Defying The Odds | Luke Hemmi...

By orangexmint

7.5K 268 31

"You need to hang on." he told her through his tears. "I need you." She nodded. "You come back to me alive."... More

epilogue: seven years later
Bonus Chapter: Harold


122 6 0
By orangexmint

The week crept by at an agonizingly slow rate making Bella feel more nervous by the minute. While she was excited over the fact that she was getting her lungs, the thought of complications arising always found a way to creep into her mind and plague her thoughts. She did her best to try and block them out, but sometimes that wouldn't work.

She went about her days in a boring fashion, doing check ups and blood work and all the fun stuff. At least she had her friends and Luke to keep her company. Well, for the most part. Maeve, Calum and Michael still had school, Ashton couldn't ways be there and Luke had family obligations to attend to every now and then.

It was Friday. Two days before Bella was scheduled for surgery, and she was doing a run through of the day. And she was freaking out because Luke was no where to be found.

I promise I'll be there. He told her. Okay? I'll be right there baby girl.

Bella sat nervously in the operating room. They we're putting her under, the were just showing her what she wouldn't be aware of on Sunday, that way she wouldn't be afraid. But truth be told, she was terrified. Luke wasn't anywhere and Bella hated the oxygen mask. She always felt Like she was suffocating.

"Alright Bella, I'm just going to ask you to lie back," Sarah said. She stood behind Bella, making her a little more comfortable.

"Where's Luke? He said he'd be here." She asked in a panicked voice. Her eyes frantically scanned the room for him. "He promised.

"I'm sure he's coming." Logan said. "Don't worry Bella."

"Just try and relax Bella." Dr. Grey said. Bella nodded and leaned back.

"Okay, Bella, I want you to look up at the ceiling and take very deep breaths. Remember, we're not putting you to sleep, so you'll be just fine." Sarah's voice was calm and comforting to Bella. Bella closed her eyes and took a very deep breath. She swallowed. Her head was pounding, and the palms of her hands were beginning to get very sweaty. She opened her eyes, and suddenly wished she hadn't.

Sarah placed the mask over her face, making Bella gasped. She placed a hand out in front of her. "Bella, relax. There's nothing to worry about." Logan whispered, kissing her forehead.

"I want Luke." She mumbled.

"He's right outside Bella." Dr. Gray told her. "You can do this." Bella swallowed hard. Sarah placed the mask over her face again, and Bella took a deep breath. It wasn't so bad, and Bella calmed right down.

"That's good, you're doing great Bella." Sarah encouraged. Bella took a deep breath and breathed out. But as she took another deep breath, she found it a whole lot harder. The more she tried to take deep breaths, the harder it became, and she began to panic. Bella moved her face to the side, and grabbed Sarah's hand trying to move it away from her face. "Bella, Bella calm down." Sarah said, attempting to calm her, but Bella shook her head putting up a bigger fight. Logan looked away, not wanting to watch and it wasn't until Bella kicked Sarah in the leg, did she remove the mask. Bella gasped for breath deeply, moving away from everyone. She started coughing.

"Bella!" Logan rushed to his sister's side, helping her stay upright.

"I need air." She said, tears streaming down her face. Her breathing was ragged and uneven.

"Okay, outside we go."

They got halfway down the hall when Bella heard and all to familiar voice. "Bella!" She lifted her head to see a flash of blonde come sprinting towards them. Luke reached her side, panting a bit.

"Baby, why are you crying?" He asked breathlessly.

"Where were you!" She screamed, hitting his chest. Luke's eyes widened a little. "You promised you'd be there!" She collapsed into his chest crying. She gripped the front of his shirt tightly.

"I don't understand." Luke said. "What do you mean-" Luke face palmed. He pulled Bella closer and lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms around her. "Baby, I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I thought it was later."

"It was! But they moved it, and I tried to call you but you wouldn't answer me and-"

"Shh, Baby, calm down. I'm sorry. I sorry." Bella nuzzled her face in his neck. "I know it's a poor excuse by my phone died and I hadn't put it on the charger, and- god, I am so sorry." He replied. "I guess I broke my promise." He added sadly. Bella sniffed, wiping her eyes. She leaned her forehead against Luke's.

"I didn't mean to hit you." She mumbled quietly. Luke brought one hand up and gently ran his thumb over her cheek.

"It's okay baby, you were upset and you had every right to be. I forgive you. Can you forgive me?" He asked.

"Yes." She whispered. Bella leaned up to connect their lips in a sweet kiss. Luke held the side of her face, kissing her back.

"I love you so much Princess."

"I love you to."

Luke set the cup of hot chocolate on the table next to Bella, and rested in the plastic chair next to the bed. He took her hand in his and kissed the top of it gently. Bella smiled and ran a hand through his hair. "How do you feel?" He asked quietly.

"I'm tired, but that's not new." She sighed. "And I'm nervous. My surgery is the day after tomorrow. There are so many things that could go wrong and-"

"Bella, please, not this again." Luke sighed, a hint of frustration evident.

"Just listen." Bella stressed. "I can't keep it bottle up anymore Luke. I just- I know that I'm only looking g at the negatives right now but I can't help. There is a fifty fifty chance that I won't survive or that something could wrong!"

"But it won't." Luke replied sternly. "You're going to be fine."

"People have told me that my whole life Luke. And right now, I have two lungs that fucking hate me and I need new ones. Does that sound like fine to you?"

"Dammit Bella! Why won't you believe it!" He yelled. Bella flinched. "God damn, you are so stubborn! You refuse to think that you could live a normal life just because you're sick. Why can't you just be happy!"

"I am happy! But I'm being realistic!"

"Fine. Whatever." Luke rose out of his seat and marched out of the room.

"Luke!" Bella shouted. A spasm of panic ran through her and her chest heaved up and down. "Luke!" Tears spilled from the corners of her eyes. "You said you'd never leave!"

{ A/N: am I a horrible person? }

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