By misshiraethsworld

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"What do you mean I should be dead?" "You are cursed lass and there's nothing you can do about it." She was a... More

Curse of the Ruby
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1; Man Over Board

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By misshiraethsworld

1; Man Over Board

Felicity Smith couldn't help feeling mesmerized by the vast ocean that stretched before her endlessly. The familiarity of the cool breeze and soft swaying of the ship was enough to bring some comfort to the girl after leaving the distant shores of England. Although she was not the best sailor, far from it actually, she had some how managed to find her sea legs with more grace than her companions.

Felicity had been called upon to accompany the newly appointed Governor of Port Royal and his only daughter, Elizabeth Swann, to their new home. She had been with the family for years and had grown up alongside Elizabeth as her confidant. Many people objected to Felicity and her position in the Governor's household in regards to her surname, Smith. People believed that the surname was bad luck, as it was mostly associated with the working class or lower.

Governor Swann did not listen to the gossip of others and took the orphaned girl under his charge after seeing her incredible ability to learn quickly. He had order Felicity the same education as Elizabeth when it came to navigating high society and becoming a woman full of virtue and standing. He had given her a place to call home when she had once been abandoned with nothing but a soft lullaby to her name.

The memories of the past seemed to plague Felicity's thoughts as chill ran down her spine. Someone was singing a familiar tune that could be heard from across the deck of the Dauntless, as the ship entered an unnatural fog that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The hairs on her neck and arms began to stand on edge as Felicity made her way towards the Governor's young daughter.

Elizabeth's dirty blonde hair had been styled in tight curls piled onto her head and they caught what little shine could be seen through the overcast. Felicity's long deep red mane remained untamed in the soft breeze making it even more unmanageable for the girl as she crossed the deck. Felicity's crimson dress swished about her ankles causing er to slip on the deck twice as she neared the naive girl that had such a horrid fascination with pirates. 

Felicity was almost near Elizabeth when a rough, but familiar, hand grasped her shoulder stopping her in her tracks. She turned to see one of the more friendly sailors on the voyage, Joshamee Gibbs, as he gave her a crooked smile. The two reached a silent understanding that Elizabeth's singing needed to stop. Gibbs had warned them multiple times about the superstition of singing a pirate song on the ship and his warnings had been said far to often for Elizabeth to forget them.

Together they walked to where Elizabeth was standing seemingly unaware that she now had an audience as she continued to sing the vile song. Gibbs and Felicity gave each other nod before placing their hands on either side of the girls small frame, causing her to end the tune as she jumped at the interruption.

"Quiet, missy!" Gibbs warned looking around at the fog. "Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us, now, do ya?"

Elizabeth took a step back from Gibbs, bumping into Felicity in the process, as her eyes widen in both fright and fascination. Felicity gave her companion a disapproving look when Elizabeth's brown eyes locked with Felicity's light blue ones. Felicity was tired of her lectures falling upon deaf ears as she constantly repeated herself. Gibbs took a step towards the girls and opened his mouth to speak, what was most likely another warning, when another voice cut him off.

"Mr. Gibbs, that will do!"

The trio turned to see Lieutenant James Norrington standing behind them with his hands clasped together and look of deep disapproval. Lieutenant Norrington, although strict and sometimes pompous, has been a loyal friend and confidant to both Elizabeth and Felicity. During the voyage he took time out of his daily routine to come speak about poetry or the current book Felicity was reading, while helping Elizabeth with her studies. He was well trained gentlemen and Felicity enjoyed when he shared his knowledge about the sea.

Although most of the time Elizabeth and Felicity were harmless, they did like to have a bit of fun with the crew. Unfortunately for James he was the subject of Elizabeth's pranks as she came up with new ways to torment him. James would often get annoyed when Elizabeth would play harmless tricks, like hiding his hat or sword, but he forgave the girl more than people would expect. Many did suspect however that a certain red head might have something to do with it.

One of Felicity's favorite memories was when James had come to her in desperate need of help in finding his coat for a meeting with the captain. The two had searched high and low before eventually deducing the culprit to be the Governor's daughter. They found Elizabeth below deck curled up in a peaceful sleep with James jacket as substitute blanket and one of Felicity's books clutched to her chest. James was both amused and discouraged as he needed his coat, but didn't want to disturb the sleeping the girl. In the end James had gone to the meeting without his coat.

Gibbs gave the Lieutenant an exasperated expression, "She was singing about pirates. Bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words."

James gave him an unappreciative look, "Consider them marked. On your way."

