She's My Girl

By GirlLuvsHae

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Identical twins, Sandie and Darie, had been separated from the start of their parent's divorce and grew apart... More

Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 14

1K 47 13
By GirlLuvsHae

Donghae watched as the doctor sewed up the wound on Darie's shoulder after cleaning it. She didn't even flinched and just stared blankly at some spot. The anesthesia may be strong but he had expected a little reaction apart from looking stoned. Even when the doctor was cleansing the wound, she didn't bat an eyelash and he knew it hurts just by looking at the ugly gash. He had been watching her wondering what she was thinking or why she was looking like this was nothing.

When he and Chanyeol got back at the bunkhouse earlier that night, Darie was nowhere in sight. Mrs. Sun Woo had told him she had just gone out for a walk. He had been looking outside for minutes, not wanting to admit he was looking for her at the beach, until the caretaker suddenly appeared with a young boy by his side and told him that the boy saw Darie going into the other side of the beach where the caretaker had warned her of. Sudden panic gripped him as the caretaker told him what is in that part of the place and his mind envisioned Darie's laughing face and an image of her striding alone in an unkwown area.

Seeing how the caretaker had gathered people to go with them with their bats or weapons made the panic more palpable. He told his teacher and the freshmen to stay where they are. Chanyeol wanted to come but Donghae put his foot down. If this grown men thinks it's dangerous, then he wouldn't let a sophomore be involved in this alarming situation when Donghae himself doesn't even know the extent of danger this bad group emits.

He was assured when two town cops had gone with them and seeing the dark shack that was only illuminated by the moonlight, he knew the caretaker is not exaggerating. When he saw her by the window standing still but safe, he felt like he could breathe again.

He wanted to shake her and pull her into a hug at the same time.

Mrs. Sun Woo had fetched a doctor after seeing her student being carried inside the bunkhouse with blood on her shirt but maintained a calm demeanor. Luckily, the caretaker knew a doctor who lives a couple of miles from the beach and the doctor immediately went to attend his patient as soon as he stepped inside the bunkhouse.

He sighed inaudibly as he watched the doctor covered the wound with a bandage. He doesn't know what's suddenly happening to him or why the thought of Darie getting hurt concerns him so much.

Well, he is the school president and naturally, he would feel responsible for the welfare of the student body. Yes, that was probably it.

The doctor turned to the teacher who nodded at her instructions.

"And I've given her a painkiller that's going to probably knock her out," the doctor was saying with a smile. "So, somebody should get her out of those bloodied clothes so she can sleep comfortably."

The teacher chuckled before thanking the good doctor as he bids his goodbye. Donghae had been watching Darie in all this exchange not knowing what to think about her impassive expression that he had never seen in all this time he had known her. He didn't know what changed. She was fine when he was carrying her back to the bunkhouse. Of course, fine like... her jovial self. She even called him an ass. But when he laid her on one of the tables, she suddenly became this. He pursed his lips before asking her quietly, "Are you okay?"

She seemed to hear him as her eyes went up to his face and Donghae realized he would rather see Darie getting crazy and unpredictable or amusing herself at his expense if it meant the sparkling mischief that was twinkling in her eyes everytime she talks to him won't ever disappear.

"Alright. Out."

Donghae turned to find Mrs. Sun Woo holding the door for him.

"W-why?" Donghae started to protest. Then he straightened up to his full height. "I am a responsible president Mrs. Sun Woo. It is my job to make sure every students in my supervision is safe. I'll stay here."

Mrs. Sun Woo looked like she wanted to roll her eyes at him. "She needs to change her clothes." She gave her a pointed look.

It took a moment before he understood what that meant. "Oh." Donghae's face burned as he realized that Darie is wearing the dirty, bloodied clothes, the sleeves ripped open where her stitched wound is. Some of the other students are present but the male students, including Chanyeol scampered out of the house. He cleared his throat and immediately followed but paused when he got to the door. He gave Darie another look as if she would disappear if he left but she just remained where she is, looking at him with that blank, glazed look.

"Carry on," Mrs. Sun Woo practically pushed him outside. "You're acting like we would transport her somewhere and you wouldn't see her again." The female students tittered as they heard Mrs. Sun Woo's jibe. Donghae finally remembered why Mrs. Sun Woo is the student's favorite. She was pretty cool for a middle aged woman. But there were times when she noticed things and voices them out without hesitation. "Relax Donghae. Darie's still going to be here when you come back and I will personally come get you once we're done so you could tuck her in. Okay?"

Donghae reddened and tried to explain the reasons for his unusual behavior. "Mrs. Sun Woo, I am just concerned because she's my vice president." He didn't know why the word my vice president made him feel like his face is combusting. "I mean¸ the vice president of the school and she is here under my request for supervising the freshmen so of course I would feel responsible for this. I would've done the same if it has happened to anyone of our students."

