Anywhere But Here

By Raythewriterforever

2.5K 17 19

Zyra wishes she could have her old life back. One that's less complicated and stupid. One where her father do... More

Chapter One, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Two, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Three, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Three, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Four, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Four, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Four, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Four, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Four, Zyra's POV
Chapter Five, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Five, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Six, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Six, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Six, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Seven, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Seven, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Eight, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Eight, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Nine, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Ten, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Ten, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Eleven, Zyra's POV
Chapter Eleven, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twelve, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twelve, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Thirteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Thirteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Fourteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Fourteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Fifteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Eighteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Eighteen, Dawn's POV,
Zyra's POV,
Chapter Nineteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Nineteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty, Dawn's POV
Chapter Twenty, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-One, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-One, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Two, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Three, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Three, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Four, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-four, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Five, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Five, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Six, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Six, Zyra's POV
Chapter Twenty-Seven, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Eight, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Eight, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Nine, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-nine, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-nine, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-nine, Dawn's POV,
Zyra's POV
Dawn's POV
Dedication/Authors Note/Thank you!
Fan Art?

Chapter Twenty-Two, Zyra's POV,

18 0 0
By Raythewriterforever

When I wake up, I instantly realize two things. One is that I am surrounded by three guards and one doctor, two, is that I am no longer in that white place that I was put in by the government. I still have no idea why they did this to me. They took me from my bed and kept saying that she'll do nicely. The guards turn out to just be regular police except for one of them who has been assigned by the services to be my bodyguard. The two police officers have pencils and pens ready to ask questions and get answers. I don't feel strong enough to do anything. I am not strong enough to move, or speak, or talk. The doctor steps in front of the two police officers and smiles at me warmly.

"Hey Zyra, we know you are not strong enough to talk or do anything, I'll have these officers wait outside until I can get you feed," She says to me and then turns around.

She then physically pushes the two police officers out of my room, so it's just me, her, and the bodyguard. Don't get me wrong, the guard is female as well, but I don't want to assume anything because what she is wearing looks like a guy. The doctor then goes then taps something on her Ipad and turns towards me.

"Don't worry Zyra, all of your questions will get answered soon enough, we will make sure you are safe because I promise you that we are not bad guys, you're food will be here soon, I'll have to feed it to you but that won't be worse than anything you have been through" She says kindly and then begins to tap away at her Ipad.

It's true, I have been through worse things. This will be nothing compared to almost getting beaten to death by your dad, shot by your mom, and having a complete mental breakdown. The guard smiles at me as well and leans against the wall. She wears boy clothing with a holster for her gun and taser. She senses me looking at her and nods her head.

"Yeah, I am a genderfluid person, please don't let that make you think less of me, I am an amazing bodyguard!" She/he says.

I don't even know what genderfluid means but I can't ask anyway. Then a nurse comes into the room with a tray of soft foods for me to eat. Mac and cheese, apple sauces, pudding, water, and then a little dixie cup with my pills in it. The nurse sets the tray down on my lap and then leaves. My mind begins to fill with thoughts because up until now, I haven't been thinking of much. I keep on thinking about Dawn and how she is. She must know about what happened to me by now, so why isn't she here? Did something awful happen to her? The doctor takes the spoon and puts a spoonful of mac and cheese in my mouth. I try to focus all my energy on chewing it. The doctor smiles wider.

"Good job, I didn't even have to tell you to try!" She says.

This goes on for about a half hour. Her scooping up food for me, then I chew and swallow it. When I am done she gets a nurse to take the tray away. I do feel much better with all of this food in my body. When I get enough strength, I ask where Dawn is. The doctor shakes her head and tells me it's a long story, then she lets the police officers in and I begin questioning.

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