Jumpman Imagines➳NBA Only {CL...

By Abriella26

105K 2K 2K

"Jumpman, Jumpman, Jumpman, them boys up to somethin!" Note: my imagines lean more towards short stories t... More

Jumpman Imagines!
Undeniable➳Mike Conley, Jr.
Undeniable II➳Mike Conley Jr. {R}
Undeniable III➳Mike Conley Jr.
Falling in Love➳Kevin Durant
Falling in Love II➳Kevin Durant {R}
Trust Me➳Kelly Oubre Jr.
Trust Me II➳Kelly Oubre Jr. {R}
Never Give Up➳DeAndre Jordan
Never Give Up II➳DeAndre Jordan
Never Give Up III➳DeAndre Jordan {R}
Valentine's Day 2.0➳Steph Curry
Valentine's Day 2.0 II➳Steph Curry {R}
The Unexpected➳Devin Booker
The Unexpected II➳Devin Booker {R}
The Unexpected III➳Devin Booker
Don't Go➳Klay Thompson {R}
5 Song Challenge
The Glo Up➳Andre Drummond
The Glo Up II➳Andre Drummond
The Glo Up III➳Andre Drummond {R}
Christmas Eve II➳Blake Griffin
Christmas Eve III➳Blake Griffin {R}
What You've Been Missing➳DeAndre Jordan {R}
Makeup and Magic➳Blake Griffin
Makeup and Magic II➳Blake Griffin {R}
Lying to Yourself ➳Devin Booker
Lying to Yourself II➳Devin Booker
Lying to Yourself III➳Devin Booker {R}

Christmas Eve➳Blake Griffin

3K 47 104
By Abriella26

Be my date this Christmas Eve
Be my holiday, my dream
Lay your head on me, I got you baby

Kissing underneath the tree
I don't need no presents girl, you're everything I need
Let me give you all of me, here
Together on this Christmas eve...

December 23, 2012

Bea's heart beat rapidly in her chest as she and Blake Griffin stood side by side, rubbing elbows every now and again as they gave out the last few plates of ham, sweet potato soufflé, green beans, and corn bread to stragglers who found themselves on the same street as the homeless shelter. Every year, on December 23rd, she looked in her mirror and pep talked herself into mustering up the courage to ask him, best basketball player on the LA Clippers, out. And every year she chickened out and never said a word about her feelings.

What she didn't know, is Blake had done the same and couldn't take it anymore. He knew that there was no way he had seen Bea three years in a row for no reason. He had to grow some balls and tell her how he felt. Because he had a feeling their fate was running out.

Three Years Ago

The Los Angeles Mission had been one of Blake Griffin's favorite places to volunteer in Los Angeles ever since his first year there. After experiencing a major letdown when he injured his left kneecap, he easily became bored and restless as his supposed rookie season went down the drain. Month after month he rested and rehabbed, retreating within himself as his status never seemed to change or improve by a significant margin. Trying to find his worth in a world where he wasn't playing basketball was very difficult, and even he would admit that he wasn't handling it well.

Until his father gave him the best idea.

"Too often we limit ourselves, son. You aren't only talented at basketball. You are capable of making an impact in other places besides STAPLES. Why not try getting out into your community for some healing and, better yet, some growing. You're much more than a basketball player, son. Remember that."

And so, Blake Griffin found himself walking into the Los Angeles Mission for volunteer orientation in early December. He figured he'd join them for the first time when they held their annual Christmas Street Meal, so he had to make sure to attend volunteer orientation first.

When he lived in Oklahoma and played for his father all throughout high school, their team had always given back in the community, and they frequented a homeless shelter there, too. This caused Blake to always have a heart for the homeless, and he couldn't think of a better place to find himself during all his free time.

Of course he had to go through meeting many people and receiving more thank you's than he could count when he entered the shelter, but he really didn't want to be known as a LA Clipper at the moment. He just wanted to be Blake Griffin. Thankfully, it was time for the orientation to get started, so he settled at an empty table in the back of the room and paid attention to the informational video that began to play.

Not five minutes into the video, many heads turned as they heard the click of heels move quickly across the floor. A young woman rushed into the room and looked around for a seat before her eyes saw Blake's table, and a look of relief washed over her face once she saw that it was empty other than him.

Blake's eyes couldn't help but admire the young woman whose beauty piqued his interest. Her long, shiny black hair fell in waves down her shoulders, complimenting her olive skin and framing her face perfectly. She looked so beautiful, yet laidback, in black skinny jeans, a big navy blue sweater, and a cream scarf, with black ankle boots. Blake would never admit it, being the ladies' man he thought he was, but he was nervous. The closer she got to the table, the more anxious he became about whatever he would need to say to her.