Mrs. Sun Woo looked like she wanted to laugh. "Why are you giving me a speech? I'll let you know when to come back." And she closed the door on his face.

Donghae scowled, wanting to knock on the door again to further explain so Mrs. Sun Woo wouldn't get the wrong idea. He sighed instead and decided to just follow the rest of the freshmen as they joined the teenage kids around the bonfire.

Darie frowned as she moved her left shoulder in a circular motion trying to get a feel of it. For some reason she had been feeling a faint stinging discomfort on her right shoulder that goes down to her arm for hours now. It started at the time she was getting dressed to go with her dad to the party when the sudden pain, though fleeting, made her gasp aloud, her hand going to her right arm. It made her sat down on the bed as she tried to look at the back of her arm to see if something sharp had pricked her skin because it definitely felt like it. Thinking she probably just pulled a muscle, she just massaged it and continued dressing up.

Now sitting alone at the table of the vast garden of the Kwon's residence amidst the crowds of people who attended the party, she is definite she either strained it or hurt it somewhere because it feels raw and bruised. Even if the pain is indistinct, it still bothers her.

She sighed loudly knowing no one's going to hear her anyway as they were too busy socializing. Well, isn't this a big mistake.

She hardly knows anyone in here. Her dad is talking to GD's parents, laughing inside the gazebo at the center of the garden and leaving her here. They were glad she was here with her dad but they left her alone nevertheless. All the faces are unfamiliar to her and she guessed this is probably the group of the Dragons. She had lived as Sandie enough to know a little about the clans as it has been thrown in her face a couple of times already.

Some of them were of her dad's but she is definite most of them are the Dragon's. Duh. This is a party orchestrated by a Dragon so of course it wouldn't be a question why they are here. She let her eyes wander lazily as she massaged her shoulder and felt the sting on her arm subsided. She would've felt more comfortable if CL was here. Or Bom. They are the only two girls in her father's clan and her sister's friends she could actually be relaxed with. Even if it's a little. But they weren't here. Maybe they were not invited.

Even GD's not here. She tried not to acknowledge the disapppointment over that fact. She had expected him to be here because this is his father's party so not seeing him is a little... well.... Disappointing.

Of course she didn't really came here for him but it would've been nice if he was around.

Okay, I did come here for him, she admitted to herself with a roll of her eyes at her internal argument. And it's only because of the Spy Phone. Once I get that, I'll be out of here.

She sighed again and decided to just get a drink. She stood up and walked over to the bar that was set up near the sliding glass door, making sure she wouldn't trip on her way. It was actually Sandie's death trap shoes that she found inside her shoe closet. It's a platform heels that had sparkling studs on the straps. She couldn't picture Sandie wearing such elegant and ladylike shoes and wondered why she had it in the first place but then that's probably the reason why it's still inside a box looking brand new. Darie could bet her sister couldn't picture herself in these shoes either, stored it inside her closet and completely forgot about it. When Darie saw the shoes, it is not something she would normally wear but it looked so pretty that she tried it on. She partnered it with Sandie's black ripped up hip hugger jeans and her own white long sleeved polo shirt that she hiked up on her arms.

She smiled at the bartender as she made her order. "Pina Colada. Can you make it non alcoholic?"

The bartender smiled at her. "Sure Ms. Park."

"Thank you," Darie said.

"Non alcoholic?"

Darie turned her head to the sound of the familiar voice and found Taeyang smiling as he stopped next to her with Daesung by his side ordering drinks to the same bartender.

"Hey," Darie smiled glad to see a familiar face for once. She had been in here for more than two hours already and none of the guests even attempted to talk to her. They either just bow their heads down and scurry off or completely ignored her existence as they passed by.

"I didn't think you would actually go to this party," Taeyang said.

"All of us didn't think you would go to this party," Daesung piped in with a wide grin. "But GD said you would. Damn that guy is always right."

"GD knew I would go?" Darie asked.

"Yeah. He said you would go just to piss him off," Daesung said with a laugh.

Darie raised her eyebrows at that but eventually chuckled. "GD knows me well." It amazed her to talk and joke comfortably with these guys when not long ago, she was looking at them like evil personification. "Where is he anyway? I've never seen him since I got here."

"He's just here sulking," Taeyang said.

"Sulking? For?"

Taeyang shrugged. "He's always sulking whenever his dad talks to him. It ain't easy to be the only son of the Dragon."

"No, he's not sulking," Daesung corrected him. "I just saw him inside the Den talking to Taeyeon."

