Stutter (Larry Stylinson)

By asbowden14

970K 36.9K 61.8K

What's wrong with Louis Tomlinson? He looks so shy and innocent, you would never guess he had a single flaw;... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

20.7K 1K 973
By asbowden14

A/N: Hey guys! So this chapter would've been up like 5 hours ago, but just as I was about to start the process of uploading the bell rang and I had to go to class. I got home around 2 hours ago, but then started babysitting and the baby needed some Ashley time, then we ate and had a diaper change, and she is finally asleep now so I figured this was my best shot to get this up!

I'm trying to bring this story to 25 chapters and an epilogue. I may or may not make it there it may only end up being 23 or 24 chapters. Either way...we are VERY close to the end :( Somebody hold me please!

Anyways. Dedicated to: @12rainbowjuice because she thinks I don't notice her and I receive an amazing sweet comment so yeah. GO FOLLOW!


“Louis,” Jay sighed standing in the doorway of her son’s room.

    “I k-know,” Louis said playing with her fingers. They were moving in 8 days and he still hasn’t packed a single thing in his room.

    “Why don’t you give Harry a call, ask him to help you out?” She offered. Louis looked up at his Mum tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “Oh no. Oh, Louis you haven’t told him yet have you?”

    Louis shook his head. “M-mum I can’t j-j-just leave h-him!”

    Jay rushed to the bed pulling her baby boy into her arms and rocking him back and forth. “Shhh, Louis it’s alright. I’m so sorry, I wish I didn’t have to do this to you boys, but it’s my job. Louis this is such a big opportunity for me, for us. There are so many great schools in the U.S. Both for the girls, and you when you’re off to college. You will still be able to keep in touch with Harry and the boys and Zoe. I’ve even made sure to keep funds aside so during breaks or anything you can fly back, or they can fly to us..” Louis stared at his Mum. He could tell she knew how badly he was hurting, but she was practically begging for him to be okay. “I-I even looked into the place we’re movie. We’re going to be living in Maine and I found an amazing program there for you and it’ll help your stutter and,” Jay broke off crying lightly. “I just, I need you to be happy Sweetie and this place has so many things to do just that.”

    Louis just grabbed his Mum’s hand and nodded. “I-i-it’s fine Mum.”

    “Are you sure? I want all of you to be happy, and if you’re not happy I can’t do this.”

    “N-no Mum. I’ll b-b-be f-fine. D-don’t give t-t-this up,” Louis assured.

    Jay hugged her son and kissing his forehead. She reminded him to start packing and she left the room. He grabbed his pillow hugging it tightly to his chest. He wanted his Mum to be happy. He knew this was a great opportunity for her and his family and, he couldn’t ruin that over a heart break. It wasn’t just the fact of losing Harry that was killing him. It was the fact that in his 18 years of life, this was the first time he had a group of friends, that he had an amazing boyfriend who actually liked him and well, God Louis was head over heels in love with him. He jump at the sound of his phone vibrating on his bedside table. It was Zoe. “H-hello?”

    “Hey Louis. You alright? Your voice is all scratchy.”

    Louis bit his lip. “N-no.”

    “Lou,” Zoe sighed. “You need to tell him, this is tearing you apart and we all know Harry’s the only one that can actually fix this.”

    “C-can y-y-you just get t-the boys and c-c-come over. N-not Harry though.”

    Zoe sighed again and Louis could practically see her head shaking. “Fine. We’ll be over in 20.” With that she hung up and left Louis.

    Louis finally climbed off his bed and made his way to the bathroom and showered, getting himself dressed before grabbed boxes from downstairs. He was in the middle of folding clothes when the boys and Zoe got there. “Lou?” Niall asked quietly making him look up.

    “U-um, c-c-could you g-guys help me p-pack?”

    They nodded silently. Louis showed them what they could box up and they all worked in silence for a while. “I made lunch,” Jay said poking her head in a few hours later. “I think you’ve packed enough for today Louis.”