Gibbs glanced over at the girls looking as if he wanted to say something else but decided against it. Instead, he saluted his Lieutenant and walked away, muttering something about women and bad luck. Felicity took note of how the old sailor took out an old musky flask and took a swig of its contents. She knew instantly by the way he shuttered that he wasn't hydrating himself with water. She scrunched her nose up at the thought of the vile drink and turned to face James and Elizabeth.

"I think it would be rather exciting to meet a pirate." Elizabeth explained with a fascinated gleam in her eyes.

James and Felicity shared a look of impatience as he replied, "Think again, Miss Swann. Vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them. I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand shall get what he deserves. A short drop and a sudden stop."

Felicity clutched her neck out of habit as she thought of the feeling of swinging from the rope. She knew that being apart of the Governor household that she would need to be present for such events, and she wasn't looking forward to it. Felicity took care to notice how Elizabeth glanced over at Gibbs for an explanation, who complied by mimicking a man hanging. Elizabeth let out a small gasp as her hand flew to cover her mouth in shock.

Felicity placed her hand on Elizabeth's shoulders, "This is why you shouldn't fantasize about becoming a pirate, Lizzy. They are dishonest people that take what they want and give nothing in return. Could you live on the run while being hunted down by the kings royal Navy?"

Elizabeth eyes became more frightened at the prospect of having to run all her life. She shook her head and grasped Felicity's hand looking between James and her companion. Felicity smoothed the girls hair down with her hand as she watched Elizabeth's father arrive in his usual black wig and freshly pressed jacket. He didn't look particularly over joyed at the topic of their conversation.

"Lieutenant Norrington , I appreciate your fervor, but I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my daughter."

James straightened his already perfect posture and bowed his head, "My apologies, Governor Swann."

James sent Felicity a charming smile before striding away to continue his duties as Lieutenant. She brought her hands up and cupped her cheeks trying her hardest to hide her tainted cheeks. She had always thought the Lieutenant to be an attractive man, but knew once they docked that seeing him on his daily routine would end. Felicity brushed away her thoughts for her future and focused back on the two Swann's before her.

"Actually, I find it all fascinating." She stated.

Governor Swann sighed in impatience, "Yes. That's what concerns me."

Governor Swann gestured for Felicity to follow him over to a private area on deck. She watched Elizabeth for a moment as she began to look over the side of the ship and into the sea, before following Governor Swann. The red head became extremely nervous as she stood beside her silent but powerful guardian. Governor Swann and Felicity had always had an unusual relationship with Felicity considering him to be the father she never had.

"How many times is this now?" Governor Swann asked clasping his hands behind his back.

"This will be the seventh time, Sir." Felicity replied fiddling with the seams on her dress.

Elizabeth had been singing different pirates song for the past three days they had been at sea. She had learned it from the crew when they sometimes sang them down below at night. Felicity had learned of Elizabeth's nightly spying only hours later when she heard her practicing and trying to learn new ones. Her favorite one at the moment was "Yo Ho Yo Ho a Pirates Life for Me". Felicity was concerned that Elizabeth's fascination with pirates might grow into something more.

The man sighed as he rubbed his tired eyes, "What can be done?"

"I've tried to teacher her more proper topics of discussion, but Miss Swann is reluctant to learn." Felicity said. "Perhaps once we reach Port Royal, Miss Swann will find a more suitable interest to which to occupy her time."

"For her sake, I hope your right." Governor Swann replied as they watched Elizabeth with worried eyes.

Before Governor Swann and Felicity could further discuss Elizabeth's fascination with pirates, the girl announced that she could see a young boy floating in the water. Felicity rushed over beside Elizabeth and looked down into the water, only to let in a sharp intake of breath. Floating near the side of the ship was a broken piece of wood with a incapacitated young boy as its cargo. 

"Man overboard! Man the ropes. Fetch a hook! Haul him aboard."

The crew acted quickly as they hauled the young boy on board. Felicity's skirts billowed behind her as she rushed over and knelt down beside the boy to check his pulse, "He's still breathing."

"Mary, Mother of God!" Gibbs shouted and gestured to something behind Felicity.

She turned to see one of the most horrific scenes she would rather forget, but it had been seared into her mind. A Royal Navy ship was covered in flames as multiple bodies of loyal sailors floated around in the icy water below. It looked like a painting Felicity had viewed in a museum once when Elizabeth and her were very young. The painting would have been a perfectly replicated if it wasn't for the smell and heat of the flames.

Felicity felt a hand touch the small of her back and turned to see her friend, Theodore Groves, "You all right Red?"

"I'm all right Teddy." She replied trying to give him a small smile, but failing.