She flounced down in the seat right next to him, flipping her hair behind her to look at him and smile. And that killed him. Her smile. He officially wasn't paying attention to anything related to the Los Angeles Mission.

Bea noticed his stare, and she was honestly stunned. A Lakers fan through and through, she couldn't believe that the one time she was running into a pro ball player, it was a Clipper. She hated the Clippers. And no matter how fine and muscly Blake was, he was still a Clipper. But his admiration of her was definitely softening her up. She at least knew she'd have to say something to him to find out what she'd missed already since she was late.

As a pre-med student, Bea was enjoying every bit of her Christmas Break, starting with sleeping in every single morning. She had set an alarm since she knew good and well that her sleeping schedule was all out of whack, but the bed had just been feeling too good, and having to be at this orientation by ten in the morning was a struggle. She was only five minutes late, but it was enough time to cause her the embarrassment of everyone noticing her late entrance.

After the video ended, both Bea and Blake had refocused their attention on their purpose for attending the meeting, but their connection had only just begun.

"Alright everyone, let's take a look at the registration forms in front of you..."

Bea panicked. She didn't have these registration forms because she was late, of course.

"Um, hey, where did you get those papers from?" she asked Blake with a polite smile, surprising her own self with her willingness to speak to him.

"They're actually up front at the table behind the volunteer coordinator," he answered with a smile, excited that she had opened their lines of communication.

Bea thought she'd melt at the sound of his deep voice and his perfect smile. He was already sex personified in a well-fitting forest green V-neck sweater that showed the curve of his muscles and broad expanse of his chest. He didn't have to be so nice, too.

"You can look on with me for now," Blake added, jumping at the opportunity to get close to her.

"Oh! Thank you so much!" she whispered excitedly as Blake scooted his chair closer to her.

He quickly found out that she smelled lovely, her fresh, flowery scent surrounding him as he leaned near her and pushed his papers in between them. He mentally patted himself on the back for already making a move to get closer to her, while Bea's nerves began to betray her. How could she let this LA Clipper already get in her head? She was normally anxious in new social situations, but for some reason, she had no problem talking to Blake.

"Thanks for saving me when I was late," Bea thanked Blake with a small chuckle after the meeting ended and people began to file out.

"Oh it's no problem, life happens," Blake responded with a chuckle.

"Eh, it was more like my comfortable bed happened," Bea responded before she even realized what she said.

Blake laughed out loud, taken aback by her bluntness, "That'll do it, too. Not a morning person?"

"Hell no! Who actually is?" Bea exclaimed with incredulity.

Blake chuckled, loving Bea's openness and comfort with herself, "I guess it depends on what...or whom...you're getting up for."

Bea raised her eyebrow at Blake, sensing some flirtatious vibes coming from this sexy Clipper.

"Anndd that sounds like a different situation entirely, Mr. Griffin," Bea deadpanned, crossing her arms and looking him square in the eye.

"Mr. Griffin, eh? So you do know me..." Blake stated with amusement, "For a second there I thought you didn't."

"Ay nako!" Bea absentmindedly exclaimed in Tagalog, the language she'd learned at a young age in the Philippines, "Don't get your hopes up, I'm a Lakers fan. So, it's not like I want to know you."

She began to gather her things and make her way out the door, and Blake quickly fell into step with her.

"Well, you know my name, so can I at least know yours?"

Bea smirked, "I guess. It's Bea."

"Bea...," Blake held out my name, indirectly asking for my last name.

"You don't get to know my full name yet, sir," Bea playfully stated, flipping her hair and looking at him from under her eyelashes.

Blake was sold. All this Filipino beauty had to do was challenge him with a smile, and he was a goner.

"Alright, Bea. I'm up for the challenge," Blake said as he stopped when he heard his name being called, "I guess since you won't give me your last name, you're not going to give me your number either?"

"Yea, you guessed right. Guess all you Clippers aren't as clueless as you seem," Bea replied, taking a small jab at Blake.

"Woooww, that's how it's gonna be? Ok then. I see I've got my work cut out for me. Until next time, Miss Bea," Blake said, backing up and watching her walk out of the building.

Bea felt his eyes on her and couldn't help but turn and give him one last look, seeing those brown eyes that were filled with mischief and amusement. She honestly couldn't care less that that man was a Clipper. He was fine as hell.

Blake had gotten lost in the memory of when he first met Bea, trying to remind himself of why it was so important for him to not chicken out. Although he'd only seen her three times since their first meeting three years ago, his feelings had not changed, they'd grown. She was as beautiful, outspoken, and magnetic as ever. He couldn't stay away from her, and he didn't want to.

"So you just had to choose the same job as me, Mr. NBA?" Bea said, poking fun at Blake.

