Sweet Temptation (English)

By Imblackiee

132 3 0

Eva Dolan promised herself never to go through the same thing again. She wants to forget everything, and star... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

21 1 0
By Imblackiee

After a while my stomach and cheeks hurt. I had already forgotten what it felt like to laugh freely and casually. We watch Netflix on the amazing TV and continue talking about our lives, making time until it's time to attend the introductory talk given to us by the Dean of the University. Yes, the Dean is a women. The truth is that I was a little surprised, but at the same time it made me feel a little more comfortable. I always believed that we women have a fairer and clearer view on how things should be done to make everything right.

Dakota tells me about her ex-boyfriend. They met when he traveled to Los Angeles to visit his family. He would only stay for a few months and when he returned home to Florida, they maintained a long-distance relationship. It worked for a while until he confessed to her that he had cheated on her, more than once. The truth is that it makes me very sad to see her like this; no matter how much she tries to hide it or denies it over and over again, she clearly still has feelings for him.

- And I don't know if I'm going crazy or what, but I even see him around here, walking the halls. - she sighs in frustration.

- Oh yeah? Wait, is that why you stayed at the window? - I ask her and I know the answer, even before she answers me.

- Yes, that's why, I feel so stupid! He hurt me so much and here I am, feeling sorry for someone who seemed like an angel, but turned out to be a demon. - she gets honest and bites her lip, ashamed.

I'm surprised she's still waiting to find him. Still, I'm not one to judge her. I have spent months and months crying and missing someone who definitely ruined my life.

- Don't feel stupid, I understand. He's an idiot! He reminds me of my ex-boyfriend's best friend. - I grimace when his face comes to mind. - He also cheated on his girlfriend who was on a trip with her family and he never felt guilty or anything. On the contrary, he laughed about it with my ex and his friends.

- Really? - she asks indignantly. - I don't understand how some people make fun of things like that.

- It's really disgusting. Let's see, I never met her because he never introduced her to anyone, but I felt sorry for her. No one deserves to be cheated on. When a friend of ours and I told him that we didn't agree with that, I was told to shut up saying some not very nice things and he, well... he got beaten up for being "unmanly". - I hold back the tears that threaten to come at the memory of that day.

- Oh my God! - she exclaims, her eyes widening like saucers. - Poor guy!

- Yes, it was terrible. It's been a long time since I've seen him and he's one of the few people I miss from my old home. - I say, letting out a sigh.

Damn, I'm getting sentimental now. Control yourself, Eva!

- I can imagine. The good thing is, you have someone to miss and who I'm sure misses you too. I mean, at least not everything in that place was a nightmare for you. - she says to comfort me.

-I'm the one who's supposed to be holding you back. - I say regretfully, causing her to laugh. - I guess we were destined to have idiot exes. We were both fooled by wolves in sheep's clothing. But that only means one thing: that after going through so much, only good things await us.

- If you think about it that way, it's true. - She tilts her head in thought at my words, looking like an adorable little kitten. - It has to be.

- It will be, I know it. - I take her hand and she smiles at me in appreciation. I really feel like I've known her forever and I already know what I need to do or say to help her and make her feel better. - Don't worry, he wasn't your "blue prince", that's all.

- Agh, you don't say! The only thing "blue" about him was his eyes and what was prince-like about him was his voice when he sang. The rest, he wasn't worth it. - makes a gesture of indifference. - Men. They are lying maggots. - she says and looks at the window. I'm surprised that so much resentment enters her little body.

- Not everyone is like that, or so I want to believe. My friend wasn't. - I assure her. - I hope someday you get to meet him.... If I ever get to see him again.

- I hope so, I'd love to. - a smile appears on her face and she seems to feel a little better. Dakota is going to be fine. She may look small or fragile, but inside, she's strong as a rock.

We are silent, each of us deep in thought. A few minutes later, I look at the time on my phone.

- Mmm, I think we'd better go. We have to get to the other campus, right? - I ask her because she seems to have a better idea of what it's like at this university.

- Oh, right! - She gets up in a hurry and grabs a colorful cloth backpack. She stuffs in a flowered pencil case and a ring-bound notebook. - I'm ready, let's go.