For some reason, Darie's ears pricked up. "And who is that?"

Taeyang and Daesung both looked at her in surprise at her question. "Uh...," Daesung said. "Kim Taeyeon."

Her face probably reflected the question she just asked because the two guys glanced at each other looking baffled.

Taeyang chuckled. "Are you really asking that? Kim Taeyeon? She's the daughter of the Red Fox leader. She's also the goddaughter of both your father and GD's dad."

Darie blinked. How the hell is she supposed to know that?! This is the first time she had ever heard of the name as her dad had never mentioned this Kim Taeyeon. And neither did Sandie. "Oh." She adopted a blasé expression. "I think it has been so long since I've... seen her."

Taeyang gave her another baffled look. "She was just here two months ago. I think she spent two days at your house?"

Darie pursed her lips knowing she's screwing this up. She should've come up with a better lie. Well, she'd better do it the Sandie way.

She lifted her chin up with an arrogant expression. "Anyone who is beyond me is forgettable."

Daesung and Taeyang froze as they gawked at her with wide eyes and Darie wondered if she said the wrong thing. Then they laughed. "That's the Sandie Park I know. For a minute, I really thought an alien had came and replaced you," Taeyang said shaking his head as he reached for the drink the bartender had placed in front of him.

Daesung looked like he was in tears from laughing and Darie didn't even have any idea if what she said is actually worth to tear up over. They are so weird. "Ahahahaha," she laughed forcefully then faded away. She cleared her throat. "Well, I'm just gonna go and talk to them."

She didn't wait for an answer as she scurried out of the bar leaving her drink as well. Her heart was speeding up a little from the nervousness of slipping up. Why in the world did she thought she is more comfortable talking to them now? She practically palmed her face as she went inside the living room passing the guests who only smiled at her. She looked around for a familiar face-or rather GD's face-just to talk to somebody, of course. She never should have attended this function. Who the heck gave her this idea??

She scowled wanting to blame somebody then froze on her way to the direction of the patio. She took a step back and peered inside a wide open room and saw GD sitting on the long sofa talking to a girl she had never seen before. She guessed she just passed by the Kwon's den.

And the girl must be Kim Taeyeon.

Unknown to herself, her eyes scrutinized the girl sitting a little too close to GD smiling prettily at him. She had a charming smile, her motions animated as she told GD about something which the latter had chuckled at. Darie's eyes narrowed at how easy GD could smile like that when he kept on snarling at her or ignoring her completely.

She must've been standing there for too long, hovering by the door frame like an idiot before Taeyeon's eyes fell to her direction. "Oh. Hi Sandie!" She greeted brightly with a wave of her hand.

Darie wanted to get out of there when GD's eyes turned to her, the smile he had given this girl earlier fading out. "Hi," she said hesitantly. Somehow, the swift change in GD's expression is affecting her. She hasn't done anything, why is he looking like he's mad at her again?!

"Come on in," Taeyeon said with a big smile and GD leaned back in his seat looking like he's pissed off again. Darie knew she should just decline and leave for whatever GD is seething at but the mere fact that she is innocent, whatever crime she supposedly committed for GD to give her this look, made her throw her shoulder back, flipped her hair and went inside.

Taeyeon smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek when she got close enough. "How've you been?" Taeyeon asked.

Darie gave it a fleeting second thought before sitting next to GD who is now glaring at the table in front of him.

"Oh I'm fine," Darie said brightly. "Really good. How about you?"

Taeyeon chuckled at her easy answer that is so unlike Sandie who normally just scowl whenever GD is around. "I'm doing really well, thanks for asking."

Silence came after that and it dawned on Darie that Taeyeon is probably awkward with Sandie and could only exchange pleasantries.

"So," Taeyeon started after a long silence. "I heard you guys are... getting married?"

Darie glanced at GD who didn't answer. He was just playing with his phone, just twirling it in his hand like he wasn't listening.

"Uh...," Darie said. "Yeah?"

"Wow," Taeyeon said with a small smile that looked a little forced. "I never thought you guys would... you know... dot eh arrangement considering your history of fighting."

"It's a stupid pact," GD finally spoke, his voice low. "One that would end soon." He turned his head to give her a sharp deadly look.

Darie refrained herself from making a face at him. He's still seething about that? "You have got to move on from that," she just said.

Darie was expecting him to rebutt but his jaw clenched as if he is really angry. She opened her mouth to ask him what his problem now is but no words came out when she looked in his eyes. The intensity of his angry gaze is making her feel like coiling. It wasn't just a mere irritation but outright, raw, anger.

And frankly, fear snaked up on her spine giving her goosebumps.

"Can you leave us alone for a second?" He asked Taeyeon his glare still fixed on Darie's face.