"You're just not used to anyone arriving after you since you're normally the late one," Blake joked back with no hesitation.

This is what Bea and Blake did. They joked, they flirted, they had competitions of wit whenever they were around each other just to make sure they would keep talking. So instead of spilling the beans, they kept it light and funny. Bea was deathly afraid of putting herself out there, and Blake was afraid that he wasn't good enough for the pre-med student and humanitarian who was both ambitious, beautiful, and hard-working.

Right before Bea could say something equally as witty, both she and Blake were accosted by two kids, the boy and girl they had both become quite close to during their time volunteering for the Los Angeles Mission the past few years.

"Miss Bea, Mr. Blake, come with us!" Mia and Jesse yelled in unison, grabbing their hands and dragging them away from the serving table and towards the various booths where people could play games for Christmas gifts, sing karaoke, and even kiss under the mistletoe.

And to both Bea and Blake's chagrin, that's exactly where the kids were leading them – to the mistletoe.

So today is all about you, babe
the mistletoe can pull us closer, it's what I'm waiting for...

"Look, kids, why don't we slow down and maybe go shoot some hoops for some Christmas gifts or something," Blake tried to suggest, internally face-palming at the fact that he'd let Jesse, an eighty pound ten year-old drag his 250 pound self anywhere.

But, it was too late, the kids had pulled them to the front of the line where the Los Angeles Mission employee stood, managing the lines of guys and girls who wanted their turn at a holiday kiss.

"Miss Marley! You have to let Miss Bea and Mr. Blake have a turn! They like each other and need to kiss!" Mia and Jesse told the Los Angeles Mission employee.

Bea and Blake's heads immediately whipped around and met each other's eyes. Both surprise, embarrassment, and curiosity inhabiting them at the moment. Had they been that obvious with their flirting and attraction for each other? Had they been obvious enough for some elementary school kids to notice? Was this really happening? In front of at least the forty homeless people waiting in line for their chance under the mistletoe?

"Well, who would I be to deny the wishes of the children at Christmas time? Get ready to smooch, Bea and Blake!" Marley, the mistletoe manager, exclaimed with an amused smile.

And without any warning or preparation, a large green mistletoe with a red ribbon tied at the top of it, appeared above their heads attached to a long silver pole that Marley held up in the air.

Bea had dreamt of kissing Blake so many times and in so many scenarios, but she never thought this would be it. She at least thought a date or two would come before any kiss between them. Her heart was doing cartwheels as it appeared that Blake had absolutely no stage fright at all and was leaning down to make this kiss happen.

And happen it did.

Blake's surprisingly soft lips pressed against hers for a good five seconds before Bea began to move her lips and take the kiss to the next level, finally escaping from her paralysis that came on when she realized that she was about to kiss her three-year crush, Blake Griffin. Blake took that hint and ran with it, sliding his tongue between her slightly parted lips and deepening what should've been a chaste kiss for the public. His hands found their way around Bea's waist, pulling her closer to him and causing her to plant both hands on his chest before softly whimpering in bliss from this magically unexpected kiss.

Only whistles and claps from their increasing audience forced them apart, causing their cheeks to become rosy and reality to set back in. Mia and Jesse jumped up and down as if it were Christmas, and this enthusiasm from two young kids warmed his heart and gave him the push he needed to do what he'd been trying to do and meaning to do for the past three years...

"Bea?" Blake asked with blind courage.

"Yes, Blake?" she answered, still trying to catch her breath.

"Go out with me?" he asked, waiting nervously in anticipation.

Bea was in the process of replaying their kiss in her mind as she continued to stand in his arms and tune out the murmurs of the people around them. She wanted to pinch herself because she wasn't sure this was her reality. Over the years Blake had always flirted and asked for her number or hinted at wanting to take her out, but Bea was never ready. How could she justify going out with a man she only saw at a homeless shelter once a year? Especially one who seemed so sweet and respectful when he was around her, but was constantly on social media surrounded by a variety of women (Yes, she had done her fair share of research)? She liked him, but she had never taken him seriously, which is why she took the hard-to-get approach.

"Depends. When? You do know it's about to be Christmas, right?"

Blake chuckled, she never stopped playing hard to get, he thought to himself before answering, "Tomorrow. Christmas Eve."

I'm baaaccckkkk with another imagine! It took me FOREVS to figure out where I wanted to go with this one because I wanted it to be perfect for my twinnie, -starrynite117! I love you, twinnie, and I hope Part I of your imagine gets you excitedddd!! 😁✨😊💖👯

And WOW, last time I checked this book was only at like 11K reads and 600 votes, and now it's at 20K reads and almost 800 votes! Y'all really don't know how much your support means to me! I love writing, and I work hard on it, so it's just a blessing to receive the love! 😩😭😍❤

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