
By Lava98

22.6K 1K 337

Wanting to be a superhero and becoming one, are two completely different things. But becoming the opposite? T... More

Character Description
Saved by the Deranged Duo
Training from the Queen of Crime
Training from the King of Crime
Monkey Business
Date with Kid Flash
Baby Justice (Day 1)
Baby Justice (Day 2)
Genderbend (Part 1 of 3)
Genderbend (Part 2 of 3)
Genderbend (Part 3 of 3)
Parental Instincts (Part 1 of 3)
Parental Instincts (Part 2 of 3)
Parental Instincts (Part 3 of 3)
Bye Adults
Happy Birthday, Richy!
Christmas Concert
Haly's Circus
Secrets Revealed
The Battle Won
Officially a Family
To The Future
Year 2012
Wayne Charity Gala
Epilogue: Letters from Aura

Episode 5: Schooled

1.1K 46 19
By Lava98

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away
~One Call Away ~ Charlie Puth~

...August 3, 2010; 12:45 pm...

I'm sitting in my room when a ring interrupts my thoughts. "What the hell is that noise?" I look around the room then remember the communicator that Robin gave me and hurriedly rush to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, it works, sweet. Uh, hey, Bolt. We are going to have a sparring session soon. I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"Um, I guess so. I mean I'm not doing anything important right now," I say. "Where do we meet?"

"Same place I gave you the communicator," he says.

"Deal," I say, hanging up and heading downstairs. I put the communicator in my pocket as I head up to my parents. "I'm going out."

"Where?" momma asks, not looking up from cleaning her gun.

"I met a few thieves my age and we planned to hang out today."

"Alright, have fun," momma says.

I give myself a quick cheer and rush out the door. Once I'm a safe distance, I begin to run faster and faster while changing into my Bolt uniform. I make it to the building and sit down.

"For someone who doesn't have super speed, you sure to get here fast," I comment.

Robin comes out from the shadows with a smile. "Batman said you were trained well."

"He sure has gathered a lot about me from one encounter," I admit.

"He's the world's greatest detective," Robin says with a shrug. "He reads people quite well."

"As do you, little Batsy," I respond.

He gives me a grin. "Well, as to not give away our location of our secret base, I need to blindfold you."

"How kinky," I grin. I see his cheeks tint pink as I walk up to him. "I can tell Batsy is a player when he's not in his batsuit."

"You have no idea," he grumbles. "H-here." He pulls out the blindfold.

I walk up to him and drape my arms around his shoulders, whispering in his ear. "You gonna put it on me or not?" I blow in his ear and I feel him shudder under me. I pull back and look at his face. "You know, I'd love to know what color your eyes are."

"If I showed you, you'd fall in love with me," he teases back.

"I see Batsy has rubbed off on you," I smirk and turn around. "Come on, let's go to your secret base. I'd love to see it."

I can feel him shakily bring the blindfold around my eyes after that statement. "I'm going to take you to an entrance to the cave. You need to trust me."

"I trust you."

"Hold on tight." I feel him wrap his arm around my waist and I wrap mine around his shoulders as he swings us off the building to the ground. He escorts me to some area and we enter.

"Recognized. Robin, B01. Unrecognized guest," a female speaks out.

"Override, Robin, B01," Robin says. "Authorize Bolt."

"Authorize Bolt," the voice speaks.

I feel my particles separate and reconfigure seconds later. "Whoa, that is some major hangover feeling."

"Recognized: Robin, B01," the voice speaks and I feel Robin appear beside me.

"Uh, Robin, who is this?" a voice asks.

"I love the guessing game as much as the next person, but can I take off this blindfold now? It's kinda itchy," I admit.

"Sorry," Robin says, pulling off the blindfold.

My eyes adjust to the light and I look around me. "Wow! This is really cool."

"Robin, who is your friend?" a calm voice asks. "You know you are not allowed to bring outsiders to the cave."

"Sorry," Robin says. "She's an exception."

"Who's the hottie?" Kid Flash asks, running up to me. He draps his arm around my shoulders. "Hey, I'm Kid Flash."

"I know who you are," I admit. "It's kinda obvious."

"Love the outfit, babe." He takes a bite from his banana.

I chuckle as I quickly move from his grasp, take a bite of his banana, and sweep his legs out from under him. "I like your's too, condiments."

"Y-you have super speed..."

"So you noticed?"

"You're the new speedster," Kid Flash says. "And you're totally hot! We are so going to have a race later."


"Team, I'd like you to meet Bolt," Robin introduces.

"Hello! I'm Bolt, if you didn't catch that because I'm faster than a lightning bolt," I say and speed up next to the martian. "Who are you?"

"Well, I'm Miss Martian, but you can call me Megan."