Taeyeon probably sensed something because she just nodded and stood up. "I'll... I'll just see you later," she awkwardly told Darie before leaving.

Darie watched her leave, wanting to follow her but she couldn't move her feet. She knew it was a bad idea to come here. She would rather stay at home and not see this kind of GD. She knew without a doubt this is the real GD Kwon that the school feared.

"You have until end of tonight to break the damn engagement off." His voice was low and dangerous.

Darie looked at his face again and tried to tell him the same logical reason that she gave him before but GD cut her off. "And don't you ever fuckin' say there's no engagement because you wouldn't want to know what i would do."

"Ya," Darie said her heartbead speeding up. "Why're you scaring me?"

"Are you?" He just asked back, his deadly gaze unwavering.

She swallowed hard and didn't realize she was leaning away from him on the sofa. "i...I told you that... I only want to... to get back at Sandie," she stuttered. "It's... it's not... it has nothing to do with you."

His jaw clenched again as he watched her looking like she's ready to jump out of here in a heartbeat. He knew he was scaring her but he couldn't help the anger that is slipping off him as he recalled the talk that he had with his dad about marrying the Tiger's daughter. His dad didn't allow arguments, reasons. He talks as if it was the law that GD should follow.

"Sandie Park wouldn't want this as much as I do, Dad," GD said as he stood in front of his dad with his fists clenched. His dad just told him that Sandie Park would be attending the function and he stated that it will be the time when he would officially announce the Dragons and the Tigers Union.

"It doesn't matter what you want. I say it and you do it. Do you understand me?" His dad said looking at the papers on his desk.

GD let out a chuckle that is void of any humor. "Do you honestly think Mr. Park's daughter would really want to get married to me?" He is close in divulging the secret of the Park Twins but yet he had no idea why he is keeping himself from divulging it in the first place.

"She wouldn't suggest it if she doesn't." His father turned to him with a sharp look. "I know why you are against this. Do not be stupid, Jiyong. Get those useless emotions out of your system. If this gets botched up because of your childish infatuation, then I would do something to her, goddaughter or not."

The threat his father had just issued is driving him to the edge and he could not stop from rolling over it. His irritation turned into a full blown anger at the thought that his father is now managing his life when he hasn't even graduated yet and the reason of this whole thing, the main perpetrator why this plan is getting pushed at an earlier date, is sitting in front of him.

"It has everything to do with me," GD responded, his fuming gaze still fixed on Darie's face. "Don't push me to be the worst I can be, Darie Park. You wouldn't want to witness that."

Darie couldn't understand why GD is acting this way. Sure he was pissed off at her but the intensity of his anger now is immeasurable. Darie stood up unable to stand how GD is looking at her like he's seconds in killing her or something. "I can't believe this simple situation is turning into a big deal," she just uttered looking at everywhere but him. "People are overreacting for everything!" She remembered her sister and how she had got back with her for only tripping. She felt it so unfair to be the receiving end of both Sandie and GD's unjust reaction at her innocence of their feud and the harsh treatment she gets when she tried to fight back.

"The mere fact that you're stupid is making this a big deal," GD ruthlessly responded.

Darie's head turned sharply in his direction. Somehow, GD calling her stupid is beyond offensive. No, not offensive. It was hurtful like he just cursed at her. It's like he said it because he really meant it.

She clenched her teeth suddenly wanting to cry but she won't. And she refused to cower. She may not be Sandie Park but she is also Dave Park's daughter. "If I was stupid, I would just let you stew over the marriage plans and let you be married to my sister and you guys can just play cat and dog for your entire society to see. Oh right. I am, exactly like you said. So I guess, you just have to deal with it until old age." Seething, she turned to leave blinking furiously as her eyes is starting to tear up from the anger and humiliation she's feeling right now. She knew it was a bad idea to come here. And why did she think it'll be fun to see and talk to GD again? Because she thought he would be just like last night? God, maybe she really is stupid.

She was already at the door when GD grabbed her arm and turned her around then pushed the door closed with his other hand and it slammed shut leaving them in silence inside the den. The grip on his arm was tight and Darie tried to shake him off.

"Get your hand off m-"

His mouth cut her off.

It was hard. Angry. Punishing. Darie could only freeze in total shock. Even her blood stopped running. His hand was at the back of her head, holding it against him as his mouth is practically bruising her lips. Senses came back to her and she gave all her energy in pushing him off her then slammed her palms flat on his cheeks, the sound resonating inside the silent room. His head turned sideways from the force of her slap, his cheek red.

If Darie wanted to cry from anger earlier, it was now all gone. Now she wanted to be violent. Pull GD's hair and slam his arrogant face on the door for disrespecting her like this!

