I Could Be Nothing But a Memo...

By GotADreamGotASpark

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t's been 4 years since Leah moved away from Baltimore, leaving Alex and all of the guys behind. What happens... More

I Could Be Nothing But a Memory to You
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

672 10 10
By GotADreamGotASpark

I looked over at Alex who looked like he was ready to cry. "Alex, I was going to tell you tonight. I just didn't want to ruin the good mood you were in." I said while getting close to him. To my surprise he let me rest my hand on his knee but he seemed a little stunned still. "Alex, baby?" I asked softly and he seemed to come out of his daze. He grabbed me and pulled me to his chest which scared the crap out of me because it wasn't something I expected at all. "Are you okay?" I questioned feeling quite confused. "No but we shouldn't fight. This means we have less time together and it shouldn't be spent fighting." Alex said burying his face into my hair and I twisted around to look at him.

The pain was still clear in his face but I knew he was serious. "You're right but I am sorry Alex. I should have told you earlier." I said guiltily and Alex sighed. "I want to be mad at you but I can't because I understand. I don't like telling my mom I'm going on tour again because I know she'll get upset and miss me." Alex told me and I sighed before kissing his cheek. I knew he was upset right now but so was I. I really didn't want to leave but I knew I had no choice but to. I was so close to finishing college and then once I did I could do whatever I wanted. I could go on tour with Alex, I could move here to be with him, and life would be easier. "Thank you for understanding." I said leaning my head against his shoulder. "Mhm, I love you and I love not fighting with you." Alex said sweetly.

So that's how the next two days went, Alex and me spending every waking second together. We didn't fight once, instead deciding to enjoy being around each while we were able to. New Year's Eve dawned cold and clear and with all three dogs barking loudly. "Oh my god, what is their issue?" I whined while burying my face into my pillow. "They must have to pee, come on." Alex said nudging me with his hand as he climbed out of bed. "I feel like I have a child." I groaned as I watched Alex slip on jeans. "Come on baby, I'll get you a coffee." Alex told me as he took my hand and pulled me out of bed. "Getting up isn't even the issue, it's the getting dressed part I hate." I explained as I searched around in my suitcase for a pair of sweatpants. "I hate you getting dressed too." Alex said jokingly as he let a hand rest on my ass. "Ha ha, very funny. You're a comedian." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes and slipping on the sweat pants.

"If you want that coffee you'll stop teasing me." Alex threatened and my eyes got wide as I pulled on my hoodie. "I'm just kidding, calm down babe." Alex laughed and I glared at him before slipping on my boots. Once we gathered up the dogs, slipped on their leashes and put on our jackets we left the house. "I'm gonna miss this." I mumbled as Alex and I walked hand in hand down the street towards the coffee shop. "I'm gonna miss you." Alex said softly and I took a deep breath. I didn't want to go; I already missed Alex so much. "Uh, here. I'll be right back." Alex said before handing me Baz and Peyton's leashes then walking into the coffee shop. I leaned down so I could pat the dogs. "I'm gonna miss you guys too and I know Brew will too." I said as I scratched behind the dogs' ears. Brewster being the jealous puppy that he is tried to jump over Baz so I could pat him and I had to laugh as he fell back.

"What's so funny?" Alex asked and I jumped, not noticing him walk out. "Brew is just jealous." I told him as I handed Alex back the leashes and then took the coffee he offered me. "Thanks, so are you excited for tonight?" I inquired and then I took a sip of my coffee. "Yes and then no I guess." he said before taking a sip of his coffee. I gave him a questioning look, wanting to know what he meant. "Yes because I know it'll be a good time and then no because it's our last night together." Alex explained and I frowned. "It's only for a little bit Alex." I said hoping that I could make him feel better but the look on his face told me it hadn't worked. The rest of the walk was quiet, Alex and I in our little worlds.

*Alex's POV*

"Do you have to do anything when we get back to the house?" Leah asked softly as we turned onto my street. "No, not until later I don't think. Why?" I questioned while I stepped over a patch of ice I had slipped on the day before. "Cause I just wanted to snuggle and watch a couple movies with you until we have to get ready." Leah said and I smiled over at her. That sounded like an awesome plan to me and I nodded. "I like that idea." I told her as we walked up the steps to my house. I let us in and we unleashed the dogs before hanging up our jackets on the hook. I could hear Rian banging around in the kitchen and I wondered what he was doing. When I got into the kitchen I saw Rian standing at the island with a mixing bowl, a large bottle of alcohol and what looked like packets of jello.