"Giving away your secret identity that easily," I respond, tsking. "Strange."

"Was I not supposed to? You are joining the team, correct?" Megan asks.

"I'm deciding," I respond.

"Did Batman authorize this?" the dark skinned Atlantean male asks.

Robin chuckles nervously. "He has no clue."

"Batsy knows of me though," I say.

"You have a lot of nerve to call Batman that," KF says.

"I have a lot of nerve for a lot of things. Batman doesn't scare me," I reply.

"I am Aqualad, but my friends call me Kaldur."

"Nice to meet you, fish boy. So you're Aquaman's protégé and you're Martian Manhunter's?" I assume.

"Martian Manhunter is my uncle."

"That makes more sense," I admit.

"Recognized: Superboy, B04."

From the tunnel appears a smaller version of Superman.

"Hi, Superboy," Megan greets. "How was Metropolis?"

He walks right through the middle of us without a word and a frown on his face.

A voice is cleared behind us. "Ready for training, everyone?"

We turn around to look at the new arrivals.

"Black Canary! Uncle J'onn!" Megan squeals and rushes over to give him a hug.

"M'gann, I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd see how you were adjusting," Martian Manhunter says.

"A few bumps, but I'm learning."

"That's all I can ask."

"Who's this?" Black Canary asks, looking at me.

"A possible new recruit," Robin says.

"Does Batman know about her?" Martian Manhunter asks.

"He knows of her," Robin says, not lying but not telling the truth.

Superboy turns around to leave.

"Stick around. Class is in session," Black Canary says, moving to the center of the large platform. A white light forms underneath her and it spreads across the platform. "I consider it an honor to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you. Everything I've learned from my own mentors-" She grimaces in pain. "-and my own bruises."

"What happened?" Megan asks concerned.

"The job," she replies. "Now, combat is about controlling conflict, putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting, never reacting. I'll need a sparring partner."

KF's hand immediately shoots up. "Right here. Yeah!" He walks up to her and finishes his banana. "After this-- Swish-- I'll show you my moves." Black Canary smirks in response and immediately makes him fall on his back. "Aah! Uh! Ohh... Hurts so good..."

"Good block," she praises. "But did anyone see what he did wrong?"

"Ooh, ooh," Robin says cheerfully and raises his hand. "He hit on teacher and got served?"

I burst out laughing.

"Dude!" KF shouts.

"He allowed me to dictate the terms of–"

"Oh, please," Superboy scoffs. "With my powers, the battle's always on my terms. I'm a living weapon, and this is a waste of my time."

"Prove it."

Superboy and Black Canary head against each other, KF backs away, and Superboy easily gets thrown to the floor. Robin and I begin to giggle.

"You're angry. Good, but don't react. Channel that anger into–"

Superboy gets back up and leaps toward her, but she quickly has him back on the floor in no time. Robin and I continue to giggle.

"That's it," Superboy fusses. "I'm done."

"Training is mandatory."

"How old is he, three?" I ask.

"He's actually only 16 weeks old," Robin whispers to me.

"For real?!" I shout, taking a double take on Superboy, who's now looking at me with a frown.

A beep resounds through the area and a holographic screen appears in the room.

"Batman to the cave." Batman's face appears on the screen. "Five hours ago, a new menace attacked Green Arrow and Black Canary. The attacker was capable of studying, then duplicating the powers and abilities of its opponents. Arrow called in reinforcements, which nearly proved disastrous as our foe gained more and more power with each new combatant."

"Whoa," KF says. "One guy with the powers of the entire League?"

"In the end, it took 8 leaguers four hours to defeat and dismantle the android," Batman continues.

"An android? W-who made it, T. O. Morrow?" Robin asks.

"Good guess, Robin, but Red Tornado doesn't think so," Batman says, eyes narrowing to a glare after noticing me.

"The technology bears the signature of professor Ivo," Martian Manhunter says.

"Ivo? But Ivo's dead," Kaldur says.

"So we all thought or hoped," Black Canary says.

"To make certain this threat is permanently neutralized, we're sending two trucks carrying the android's parts to two separate Star Lab facilities in Boston and New York for immediate evaluation. Every precaution is being taken. We'll have 4 additional decoy trucks to create confusion in case Ivo or anyone tries to recover the remains. You will split into undercover teams to safeguard the two real trucks."

"Yes! Road trip," KF cheers.

"So now we take out your trash?" Superboy scoffs.

"You had something better to do?" Batman replies.

I laugh. "Damn, Batsy..."

"Coordinates received," Kaldur says. "On our way."

"Robin, Bolt, stay behind," Batman's stern voice says.

"Crap..." I groan.

"Why is Bolt in the cave?" Batman asks.

"I asked her if she wanted to be a hero and told her to decide after a trial mission," Robin answers.

