Perfect Pair | Kenneth San Jo...

alwaysalmay द्वारा

130K 5.3K 6.6K

What is the "perfect" pair? What even is perfect? Maybe it's Kenneth, or maybe it's Naomi? Or maybe it's just... अधिक

something new
you're so dead
game time
you suck
i need your help
what the heck
what was that
i've missed you
oh god
it's not that easy
i lost Sean
all my fault
puffy eyes
this means war
drifted apart
this can't be happening
pinky promise
first kiss pt. 1
first kiss pt. 2
POV's from recent Chapter
porch lights
you love me
fan accounts
go beat it
get away ft. CONTEST
one day
cha cha
morning voice
janitor's closest
you know
fists ft. BONUS SCENES
don't leave
dark pt.1
dark pt. 2
help her pt. 1 ft. I'M BACK
help her pt. 2
good bye
this is it
he's leaving
there's no such thing as perfect
Author's Note
Imperfect Pair
Fly high, Tito Cres.

turn of events ft. I'M SORRY

683 34 67
alwaysalmay द्वारा

(Hella unedited)


Lemme see where my day ones are!!


do y'all know what the next line is???


Are you sure???




Did y'all miss me???

Are you guys ready???


I don't think you guys are..


What line is next fam???


Are you annoyed??


If y'all actually went through this entire thing comment "BANANAS"


Y'all are so patient wowza




Okay forreal tho


Y'all aren't ready






Sean's POV:

We were nearing the crime scene where the cars made impact and we both fled out of our cars. Police officers try to stop us but we tell at them how we are families of the victims.

They let us go and we immediately run to Serris who was sitting in the back of an emergency vehicle.

"Serris!" My mom cried as she pulled her into a tight hug.

I join in thanking the lord for protecting my sister, until I remembered one more person in the car.

"Hey--" I looked around the area as I pulled back. "Where's Ken?"

I looked at Serris who looked as if she's be in shock.

"Serris?" I grabbed her hands as her eyes started to water more.

My heart started to pound against skin as I anticipated her answer.

"Serris? Where's Ken?" I asked her again.

"I-- I don't know." She gulped.

"But hi--his side of the car was--s completely destroyed." Tears began to fall from her eyes and so was mine.

"I--I just remember feeling like som--someone  punched me in the face and I woke up in a stretcher..."

I bring my eyes to the minor bruise on her cheek and minor scratches on her legs and arms.

"Okay, I'm going to look for Ken okay?" I squeezed her hands. "He's gonna be fine, okay?" I kissed her forehead before telling my mom not to leave her.

I search every emergency vehicle to find out Ken wasn't in any of them.

"Where is the boy in this car?" I asked a police officer who was inspecting my now shriveled up car.

"We don't know. Officers are still trying to find him after he ran off after the girl we're guessing." He tells me.

"Oh my god." My jaw drops as I run off towards the city.

"Sean!" I hear a car screech beside me.

I turn to see Enrique opening up his passenger door.

"Get in!"

Without hesitation I jump in and we zoom down the street.

"Where to?" He asks.

"Cole's studio!"

He immediately began speeding down the road and when we were about to take a left turn we saw him.

"Slow down!" I told Enrique. "Ken!" I yelled out the window.

Ken starts turns back to us, he had blood dripping down his head. His nose was bleeding as well. He had a cut on his left arm and he seemed to be limping on his left leg. His other arm was holding onto the left side of his rib cage and he just looked so beat.

But.. why in his left side?

The car was hit on his right side.

Enrique stops the car next to him and I go down and give him a hug, but not tight enough to hurt him.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I whispered near his ear. "You gotta go to the hospital, Ken." I tell him.

"No, I gotta get to Naomi." Even after all these injuries he has, he still wants to go to her.

"Ken, I understand but you're not in good condition."

"I don't care. I love her. Okay? This is all nothing compared to what she's been through. Sean, I have to go to her." He pleaded with his eyes.

"Alright, look. I know where she's going so get in." I gave in.

He hugs me as tight as he could and I smile while gently rubbing his back.

"Let's go get Naomi."


We stop in front of Cole's studio and Ken immediately exist the car and looks around.

"How do you know she's here? I don't see her." He said scanning the area with his eyes.

"That's because you're looking the wrong way."

"What do you mean?" Enrique and Ken asks at the same time.

"Don't look down. Look up." I tell them.

They look at me in confusion before we all look up at the 8 story building before us. Then there she was. Her feet dangling just the way she liked it.

"Naomi." Ken whispered.

"Heights are her safe haven, and this is the tallest building she knows." I explain to them.

Without wasting anymore time, I run into the building leaving them behind. I take the elevator and anxiously waited for it to reach the 8th floor.

I then take the stairs that led to the roof top and honestly, I was nervous. We were so high up and anything could happen. I know she's not in the right state of mind so I know she'll be vulnerable and her thoughts would be out of this world.

I take a deep breathe before opeing the roof top door and I was greeting by the cold evening air. I immediately hear sniffling as I saw her from a distance.

