
By newt-something

1K 56 35

The plot is going to stay the same as the movie and our characters are just Sams really best friends who happ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chpater 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Ch 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

70 3 3
By newt-something

Barry's POV:
As I went into Clu's hideout I held my wrist. This was the second time this month. I sighed and looked down at my wrist that was slightly out of place. My quarters were pretty nice, considering I lived inside alone. And it was like a medium apartment. My door opened and Jarvis walked in. I gulped and he said "you've fallen for her. I can tell. You better not let Clu find out. Because he'll do worse things to you. But turns out he saw you and her. Holding hands. He wants you to be punished further." I shook my head and said "no please. Jarvis please. Please don't." Jarvis closed my door and cries erupted from my throat. "Please! Don't do this! It fucks with my head! You have no right! No right to fuck with my head!" I screamed.

Jarvis shoved me against the wall and I balled my fists at my sides. I punched Jarvis, causing his mask to shatter. I could feel the glass bits in my fist and he shoved me against the wall again. He grabbed my wrist and I tried to fight him off. "Stop it!" I screamed. He twisted my bad wrist even farther than before and I heard a loud snap. I gasped in pain and Jarvis smirked. I looked down at my wrist and saw that it was out of place. That's when Jarvis had the chance to punch me. I felt blood enter my mouth and I groaned. "Please stop." I said. I felt his fist collide with my cheek, my eye, my lip. Multiple times. I couldn't even count. He let go of me and I slid down and fell on my knees. He kneed me in the chest and the wind was knocked out of me. His foot collided with my chest and stomach and I groaned each time. I knew I'd have bruises now. The door opened to reveal Clu. I whimpered and couldn't breathe. "Enough Jarvis." He said. Jarvis walked out and I felt a sense of relief wash over me. "Whenever you can stand come and have your wrist fixed." Clu said before slamming the door. I drug myself over to the door and locked it. I desperately tried to get to my bed but couldn't. I laid on the floor a few minutes and tried to regain my energy. The coolness of the floor felt great against my stomach since it burned. I used my good wrist to help me move across the floor. I tried to use my other one but it hurt too badly. I literally climbed into my bed and laid on my stomach. Tears of pain rolled down my cheeks and sobs rocked my whole body. It hurt to cry, it hurt to move, it hurt to do anything. The wooziness began to take over my body and before I knew it, I was out.

A small moan left my mouth as Dakota moved her hips. She moved down onto the floor and looked up at me. She looked at my member and then at me. Her eyes were asking for permission. I nodded and she licked the shaft. I gasped and said "ah." Dakota smirked up at me and she took in the tip and I gasped. She swirled her tongue around it and took my member farther in. I licked my lips and threw my head back. As I was beginning to be close she stopped. I gasped exasperatedly and she pushed me down onto my bed. She slowly sunk down onto me and said "I want to feel you come Barry." I nodded and she moved her hips slowly against my member. I threw my head back onto my pillow and moans left my mouth. "Mmm...ah...mmmmm...ah.ah." Dakota moved faster and I gripped her hips in place. She smirked and went faster and before we knew it we were both releasing. I felt myself twitching and I spilled into her. Her body began to shake and she came on top of me. "Ah Barry!" She said quickly. She buried her face into the crook of my neck and I sighed. She kissed my shoulder blade and I said "thanks baby." She nodded and moaned against my neck.