"Why wasn't I informed of this?"

"Because I knew you would say no," Robin responds.

"Of course I would've said no!" Batman shouts, making the two of us jump in surprise. "We don't know her well enough to make a decision like this."

"I trust her," Robin says. That shuts Batman up. "Look, we barely know anything about Superboy either. He could blow up any second, but we all trust him too and he's on the team."

"You know the punishments and the risks," Batman says.

"Of course," Robin responds.

"Very well. She's your responsibility." Batman turns to me. "Welcome to the team. I trust when you are ready, you will tell us all about you."

I nod. "That'll be awhile."

"And we'll be ready," Robin says.

"I'll be ready when you are," I reply with a grin. "So, where are the bikes?"


I watch from my aqua motorcycle as the semi trucks get loaded up with the android parts. I turn away when Superman looks in our direction so he can't use his x-ray vision to see my face. As backup, I vibrate my face particles to make sure he can't see me. The team is all dressed in civilian clothes. Robin and I both have on sunglasses. The semis move out and I go with Robin and Superboy.

"If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster? See, instead of things going wrong, they go right," Robin says and Superboy ignores him. "Uh, clearly you're not feeling the aster. What's wrong?"

"Canary," Superboy responds. "And what business does she have teaching combat skills to a guy with super strength?"

"Taking down stronger guys is part of the gig," Robin answers. "Canary learned that the hard way. Same with Batman and, well, me."

Superboy revs the engine and speeds off in front of us.

"I liked your analogy," I respond. "It makes sense to me. If insanity is the opposite of sanity, is distraught the opposite of traught."

"Finally, someone gets it!" Robin gives me a smile. "Thanks."

Suddenly the truck in front of us gets covered by green and black robotic monkeys.

"Robin, Superboy, Bolt, our truck is under attack!" Kaldur's voice shouts through our earpieces.

"Kind of figured," Robin responds back.

"I hate monkeys," Superboy growls.

The truck begins to swerve all over the road.

"Robot monkeys! Ha ha! Totally Ivo's tweaked style," Robin says and switches his bike to battle mode. I follow his lead. "Hey, hey. Superboy, switch your ride to battle mode."

"No point," Superboy growls and jumps off his bike onto the truck.

"Or not!" Robin shouts as we move to swerve out of the way of Superboy's bike. The boy wonder jumps off his bike and uses a magnetic weapon to pull himself to the truck.

I manage to swerve out of the way but quickly have to leap onto the truck because monkeys took over my bike. I watch as Superboy gets zapped in the eyes then taken into the air and dropped. I jump off the truck and move to catch him. He shakes himself from my grip and shoves me away.

"A thanks would be appropriate," I scoff.

He ignores me and leaps into the air off toward the truck. I speed after him and arrive on the truck way before him and Robin, quickly electrocuting whatever monkeys are on top. Robin arrives on top and takes out the monkeys that climbed up from the sides. Superboy lands and knocks off whatever monkeys were nearby then many monkeys attach to him. I hear a pop and the truck begins to swerve all over the place, meaning the monkeys popped the tires. Robin helps the driver out of the truck and I catch both of them, easing us to a stop.

"Thanks," Robin says.

I quickly head back to grab the last two agents before the truck gets completely out of control and race them back to the driver and Robin. We watch as the truck flips down the road and explodes with Superboy still on it. The truck lands on Superboy and he shoves it off, now angry. He watches as the monkeys fly off with the cargo. He grunts and jumps off after them.

"Superboy!" I shout. "Don't be stupid!"

"Aqualad to Robin," Aqualad's voice rings through our earpieces. "We've lost our cargo. Did you–"

"It's gone. And so is Superboy," Robin sighs.

"Aqualad to Superboy. Radio your position. We'll help you."

"I don't need help, don't want any!"

"Superboy?" Kaldur's voice comes through.

"I think he ditched his comp," I admit. "Great teamwork. I think it'd be best if I worked alone."

"Super. Now we can't even track him," KF complains.

"We're just getting started," Robin says to me. "We got to build trust."

"He's out of my telepathic range. This professor Ivo, if he is alive, seems to be two steps ahead of us. M-maybe w-we should contact Red Tornado?"

"Tornado always tells us to handle things ourselves," Kaldur says. "And the mission can still succeed if we recover the parts before they're reassembled."

"Well, that's a great plan, except for the part about us not knowing where to look!" KF shouts.

"Maybe we do," Robin says. "We'd have heard by now if the decoy trucks had been attacked. So how did these monkeys know exactly which trucks to target?"

"I don't know, maybe because we were following the trucks?" I suggest, earning a bitter laugh from KF.

"Ha! The parts have gps. The monkeys can track the signal, which means I can track them with the one I captured. It looks both sets of parts are converging on... Gotham city."

