skins ▷ skam [o.h.]

By ughmegs

32.1K 1.2K 370

❛ yeah, i'll come over. i'll just tell my sister i'm doing laundry. ❜ ❛ oh, laundry? is that my nickname now... More

00 | skins
act one; the dreamer
prologue | maja
01 | maja ❋
02 | maja ❋
04 | maja ❋

03 | maja ❋

2.1K 111 44
By ughmegs


        BLINKING SLOWLY, MAJA LET THE LIGHT OF THE SUN FILL HER EYES. Finally, it was Saturday, and after a long night -- Maja was thankful to finally have gotten a decent amount of sleep. However, it was a well known fact that Maja was not a morning person, so even though she had probably got roughly eleven hours of sleep (which is way more than she had gotten in the past year), she still grumbled slightly and turned on her side, not wanting to get up just yet.

Now on her side, Maja watched as Halle slept soundly, drooling on her pillow. Maja had never seen her so quiet. Flashing back to last night, Maja remembered just how much of a fight drunk Halle put up into going to sleep. Maja and Seb had to practically wrestle her under the covers. It was a miracle that Halle stayed put.

The blonde rubbed her eyes. Speaking of Jakobsen, what happened to him? Was he still here? Maja had texted him last night when she got home so he could help with Halle. After they had managed to get Halle to sleep, the last thing Maja remembered was being exhausted and plopping down next to Halle right after, not even bothering to take off her makeup let alone her party dress.

Finally, Maja lifted her head up from her pillow and sat there for a couple minutes, yawning and contemplating on what to do. There was no doubt that Lynnea was still sleeping. She wasn't even home when the trio came back at 11:30. Maja wasn't sure if she was even home. It was common for Lynnea to find someone at the bar to hook up with. The only question was if Lynnea would do but the walk of shame or if she was lying naked face down in her bed. . .but Maja preferred not to know.

Quietly, trying not to wake up Halle, Maja pushed the covers of her bed off of her and stood up, sliding her feet into her fuzzy slippers. Her gold, shimmery party dress was slightly itchy after sleeping on it all night and it clung to her body, making trails of sweat appear in some places that sweat shouldn't be. No doubt she was going to change. She groaned as she began stumbling towards her dresser in the front of her room, over where her old sweatpants and t-shirts were.

But then, Maja ran into something: a pair of legs. Confused, Maja hazily looked to see where the legs led to, which happened to be no other than Jakobsen -- sleeping soundly on the floor. She let out a small yet quiet laugh, seeing him sprawled across the floor, his hair standing in all directions, it was quite a look on him.

She tiptoed over Sebastian, careful not to step on him or disturb him, and over to her dresser where she quietly opened the drawers, taking out the first ratty pair of sweatpants and t-shirt she saw. She was then faced with a slight problem. Her dresser was on the other side of the room. . .not where the door was. She looked at Sebastian lying on the floor, at the door, and then back at Sebastian.

Without thinking twice, Maja pulled the pair of sweatpants over her long, pale legs, pulling up the hem of her dress so she could fit the pants over her waist. She then pulled her dress over her head, leaving her in a lacy black bra.

Over by the floor, a tired Sebastian lifted his head up. "Maja, what are you doing?" After realizing what was going on, Sebastian's tired eyes soon popped open at the sight of Maja in her bra. "Oh shit."

Blushing slightly, Maja whispered back, "Shhh, you'll wake up sleeping beauty." She gestured over to Halle who had now managed to take over the entire area of Maja's queen bed, mumbling something in her sleep. Sebastian nodded slowly before flopping his head back down on what seemed to be a pillow from Maja's couch. She threw her shirt on and walked over to her door, not even worrying about Jakobsen because she knew he was awake.

She turned to her left and peaked into Lynnea's room, the bed was unmade and empty. Surprise, surprise, Maja thought as she shut the door gently to her sister's cluttered room before walking back down the hallway, down the small flight of stairs, and into the kitchen. Maja tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she bent down to open the fridge and take out some brunost -- a cheese that always made Maja hate mornings a little less.

Sebastian made his way into the kitchen, causing Maja to look his way as she got out the bread and a knife. "How was the floor?" Maja asked, raising an eyebrow softly, holding back a small laugh.

"Actually. . .not bad." he replied, getting out two plates.

"You know, you didn't have to sleep on the floor." Maja explained, cutting a thin slice of the cheese and putting it on top of her bread. "We do have a couch."

"I know. It just kind of happened." explained Jakobsen before he pushed the plates over towards her. "Cut me a slice will ya?" Maja laughed and cut him some slices of brunost, putting it on the bread as Seb went over and sat at the kitchen table, yawning. He ran some fingers through his blonde curls that still sprawled in all directions. Maja noticed a hint of stubble on his face, it was clear to her that he needed a shower. Bad.

She picked up the plates and walked over to the table, sliding his plate over and sitting down in a chair. She watched as Sebastian wasted no time to pick up his bread and take a bite out of it, giving her a goofy, lopsided grin. She leaned over and brushed her thumb on the corner of his mouth. "You had some cheese on your face." she explained, their eyes locking for a moment before Maja blushed and picked at her breakfast.