"What are you doing in here?" Leah asked coming up behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist. "Jello shots, for tonight." Rian explained looking up for a moment at us. "Oh, yum." Leah replied and I laughed. "Now about those movies, who's choice was it?" I asked and Leah shrugged. "I don't care but I call the big blanket!" she screamed before running up the stairs. "No fair! You're littler!" I shouted while chasing after her. By the time I got into my room she was already in my bed wrapped up in the large comforter. I crossed my arms over my chest and leveled her with a glare. "We can share if you like." she said holding up the blanket and I smiled. "Let me put a movie in and then we'll cuddle." I said before running downstairs and scooping a handful of DVDs out of the entertainment center. I went to walk back upstairs when Brewster weaved between my legs almost tripping me.

"Hey! You could of killed me!" I said while balancing all the DVDs in one arm and scooping the puppy up with my free hand. I walked up the stairs keeping a tight hold as he turned around and nipped gently at my face. "Your dog is trying to kill me." I told Leah as I deposited the puppy on the bed beside her before going over to my TV. "Oh he is not, he's such a cute little puppy, oh yes he is." Leah cooed and I watched the puppy go crazy and start licking her face. "Baby, what do you want to watch?" I asked looking around at all of the movies I had brought up. "I don't care Alex, just put something in and get over here." she ordered and I chuckled before putting the first Pirates of the Caribbean into the DVD player. Once I was sure I had the remotes for the TV and DVD player I kicked off my jeans and crawled into bed beside Leah.

"Mm, you're so warm." Leah said as she snuggled into my side and she wrapped her legs around mine. "You're cold!" I yelped as her cold feet made contact with my warm legs. "Yeah, I get cold easily." she said like I should know this. "Well stay close, I'll keep you warm." I cooed pulling her closely and tucking the blanket around her tightly. "I know something that will keep me warm." she said seductively before rolling over on top of me. "Oh?" I asked and she leaned down to press her lips to mine. I sucked on her bottom lip and then sunk my teeth into it, pulling away gently so I could look her in the eyes. "Are we really gonna do this? Are you sure?" I questioned once she pulled away for a breath. "Yeah, give me something I won't forget." she said and I took that as my chance to do whatever I wanted. I flipped her onto her back and leaned over her on my hands and knees.

"Wait." she said and pushed me off of her. "What?" I asked confused as she climbed over me. "We're not scarring my poor baby." Leah said grabbing Brewster from my bed, climbing off of the bed, walking across my room and putting him outside the door before shutting and locking it. "You're insane." I teased as she jumped back on the bed. "Oh you like it." she said and I nodded before rolling back so I was leaning over her. "No more interruptions, right?" I asked and then without giving her time to answer I pressed my lips to hers. I licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth allowing my tongue to slip in. I tried my hardest to remember her taste and the feeling of her lips against mine.

After making out for a couple minutes I pulled away from the kiss and Leah whined until my lips connected with her neck. I nibbled on her neck and she moaned loudly. I smiled to myself before tangling my hands in the hem of her shirt and yanking it up. Leah moved up a bit so I could get it off and I threw it off of the bed before going for her bra. It was purple with black lace and I struggled to get it unhooked. "Why is this so hard for men?" she asked as she pushed me away, reached behind her and easily unhooked it. I didn't answer her, just tossed aside the bra and pushed her back onto the bed. I kissed down her chest and stopped before looking up at her as I slowly licked her chest. "Alex, stop being a tease." she groaned as I started kissing slowly down her soft pale stomach.

"Come on, you know you like it." I said but I hooked my fingers in her sweatpants and pulled them down. I started kissing her again as her hands ran over my chest. Leah bit down on my lip and then slipped her hands into my boxers. "I think these should come off." Leah said into my mouth as she pulled down my boxers. Once they were halfway down I kicked them off and then went for Leah's panties. I pulled them off with one hand while I searched around in my bedside table for a condom. "Sweet." I said once I found one and tore it open with my teeth.

"Wow." Leah said as she laid back when we finished. "Yeah, wow." I agreed and looked over at the clock. "Leah, we definitely just had sex for almost an hour." I said as I looked over at her. "I'm exhausted." Leah said while yawning and pushing the bright red hair out of her face. "Yeah, me too." I said while pulling her close to me. "Nap time?" she asked and I nodded before burying my face into her neck. A couple minutes later Leah's breathing evened out and I knew she had fallen asleep. I couldn't really fall asleep though and I searched for the remote to the DVD player. Once I found it I pressed play and laid back to watch Pirates of the Caribbean.

