated for half a second. He looked ready to argue but after a second, his shoulders slumped in surrender.

"Okay. At least take my bike. I won't need it now." Hagrid looked at Sirius in shock.

"I can't! You love tha' bike!"

"I won't need it. Please. I'm on my feet from this moment forward," Sirius hesitated then took out his wand. He didn't say anything but he waved his wand gently over Harry's small face. Harry laughed in delight, trying to catch the wand. However, Sirius put it away as Harry's face was cleaned of all dirt, blood and tears. The source of blood had been coming from a cut on his forehead, in the shape of a lightning bolt.

"Wha's tha'?" Hagrid whispered. The blood had dried on the cut and it was no longer bleeding.

"It'll be a scar. Harry will always have that."

"You can't get rid of it?"

"No. No spell I know will get rid of it."

"Maybe Dumbledore knows." Hagrid tucked Harry deeper into his coat. Sirius stepped back as Hagrid got onto the bike and the engine roared to life. Hagrid gave a one handed goodbye and the bike hovered and flew off. Sirius watched until Hagrid and the bike was just a small speck in the dark sky.

"Good luck, Harry Potter." He murmured. He then stared out across the dark road and stormed off into the night.


There was a pop and a figure appeared in the middle of the village square. His pale face was framed with shoulder-length, greasy black hair and his eyes were as black as beetle eyes. Unlike Hagrid's black eyes, there was no light and increasing panic. The man was dressed head to toe in black clothes. He wore a black suit with black shiny polished shoes and a black travelling cloak. His wand was clutched in his hand.

Without a moment's hesitation, he ran through the town square and down a street with houses lined on either side. He came to a sudden stop when he reached the Potters' house where he had to clutch the fence to keep himself standing. All the air in his lungs blew out of him in a sharp gasp. His black eyes roved over the Potters' house, taking in the blown off half of the house, the now dying fire upstairs, the blown off door, the shattered windows, the tattered curtains swinging freely in the living room. The man walked slowly into the house where he saw the body in the doorway. His shoes trod on broken glass of lightbulbs and wood chunks from doors. The front door had been blown onto the staircase and shattered over the carpet. Photographs hanging in the hallway had been shattered glass and tattered photos. There was a body lying on the floor. The man's heart jumped to his throat as he saw the flaming red hair that he knew so well. It was spread out over the floor with glass shards and beneath the spread of hair was her face... Lily's face... He hadn't seen it in so long but he had dreamt of this face for many years. But never like this... Not... Dead.. Her face was so pale...

The man dropped to his knees by her body, glass crunching beneath him. He wrapped his arms around her and sobbed. However as one tear dropped off his face and landed on her's, Lily's finger twitched. The man gasped in shock, placing Lily Potter down on the floor. He drew out his wand, backing off a few paces just in case. He pointed it at Lily's chest.


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