
By EternallyBlue02

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"Can I trust you?" Secrets are made to be hidden but others are not that good in hiding them. 'Miyamoto Nan... More

Secret #1
Secret #2
Secret #3
Secret #4
Secret #5
Secret #6
Secret #7
Secret #8
Secret #9
Secret #10
Secret #11
Secret #12
Secret #13
Secret #14
Secret #15
Secret #16
Secret #17
Secret #18
Secret #19
Secret #20
Secret #21
Secret #22
Special Secret
Thank you!!!!
Thanks a lot!
Ten Facts About Secret
News Flash!!

Last Secret

34 6 0
By EternallyBlue02

Yurika's POV

I entered our apartment, seeing him sitting on the couch, watching tv.

I have been living alone in this apartment but he always come here. I don't know if he comes here so that I don't feel lonely or because he just wants to. I mean he is here every time! Well, he goes home at night though, but he is being a freeloader! He's not even working!

"Hey, look what I got." I said as I showed him the letter.

"What's that Yuri?" He asked and stood uo as he walked closer to me.

"A wedding invitation!" I squealed.

I know you will find it weird to see a 20-year old woman squealing, but meh, I don't care.

"Who's wedding is it?" He asked.

"Takashiro." I smiled.

"Izumi-chan?" He asked.

This idiot! Izumi is still in high school, even if its legal, her mom wont allow that! You know their family is strict!

"Idiot." Was the only thing I said.

"Ikumi and Michiru?!" Ah, so he finally get it.

"Yup, and we're definitely going to go there!" I enthusiastically said.

"Yeah sure." He looked bored.

"What about us?" I asked with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Just why does he look bored?!

"When will we get married?" I asked him.

"Of course proposal comes first." He said smiling and he only smiles like that when he plans to do something that I wont like.

"Eh? When will you propose?!" I asked with glee.

"Later." He said with a smirk as he go back to the couch and continued watching the tv.

"Shun, you jerk!" I shouted at him.

Even though I cant see his face, I can feel that he is smiling. And he really is an idiot.

"Of course I need to find a job first." He said and I sat down beside him.

"And when are you going to doing that?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Later." He said and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.

"Shun, wake up!" I shouted, shaking him.

Just why did I even liked him in the first place?!

Ikumi's POV

I was outside the chapel with Izumi, waiting for the others to come. I cant believe this! Just a few more hours, and she will be my wife! I feel like jumping up and down non stop!

"What is taking them so long?!" She demanded while tapping her shoes against the floor.

Just since when did she became so impatient?

"Izumi calm down." I said, patting her back.

"Calm down? I cant? I'm nervous!" She shouted at me. This little kid.... She is more excited than me!

"How come? This is my wedding you know?! Its me who should be the one who's nervous here!" I shouted at her.

"Eh? But you're already nervous, aren't you? Just look at your legs." She smirked.

I looked down to see that my legs- its shaking! How come I didn't notice? Its my own body! Am I that nervous?

"Those two sure are late! There's only an hours left before the wedding ceremony starts!" She complained and continued tapping her shoe against the floor. The sound is so irritating!

"An hour is still a long time, Izumi." I said, trying to be calm even though I am as impatient as her.

"But I'm so excited!" She complained.

See? Told ya, she is more excited than me!! Yet she isn't the one who is going to get married!

"I'm the one who's getting married, you know? I should be the one who's excited!" I shouted at her like a child.

"Iku-nii, excitement is not good for you. Remember last night, you didn't sleep because of too much excitement." She smirked.

Yes, when she went to high school, she stopped calling me 'nii-chan'.

"Shut up, you little brat." I said and

"Hey, last night, Michiru-nee said that she's also too excited, she cant sleep. So you two really are the same, eh?" She teased.

"Just shut up, Izumi!" I said while blushing.

"Oh, look, its them!" She shouted and I spotted two people- Yurika and Shunsuke. These two have the habit of being 'late' according to my little sis.

"Sorry, we're late." She apologized.

"Its okay, we just arrived way too early." Izumi smirked while looking at me.

"Izumi, I said shut up!" I shouted and she giggled. This little brat..

"Ikumi, why so hot-headed? Aren't you supposed to be happy? Today's the day!" Yurika said, drawing an imaginary arc.

She never changed.

"You shut up too, Minami!" I shouted at her. Why are these people so annoying?

"Don't yell at her like that Ikumi!" Shunsuke said. This guy is quite a tsundere but is also very over protective.

"These two are so cute, they should get married too." Izumi said. I believe she thought she whispered to herself but--

"You shut up, Izumi-chan!" The couple shouted at her, blushing. It seemed like they heard it.

"Bleh!" I stuck out my tongue.

"Ikumi, once you saw Michiru in her wedding dress, you will forgot how to breathe!" Yurika giggled.

"Oh, really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just thank me later!" She said and dragged Shunsuke inside the chapel with her.

"Lets go inside the chapel, the wedding ceremony will start in ten minutes." Mother said and we all went inside.

I hate to admit it but it is as Yurika said, the moment I saw Micchan in her wedding gown, made me forgot how to breathe. I'm glad that we chose the western-style instead of a shinto wedding.

"Ikumi, do you pledge to love her, Michiru forever, in sickness and in health?" The priest's words interrupted me from my thoughts.

I almost forgot about the wedding haha. I am too bussy staring at Micchan's beauty~

"I do." I answered with a smile on my lips. Micchan smiled back at me.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

And we live happily ever after~ The end❤

I cant believe I'm writing something like this, its embarrassing! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)

Anyways, Merry Christmas, everyone!!!


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