- Okay, give me two seconds. - I do the same as her. I take my black leather backpack, my notebook with the jean covers and my pencil case, which also has flowers, but different from hers. They are red roses, my favorite. - I'm done.

We leave the room and head downstairs, perhaps with more speed than I'd like. Dakota laughs when I ask her where the fire is, but she's acting a little strange. Or maybe that's just the way she is. After all, I've only known her for a few hours. We keep walking, slower this time, and reach the central garden. As we pass the huge fountain, I hear a lot of murmuring, laughter and shouting. I look up and.... It can't be!

My brother is tied to the fountain with thick chains and a padlock securing them. Just as Dakota said, he is wearing only his underwear. He keeps struggling and screaming to be untied, tremendously embarrassed. We stop to watch him, laughing loudly. Ethan turns his head to avoid getting his face in the thousands of pictures the other students are taking of him with their phones, but it doesn't do much good. Poor Eth! Those pictures are sure to be plastered all over the university starting tomorrow. Ethan recognizes me in the crowd and starts yelling my name, but Dakota links her arm with mine and we continue on our way, still laughing.

We arrive at the room where the lecture is being held and enter. It is very spacious, circular in shape with individual wooden desks. The room has several levels and there are stairs on the sides. Everything looks very neat and modern. I love it. We sit in one of the middle rows and wait. A few minutes later, the place is full of students. Different skin tones, different styles, and so on. It's really enriching to see so many different people. Among all the people I distinguish Grayson, who looks very happy and greets me, modulating with his lips, "everything in order?". I reply in kind and tell him yes, he has nothing to worry about.

- That guy over there... -I say to Dakota as I point at Gray. -...that's my other twin, Grayson.

- Damn, woman! Why is everyone in your family so sexy? - she exclaims with mock indignation and waves at him, smiling of course

I laugh just as the door opens and in walks what I assume, must be the Dean. She is a slender woman and moves in an elegant manner. She wears very formal clothes: a knee-length black tube skirt, a white shirt with a bit of lace on the sleeves and amazing black stiletto heels. She wears her chocolate-colored hair loose and a bit curly, looking younger than she should be. She smiles openly at us, showing her white teeth.

- Good morning everyone. My name is Cheryl and as some of you may already know, I am the Dean of this prestigious University. - She speaks slowly, loud and clear. She is a woman who commands respect, but at the same time is not at all intimidating. - I am not here to instill fear or intimidate you with my presence. I trust that everyone knows the responsibilities they have in this place and what they must do, or not do, to make your stay as pleasant as possible.

Some murmurs are heard that hinder her speech a little, but she seems not to notice it or decides to overlook it, because she continues speaking: -I would also like to add that no discriminatory, violent or illegal actions will be accepted under any circumstances. Any student who is found to be involved in or has encouraged any violation of the above rules will be punished.

This time, there is a deathly silence.

- Such punishments range from: more difficult exams or extra work at the choice of the teacher in charge, suspensions with a term to be defined according to the seriousness of the matter, to immediate expulsion. As well as an economic increase in the monthly fee or even the total removal of the benefit belonging to a scholarship. - she looks at us and smiles. This woman speaks as if she is telling us a nice bedtime story instead of a threat disguised with correct lexicon and a perfect smile.

I think I have been too quick to judge her. It's true that she commands respect, but now she does intimidate a bit. Anyone can tell by the silence of the atmosphere or the faces of some of the students. Only a couple of them are oblivious to everything, looking at their phones or talking in whispers. The Dean continues to talk about the rooms, the history of the University, the careers available and so on. About an hour and a half later, she ends the talk and allows us to leave.

We decide to go to lunch, since neither of us has eaten anything since breakfast. I step into the university cafeteria for the first time and am amazed. It is really huge and has a long table with food and drinks of all kinds and for all tastes. It also has two floors, with a beautiful staircase that is transparent and hundreds of round tables with chairs, as well as large windows on all the walls. It reminds me a bit of the cafeteria in the movie "High School Musical", only better. Much better. Since neither of us wants to order from the "menu of the day", we approach the table and take what we feel like. I opt for two meatballs and diced tomatoes; Dakota takes two slices of pizza. We sit at a free table and talk about the Dean and her very nice talk. A half hour later, she turns pale, as if she's seen a ghost.

