And Then I Found You

By englishrose19

118K 5.1K 6.5K

Helena Bonham Carter one of the worlds most famous British actress, finds out yet again her also very famous... More

The Phone Call
A little too much
The Hotel Room
"I'm fine"
A Date?
Take me back
Wrong move
Over again
Let's make it a third
Black & Blue
The Dinner
So Damn Perfect
Not Just Yet
They know
The news
Goodbyes are never easy
Just a case of waiting
Two suprises
The Ring
Good & Bad
Grief of what once was perfect
What could have been
Who told you?
Through strangers eyes
One thing after another
Leave us alone
The Need
Talk to me
Familiar Times
Too much to handle
Moving in
Looking after you
You again
'I love you'
The Plan
No one said it was going to be easy
Geography Project
The Ivy
All a lie
Two parties under one roof
A pigeon amongst the doves
Kiss and make up?
Rose Petals
A kidnapping to remember
Here's my ring
My End of the deal
You don't have to like me
One and Only
I've got you
Never again
Burton and Taylor
Lovers in the backseat
Eyes that burn
If I only knew
Works every time
Never ending circles
Broken Heart
Two little life lines
Just for Now
Self Control
The plague of Love
Treacherous thoughts
Hate Desire
Fuel for the flames
The Interview
Bloody wonder
The Pictures
Daddy's Girl
The wind up
The Final Chapter

Our little girl

1.3K 61 59
By englishrose19

Johnny wasn't someone to fidget or tap his foot when being inpatient but right now as he sat in the doctors waiting room he couldn't help but do either of those things. The clock on the wall was ticking loudly and every second that past felt like a minute. He had been waiting here for a good 15 minutes now with no sign of the doctor himself and with every passing tick of the clock Johnny could feel himself getting even more inpatient, getting more and more frustrated that no one had updated him on Helena's condition. As soon as she was rushed in on a bed with wheels that scurried quickly down the corridor he knew something was bad, not helping with the fact they had covered her nose and mouth with an oxygen mask that still didn't seem to wake her up.

She had passed out just about 3 hours ago now and Johnny was still waiting for answers. No nurse or doctor had given him the slightest bit of information about her. He knew far to well that they were all blaming him, even he blamed himself but still the fact they kept quiet was making him even more worried, even more paranoid.

Mark hadn't helped the situation either, he had mostly been in the way, well in Johnny's mind he was. Mark had asked questions and had been pacing by the side of this doctors waiting room for a good 10 minutes. He was driving Johnny up the wall every-time he would turn backwards and forwards patting his fingers against his mouth worryingly. Right this very second Johnny could feel the frustration bubbling up, he swore he would swing for him at any moment.

"Will you please stop!" Johnny growled shooting him a warning and fed up look from the chair he was sitting in. Mark suddenly stop in his tracks just as the door opened making Johnny jump from his chair nervously as the old doctor came waltzing in.

"What's happened? Is she alright? Is the baby ok?" Johnny rambled nervously as he watched the expressionless doctor take his seat behind his desk before looking into the faces of these anxious men waiting desperately for answers. "Well?" Mark pushed standing beside Johnny as he said this.

"Miss Bonham Carter is currently in labor" the doctor began making the pair of them widen their eyes with this news "But...but it's too soon" Mark stated as the doctor simply looked between the pair of them calmly "She had a fall and blacked out, her blood pressure was and still is extremely high...Now I assume you both are aware of her faulty heart" he said still scanning the pair of them closely. "Faulty heart?" Johnny asked a frown apparent on his slightly worried and confused face. "You didn't know?" Mark interjected as if he had the upper hand when it came to Helena's health that Johnny could only shoot him a cold look. "I know she has problem catching breath sometimes and that she has some shooting pains around her heart but I wouldn't have said it was faulty" the doctor simply nodded along to what Johnny had to say before opening his mouth to speak again.

"If I may, I think it's only appropriate for me to explain my patients health issues with the father of the child" the doctors stated making Mark suddenly step forward in surprise "No! just because he is the father doesn't mean I shouldn't have to hear whats happening with her, she's my girlfriend and I deserve to know" he barked angrily while Johnny simply glared at him completely loosing his patients with this twat of a human being. "Oh and has she made that official?" he couldn't help the mocking tone in his voice as he said that to him nor could he help smirking as Mark seemed to have no words in respond to that. "I want to know!" he finally said like a spoilt child not getting what they want.