    Louis nodded and she left the room again. “T-thanks for t-t-the h-help.”

    “Of course. Now come on, I’m starving!” Niall laughed.

    “When aren’t you,” Zoe said rolling her eyes fondly at her boyfriend.

    Louis’ heart ached at the sight. He wouldn’t have that physical and friend banter connection with Harry in just over a week anymore. “You alright Lou?” Liam asked.

    “F-f-fine. C-come on.” Louis stood up leading the boys and Zoe downstairs. They ate lunch and joked around, except for Louis, he sat there and just sort of picked at his sandwich.

    The boys and Zoe stayed for about another hour or so before heading out, still reminding him to talk to Harry. Louis just let it slide and said goodbye before trudging back up to his almost empty room. He had all his posters and knickknacks from around the room along with most of his wardrobe. The main things left were his bed, furniture, and the rest of his clothes. “Louis Sweetie, movers will be here this Friday to pick up furniture to get that moved so is everything in those out?”

    “Y-yeah Mum.”

    “Okay. Also you have an appointment with Amber tomorrow at noon, and no you can’t skip, I will drop you there then I’m going to your school to get you files and other things transferred and then I’ll be back to pick you up. Sound good?”


    “I love you Sweetie,” Jay said sadly.

    “L-love you too.”

    Jay sighed and closed the door. Louis waited a few minute before pulling his phone out. There was only on way he could at least try to make this easier. Being with Harry made him so happy and the thought of being away from him for long periods of time killed him. He knew the statistics of long distance relationships working out. Harry was beautiful, perfect, he could have anyone, so why would he want Louis when he never would get to see him.


Boo: Hey Harry?


    Louis sat on his bed tears already gathering in his eyes. He didn’t want to do this, but he knew it would be for the best in the end.


Haz: Hello my beautiful boyfriend! Lol. What’s up? xx


    Louis choked back a sob and responded, his heart breaking with every word.


Boo: I um, I think we should...break up, for good this time.


    There was no reply for a while so Louis covered his face with his pillow and screamed into it. He loved Harry and he was screwing everything up, but he knew this was the best option, or at least he thought. If they weren’t together this maybe wouldn’t be so hard. They could just move on with their lives and in a week Louis would be gone.


Haz: Why? Louis what’s wrong? We just made up and things have been great. Louis no, you promised me.


Boo: I’m sorry.


    Louis shut his phone off, he didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. He just wanted this to be over He didn’t want to feel so broken anymore. Rage surged through him. This wasn’t far! Louis just couldn’t take it anymore. He was stressed, he was heartbroken, he was mad, and God he couldn’t find the words to voice how he felt. He just, there was so much self hatred building up inside of him he thought he was going to explode. So, he did. He grabbed anything he could find ad he was throwing things across his room and screaming because that’s all he could manage. It only took a minute or two before Jay was in his room and running over pulling him into her arms. Louis screamed and cried and tried to pull away, but Jay held his arms down and rocked him not letting him go anywhere. Louis broken down and sobbed into her shoulder until he fell asleep from exhaustion.



    The days blurred together from there. The next day Louis met with Amber and barley spoke, just said he needed to get out of there soon and wanted to be gone already. They talked about his break up with Harry, which left Louis in tears again and a screaming fit. A few people had to come in and hold him down. Louis was put on more medication and he left in silence. He didn’t feel like talking anymore.

    His Mum got the school files transferred over and the only thing left really was to pack the things and go. Well Louis couldn’t wait a week, he wanted out now. “M-mum?”

    “Yes?” She asked looking up from her work.

    “C-can w-w-we leave early?”

    Jay sighed and looked up at Louis. “Have you talked to the boys, Zoe, or even Harry yet?”


    “Then no. I’ll tell you what. I can get us out of her by the end of the week if you talk to them. All of them.” Jay grabbed her work and left the room.

    If he talked to them, he could be gone in 3 days instead of 7 and that seemed good enough to him. He went back to his room and finally turned his phone back on. He had to wait 5 minutes for all the messages to come though.


