My goal was to make her fall...

By Eyesmiler

79.1K 2.3K 234

A bet with his friend.. first one to make the girl fall for him. All he had was one week. More

My goal was to make her fall for me
And the game starts
Saturday - Special Chapter


7.6K 251 32
By Eyesmiler

The day started out with Rae avoiding Kai. It was hard though since he and Sehun were now joining their group. She was okay with having Sehun around since he never really paid any attention to her, or even Mina. He was usually just talking and joking around with Avery. Kai on the other hand kept talking to her and noticing everything about her. Which made her even more awkward towards him. Lucky for her Avery did most of the talking, so she didn't have to worry that much with trying to keep a long conversation with him.

She was never good at making friends, especially with guys. Eversince she was young, she had always played by herself. Eventually, she discovered how to make new friends, girl friends. She was always awkward with boys and how weird their species were. So she never really bothered to try and befriend their kind.

During lunch, Kai and Sehun's friends-Baekhyun and D.O-had decided to join them. Which wasn't really comfortable with Rae, but since the two guys didn't seem to pay much attention to her, she tried not to mind them that much. Baekhyun and D.O had been teasing Sehun with Avery during the whole lunch period. Oh! Our Sehunnie's all grown up! and Im so proud of you maknae. and are you guys already dating were the main points of their conversation. Sehun just blushed and pushed his hyungs at their non stop blabbering and questioning. He felt like a celebrity trying to deal with dating rumours that had been trending on the net.

"Hyungs stop it!" Sehun said.

"You guys look really good together" commented Kyungsoo.

"I agree! Just tell us the truth, are you guys dating already?" asked Baekhyun. Both Avery and Sehun blushed at his hyungs question.

"We're not dating..." said Sehun trying to hide the pout that was forming on his lips.

"We're not dating, yet" corrected Avery, and giggled at the sight of hope lighting up Sehun's eyes. Baekhyun and D.O shared grins and laughed at Sehun's ever so puppy dog innocent face.

"We're so proud of you Sehun-ah~" Baekhyun and Kyungsoo said at once.

"Stop it hyung!" Sehun complained. But the two wouldn't stop laughing, so Sehun left dragging Avery behind him.

“Yah! Sehun-ah! Where are you going!" screamed Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo placed a hand on Baekhyun's shoulder and said, “Let them have their moment hyung" And everyone at the table agreed.

 “So, what special class will you guys be taking today?" asked Kyungsoo

“I was thinking about taking the singing classes, I heard there a ton of fun! And you get to learn a bunch of new things too" said Mina.

“See hyung! See! I told you we should've took singing class instead of cooking class! Besides, cooking class was really boring and i didn't have any fun at all..." Baekhyun pouted.

“Yah! Byun Baekhyun stop whinning! First of all how can you not have fun when all you did was eat. Second, how could you even be bored when you almost burned down the whole room because of playing with the matches!" Kyungsoo answered.

“HAHA! Hyung! how could you be so clumsy! HAHAHAHA" Kai laughed. His hyungs were so weird! Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were always up to silly things when theyre together. One time they even pretended to have a talk show! My hyungs are so weird... Kai chuckled.

Rae kept thinking how down to earth and real Kai and his friends were. They were always so popular in school with tons of girls swooning over them, that its suprising to see them so normal and crazy like any other human being.

Although whatever Rae did, she just never understood boys. Weird species. she thought.

They all laughed around whenever Baekhyun would joke around. He would always tease Kyungsoo because of his eyes and Kai because of his skin. Even Mina would crack jokes every so often. Lucky Mina, Rae thought. If only she was like Mina who was so sociable and approachable. Why did she have to be so awkward and weird...

Rae was envious of her two best friends. Mina was the only sociable person in thw group but when Sehun and Avery became close, Avery had changed. In a good way! She was more approachable now, but Rae. Rae was still the same, she tried her best, yes! But it was just not that easy for her.

They continued talking until the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Mina left first since the three of them decided to take singing class together.

“So Rae! What do you say? Wanna take dance class again? Youre pretty good at dancing you know, and I would love to dance to see you dance again, and... you know... dance... together..." Kai said while helping Rae to tiddy ul their lunch table.

Dance... together.... Rae held her burning cheeks. Ahhh what to do? I dont wanna dance with him! Its too awkward...

“Actually i dont feel like taking dance class today"

“Oh okay then.." Kai said. Rae released a sigh of relief.

“Then what class would you like us to take?"

Us... did he just say US... no, no he didnt... he wouldnt... theres no us... no us, no us at all!!!

“Why dont we take seperate classes" please say okay please say okay...!!!

“Nahh... i wanna take a class with you!" He said with a smirk.

“Actually... uhh... you know... i.. uhh... dont really.. uh.. feel like.. you know.. taking classes.."

“You dont?"

“Yes, i.. uh.. dont.."


Huh? Good? Why is that good? Rae thought.

Kai grabbed Rae's hand and dragged her out of the campus. Luckily no one really noticed them going out. Rae on the other hand had her mind conpletely blank again from the moment Kai held her hand, so she just followed Kai.

They were already in a taxi when Rae had noticed what they had done. Where is he taking me! Omo help! she wanted to scream buy couldnt since Kai was still holding her hand.

“Whe... whe.. wh.. where are... we.. uh.. going???" was all Rae had managed to say.

It was onky then that Kai noticed he was still holding her hand. But he didnt let go. This is my chance! Kai thought.

“Lets go on a date!" he said with a smile.

A/N: Omo!!!! Date~ hihi^^ Theyre date will be on the next chappie:)) Excited to know what happens on their date? well, i hope so.. haha!

Anyways, i just wanted to share that i just watched Miracle in cell no. 7 huhu!! :'( its so sad! I lurvs it! Alot! :))) :((( xD

So, dear lovely readers~ i sure hope you guys like my story! And please tell me what you guys think of it cause i am sooooo curious to know :)) Jebal~ haha But, thanks for reading! It means alot you guys are daebak! :))


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