The Bite That Stole My Heart

By velvet_Galaxy_skiesx

483 38 5


The Bite That Stole My Heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

12 1 1
By velvet_Galaxy_skiesx

Chapter 20

Nevaehs P.O.V

I wake up to a little light moving back and firth across my face, which happened to be a little flashlight. I try wiping my watery eyes which I couldn't my movement was restricted by the belts tying me down.

I say, do you mind? The doctor says, not at all and unties me. I hop off and stand to my feet wobbly. My stomach growls and the doctor says follow me. I trail closely behind him until we come to a little room with a coffee machine, soda machine, and snack machine with a little coffee table with a matching couch.

He hands me a 10 dollar bill and holds it out to me. I hesitate before taking it and say, thank you. He says, no need with a little smile then sits on the couch. I walk up to the vending machine and examine whats behind the glass.

Twix bars, Snickers, peanuts, various flavors of popcorn, hot chips, chocolate chip cookies, gum, mints, potato chips and a couple other things which were all a dollar each. I got two Snickers, two Twix bars, two bags of hot chips, and two packs of gum.

With that I then move over to the coffee machine and scan over everything. There was a wide variety so I just get two French vanilla cappuccinos. With that the doctor grabbed the snacks, while I held the drinks and led me back to the room.

I got two of everything for Destiny and I. When the doctor opened the door and I stepped in Destiny gasped as if I was a ghost. I walked up to her, handed her the drink and said, what? After a little pause Destiny said, who are you?

Are you serious? You don't remember? Do you have amnesia? I was here yesterday only a couple of hours ago. Its me...Nevaeh I said in a questioning tone. She looked at me in awe as if a new toy that she was ready to take out of the box. She said, woah you look really different, smiling. And you have bigger you know whats.

What do you mean? Destiny then says, you have blue eyes, before they were brown and now you have black hair, which was brown before and you seem a little paler I think. I grab a strand of hair to examine it.

Split ends. But...the color black. Huh. Never had my hair dyed before. This is probably killing my hair even more. Poor hair. I drop it then finish my drink. Then I eat all of my junk food all while the doctor stands in the corner. I look at him and pat the side of the bed for him to sit next to me. Destiny then says, thanks Nevaeh.

No need to thank me, thank this wonderful doctor over there I look at him while smiling. His face turns a light pink and says its no problem, you guys needed it, you about done Nevaeh?

I say yeah, why? He then says, because you have another appointment for today. I sigh, give Destiny a little wave and follow the doctor out of the room once more. This place is really starting to bore me. This time we walk into a light pink painted room with an old lady with black hair with gray hairs lining through out it.

She looked nice, so I wasn't as tense. I take a seat in front of her and she smiles at me giddily. Hello Hun she gushes, Im so excited that you've arrived. (Stating the obvious, its a little creepy). The doctor said, have fun see you in a bit then exited to room.

The woman grabbed my hand and led me to a large closet. She pulled out a tape measured and checked how tall I was 5'4, then she measured my feet, size 9 1/2. Why do I have to have big feet. Gahh.

She sized me up with her eyes once again before disappearing into the closet. This closet could go on for forever. She was gone for a minute or two but came out with dresses covering both arms.


After many dresses that were too tight, too long, too short, or just not the right color to compliment me but then came this one. It was blue.Strapless. A couple inches above my knee. The material was nice and smooth which I liked and the color made my eyes pop. I missed my brown eyes but oh well I guess it was time for a change.

She then led me to a vanity. It was a powdery pink color along with all the accessories in the room with a large mirror. She started to comb through my hair, catching many snags which caused me to make little faces of pain. When the lady noticed she apologized. Then started going more softly, she was really sweet. I wonder why she's here though.

I kept that thought to myself then closed my eyes and relaxed, I couldn't do this often. But for now I was enjoying every little second it was like a little spa. After that she did my nails, hair, and makeup. My hair was long and wavy.

I stood up and went to the full length mirror. I actually...started crying. Whoever this girl in the mirror is wasn't me. I felt......beautiful. The last time I felt like this was when I was with Jack. Then the waterworks came on. I miss him so much, he's my other half that I need to have. The old woman looked me in the eyes and held my shoulders and said, whoever he is he'll come for you don't you worry.

Was she talking wisdom to me or just plain foolishness? Who knows.

She then said, Keep your head high love because tonight you'll be a princess.

What are you crazy I think, but all I do do is give her an awkward smile. Yeah, now I know for sure she's talking crazy. She walks away and comes back with two boxes. One a shoe box and the other smaller but identical, they both had the word Amor written in silver cursive. She opened the little one first and there was a little silver necklace with a crystal or diamond of some sort with matching little earrings.

Then she opened the larger box which indeed was a shoes box. I gasped a bit by the sight. These shoes were just as beautiful as the dress. They were about the same color as the dress but somewhat clear and shiny. She slid the shoes onto my feet and gasped too. She smiled so had I bet her face was hurting.

They fit she exclaimed! Its you!

I looked at her confused and said yeah...and stepped to the side. Just then the doctor came in and and said you ready Girly?

I smiled, waved to the lady, said my goodbyes and walked out of the door with the best feeling ever.

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