"Oh will you pipe down!" Johnny cut in before the doctor raised himself angrily his his seat "Both of you need to pull yourself together! that poor woman out there is fighting for her life and you two are at it like nasty school boys! you realise you BOTH got her into this mess!" the doctors outburst and red face made the pair of them shut up not only that but his words seemed to be like daggers stabbing into his heart.

"What do you mean fighting for her life?" the concern in Johnny's eyes made the doctor realise he may have said too much, may have given away a little too much information. "Mr Davis, if you wouldn't mind...." the doctor stated looking over at mark as if to leave his room. Gritting his teeth at the pair of them Mark walked out of the doctors room slamming it shut behind him as he left.

Scrunching his eyes at the door slam the doctor simply placed out his hand to Johnny so that he would sit down. Hesitantly Johnny perched himself on the edge of the plastic seat he was sitting on before "Whats going on doctor?" he asked his face completely serious and his eyes fearful of what he might have to hear.

"I'll start at the beginning...."


Breathing in another lungful of air Helena slowly released it from her mouth before inhaling another lungful and doing the exact same thing. She held onto her stomach in pain and watched as the nurses and doctors in her private hospital room ran multiple tests and continued to try and clam down her fast beating heart beats that were quickening with every pain she was feeling through her body. She was sat up in the hospital bed trying to steady her breathing, she had been doing this for a good 10 minutes now and not one of them had told her what was going on. She knew the baby was on its way and she knew she would have to give birth very soon. But what she didn't understand was why every-time her blood pressure or heartbeats began to rise and drop dramatically the doctors and nurse began to panic and give each other worried looks.

Helena hated the fact they all knew something she didn't, she swore she would go for them soon if they didn't tell her what was wrong. They were panicking her, making her go crazy.

"Take another breath" one nurse said standing beside Helena gently rubbing soothing circles into her back as she said this. Helena's eyes narrowed on the young nurse "That's all I've been fucking doing! what's going on? is the baby close or not!" she yelled losing her cool resulting in most of the doctors to look her way now.

"Please try and calm yourself Miss Bonham Carter....." one older doctor said making his way over to her as she continued to breath in and out "Calm! your all looking at each other as if I might die! how the hell am I supposed to remain calm!" her eyes were flashing and the pain in her heart was causing her to tear up now as she looked between the doctor and nurse either side of her bed.

"The baby is close now but we will not be following through with a natural birth, the pressure that it will have on your heart can only make things worse for your health. I have discussed this with the father of the child and he agrees that a C section is the safest option for you and the child" her eyes widened at this. The news that she would have an operation was bad enough but the fact that the Doctor had discussed this with Johnny made her even more mad.

"C section! and he agreed to this!" she yelled as if this treatment could kill her. "its very safe and will be easier for you if we perform this treatment" the doctor explained smiling kindly at the film star as he tried to persuade her. looking between the nurse and doctor nervously Helena gulped subtly before she nodded.

"And will my baby be alright?" she asked more calmly now as she looked at the doctors reassuring face. "I'm sure she'll be just fine" he smiled sweetly before glancing up at the nurse opposite him with knowing eyes. He knew that a premature birth could have some effects on the baby but at this stage he didn't want to have to worry the mother to be.


It had now been and hour since Helena had been taken to the delivery room where they had performed the C section on her. Johnny was told that they were going ahead with the treatment and found himself sitting in the foyer watching as the clock ticked by slowly. He had had no sleep and was now starting to feel drowsy, as much as he wanted to rest he just couldn't do it. Knowing that Helena was in such a state and that his daughter was now being brought into the world kept him wide eyed.

After his talk with Helena's doctor Johnny realised just how serious this all was. He knew now of her secrets and knew just how fragile she had been these last weeks. The guilt was one thing but the worry he was feeling now was making his stomach turn. How could he not have known about this before? why hadn't she told him just how ill she really was?