Her shoulders shook and I hear her sniffles which breaks my heart. I couldn't see her face since her back was facing me but I knew she was crying her feelings away.

I saw cuts on her wrists as she grips onto the ledge of the building. I wanted to get closer but I didn't wanna startle her.

"I know you're there." Her voice tells me.

"Y--yeah. Yeah, I am." I tell her taking a step closer.

"Don't come near me." She warns me and I immediately stop in my tracks.


"You wanna know why I'm so scared of blood?" She cuts me off which throws me off.

"Why I'm so scared of the dark?"

"And why I'm so afraid of my... father?" She asks me.

"Ye--yeah. Of course." I hesitantly reply not wanting to bring up a touchy subject.

"It happened when I was 12..." she began.


Naomi's POV:

"I remember it so vividly..."

It was a bit past 8pm which meant Gabe was almost home from dance class. I was excited to see him again so we could play some more Mario Cart.

I rush down the stairs to prepare some snacks for us but as I reached the kitchen, the lights went out. I stopped at my feet not really stressing over it since it was most likely just a power outage, so I brushed it off and started looking for the flash lights.

That was until I heard footsteps echoing through my kitchen. Not over thinking it, I just call out for Gabe.

"Gabe? I hear you, you know." I tell him.


I forget about the flashlights and try to find my way towards the living room. That's when I heard my name.


I jumped a bit as I scan my dark surroundings.

"Who's there?"

"Naomi." The voice see me to be getting closer.

It was pure darkness and every part of me was now shaking rapidly. All I could do was turn slowly around in a circle to protect myself from the darkness that could possibly attack me.

Tears full of fear began to stream down as I began to hear footsteps close by, followed by a devilish laugh. The laugh and footsteps were followed by a force pushing me unexpectedly down to the ground.

"Let me go! Help!" I screamed fearfully as I began to punch anywhere I could.

A hand covered my mouth that made my screams muffled. Panic struck me as I finally got the strength to knee the unknown body on top of me.

I quickly got up and ran to who knows where. I occasionally ran into things harshly which would make me yelp in pain.

"Naomi!" I heard the man's voice call after me, laughing evilly.

"Naomi!" I felt his arm grab my shoulder harshly and turned me around which caused me to scream in terror.

"Help!" I shrieked as the attacker pulled me somewhere I couldn't see.

I was soon thrown on something soft which I was guessing was my couch. I try and make a run for it but my attacker holds me down on my couch and I scream for help whilst kicking my legs anywhere I could.

I felt lips on my neck and I started yelling for anyone that could hear me. He held me down by the waist as he continues to attack my neck with inappropriate kisses. As headlights pass out window, I manage to catch a glimpse of my attacker and it was him... my father.

"Help!" I yelled as it became dark once again.

I hear a faint call of my name and I immediately call for him, "Gabe!"

"Naomi!" Gabe called and I manage to kick my dad off of me.

I run wherever I could and I keep calling for Gabe. As I was running to hide, I run hard against someone and I fall back.

I begin to tremble as I cradle myself on the floor from fear of getting hurt more.

"Naomi?! What's wrong?" I feel safety with his voice and I lunge at him, holding him close.

"It--it's dad." I cried.


I flinch at his voice and I hold Gabe tighter.

~~A week later~~

We were in the cold court room, as my dad tried to plead "Not guilty" for the third time now. They had me on the witness seat for the hundredth time asking me the same things.

Why can't they just believe me?!

"My dad attacked me!" I yelled at the lawyer in frustration.

"No it was your brother!" My father yelled from his seat.

He's been saying this since we went into trial a few days ago. He wants everyone to believe it was Gabe who attacked me that night.

But I clearly saw his face!

"Stop lying!" I slam my hands onto the desk infront of me as tears burned my eyes.

"Order in the court!" The judge demands.

"He hurt you! Remember?!" He yelled.

"He abandoned you!"

He still kept trying to make the jury believe that Gabe was such an uncaring, wreckless brother. When in reality he's just always on tours and the most caring brother ever.

"No." I said almost in audible.

"He hurt you!" He stood up and I flinched.

"No." I said louder now.

"He never cared for you!" He punched on the table making the security guard approach him.

"No." I almost yelled.

"He's using you!" His voice echoed throughout the room that I couldn't help but flinch.

"No!" I yelled, bursting into tears and running to my brother.

He was crying too as he opens his arms for me and pulls me into a tight hug. I never wanted to let him go.

"He would never hurt me! You're a liar!" I cried.

"I demand order!" The judge demand a once again.

After everything was settled down and the jury was done discussing their final decision. It was time for the moment of truth.

I grip on my mom's and Gabe's hand as tight as I could as we all anticipated the judge's final decree.

"I hearby, declare Denis Tengco. Not guilty, due to lack of evidence."

My head goes light and hear nothing else after, "Not guilty."