*Leah's POV*

"Guys, wake up!" I heard someone say and I slowly opened my eyes to see Rian standing above the bed. I rubbed at my eyes and then quickly pulled the blanket around me tighter. "So, uh, we're kind of naked." I said and Rian rolled his eyes. "Well I'm gonna leave and you guys should get up and get ready, people are already starting to get here." Rian said as he walked out and then he quickly shut the door. "Fuck." I mumbled before ripping the blanket off of Alex. "Baby, s'cold." Alex whined snatching for the blanket. "Babe, the party is starting." I said and Alex shot up quickly. "Damn, how the hell am I late for a party at my own house?" he asked as he quickly rushed around the room trying to grab everything he needed.

We both rushed into the shower and washed ourselves as quickly as we could. "Alex, plug in the straightener." I instructed as I tried to dry off as fast as I possibly could. We both rushed around Alex's room, trying hard to get into our clothing before anyone could come upstairs and ask why we were taking so long. "Alex, move over." I said pushing him away so I could have some of the mirror. I resisted the urge to snatch the straightener from him as he ran it through his hair for the seventh time. "Alex! Your hair is fine!" I snapped as he sprayed a bit more hair spray into it. I took the straightener from his hand and began to run it through my hair. "Baby, just let me see it real quick." Alex said reaching for the straightener but I patted away his hands. Sometimes I wondered about Alex, he took longer than a girl to get ready.

Finally we both finished our hair, were dressed and I had finished my makeup. "I'm still confused on how we managed to be late for a party when we were at the place it's being held at." Alex said shaking his head as I followed him down the stairs. "Hey! I was wondering what happened to you guys!" Zack said loudly as we turned into the living room and I walked over to him. "We overslept." I explained as Alex dipped into the kitchen to go get us drinks. "Mhm, why were you so tired?" Rian questioned as Zack slung an arm over my shoulders. "Just had to get up early to walk the dogs." I lied feeling my face turn hot as I blushed and I squirmed under Rian's gaze. "Mhm, really now? I could hear you guys down here." Rian told me and I felt my face get hotter. Had we really been that loud or was Rian just teasing? I didn't have the guts to ask him so I kept my mouth shut and listened to Rian and Zack talk.

"Jello shot?" Alex offered as came back towards me carrying two cups and two shot glasses. "Yes." I said taking the shot from him and waiting until he put the cups down. "Alright, one, two, three, go!" Alex shouted and we sucked down the shots. The sweet strawberry jello couldn't hide the taste of the vodka and my nose wrinkled at the taste. "I mixed you something." Alex said as he bent down, picked up the cups he had put on the floor and handing me one. "Thank you baby." I said leaning against him as I sipped on the drink. I looked around and frowned when I didn't notice Jack. I was just about to ask Alex where he was when the door swung open and Jack appeared in the doorway with a girl I would recognize anywhere. "Kara!" I screeched as I pushed my cup into Alex's hand and ran over to her.

"Leah!" she screamed back and we squeezed each other tightly. "Oh my god I missed you!" she sobbed and I felt the tears slip from my eyes. "It's been so long, too long." I told her and she nodded before pulling back and studying me at arm's length. "Why didn't you tell me she was here?" she snapped as she turned and looked at Jack. "I don't know?" Jack said unsurely and Kara rolled her eyes before hugging me again. "We need to talk, let me get a drink and then we can go outside for a couple minutes?" she asked and I nodded before going to get my drink from Alex. "We're gonna go talk, be back later." I said before kissing his cheek and walking back towards the door. I slipped on my boots and then my jacket before walking towards the kitchen where Kara was mixing herself a drink.

"Let's go out back, we can sit on the swing." I said as I looped my arm through hers and leading her out to the backyard. We sat down closely on the swing so we could stay warm and we just stared at each other for a moment. She looked so different and grown up but the eyes and the smile were still exactly the same. "I love the dress, I remember when I used to have to force you into one." she chuckled and I smiled at the memory. "So how have you been?" I asked and she started going on about college and I listened to her, feeling happy for her. "Now, what about you?" she questioned and I took a deep breath. "I have a full scholarship to Florida State and I'm majoring in art. Uh, I'm graduating in May and I'm doing pretty good." I told her and she smiled. "How is everything with Alex? You two seem to be to getting along." she said and I nodded.

"I mean, it's going as well as it can I guess. It's gonna be hard to go back home." I said while biting down on my lip. "It doesn't get easier hun, I'm sorry to say." Kara said sweetly as she reached across to hold my hand as I frowned at her statement. "So, how are things with you and Rian?" I questioned and Kara chewed on the inside of her lip. "We broke up, it's hard Leah. We're still really good friends and I'll always love him but the long distance is hard sometimes." Kara said honestly and my stomach knotted with worry. I was just about to say something back when Alex poked his head outside. "It's cold out here, you guys should come inside." he suggested and I nodded before standing and offering my hand to Kara who took it and let me pull her up. We walked back inside, my mind on what she had said. I wasn't really in the mood to party anymore after that and I spent most of my time letting Alex lead me around and introduce me to people.