- Hey, are you okay? - I ask worriedly.

- It's him. - she whispers.

- What? Who? - I look around, but I don't see anyone who catches my eye.

- I tell you it's him! My ex, Eva! - she exclaims confidently. I follow the direction of her gaze and see only a group of girls.

- I'm sorry, Dakota. I don't see anyone who looks like what you told me he looked like.

- I'm telling you it was him. He was looking out the window over there. - She points behind me but this time she doesn't look so confident about what her eyes saw. - You know what? Don't listen to me. I'm already paranoid.

- Are you sure you're okay? - I ask again.

- Yeah, yeah. Don't worry. - She looks a little nervous and twists a red lock of hair between her fingers. - Shall we go for a walk in the garden? I need some air.

- Yes, of course. - I gather my things and throw away my leftovers before putting the tray where it belongs. Dakota follows me and I link our arms before we leave, to which she smiles at me in response.

We walked around the garden laughing at Ethan tied to the fountain and talking about what we would like to do in the future. She is going to study Theatre, Film and Television, because she would love to be an actress as well as a singer. Although for that she would also have to be in the Arts sector, Dakota is confident that she can make it without having to do both degrees. I, for my part, will study Literature. I love writing, it's my escape from reality. I've been doing it ever since things in my old relationship got complicated and I needed to get it off my chest. I used to write my dreams, my experiences, what he meant to me or how beautiful he was when he laughed, etc. But that's all in the past. I'm deep in conversation with Dakota when suddenly I hear a very familiar voice, accompanied by the sound of an acoustic guitar. I stop dead in my tracks and ask her to be quiet so I can listen better.

- Whatever, whatever you go through don't be scared. Whatever, whatever you go through I'll be there... - I recognize that song. That's "my" song, he told me. I look around frantically, trying to find him. He's got to be close and I know it's him. It has to be. Who else knows that song besides us?

- What's the matter? - she asks me very confused.

- Shhhh!

I keep looking around the garden, looking at every person. Students eating, playing poker, listening to music relaxing on the lawn... until I see him. He's sitting on the side of a small fountain near the North Campus wall. His back is to me, but I know it's him, I'd recognize him anywhere. Just like his guitar; it was a gift I gave him for his 18th birthday. Before Dakota has time to ask me another question, my feet start to cross the garden. I walk up and around him to see his face, confirming my suspicions.

- Austin... - I whisper in astonishment when I see him standing there in front of me. He looks just like the last time I saw him. His brown hair is combed up, he's wearing white jeans, a white t-shirt and a black jacket with flowers.

- Eva! - he smiles when he recognizes me and is just as surprised as I am. He puts the guitar down and comes over to wrap his arms tightly around me. - I can't believe it!

- Oh Aus, I missed you so much! - I exclaim, taking in his touch and his masculine scent. Tears of happiness escape my eyes.

- Me too, babe. - he pulls me even tighter.

- Hold on. - I pull away a little to look straight into his beautiful blue eyes. - What are you doing in L.A.?

- I guess I should ask you the same question, don't you think? - he says arching an eyebrow, but smiling empathetically at me.

- Austin, please answer me just one thing. - I ignore his question and stare at him. He nods as if inviting me to continue. - Is he here with you?

- Who, Drew? - he asks and looks nervous, but at the same time a little confused. - No, he didn't come with me. I've moved out on my own, with my brother. He's not even in Florida.

- Okay, I just needed some peace of mind. I'm sorry. - I say, smiling apologetically.

- It's ok. Don't worry, he's far away.

- Wait. What do you mean he's not even in Florida? - I ask without understanding.

- It's complicated.

- I need to know! - I demand, taking one of his arms. He runs a hand through his short hair, hesitant. - Please, Austin. - I beg him with tears on the verge of coming. If he won't tell me, it must be something bad.

- After what happened that night, Drew ran away from home. - He says quietly and now he looks me straight in the eye.

- What? - An irrational fear grows inside me. I feel Dakota's hand on my shoulder, but I don't pay attention. I need him to tell me what he knows about him. - Where is he?

He bites her lip looking at the ground and what I hear next, knocks the wind out of me.

- He disappeared without a trace. No one knows where he is, Eva.

*NOTE: Austin in multimedia* 

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