"That far south? M'gann and I won't get there anytime soon. I'm sending Kid on ahead to meet you. Aqualad out."

Robin presses a button on his wrist computer, calling his bike to us. "Definitely a disaster, heavy on the dis." The bike pulls up next to us. "We should change into our hero costumes."

I smirk and speed around in a circle, ionizing into my Bolt uniform. "Finished."

"As am I."

"What? How?"

"I always wear my uniform underneath my clothes."

"How do you fit your cape under your clothes?" I ask.

"Oh, that I keep separate along with my mask."

I laugh. "You are a trip, Robin."

"I try. Now, let's go." He hops on the bike and we take off toward Gotham. Eventually, KF shows up right when we pass Gotham city limits.

"Hello, beautiful," KF flirts.

"Hello yourself," I flirt back.

"So you changed, too?" Robin asks, talking about our uniforms.

"You kidding? Ughh. I feel naked in civvies. You still tracking the parts?" KF asks.

I snicker. Tracking the parts. Hehe... Me and my dirty mind.... I blame papa.

"They were heading through Gotham, but they veered," Robin says. "Wait... Dude, they're at my school."

We speed up and KF manages to snag Superboy away from being pummeled. Robin throws his birdarangs but the android turns intangible and they pass right through it.

"Access Red Tornado." Everyone gets swirled up in the tornado, except me who ran away. "Access Captain Atom." The android aims for KF who manages to run away before getting blasted. "Access Black Canary."

KF flies into the air and I catch him before he hits the ground. "Thanks, babe."

I set him down as Superboy gets thrown into the bleachers.

"Martian Manhunter." Robin throws more birdarangs and the android uses his arm as a whip to smack them away. KF runs up to punch it but it pulls him into a death grip. "Superman."

"Aah!" KF screams in pain.

I sorta chuckle but quickly shake my head realizing that KF is a friend right now.

"Martian Manhunter."

I watch as it drops Kid Flash as he goes intangible and a green arrow flies straight through it's head. I turn to the area where I saw the arrow and see a quick flash of blonde hair with a green outfit before she's attacked by monkeys and falls back. Who was that?

"Superman." It's eyes light up and shoot lasers at Robin, but KF manages to save him in time and I catch them before they tumble.

"This should be the other way around. I should be the one saving you as much as you have me," KF flirts.

"You need to step up your game then," I reply with a teasing grin. I set him down and he rushes off. "Hmm," I wonder, looking up at Ivo. "If I can't defeat the robot, I can defeat the master instead." I grin viciously and run in front of Ivo. "I'll crave you into little pieces."

"Access Black Canary."

Ivo screams. "Amazo, protect your master! Priority alpha."

"Anyone want to play keep-away?" Robin asks while I chase after Ivo.

"Me, me!" KF shouts.

"Martian Manhunter." To dodge Robin's birdarangs. Superboy punches through Amazo's head. "Superman." That makes him tangible again and causes his head to explode.

Robin runs over to the android. "Help me disassemble him now!"

"Dude, the guy has no head," KF comments.

I hold up Ivo then quickly tie him up with a rope.

"Don't take any chances," Aqualad shouts, running into the gym with Megan flying behind.

Megan flies right up to Superboy. "Superboy, are you all right?"

"I'm fine," he says with a smile, giving Robin a side glance. "Feeling the aster."

This causes Robin to smile back while taking the android apart.

"Hey. Where's Ivo?" KF asks.

I lift Ivo over my shoulder and carry him over. "Right here."

"Good job, Bolt," Aqualad says with a grateful smile. "Without you, he would have gotten away."

"I'm glad I could be of assistance," I say, handing Ivo over to Superboy.

"So, how did you like your first mission?" Robin asks me.

The team turns to look at me, waiting for my answer. I turn to look at the clock.

"Is that the time?!" I shout. "Oh crap! My parents are going to kill me! Literally! I'm so dead!" I look back at the team. "I'm so sorry about this! I had a lot of fun, so count me in on these missions and things, but don't think I'm a part of the team. At least not yet."

"I'll put you on the designation list anyway," Robin says. "Bolt. B07. How does that sound?"

"I hate odd numbers. I want to be B08."

"Um, okay?" Robin says, confused.

"Sweet! Anyway, gotta go! See ya!" I race off, ionizing into some pajamas with my green hair and sneaking into my room through the wires of the house. The lights turn on right as I settle under the covers of my bed.

"She must've snuck by when we weren't looking," momma says.

"She has been trained well enough," papa says with a sigh. "Let's get some rest."

The door shuts behind them as I silently cackle to myself.


Go check out my other Young Justice story. It's Superboy x OC! It's called Ominous.

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