I opened my eyes and realized it had been a dream. I ran my fingers through my hair and realized I was sweating. "You can't think of things like that Barry." I told myself. I looked at the clock and it had been a few hours. "Ow." I mumbled. I sat up and put my head in my hand. I looked at my broken wrist and sighed. I tried to move it and pain washed over my body. "Ah." I winced. I tried to move it again but pain still came from it. I bit my lip while looking at my injured wrist. I stood up and stretched. I felt my back pop in different places and walked to the mirror. I took off my shirt and stared down at my chest and sighed. Black and blue bruises. My lip was sorta red from bleeding and there was a cut there. My right eye was black. My fists were full of glass and I shrugged. I laid on my back on my bed. It would be time to get ready soon. I couldn't let Dakota see me like this. I plopped on my bed and felt my back ache. "Shit!" I cursed. I groaned and rolled on my stomach. I heard my door trying to open up and I clicked the button on the wall. Jarvis walked in and said "get dressed quickly. In your suit please. And Dakota has medical training and can help you with your wrist ok?" I nodded and slid my suit and mask on. I walked to the infirmary and Dakota said "um Jarvis said I needed to help you. So come over here." I walked over and I held out my gloved hand. She looked at my wrist and pulled her lip into her mouth with her bottom teeth. I almost moaned at the sight. I stared at her lips and she said "Barry?" "Huh?" I asked. She giggled and said "I'm gonna fix your wrist ok?" I nodded and she popped it back into place. I gasped and looked at her. "Oh my god." I said. Dakota said "can you pull off your glove so I can see it?" I nodded and took my glove off. She examined it and I took off the other glove. "Barry." She said as she looked at the glass bits in my hand. She grabbed a tool and I said "what's that?" "I need to pull the glass out now hold still." She replied as she began pulling glass out of my hand. Well more like plucked. It was like she was plucking eyebrows. I stared at her and she couldn't see me because of my mask. My face was messed up and I didn't want her to see it. "Ok you should be ok now." She said. "Hey Dakota?" I asked. She said "what is it?" I didn't want her to see my face but since I was down there she could do something about it. I took off my mask and she gasped. "Barry. Who did this to you?" She cupped my cheeks and looked around at all the injuries on my face. Her fingers ran over my bloody lip and she saw my eye and said "if you don't want to tell me who did this to you it's ok. I won't be upset." "He'll do it again. I can't tell you." I said. She grabbed some ointment and dabbed it on my lip. I winced slightly and she said "sorry." She gave me some ice for my eye since it was kinda swollen now. She sat down next to me and hugged me. I buried my face into the crook of her neck and she held me. It was silent for a few minutes and she ran her fingers through my hair. She pulled away from me and stood up. " you think you'll be ok?" She asked. I stared at her and didn't say anything.

"Say something." She pleaded after a few minutes. I nodded and said "I'll be ok." All of a sudden there was a sound of someone tumbling down the stairs and hysterical laughter. "What the hell?" Dakota said. She walked away and I immediately followed her. Hanna was at the bottom of the stairs and Balem said "she fell." Dakota said "Balem help her please." Jarvis walked around the corner and Balem took her away. "Dakota may I speak to Barry alone?" He asked. She nodded and walked to the window. He pulled me back inside the infirmary and sat me down in a chair. "Did you tell her?" He asked me. I looked down and didn't say anything. "What did you tell her? Did you tell her it was me? Why you got hurt?" Jarvis asked. I stared at the floor and took deep breaths. He grabbed my head and made me look at him.

Tears filled my eyes and I shuddered. "Did. You. Tell. Her. Anything?" He asked me like I was ignorant. "No. I told her n-nothing." I stuttered. Jarvis nodded and smirked towards me. He walked away and I immediately wiped my tears and stood up. Dakota looked out into the grid and sighed. I stood next to her and looked at her. "I wanna go home." She said. I closed my eyes and said "home?" She nodded and I looked at her. "I don't like it here. When Sam's dad used to talk about this place. I didn't understand it. And once I was old enough to understand this place became an obsession. I don't belong here. Aren't we users? Clu doesn't like users. Why are we here Barry? Why didn't he kill us?" Dakota said. I bit my lip and said "Dakota I don't know. He obviously needs you for something." She rolled her eyes and said "do you even like it here?" "I'm a program. Like everyone else. Even Balem, but he once told me that he was like 90,000 years old or something like that." I replied. Dakota hugged me and I was taken aback. I held her tightly and I kissed the top of her head. She looked up at me and kissed my cheek. I half smiled down at her and she did the same. I grabbed her hand and led her to the dining room. "You hungry?" I asked her. She nodded and grabbed my arm. She put it around her and buried her face into my side. I continued to kiss her head and she said "don't leave my side Barry. Please." "I won't." I replied.

What's up y'all? This book probably won't be updated tomorrow since it's Christmas! I wish everyone happy holidays! Love you guys!

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