Theodore Groves was a man of honor and charm as he kept Felicity steady. He had lent her plenty of his books to read during the voyage and loved to hear her opinion when she had finished it. As their friendship grew he had taken to calling her "Red" due to the color of her hair and she had claimed the nickname "Teddy" for his kind demeanor. The two waited with baited breath for some sort of explanation for the ships demise.

"What happened here?" Governor Swann asked as he covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

James studied the wreckage, "It's most likely the powder magazine. Merchant vessels run heavily armed."

"A lot of good it did them." Gibbs added. "Everyone's thinking it. I'm just saying it. Pirates."

The atmosphere of the ship darkened considerably as the men whispered among each other. It was a sailors worst nightmare to have ones ship pillaged and plundered by pirates. They showed no mercy and often left no survivors. Elizabeth came over towards Felicity and wordlessly held on to the older girl. Felicity wrapped her arms around the girl and pulled her closer. Governor Swann didn't seem fond of the idea that a pirate ship could be lurking around in the dense fog.

"There's no proof of that. It was probably an accident."

James caught Felicity's eye and gave her a solid nod before shouting orders, "Rouse the Captain immediately! Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats."

There was a chorus of cries as sailors rushed to their stations, including Theodore. Felicity stood on the deck holding Elizabeth close to her as she waited for instructions from Governor Swann. She knew that the look James had sent her was one of assurance. He wanted her to know that they would get to the bottom of this horrific event. He wanted Felicity to trust in him and his crew. 

"Elizabeth, I want you to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him." Governor Swann began. "Felicity, see to it that Elizabeth stays out of harms way."

Elizabeth and Felicity gave a respectful nod and bow, before walking over to where the young boy had been placed. Felicity draped a wool blanket over the boys shivering frame as Elizabeth looked on in curiosity. The boy was quite handsome with long dark brown hair and light freckles that dusted his cheeks. Elizabeth stroked the boy's hair as she sighed before a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist.

The boy was awake!

The boy looked lost and confused to which Elizabeth offered comfort, "It's okay. My name's Elizabeth Swann and this is my companion Felicity Smith."

The boy looked up at them with wild eyes as he stuttered out his name, "W-W-Will Turner."

Elizabeth's once alert gaze, softened considerably as she replied, "We're watching over you, Will."

Felicity watched as Will closed his eyes in exhaustion. She couldn't help but feel sympathy for the young lad as she watched his chest slowly rise and fall. He had lost all his family in one swoop and Felicity knew what that was like. She placed her hand on his forehead to check his temperature and became concerned when she found it to be warmer than normal. She pulled the blanket tighter around his frail body. 

"Will he be okay?" Elizabeth asked, her eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"He will need to see the physician once everyone has calm down," Felicity replied. "But I do believe that he is strong. He will be fine Lizzy."

Felicity watched with disapproval as Elizabeth began to inspect Will's person further. She was going to scold her companion when Elizabeth held up a gold medallion with a crossbones designed on it. Felicity's expression goes from disapproval to curiosity as Elizabeth voices both their thoughts, "You're a pirate."

Felicity quickly motioned for Elizabeth to hide the medallion when she spotted James approaching them. He looked between the two of them suspiciously, "Has he said anything?"

"His name is William Turner." Elizabeth announced. "That's all we found out."

Felicity felt guilty for lying to James, but she couldn't condemn the boy right after they had rescued him. She gave James a silent nod and he signaled two sailors to take Will below deck. James glanced at the girls  once more before walking away while giving out more orders. Elizabeth and Felicity let out joint sighs of relief before they began studying the medallion again.

"What do you think it is?" Elizabeth asked in curiosity.

"Trouble." Felicity replied. "Nothing but trouble can come from a gold coin stamped with a skull. It's a pirate insignia, and I'll be surprised if it's not cursed."

"But Sisi, Will was carrying it." Elizabeth pointed out. "How could such a small boy be considered a pirate?"

"I don't know Lizzy." She replied looking down and playing with a loose string on her bodice. "I don't know."

They continued to pass around theories as to how Will obtained such an item when a sudden chill filled the air. Felicity looked out on the horizon and took a step back in horror when a ship with black sails appeared. The ship already had a sinister look but it was the black flag with crossbones that tipped Felicity to what it truly was. 

 A pirate ship. 

Felicity looked toward Elizabeth to see if it was just her who had seen it, only to see that Elizabeth was looking for the same validation. They turned back only to see the ship linger in the mist, as if to taunt them before disappearing for good. Felicity took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves as she stared out at the open water. Some how she knew that she would see that ship again, including in her nightmares.

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