The New Legend of Zelda: Orig...

By shadow240

506 12 7

(Rated PG for fantasy violence) Everybody knows about video games, but has anybody ever wondered if video gam... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

127 5 2
By shadow240

Chapter 1

"Max, the school bus is here!" Max's mom called.  "Coming!" Max ran down the stairs, and his mom gave him his lunch as he ran towards the bus.

Max was a kid around sixteen years old.  He had long blond hair, blue eyes, and he had a strange birth mark on the back of his right hand.  His birth mark was a triangle that was made up of three other triangles, two on the bottom, and one on top.  He wore gray jeans and a green shirt.

Max got into the school bus and sat in the second to last row right next to his friend Luigi.  Luigi came to America recently from a distant country, Max guessed Italy, but Luigi declined.  He had brown hair, blue eyes, he wore a green shirt along with blue overalls and a weird green hat with the letter L imprinted on the front.  He also had black peach fuzz, and he was around the same age as Max.  Mario wasn't present, but Max figured that he was just having a sick day.

The door closed, and the bus started rolling.  The teens in the buss were either talking to one another, or listening to their i pods.  Luigi was reading a book called The origin of the world and the story of the Triforce.  "Hey Max," Luigi said.  "this looks like your birth mark." He showed Max a picture of the Triforce.  "You're right." Max said.

The bus stopped again, to allow another student in.  His name was Vaati, and he was the weirdest kid Max had ever met.  His skin was pale white, his eyes were dark purple, and his hair was pitch black.  He wore a purple tee shirt and black jeans, and he was glaring at Max as if he was saying "I will rip your soul out, and eat it!" Max was confused by this kid, but now was not the time to worry about some kid's looks.

As soon as the bus stopped, every teen in the bus poured out like water.  The school was Wanchester High School of Washington.  Max walked in immediately, and went to science class two minutes before the bell rang.

A few minutes later, the class was filled, and the teacher, Mister Flaux, was talking about the effects of the sun.  Flaux was an old, balding man with gray eyes.  "Okay, and that concludes today's lesson.  Now remember, the meteor shower is tonight.  I want you all to watch it, and write an essay on the minor planets.  That is all." With that, the students poured out for English class.

After English and Algebra were finished, lunch time came.  Max was sitting on a table in the corner, eating with Luigi.  "You know," Luigi said.  "that book said that if somebody is born with a piece of the Triforce infused in his hand, it means that something bad will happen soon." Max rolled his eyes.  "Oh, come on." he said.  "when will you get out of video game land, and get on with real life?" "You wouldn't be saying that if you knew where I came from." Luigi replied.

The rest of the school day went on uneventful.  After dinner, Max told his mother that he would watch the meteor shower for school work.  Max went into the back yard when night came to do his assignment.

He watched the meteors pass by as the hours fly like the giant rocks were.  I wonder if Luigi was right.  Max thought to himself.  When suddenly a meteorite crashed into the yard.  Max was knocked to the ground.  When he got back up, he discovered that the meteorite landed just two feet from where he was standing.

"What the-" Max said.  He walked towards the large hole that the meteorite had landed.  He saw something inside.  it looked like a sword.  The blade was double ended, smooth, and about three feet long.  The hilt guards were blue, and looked like a pair of wings that were placed near the spikes at the bottom of the blade that had the Triforce etched on it.  There was a yellow stone in the center of the hand guard, and the handle was blueish with red stripes flowing through.  Max recognized the blade from Luigi's book.  It was called the master sword.  Max slowly bent over and picked up the sword.  It was hot, but somehow, it cooled off at the touch of his hand.  Suddenly a loud bang went off, and shocked Max.  It was then followed by a woman screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Max looked behind him.  It wasn't a woman, it was some kind of dragon, around his size.  It had black scales, a red underbelly and wings, green eyes, and a slender body.  It's horns on the back of it's head were white, and it had a silver tail blade.

"It's okay," Max said.  "I'm not going to hurt you." "That's what Ganondorf said before he cast me off!" yelled the dragon.  "Who?" Max said.

"Max, run!" yelled his mom from the living room, when a loud explosion sounded.  "Mom!" Max said as he ran into the house.  What he saw was terrifying.  His mother was obliterated, and at the door was a man.

The man had dark gray skin, long red hair with a jewel on his forehead, yellow eyes, and he wore black armor with a red cape.

"Oh, well what do we have here?" the man said in a deep and threatening.  "Ganondorf." said the dragon.  "What did you do to my mother?" Max said angrily.  "I wouldn't worry about her, if I were you." Ganondorf said.  "You have more important business to worry about."  The inside of Ganondorf's hand started glowing orange, and he raised his hand to release a energy ball when he was suddenly blasted in the back by another energy ball.

"Argh!" Ganondorf yelled in pain.  He turned around to find Vaati behind him with another energy ball in his hand.  "S'up." Vaati said.  "You!" Ganondorf yelled.  "You traitor!  How could you do this to me?" Vaati smiled.  "Honestly," Vaati started.  "I think you're overrated." Ganondorf clenched his fist, and his blood started to boil.  "I'm going to show you why you don't betray the king of evil!" Ganondorf got down on his knees, and he started to turn pitch black.  "Max, Cynder, get outta here!" Vaati yelled.

Max, and the dragon, apparently named Cynder, ran through several rooms, and reached the garage.  Inside was a red Honda Odyssey.  "Get in!" Max said as he opened the back door, and let Cynder crawl inside.  After she got in the car, Max grabbed the keys, opened the front door, and got in the driver's seat.

"Do you know how to drive this thing?" Cynder asked.  "Not yet, but how hard can it be?" Max replied as he put the keys in the ignition, and started the car.

Immediately, The car plowed through the garage door, and ran down the street at incredible speeds.  Max wasn't driving like he wanted to, and almost crashed on multiple accounts.  "Hey!" Cynder yelled.  "Watch where you're going!"  "Sorry." Max said in reply.

He looked at the rear-view mirror.  His house exploded, and a massive porcupine-like beast started to chase him.  "Please tell me that's Vaati, covering us." Max said.  Just then, another large monster burst out of the ruins.  The second monster was black, and had only one eye, a gold crown-like object on it's head, and two large arms.  It floated after the monster, chasing the car.

"Max then turned his sight towards the road just in time to see a car fast approaching him.  Max swerved the car away from the other just in time.  "Jerk!" The other driver yelled.  "How hard can it be?" Cynder said in a mocking tone.  "Hey, last time I was in driver's ed, I didn't have a big monster chasing me all over the place!" Max said in frustation.

Suddenly, Max and Cynder felt a sudden jerk, and the car was thrown in the air by the beast-like creature.  Time seemed to slow down as the car flew towards the ditch, and within a few seconds that felt like hours, the car crashed into the ditch.

Max couldn't tell wether he was alive, or dead, but it didn't matter.  All he knew was that he was unconsious.

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