GD's head slowly turned to her, his eyes blazing, his jaw clenching. He looked even more angry than before if that was even possbile but Darie doesn't care because she is as mad as him! She is ready to fight him tooth and nail, manners and elegance be damned.

GD moved so quick Darie didn't even had time to even blink. His hand pressed in on the side of her cheeks making her lips pucker and aggressively kissed her again as if proving a point. Darie thrashed under his tight hold, pushing him, pinching his side, slapping his back until she fet the wall behind her and GD already had her pinned. Her sounds of angry protest only came out muffled under the onslaught of his punishing mouth and Darie knew he was doing this just because he wanted to show her how worse he can be.

Damn you! Her mind screamed as she pulled on his hair trying to get him off her but he didn't even budge an inch.

Blinking back angry tears, she just stopped her struggling and let her hands fall to her side as she let GD violate her lips with his form of revenge over her claim of letting the marriage plans go through. She couldn't even figure out why he is in such a bad mood or why he is reacting like this. She thought they were starting to become civil, if not friends. He did saved her last night.

She had been lost in her own mind figuring out what is happening to GD that she hadn't realized that the rough way he was kissing her turned into something so unexpected that it made her freeze again. She blinked rapidly as she felt her heart beat more furiously inside her chest making her feel like she's going to have a heart attack.

He was kissing her.

His lips gliding softly over hers, his hand now gently holding her face, his fingers trailing softly on her cheeks as his head tilted to the side to kiss her.

She couldn't move. She couldn't even breathe. It would've been better if GD would continue his rough kissing because she can still call it as a violation of her womanly rights but when his hand threaded through her hair, she completely lost every train of thought she's trying to put together. Her eyes closed involuntarily but he stopped, lifting his face slowly away from hers. She can still feel his breath as it hovered a mere inches from her face.

Now, she didn't know what came over her. She should be locked up in an asylum and rot for all eternity because she leaned over and kissed him. If he was surprised, she couldn't tell because he started kissing her back. Deeper this time. And she had no idea what she was doing but she started copying the way he was kissing her.

And in an instant, he broke it off, practically pushing her as he jumped a good three feet away from her. His eyes are wide, his forehead creased and he looked like he doesn't have any idea what happened. "The fuck?" he had muttered to himself as he breathed unevenly.

Darie just met his eyes in a dazed mode, her shoulders stiff. Neither of them spoke until GD's face turned hard and with one last glare at her direction, he stomped out of the room slamming the door loud behind him.

She let out a whoosh of breath after a minute of her isolation. She placed a hand over her chest and still felt her heart running fast, her mind unwillingly recalling what happened not a minute ago.

She just kissed GD Kwon.

She initiated a kiss with GD Kwon.

She can still feel her lips tingling from it. Her eyes fell against the door that GD had slammed when he left. It's not like she had taken advantage of him. He kissed her first. And then he kissed her back. It's not like she forced him like he did.

But why does GD looked like he was ready to throttle her?

She was sound asleep, her face in a tranquil state and yet her forehead was slightly creased from being forced to sleep by a pill. Donghae watched her as she breathe evenly, his hands tucked in his pocket as he stood by her bed, the only light illuminating her sedated face is the small lamp atop the bed table.

Seriously, this is messing up his mind. He shouldn't have let her come on this trip. Come to think of it, she had been messing up his mind lately and he doesn't know how to deal with it. He doesn't even know what to think anymore. The only thing that he wanted to know and wanted to see is that Darie is okay. And it's bothering him to see her looking battered. Maybe not physically but remembering that empty look in her eyes, he wondered if she was more than physically hurt.

Darie shifted in her sleep, the crease in her forehead deepening like she is having a bad dream and he froze for the smallest second, unsure of what to do before he decided to lift the covers higher over her. She stopped fidgeting and continued sleeping but the frown on her face didn't disappear.

He sighed again before he pulled a chair and flicking off the bulb on the lamp so she could sleep better without that light blaring on her face. The room was instantly sorrounded by darkness aside from the faint light that is spilling from the window. He was the only one here anyway. All of the students are partying around the bonfire now. Even Mrs. Sun Woo had joined them and it worried him that no one is looking after Darie so he went back to the bunkhouse.

Yes, he really doesn't know what the hell is wrong with him. And he couldn't understand why he have to sit beside the bed like some kind of a guard dog.

I'm only doing this because I'm a responsible head of the school, he told himself reluctantly looking at Darie's face again. And when you wake up, I'm going to give you hell for scaring the shit out of me.

