A Freeblade in Remnant

By Wrench007

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Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Warhammer. More

Meeting the Knight

The Encounter

1K 10 8
By Wrench007

Ruby POV

Professor Ozpin sent us on a mission to find out what was causing such a large energy spike. After the Bullhead arrived at the jump coordinates, we jumped out of the bullhead and and towards the lz. Once we reached the lz we gathered our gear and started walking in the direction of the energy spike.

"He Rubes you wondering what that energy spike is about?" Yang asked me.

"Yeah, I can't quite figure out what would make such an energy spike." I told her as we continued walking. After thirty minutes of walking we arrived at the energy spike to find a military base of an unknown army. As we got closer we saw soldiers in strange armor.

One of them spotted us and walked over to the opening in the wall. The soldier stood seven ft. tall, taller then all of us.

Space Marine POV

I walked towards the four girls as they stood there, awe struck by what they saw. As soon as I came face to face with them, I could see three of them trembling, while the youngest and shortest one just looked at me with a large grin as she looked at my bolter rifle.

"State your business." I told them as they stood at attention.

"W-We came to check out a large energy spike." The small one with black and red hair said. 

As they just stood there in silence I finally broke the silence. "Follow me." I started walking towards the command structure as they followed.

//Time Skip//

Once we reached the command center I knocked on the bulkhead.

"Password." The guard said.

"We will know no fear." I said as he stepped aside.

"Welcome back, brother." He greeted as the four followed me inside.

"Whoa." Red said as they walked through the command center, passing by the conveyor belt that was building the weapons and ammo. "What are those big guns you carry, if you don't mind me asking?"

"A standard issue bolter rifle, all Space Marines carry one." I told her as she looked at it with awe.

"What kind of dust rounds does it shoot?" She asked as the question confused me.

"Bolters don't use 'Dust Rounds' they use standard issue bolter rounds that can pierce even the toughest of armors. There are also Kraken and Explosive rounds." I told her as we entered the war room. "Brother Captain, and sister inquisitor." I said as I kneeled before them.

"Rise brother." Brother Captain Marcus told me as I stood up.

"Care to explain who these four girls are?" Sister Inquisitor Amanda asked.

"These four civilians came to investigate an energy spike coming from our base." I told her as she stepped closer to them.

"A pleasure to meet you." She said as she gave a slight bow.

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