The Forgotten Contract (ON HO...

By behindthestripes

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Sarah's fed up with Kyle. It's her eighth grade year, and he STILL won't stop bugging her to go out with him... More

The Forgotten Contract [ON HOLD! Sorry...]
Chapter 2: Always Wear Goggles
Chapter 3: You know. Sometimes Dave Misbehaves
Chapter 5: Step 2: Steal the laptop

Chapter 4: Stage 1: Master Ninjas!

349 11 7
By behindthestripes

Hey guys! I know that it has been a while since I have updated. But... PLEASE don't get mad at me!

Soo... I know that Valentines Day has already passed and everything, but I really wanted to write a chapter for is and I am JUST NOW getting the time to write...

Hope you enjoy!!!

please please please --- VOTE COMMENT and FANNN! ^_^   (<----- It makes Dave happy )

Now I am going to warn you... It is not that long of a chapter because I haven't had that much time to write it, but I think you should be pretty happy that you got one! :) 




"Get your hands off my ass!" Riley, or was it Julie, pushed me away from her. I can't believe this bitch, she is always telling me what to do... 

"I will NOT get my hands off your ass because you are mine!" I said it like I was half mad, but she was definitely thinking I was mad.

"Why are you so angry?" I slowly smirked which caused her to cock her head to the side. 

"I'm only angry becasue you have a boyfriend and he is not me." She giggled, of course, and so I proceeded to kiss her neck.

Never Say Never! I will fight -- I will fight till forever! Make it right!

Oh heeelll no! She cannot have Bieber Fever!

"Sorry! It was my boyfriend, but we can continue." She giggled and tried to kiss me again, but I softly pushed her away. "What was that for?" She looked like I was her mom who just told her that she cannot go to the party.

"You are a Bieber fan... This won't work out." I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on over my head. 

"You can't just leave me! I cheated on my boyfriend with you!" I laughed under my breath as I shook my head.

"You didn't cheat. You were being a whore. We were never a couple, I just used you when I needed to have a good makeout." Her jaw dropped and I knew that she would probably tell her friends about this, but I know that they will still go for me. 

"You are such a bastard!"

"Yeah, maybe, but at least I know how to stop when it is needed." I winked at her while she pouted. This is my cue to leave. I turned around and began to walk away, but she wouldn't take it.

"You cannot leave me! We are meant to be together!"

"Really? Than why are you still going behind is back?" 

"Who cares about that! We can always keep it secret!" I rolled my eyes, wanting her to leave me alone.

"Hey, just leave him alone. You cheated on your boyfriend and he cheated on his girlfriend. You guys are even, so now you can leave him alone -- forever." I turned my head and saw Sarah standing there with her hand on her hip.

"You are dating new girl?" Riley -- Julie -- whatever her name is, looked pissed.

"He is, now please leave!" Sarah jabbed her thumb behind her, showing that the girl had to leave.

"Thanks so mu--" Sarah interrupted me.

"Oh save your crap. I know that you don't really mean it, now I have to leave and see my REAL boyfriend. I mean, it is Valentines Day."

"Wait, you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, didn't you know? That is why the girl was so shocked. Everyone already knows, I mean I have been going here for a little over a week."

"Who the hell are you dating already?" I cleched my hands into fists at my sides. I am going to kill the guy that got to her quicker than I did.

"Dave, of course."



"He bought it! The whole act!" I yelled-whispered into the phone.

"Seriously! I should have known that Kyle would be that gullible." I laughed as Kyle's best friend talked on and on about how he tricked his friend.

"Dave, what will he do when he wants to see if we are REALLY dating?" I already had this planned, but I wanted to know what he was thinking and had planned.

"Well I was thinking that you know--"

"I refuse to have sex with you." I said bluntly waiting for his reaction.

"That is not what I had planned,  but if you want to..."


"Ok ok. I was going to say that you and I should dress up as ninjas and try to sneak into his room and steal his laptop." I rolled my eyes, even though I knew that he couldn't see me.

"Dave, why would we steal his laptop? FYI: I like the whole dressing up like ninjas part, though!" I was getting excited about being a ninja. You know how awesome it would be?

"I don't know, I have just always wanted to steal it. He puts his whole life on that thing. Who knows what he does? I mean, he won't let ANYBODY, not even me, touch or get on it. And I know right!? I sssoooo want to dress up as a ninja!"

"Got it! Mission one: Buy ninja outfit, mission two: Steal Dave's laptop and see what is going on with that strange boy." I nodded my head while I smirked with my eyebrows lifted high.

"Can I come over? I want to buy a ninja outfit with you!"

"Yes! I am the red ninja turtle!" I jumped in the air, pupming my fist like a little boy that just found out that he will be the next NBA star.

"Whatever!" Dave stuck his tongue out at me, but I just ignored it. "You know I wanted to be the red one, so why did you get it?"

"Because I am just awesome like that!" I smiled my dazzling smile while he just made fun of me by smiling like an idiot.

"Aw, aren't they a cute couple?" There was a lady who was pointing at us, telling her husband that we were a cute couple. Wait couple?

"We are not a couple! We are just two people who really wish they could be ninjas!" I cupped my hands to my mouth and yelled really loudly accross the room even though they were really close to us.

"Yeah! I was wishing that I could have been the red one, but she took it from me!" Dave did the exact same thing and as me, so I added more.

"Do you guys want to be ninjas with us?" I was now walking towards them, but they RAN away. They literally ran away.

"Score!" I high-fived Dave and we both broke out into laughter, but than next thing I know, Dave is kissing me.

"Woah woah woah." I put my hand on his firm chest and pushed him roughly away. "Why the hell are you kissing me?"

"Because, look behind you." I turn around to see Kyle standing there looking like someone just shattered his heart. I look in his hands, and he has a boquet of roses and a heart full of chocolates.

"We didn't need to do that. We didn't need to heart him like that!" I try to go and talk to Kyle because I swore that I would never hurt someone so much that they would literally be heart BROKEN.

"Leave me alone you bitch." Woah, he did not just call me that! I haven't done anything, but act like I am going out with his bestfriend who I think might like me.

"You should NEVER call me that! It gets you into bad things, like things going missing." I hinted at how I am going to be stealing his laptop soon, but he could not have caught it.

"What ever." He walked over and threw the stuff in the trash. Ugh.

"Hey Dave!" I turned around and saw him just standing there, "You want to go out tonight?"


Ok, so maybe it was a REALLY BORING chapter, but it was kinda a filler to lead up to the next chapter ^_^

well PLEASE PLEASE comment telling me what you think about it because I have been getting less comments and that really makes me sad :(

Thanks guys!!!

Live life, have fun, and hug a cow! :)

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