Sandie knew she's dreaming but that didn't stop her from using all her energy to run away from the guys chasing her and at the same time, she kept calling Hyunseung. She looked back at her shoulder and realized they are already coming to a close and she pushed herself to speed up but couldn't. She tried everything and wondered why she is running by the pace of a turtle. Hyunseung!! Her mind screamed as she felt herself panting for the sheer effort of running.

She's getting close to a crowd by the beach and she tried to sprint in that direction. She had managed to reach one boy who was laughing with a group and she knew exactly who they are.

"Help me," she said breathlessly to HyunSeung who had been laughing with the rest of the Tigers Clan. HyunSeung turned and Sandie took a step back when his face transformed into a black clad man with a face mask. The rest of the Tigers he was with transformed into the same sinister group.

"Daddy!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as she ran again, her little feet trying to get away as she turned back towards her dad's mansion. She was still wearing the fairy dress that her dad gave her earlier. But she wasn't fast enough. She was just ten years old against a group of men. And she screamed one last time when a man swathed her in a black sack that completely covered her in absolute darkness.

Her eyes flew open as her breath hitched, the panic already in its place even before she realized it has already crept up on her. Too dark. It was too dark.

Dad! Her mind was screaming but she couldn't open her mouth. She doesn't know where she is and the unkown is making her shake as the images of shadows is terrifying her.

Donghae hadn't realized he had dozed off until he was jarred awake but a weird sound. Like sucking of breath. Or gasping. Like someone is being strangled. He looked around trying to adjust his vision to the darkness until he realized the sound is actually coming from Darie. He went up off his chair with a start and went to her only to find her shaking uncontrollably.

"Darie?" Donghae exclaimed when she started to thrash, her hands waving around. "Darie."

"Let go!" She cried brokenly. "Dad!!"

"Darie." Donghae tried to calm her down. "Darie, it's me. Darie." He had managed to avoid her hand from hitting him and caught it. "Darie, it's Donghae. It's okay." He had no idea what is okay but he continued soothing her. "It's okay. I'm here."

Her thrashing waned when she recognized Donghae's voice but her panic didn't. She wallowed hard blinking rapidly even if her mind finally grasp the fact that she was lying down on a bed and that she is in the bunkhouse. "Too dark," she pleaded brokenly.

"What?" Donghae leaned closer to hear her better.

"It's too dark. Please," Sandie repeated.

Donghae immediately opened the lamp beside the bed and saw her terrified face. He went to her side and sat down at the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry, I turned it off. I thought you could sleep better. Do you want me to turn on the lights?"

Sandie could finally breathe when the room brightened a little and she could already make out the walls and the beds. And Donghae's worried face peering down at her. She closed her eyes trying to get her breathing return to normal. She knew she had a problem with the dark but she really had no idea the extent of her fear of it.

And she wouldn't want to find out.

All her senses came back to her all at the same time. She was sniffling and the side of her eyes were wet with her tears. And the wound that the doctor had stitched up is stinging. Ah shit. She must've opened the wound during her time of anguish. She tried to sit up but Donghae stopped her.

"Just lie down," Donghae said. "Aish." Yeah he would give her hell once she gets better.

"I think I busted my wound open," Sandie said trying to look at her arm and Donghae held her arm gently scrutinizing it. There was a small dot of blood on the bandage. "Let me get the first aid kit." He helped her sit up before getting to the side of the room to get a box where a red cross was painted on. He switched on the light near the bathroom and returned to her side.

Sandie just watched him replace the bandage in her arm after disinfecting it. Thankfully, the stitch didn't get messed up and it only bled a little. Though she was expecting Donghae to wince at the sight of her wound because it definitely ain't pretty but he just continued doing his first aid assistance over a patient.

She wanted to tease him about holding so many positions in school including being a nurse but her energy isn't up to it yet. She can't even thank him when he was done and she laid back down on the bed again, her eyes already heavy.

Please don't leave, what her mind tried to say but she already slipped off into unconsciousness.

Sandie opened eyes slowly and met the lamp that is still on beside the bed that she was sleeping in. She blinked sleepily before her eyes wandered. It's already morning. Or close to morning. It's already getting light outside. The rest of the students are asleep on their beds, some snoring.

She got up slowly from her bed, the pain in her arm still stinging bit it was a pain she can easily ignore now. Her eyes drifted back to the window and stared at it blankly for a moment before deciding to just let the fresh air slap her awake. She wore her slippers and strode quietly out the door, careful not to wake anyone up.

The cold air was good. It eases any form of restlessness in her. Last night... last night was.... She can't even find a word to describe it. When the doctor was treating her, she numbed herself from feeling the physical pain. One that she had done since she was little. She closed her eyes and tried to blot out the image of a man who only find happiness at her cries, her screams, her calls for help, for her dad.