"Well what do you know?" Mark's hurried voice approached as he ran over to Johnny. Glancing at the man Johnny sighed as Mark sat beside him, he just wanted to be alone just wanted to be left with his thoughts just this once without being interrupted. "Well?" Mark pushed to which Johnny simply stood from sitting and got himself a drink from the water dispenser. He didn't want to talk about it, especially not with Mark. He hated his guts and now he was already beginning to wind him up again just his presence annoyed him.

"I swear Johnny! if you don't tell me what it going..." he ranted standing up angrily before Johnny cut him off angrily "Shut the fuck up! for once just be fucking silent!" Johnny barked his eyes warning and hard and his hand gripping harshly on the plastic cup he had in his hand. Mark closed his mouth and slowly sat back down on one of the plastic chairs. The fact that Johnny was so worked up made him realise just how bad things must be and for that alone Johnny's anger told him loud and clear something was wrong, very wrong.

"That bad" he heard Mark mutter to himself. Looking to the floor Mark heisted to speak again and before he did he noticed Johnny fill up his plastic cup with more water from the taps in front of him. "Please tell me what it is, I know you care for her still but so do I Johnny. I need to know too" his tone was softer and Johnny knew if Helena was here right now that she would probably share it with them both, yet telling him the in's and out's seemed to personal  he didn't want Mark knowing everything not like he did now.

"You know she's ill, thats is all" he said before sipping at his drink his back still facing Mark. He didn't want to look at the man Helena had been dating, he hated him so much that the very sight of him made him want to just punch him in his stupid face. "But what kind of ill? is it serious?" Mark's endless questions were making Johnny irritated now. He didn't want to talk about this, not to anyone the news was still as new to him still as fresh in his mind that he wasn't ready to talk about her yet not to anyone.

"'s not" he lied.

Frowning slightly Mark watched as Johnny finally turned round and faced him. He looked almost drained, so tired and almost weak right now. "Did you check on Billy and Nell?" he asked changing the subject and finally looking straight into Mark's eyes "yes Nanny Anne is with them now" he explained watching cautiously as Johnny simply gave a sad nod before finishing the remains of his drink.

"Mr Depp!....Thank goddess I found you! please follow me" Helean's doctor came running over to him making both men look at the doctor as if they had many questions to ask. "Is everything alright? how's Helena? hows they baby" Johnny asked quickly following the doctor down the hallway.

"Their both fine, just save your questions for now please sir" he said quickly walking ahead making Johnny rush to catch up with him as they passed many patient rooms and many different hallways until coming across one room what read 'Neo-natal intensive care unit'

As soon as they entered the room Johnny noticed about 12 dozen incubators containing newborns. "What are we doing here..." he tried but the doctor just seemed to continue walking through the room until he stopped at one incubator containing a small little baby with an oxygen tube stuck in its tiny little mouth and a blue cord stickered onto the baby chest. Frowning slightly as he made his way over to the doctor Johnny reached him and the child and looked down at the poor thing for the first time. "This is your daughter" he explained to which Johnny simply looked back at the baby in the glass box sleeping peacefully.

"My baby" Johnny whispered under his breath after a moment or two of just staring at the little girl.

"Whats wrong with her doctor? why is she in here?" the concern in his voice and the worry in his eyes as they met him made the doctor simply smile supportively. "I'll start off by saying that she is perfectly alright, however..." the last part made Johnny's stomach turn not helping with the fact the doctor seemed to look saddened as he looked down at the baby. "As you know this has been a premature birth, and like I explained to you in my office Helena still had a couple of weeks to go" the guilt was rising up inside him again, Johnny knew that whatever was wrong was his fault, he should have not stressed Helena out, should have helped her sooner when she collapsed.

"Your little girl here has some breathing difficulties, her lungs are weaker then most newborns and smaller at that....we will need to keep her here for a week or two before you can take her away, but with this said she will require a nasal cannula" looking back at his child slowly Johnny shook his head before bowing it in shame "This is all my fault" he whispered the guilt really and truly kicking in. "Don't blame yourself" he heard the doctor say before his buzzer on his belt went off making Johnny jump slightly at the noise.

