Everybody Breaks A Glass

By hockeychick96

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When history was made, the Boston Bruins didn't think they could make more history. The drafted a girl onto t... More

Everybody Breaks A Glass
You like Drake?
Wait, stay with me.
She looks happy.
Christmas Shopping.
300 Violin Orchestra.
I love you.

You are so beautiful

474 6 3
By hockeychick96

"Damn, Danie. I didn't know you could drink like that." Shawn says as I take another shot. I had already had 3 shots of vodka and this is my second shot of whiskey. "Well I am from South Boston, you have to know how to drink." I say and I laugh alittle. It is amusing to me when they see how much I can drink. I'm tippsy but at thsi point so is everyone eles. I look over to Tyler and see him holding a beer and talking to Looch about something stupid. His girlfrined Brittney is with him, she is very pretty. Just like all the players girlfriends, well the ones who have girlfriends. She is drinking her water and sitting a lone at the bar. I walk past Segs and Looch and walk over to her.

"Hey there" I say and I sit next to her. "Hey Danie" she says with a fake smile plastered to her face. "Okay, I know that I play mens hockey, but I am still a girl. What's wrong?" I say in a matter of fact voice. She giggles knowing I am right. "Nothing is wrong Danie." I give her a don't lie mixed with yeah right face. "Me and Milan got into a fight last night. He slept in the guest room too" She says with her sad eyes looking at me. "What was it about? If you don't mind me asking" I say in a kinda worried and wondering voice. "I have to go back to Vancover for my uncles funeral and I wanted him to come with me but its the weekend you guys play detroit and winnapeg. He says he can't go because he has to play but i have talked to Coach Julian and he says that he can go. But he refuses to go because he thinks he has to play."

I look at her for a moment and I see a black tear comming down her face. "Hey, sweetie, no tears" I say and I hug her. "Come on." I drag her to the bathroom and fix her make up. "Need me to talk to him? He can be a hard head at times" I say and I smile. "Sure" She says and she smiles back. We walk out of the bathroom and over to Looch and Segs. "Hey guys" I smile and look at Brittney. "Talk to him" I whisper in her ear.

I grab Segs and we walk away from them. "What was that about?" He asks and glances back for a second. "Oh nothing. Lets get another drink" I say and giggle. I order another shot of whiskey and he orders a Vodka with water. "Pussy" I say and I take the shot. "What?" he says and takes a ship of his drink. "Vodka with water? Really?" I say and giggle

. "Want to get out of here?" he asks. "What?" I say, taken aback. "Want to get out of here?" he says again, but much slower. "Uhm, sure." We leave everyone after saying goodbye and I tell Brittney to text me later. We walk down Canal St in silence. I feel his hand grab mine as we walk and I blush abit. I don't know why, but we find ourselfs in the Garden. We walk to the ice and we sit down on the bench. We sit in silence, but after a few minuets I speak.

"Beautiful isn't it, I have never seen this place so quiet. I used to come here with my mother, back when Berggy started to play" I say looking up at the stands and the rafters. "Yeah, you are." I hear and my eyes shoot to his face. He stands up and grabs my hand. We walk out to center ice "Tyler, we could get in trouble for this." I say looking around. He grabs my waist and looks into my eyes. I melt when I look into his. He grabs my face gently and slowly leans down to my height. Even with 6" high heals on I am only 5'10 "You are very beautilful" he whispers softly. When his lips touch mine, its like candy. I kiss back and I place my hands on his torso. 

"What are you doing Segs? Don't you know you can't bring puck bunnys here?" Big Z yells from the bench. We pull away from the kiss and he looks at him. My body fills with anger when I turn around and I look at him. "Oh my god, I am so sorry Danielle. I didn't know it was you." He says with a red face. He runs down the tunnel after he says that and I turn back around to tyler. He can see the anger in my eyes, "Why don't we go home?" He says wanting me to feel better. "Fine" I say in anger.

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