He was laughing for each tears she shed. Four days. She was held captive four days. They didn't gave her food. Only letting her drink just so she could still live long enough for whatever plan they had with her dad. She was only ten. And even at that age, she understood how big of a difference it is when she let the pain get the better of her.

She shook her head as she opened her eyes not wanting to remember that. She would give anything to have that part erased from her mind. It's not something she would want to remember over and over again.

Guess the therapy didn't work.

And as for HyunSeung.... She'll deal with him soon. Part of the reason she was able to withstand the pain is to figure out what Hyunseung is doing with that group. And he'd better be ready to let her know where those scumbags are because she's not very forgiving.

Her eyes drifted over to the horizon then fell on a lone figure sitting on the sand by the beach. Even at that distance, she knew it was Donghae.

What the heck is he doing alone there? She decided to ask him that herself so she marched over to him, the wind blowing her hair. He looked up when he heard her approached.

"What are you doing up?" He asked in surprise and was about to stand up but she sat down beside him.

"Because I'm awake," she answered.

She can see Donghae studying her and she turned to him with narrowed eyes. "What?"

Donghae watched her for a minute before letting out a small chuckle and faced the ocean again. "I can guess you're already okay."

Sandie smirked and just watched the ocean in front of her the same way Donghae is but a vague recollection penetrated her unguarded mind. She froze for a second, her mind trying to conjure up a memory that she thought was a dream before her head snapped over to him, her eyes wide as the images of him sitting down on the bed as her panic rule over her became clear in her mind. And him fixing her bandage. Her watching him as he fixed her bandage.

Goddammit! It was just a dream, right? She felt her face flaming as she let her hair fall down to cover it. She closed her eyes in consternation. If it was real, which she's pretty sure it is, then she just let someone witness her show of weakness.

"Uh... how bad had I been last night?" Nothing wrong to confirm her sinking suspicion. "Did i... did i do something... weird?" She tried to sound casual.

Donghae glanced at her noting the redness of her ears as the wind blew her hair all over her face. "You slept after Mrs. Sun Woo changed your clothes."

She nodded. "And um...." She cleared her throat. "Where were you last night?"


"Partying?" She repeated in surprise. "Damn." She scowled. "I had been waiting for that. I was bored out of my mind in here that's why I wandered around and found myself in that stupid shack. If they had started the party earlier, I wouldn't have gone anywhere."

Donghae looked like he wanted to laugh at her but then he must have remembered that he wanted to give her hell for going into an unkown area alone as he started to scold her. "What the hell are you thinking going alone inside that shack?" He said. "You didn't listen to the caretaker. They know about this part more than we do so why you still chose to go there, for whatever crazy ideas that popped in your head, I couldn't fathom. It's a good thing a little boy saw you going there and we were notified but what if no one saw you?" He doesn't even want to think about that. "We could've been too late. If you're going to do something crazy, do it when I'm around."

Sandie raised her eyesbrows at him. She wasn't used being scolded. "And what're you gonna do if I get something crazy in my head? You think you can stop me from doing it?"


She huffed sarcastically. "Really?"

Donghae just turned his head to her, his eyes dead serious. "Try me."

Sandie met his gaze narrowing her eyes at the challenge.

"Don't scare me like that again," he said quietly still glaring at her.

Oh hell. She could herself blushing over that. She immediately faced the waters again unable to come up with a response.

Comfortable silence fill them as they both watched the waters lapped on the sand, the cold wind whooshing.

"How are you feeling anyway?" Donghae asked after a moment.

"Like someone pierced a needle in my arm," Sandie answered.

He chuckled, nodding at her bandaged arm. "That's gonna leave a scar."

Sandie looked at it before shrugging. "It doesn't make any difference. I can include it on my count for battle scars."

"You have a lot of scars?" Donghae said, his forehead creased in surprise. Somehow, the way she said it didn't make him think she was just joking.

Sandie nodded as she looked at him. "Yup. I had one on my leg, on my knees. I have a lot on my back." She started counting it and even explaining the ways how she had got it like it was just a scratch. "I had one on my head too and it had to be stitched up. I lost my hair on that part but thank god it's just a small portion. And I had one on my neck. Look." She flipped her hair over one side and slightly pulled down her shirt. At the base of her throat was a faint thin line that is uneven against the rest of her skin. His eyes stared at it with wide eyes before it moved to her face. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know where that scar came from.

"They said it's a miracle I survived," Sandie said patting the shirt back in its place.

"You were...." Donghae couldn't find the right words to ask his question.