Zo: Louis, talk to me, what happened with you and Harry?

Zo: Louis please call me now!

Zo: Why is Harry at Niall’s house crying?

Niall: Dude, what happened? You know this isn’t right.

Liam: Can we just talk about this please? Come over?

Zayn: What the hell Lou. Come on, you can’t shut yourself away. You need to fix this, this isn’t fair to either of you.

Haz: Louis please.

Haz: Louis you promised me you wouldn’t leave. What is going on? It seems everyone knows but me.

Haz: Louis please I love you!

Zo: Louis call me ASAP, Harry’s in the hospital.

Niall: Harry’s in the hospital asking for you.

Liam: Harry was having a fit and had an asthma/panic attack. He passed out. He’s okay, he’s in the hospital now. He keeps asking for you though.

Liam: Louis please.

Zayn: I will drag your ass out here. Answer us!


    Louis checked the time to see when they were sent. He was told about Harry being in the hospital just over an hour ago. He couldn’t just leave him there, and this was the perfect chance to talk to them all before he moves. He rushed downstairs, “M-mum!” He called looking for her.

    “Hang on Lou, I’m on the phone.” Louis ran over to where his Mum’s voice was and waited. “Yes please. Yeah I just need the dates booked a little earlier. Can we do Friday? Yeah everything’s finished and the kids are anxious. Thank you so much. You too, bye.” Ka hung up the phone.  “What’s the matter Sweetie? And I got our flights moved.”

    “H-h-harry’s in the hosp-pital with everyo-o-one. I n-need to g-get there.”

    Jay nodded and told Louis to wait in the car. She told Lottie she would be back soon and to watch over th girls. She drove Louis to the hospital telling him to call her when he’s done. He just nodded and trudged inside. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say, let alone if he will be able to control himself. “Hello!” A lady said seeing Louis walking around a bit confused. “Are you looking for someone?”

    “Y-yeah. I’m L-louis Tomlinson. I’m h-h-here to s-see Harry S-styles.”

    “Okay,” She drew out typing something in her computer. “He’s up on the second floor, room 237.”

    “T-thank you.” Louis turned on his heels taking the stairs instead of the elevator needing a bit more time to get his thoughts together. When he reached the second floor he looked around, but wasn’t quite sure where anything was. He saw a nurse walking by and tapped her shoulder. “C-can you p-p-point me toward r-room 237?”

    “Of course dear. Follow me,” She waved him forward and started walking down the hall. “What brings you here Love?” She asked.

    “M-my ex-boyfiend.”

    “Oh, I’m sorry. Is he okay?”

    “Y-yeah. J-j-just has a s-small attack and p-passed out.”   

    “Oh. Well I hope he feels better. The room is right down there last door on the right,” She smiled.

    “T-thank you-”


    Louis smiled and gave her a small wave before walking down the last hall. He stood outside of the room for a few minutes, scared or what will happen. He finally worked up enough courage and knocked on the door. “Come in!” He could hear Harry all on the other side.

    Louis took another deep breath before opening the door and walking in. The boys and Zoe were all squished together on the couch. They just stared at Louis as he walked in. He rounde the curtain and saw Harry laying in the be with his eyes closed. “H-harry?” Louis asked gently, tears already springing to his eyes uncontrollably.



A/N2: So yeah, not too much went on in this chapter, but it's better than nothing right? But anyways, what did you guys think?! Louis having mental breakdowns and now leaving in only 3 days! He still hasn't told Harry yet either. You got Harry saying I love you in a text, WHICH by the way makes it the second time he's said it!. You go Harry having a little attack and ending up in the hospital, poor baby. So yupp. Vote, comment, follow, blah blah blah you know the drill! x

Oh and hey...only a little while longer till The Foster Home comes out! I'm really excited for this one too. I have 5 chapters ready to go! It's going to be a super long fic too because those 5 chapters only cover like a few days! Lol. So go check it out If you haven't yet and put it in you're reading list!

BYE! x

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