Sebastian nodded. "Thanks." he muttered, trying to hide his blush by looking down, but Maja was so focused on her food that she didn't notice it in the first place. He looked over at her. "When do you think Lynnea will be back?"

Maja shrugged her pale shoulders. "Good question. Wish I knew the answer to it." she sighed, taking a small bite of her bread and brunost, still looking over at Seb. "When do you think we should wake sleeping beauty up?"

Sebastian laughed. "I think the better question is how should we wake sleeping beauty up."

The blonde shook her head, the sunlight from the window hitting her freckled face. "She'll kill us no matter how bad her hangover is." Maja laughed along with him. "You should know that better than anyone. The last time you woke her up from sleeping she punched you in the face! You had a black eye for two weeks."

"That girl does know how to throw a punch." mumbled Seb, touching his eye, reminiscing the pain he felt. He was the source of mockery for the next month from the girls.

"Well her Mum is a cop, so that doesn't surprise me." she pointed out, laughing again, shaking her head softly as she took another small bite of her breakfast.

"Wonder what mummy dearest would think if she knew what her daughter was up to at night?" Jakobsen added with a raise of his eyebrows. It was a well known fact that Halle's parents were very strict. They expected the perfect daughter out of Halle, never raising her voice or talking back. But Halle was the complete opposite of that.

"A question that we hope we never have to be there for the answer for it." Maja said, her eyes widening.

"Amen to that." joked Sebastian.

Maja and Sebastian ate the rest of their breakfast in silence, the only sounds one could hear was the slight crunch of the bread when it was bit into and Sebastian's fingers drumming on the side of the table, much to Maja's slight annoyance.

She couldn't stand the sound any longer, so she wiped her hands off of her sweatpants and stood up quickly. "I'm gonna go get the mail." Maja exclaimed, turning on her heel and walking over to the front door of the apartment, leaving Sebastian eating all by himself. She took the key hanging on the side off it's rung, clutching it tightly in her hand.

After opening the door Maja went out into the main hallway of the building. She left the front door open a crack before she went on her way towards the mailboxes.

"God Morgen Mrs. Hudson." she said sweetly as she passed one of her neighbors, Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Hudson was a kind old lady whose husband may or may not have been a drug lord, not that that mattered to the Östlund girls, she often misplaced things and her memory wasn't the sharpest, but she made a mean quiche.

"Og god morgen til deg." the old woman replied to Maja as she paced quickly down the hallway towards the main stairwell.

Once downstairs, Maja took her key and jammed it into the lock of her mailbox, turning it and opening the metal compartment. There was a stack of crisp, white envelopes waiting, a lot more than Maja had expected to be honest.

She picked them up and locked up the mailbox before quickly heading back upstairs, shuffling through the mail. Bills, bills, and more bills.

It seemed like an endless stack of rent and all of the crisp envelopes seemed like a paper cut just waiting to happen. She pushed open the door to the apartment and used her foot to push it closed, continuing to look through the stack.

"Anything good?" Sebastian asked as Maja intently stared at the mail. Maja was about to shake her head no when she came across something. A letter from the landlord. Maja knew that was never a good sign. "What? What is it?" questioned Seb, watching Maja's face twist into a frown, her lips parted open slightly.

"I...I...I don't know." she replied hesitantly, struggling to form some sort of response.

"Well, open it." commanded Seb, standing up for the table. Maja threw the rest of the stack to the side and ripped open the envelope, her heart pounding in her chest, a million thoughts running through her head. What could this mean?

Without wasting anymore time, Maja frantically opened the letter and skimmed it quickly, her heart sinking in her chest. Sebastian peered over her shoulder. "Maja..." he began slowly, the tears beginning to stream down her cheeks.

She turned to face Sebastian. "I...we're..." she sputtered, trying to form words. "...we're 3,000 kroner in debt." Maja's voice trembled. "We're going to get evicted by the end of the month." Maja cried out, her voice shaking, her lip quivering.

Sebastian gulped, about to reply when Halle walked into the kitchen, rubbing her head. "Guys can you please keep it -- hey, why are you crying?" Suddenly, Halle went from hangover mode to supportive best friend mode.

Maja turned towards Halle, eyes red and blotchy. She held out the letter so Halle could read. Halle took the letter from her hands and gasped. "That's...only 20 days from now." She said softly, causing Maja to slowly nod and cry harder. "Oh, hun, I'm so sorry."

Without thinking twice, Halle no longer cared about her badass, couldn't give a fuck persona, Halle went up and wrapped her arms around Maja, letting her sob into her chest. Her best friend was hurting, and Halle didn't know how to fix it.

Maja pulled away, wiping her eyes. "How did this happen?" she whimpered softly, before something inside of her clicked. Her eyebrows twisted, going from sad to angry. "Hand me my phone." she spat. Quickly, Sebastian grabbed Maja's phone from the side table and handed it to her.

New Text to Lynnea

maja: get your ass back here. we need to talk.


it's 1am and i should be sleeping but why not just write a shitty chapter instead????

typos will be fixed tomorrow.

but thanks for readingggggg

-- megs

word count: 2066 words

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