Finally it was 11:58 and we all gathered around the TV to watch the ball drop. The minute passed quickly and soon we were starting the count down. "5, 4, 3" I started when Alex tapped my shoulder and I turned to face him. He pressed his lips to mine quickly and the rest of the countdown finished. People shouted and Alex pulled away a couple seconds later. "Happy New Year." Alex said hugging me tightly and I smiled at him. "Happy New Year, I love you." I said as I hugged him back and tried to remember the exact feelings of his arms around me. I tried to be happy for the rest of the party and before I knew it people were leaving. I drunkenly walked up to Alex's room and after slipping off my dress I passed out in his bed.

*Alex's POV*

"Fuck." and then loud vomiting was exactly what I woke up to the next morning. "What the fuck." I mumbled when I looked over and saw Leah was in the bed beside me. If she was here in bed then who was in my bathroom throwing up? I rubbed at my eyes tiredly as I slipped out of my bed and padded softly into the bathroom. I saw the mess of black hair and I frowned at poor Jack who began throwing up into the toilet again. "You okay dude?" I asked while running the sink water and filling the cup that was on the side of the sink with water. "M'fine." Jack stated and I gave him a doubtful look and handed him the cup. I walked out of the bathroom so Jack could puke in peace and closed the door softly behind me. I looked at Leah sleeping, her bright hair spread out over her face and the way her leg was bent as she had her arm wrapped tightly around the blanket.

I already began to miss her and looked over at the clock, she would need to be to the airport in four hours if she wanted to make her plane and I sighed. I decided to make her a nice breakfast and I tip toed out of the room before I could wake her and down to the kitchen. I started making french toast quietly and I was halfway done when she came down the stairs, her hair a mess. "Cute bedhead." I said as she climbed onto a stool and leaned on the island. "Jack is passed out on your toilet seat." she informed me and I had to laugh. "Yeah, that sounds about right." I said before placing the plate full of french toast in front of her. "What's this for? Alex, you didn't need to." she told me but I shook my head. "I wanted to." I said as I poured her a cup of orange juice and sat down beside her.

"Thanks Alex, that was really good." Leah gushed when she finished and I smiled at her. "I'm going to miss you." I told her as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I saw tears come to her eyes and I leaned my forehead against hers. "Don't cry baby, it won't be long." I said soothingly but she shook her head. "I'm going to miss you." she cried pitifully and I cupped her face in my hand then gave her the sweetest kiss I could. "It'll be okay, I love you baby." I said and she buried her face into my chest. Her body shook with sobs and I rubbed her back gently. I fought back my tears that threatened to fall; I would save them for when she was gone. She didn't need to feel worse than she already did because I was crying. When I finally got her to stop she wiped away her tears and then went upstairs to pack.

A couple hours later I was standing at the airport with Leah, Jack, Rian, Zack and Kara. "I'll call you and I think you should definitely come stay with me during spring break!" Leah said to Kara and I watched them talk. "It'll be okay dude; it's only for a couple months." Rian said coming up behind me and patting me on the back. "I know but I'll miss her." I said shoving my hands in my pockets and staring down at my feet. "I'm sorry." Rian said giving me a hug before walking over to Leah and starting to talk to her. I watched the guys surround her and listened to them all talk loudly but I couldn't bring myself to join in. I stood off to the side alone and I sighed, I couldn't believe how much I was going to miss her. I was also worried; she was going to be away from me for months, what if she found someone better than me? I pushed that thought out of my head quickly though; I didn't need to worry myself on top of being upset.

Finally the guys stepped away and Leah looked over at me. I could tell the smile on her face was fake as she walked towards me. "You okay?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around me and I buried my face into her hair, taking in her smell. I didn't want to forget it and I nodded but didn't pull away. "You're a liar but it'll be okay. I love you Alex and I'll call and text you every day, I promise." Leah said and I knew she was telling the truth. "I promise I'll think about you every day and the minute I can I will come see you." I said and Leah gave me a real smile. She reached up to kiss me as her they called her flight and she sighed. "I love you Alex." she said stepping away from me and I fought back tears. "I love you too, call me when you get there." I told her and she nodded before giving each one of the guys and Kara a hug before walking through the gate. "It's only for a few months." Jack said wrapping his arm around me and once she was gone from sight we turned around and walked out.

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