"Yup. Someone tried to slit my throat," Sandie said nonchalantly as if they were just talking about the weather. Actually, this is one subject she is not really keeping a secret but one she is not comfortable talking about. Her friends knew it, even her aversion to darkness, but they never asked and she never really tell, but for whatever reason, the words just keeps tumbling out of her mouth. "I was kidnapped and they tried to kill me." Her eyes stared out into the wide expanse of the water in front of her but her mind is back at that time. She didn't know how many times she had recounted what happened with the therapist her dad had got for her after that kidnapping incident. She had it practically memorized until she got tired of being questioned the same thing over and over again and pretended she is getting better. She might have gotten better, but the nightmare still stayed. "I think killing me is their last resort. They only wanted my dad but they weren't very successful in their planning." She let out a little chuckle trying to find humor in there.

"How old were you when that happened?"

"I was ten," she answered. She turned her head to grin at him. "And now you can understand where my craziness come from. It pops up every now and then."

But Donghae didn't laugh. "Is that why you're afraid of the dark?"

Her smile froze then faded. Okay, that really confirms that her show of weakness last night wasn't a dream. "I wasn't afraid," she denied petulantly as she faced forward again. She glanced at Donghae at the corner of her eye and he was looking at her wryly as if she was an idiot for even lying when she had all but cried last night. "Well, what was I supposed to do?" She tried to defend the reason of her weakness. "They came at me in the dark of the night and then put me in a sack or somethig and carried me to their van like a dog. And then they locked me up in a dark cell until my dad came for me. And that was after four days. At least, I heard it was four days. I was in the darkness the entire time. Of course, I would be scared of the dark." She looked at him defiantly. "Why? Do you have a problem with kids with nyctophobia?" It's a surprise that she could actually remember the term for her fear.

But Donghae was just looking at her with his mouth slightly open and his forehead creased like he couldn't believe what she had gone through. Or that she was able to retell this without breaking down. Most of the kids are often so traumatized they just shut themselves out. Darie had been quiet before and maybe that's the reason why she only mingle with people she trusts which he had interpreted as snobbish once. It's just recently that she started to become really carefree and vivacious. Though a little war-freak. And he's glad that she found whatever it is that made her like this.

"I never said I had a problem with kids suffering from nyctophobia," he said then he grinned. "By all means, be as crazy as you want." She didn't respond to his joke so he turned his head to find her still looking at him with narrowed eyes. "What?"

"I feel like doing something crazy again at this minute," Sandie said.

His face turned sour. "Like what?" God forbid, if she said she would want to go back to the shack and reasoned it's morning he's going to really lock her up inside the bus. He shouldn't have asked.

"Like kissing you."

Donghae froze at that, his eyes roaming her face, waiting for a laugh or something to tell him she was just messing around with him again because she said it like the way a person say something in passing.

Then Sandie chuckled softly which turned into laughter. "You look shocked as hell," she told Donghae as she laughed again.

Donghae glowered and Sandie tried to hold her laughter down and made a peace sign. "Sorreeeee. I didn't know you could still get shocked. Seriously, baby, how many times have I kissed you already?" She shook her head. Though she had been serious earlier, Donghae's expression still amuses her. "Aish. It's so hard dealing with a rigid guy."

Donghae scowled even more and just faced forward again letting her laugh at his expense. Then he let out a little chuckle too. It's not so bad being the target of her joke if he can see her like this. "I feel like doing something crazy today too," he said pensively.

"Like kissing me?" Sandie teased him some more.

Donghae's head turned to give her another wry look but before Sandie could laugh, he already leaned over, his hand going at the side of her head and pressed his lips on her. The laughter died in her mouth as Donghae kissed her. She could count the number of times she stole a kiss from him but there is something different about him kissing her. She had known his lips was soft but knowing it again is sending her heart into overdrive.

And does he really have to smell so damn good?

Donghae broke the kiss first and belatedly answered her teasing earlier. "Yeah." His breath fanned her face and she is just looking at him like an idiot without understanding what he said. "Stay as crazy like this, Darie."

Sandie blinked as her sister's name reverberated in the frozen state of her mind. Darie? She blinked again. Darie! It felt like cold water came down waking her up from this trance. Darie! She is supposed to be Darie! She is Darie. She is her sister. And like an idiot, she is acting like herself.

She immediately leaned away from him with a rigid set of her shoulders, the warmth of his hand on her cheek disappearing. Donghae kissing her and then calling her Darie is just... so wrong. And so offensive, if she had to be honest. Even if Donghae doesn't even know she's talking to the wrong twin.

And kissing the wrong twin.

She swallowed hard trying to get her composure. "I'm going back first." She didn't wait for his answer as she stood up and practically ran back towards the bunkhouse leaving Donghae sitting alone looking after her with a perplexed expression.

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