"Helena's woken up, would you like to see her?" nodding at this Johnny took one last look at his little girl before following the doctor out. "Oh and Mr Depp, I think it would be best not to mention this to Helena she's in a mentally fragile state as it is so don't worry her with this news" Johnny just continued to nod along with what the doctor was saying "sure"


The drawn out beeps coming from the machine to the side of her were just as annoying as the shooting pains over her heart. Waking up after being under general anaesthetic was bound to make anyone wake up slightly confused let alone very weak. Her head was spinning and her muscle felt limp in fact she was sure that if anyone tried to hand her something now it would just drop from her hands. Helena had never been put out before and waking up surrounded by unfamiliar faces was bound to make anyone scared. "Where, where am I?" she found herself whisper her pupils wide as she eyed the doctor in front of her. He was used to people waking up with very little idea of the treatment before hand although in this case Helena generally looked frightened by everyone what seemed to stand near her. 

"Everything is alright, your baby has been delivered and now you must try and rest" he explained before smiling at the door way as he noticed Helena's main doctor lead Mr Depp into the room. Johnny felt relieved in someway when he clapped eyes on Helena, he still however was concerned by the amount of different drips and machines surrounding her. Looking over at the door way Helena watched as Johnny made his way over to her "How are you feeling?" he asked as soon as he was close enough.

Helena didn't move her eyes off him in fact she was staring at him in confusion. "I don't know" she whispered before her eyes scanned the room cautiously. Johnny frowned slightly as he watched her, she looked so scared so utterly confused. "Johnny?" she whispered pushing herself up a little from the bed so that she was now sitting and practically leaning by his side like a little child scared to leave their parent behind "Yes sweetheart?"

"Did I have the baby?" her question made him smirk at her as she seemed to cower away from everyone else as if they may hurt her. It was sweet that she found protection by his side and as he held her hand he could feel her grip tightened as she eyed up the doctors and nurses in the room nervously.

"Yes, and I've just seen her she's beautiful" his comment made her smile in relief "I want to see her Johnny"

Looking at how happy she seemed to look at him with the idea that she could go see her child broke his heart. She couldn't leave her bed yet, nor could she find out that their little girl isn't as healthy as they had hoped. "You will, but not right now Hellie you need to rest"

"But I've just been asleep, please Johnny let me see her....I want to hold her" her eyes were desperate and it wasn't only Johnny who noticed the heart rate monitor begin to quicken with every beep. She was working herself up and for that alone Johnny found himself looking over to her doctor in slight panic. "Baby calm down you will see her but you need to get better too, okay?" with this he finished by kissing her forehead while watching as the doctor checked her pulse.

Hissing suddenly in pain Helena raised her hand to her chest a hand that had two drips already attached by tape. "What? what is it?" Johnny's eyes widened at her reaction and his eyes seemed to flicker nervously from her face to the doctors as she looked to be in pain "My heart..." she hissed again before collapsing back down on the bed causing the entire room of people to start moving around as if they had been waiting for this. "What! what's going on?" Johnny barked suddenly at the doctor still squeezing Helenas hand in support.

"Mr Depp, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to step outside" the doctor said causing him to open his mouth in protest before Helena cut in "Johnny, don't leave me, please don't leave me" tears were forming in her eyes and her hand still covered her chest as if in pain. "I'm sorry but he cant be in here" the doctor sounded more serious now and Johnny could see as much as he wanted him to stay that he needed to leave. "Don't leave" she croaked through the tears as she felt Johnny's hand slip away.

"If you're here she'll be more worked up, we need her full attention, I know this is hard but we have to operate now" the doctor said only for Johnny's ears which instantly made him being to worry. "Operate?" his heart was in his mouth and he could see the nurses been to cover her nose and mouth with the general anaesthetic again knocking her out yet again.

"I'll explain more when I get the chance but for now I'm going to have to ask you to leave, I'm sorry but we have to work quickly" everything the doctor was saying seemed to make things worse to Johnny's ears and as he looked at her now on the hospital bed fast asleep he could only hope that she would be safe in their hands. He was sure she would but still something told him that things were beginning to get worse. A lot worse.

A/N: Hi!!! so sorry it's taken me a while to update but I really hope this was worth your wait!! ahah, a lot was going on in this and I'm excited to hear what you have to say so let me know:) thank you so so much for all the reads, votes and for the wonderful feedback I have been getting recently, it really makes it all worth while, so thank you!! <3<3

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