I here my mom silently gasp a "What?!" And my heart starts pounding against my chest as I think that he could come back for me again. Gabe notices and immediately squeezes my hand and gently sets my head on his shoulder.

"However, the De Guzman family will have a protection order against you due to certain circumstances. If you go anywhere near 200 feet from them, you will be sentenced to a hundred days in prison. You can not call, email or have any contact with them." The judge continues.



"He really tried to make everyone believe that Gabe, the only man who ever loved me, was the one who attacked me.." My voice strained as I gripped tighter onto the ledge, watching as my tears fell hundreds of feet down.

"Eversince he did that to me, I've been afraid of the dark. I've been paranoid about everything. I developed anxiety due to my nightmares. I became afraid of blood because of how I found so much of my own blood on myself because of how hard I was crashing into things when the lights were out.. I practically went crazy every moment of everyday.

"They had to drop me out of school so I could be home schooled but staying home made me even more paranoid... We eventually had to move out of that house and move to a different state... they had to even change.. my name." I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear him silently gasp behind me.

"So you're the girl they were looking for? You're--"

"Avery Sky." I finished for him.

"And now he's back." I bit my bleeding lip and moving myself a bit closer off the edge.

I hear him take a step forward, "Nao--"

"Don't go near me!" I warned him.

"Why can't I just be happy?!" I cried. "When can I stop being scared of me and my families lives?! Now I have to be scared for my friends too! For the people I love.. I'm so tired."

I breathe heavily as I try and catch my breathe from how fast my heart was racing.

"Sean.. what's wrong with me? What did I do wrong?" I asked myself more than I asked him as I looked up to the sky for answers.

"Naomi... There is nothing wrong with you. You didn't do anything wrong. This is all your da-- Dennis' fault. Don't ever think you did anything wrong, because you didn't." I hear him get closer and I move myself closer to the edge.

"I said stop." I warned him once again.

"Naomi please.."

I look straight down to the pavement below me. It seemed so easy and simple to just... jump.

"Would anyone even miss me?" I whispered.


Sean's POV:

"What are you talking abo-- of course we would Naomi!" I grew scared by the second as she was closer to the edge than she already was.

"Naomi, I love you so much.. We love you so much." Tears taunted my eyes as she continues to look down.

"Naomi, you're a blessing to anyone's life that you come into. You have all these people that care about you. Don't you ever think that we wouldn't miss you, because right now... we already miss you." Tears slipped past my cheeks as I silently took a step closer to her and taking off my shoes so she doesn't hear me coming.

"Please... come off the ledge." I begged her taking another step closer.

"I can't." She shook her head as she gripped tighter onto the ledge.

"Why not?" I asked her, taking a tiny step closer.

"Because... I'm scared."

"Your dad isn't here Naomi, it's just me--"

"I'm not scared because of that..." she tells me.

"T-then what are you scared of?" I asked her.

"Of how high I am..."

I freeze on my feet as I replay her words in my head.

Naomi? Scared? Of heights?

"Wha-- why? You--"

"Love heights." She finished for me. "I know, heights are supposed to be my safe haven... but now it just feels like death."

"Sean... I'm scared." She cried as her shoulder shook more and her sobs became louder.

"Okay, okay. Deep breathes, Naomi." My heart races faster as I feared for her safety even more.

"Please don't come any closer, Sean." She cried.

"Naomi, I'm trying to help you." I assured.

"Don't." She said harshly.

"Naomi, please.."


Kenneth's POV:

Even with my damaged leg I chose to sneak away from Enrique and follow Sean. It took awhile to get to the top but I eventually managed to make it and stopped right at the door way to catch my breath. I could hear Naomi sobbing from a short distance so I sneak a peek to see Sean taking cautious steps towards her.

I hear her whole story and I had to fight back tears that taunted me. How could someone do that to such a perfect girl? How could someone do that to such a loving family?

They didn't deserve any of that.

"Naomi, please..." Sean was now just a couple inches from her.

I gasp sharply as he reaches out to grab her, but she yells "No!" and pushes herself off the ledge.

"Naomi!" Sean and I cried.

I jumped to my feet as Sean continues to hold onto Naomi's waist.

"Let me fall!" She cried.

"No!" Sean yelled as he struggle to himself up.

His lower body slowly started to slip off the ledge but I manage to wrap my arms around his waist and help him back up in time.

My heart pounds against my chest as we both grab onto Naomi and pull her safely over the ledge. We all fall to the floor of the roof and breath heavily from that instant turn of events.

We could've lost her..

I almost lost two of the people I loved the most.

She begins to start curling up in a ball and sobbing and soon enough, we all were. She leans onto Sean's shoulder and begins to beg for forgiveness. Hearing her weak and vulnerable made my tears even harder to hold onto.

We both comforted her until the paramedics finally made it up to us and that was just enough time for me to make my final decision...

I'm gonna leave her and everyone I love here behind.




Quick update: i changed it back to kennethupdates bc it didnt feel right ily

qotd: do you think kenneth will really leave?

aotd: hmm..




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