She Was Just a Girl

By ally014

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Copyright (All Rights Reserved)© 2012-2017 Jax is pursuing a career in education. High school education. He w... More

She Was Just a Girl (Teacher-Student Relationship/Affair)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-two

540 5 2
By ally014

Kelsey quickly ducked for the floor, bruising her knees as Sarah lunged for her. She crawled out of the room slamming the door shut behind her as she got to her feet, running into Ty's room immediately, her mind spinning, her heart aching to know if he was okay. She quietly shut the door and locked it before silently placing Ty's large dresser in front of the door. Tip-toeing to the crib, she saw Ty's sleeping cradled body and sighed in relief as she picked him up and held him against her chest as she pulled her cell-phone out of her shorts pocket, readying to dial as she heard the knob begin to jiggle from outside the room. 

Kelsey's breathing deepened as she hurriedly dialed the police, slowly making her way toward the bathroom door just a foot or two away from her. 

"This the police, what's your emergency?" The male dispatcher responded, Kelsey's heart dropping to her stomach as she entered the bathroom, the smell of dried blood fresh in the air, the door jiggling more, the dresser starting to rock back and forth. Shutting the door, she again locked it, falling down on top of the toilet as she tried to catch her breath, Ty quiet in her arms, "Hello?" The dispatcher questioned when she responded with simple breaths.

Kelsey took a deep low breath before speaking rapidly and under her breath, "I need thelp. My name is Kelsey Rogers, and there is a crazy woman trying kill me with some bloody syringe. I'm locked in the bathroom with my baby brother, but I don't know how long until she'll break down the door," she took a silent inhale before biting back her most desired sobs she wanted to release, "Please help me."

She could hear his pen writing rapidly as he quickly responded, "Keep yourself hidden and from harm, the nearest police cruiser should be there in a matter of minutes. Do you know your attacker?"

Kelsey opened her mouth, the air stopping as she thought on how to respond, "I don't know, I'm freaking out too much, I'm trying to calm down, I just don't know." She answered smoothly without fault.

"Just hold on, Miss Rogers. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?" He asked as kindly as he could, she could tell he was concerned, it was his tone.

Before she could respond, she heard the dresser fall to the carpet in the bedroom, the door crashing against the dresser, some bits sounding to have broken off and hit the ground, "She's broken down the door." Kelsey whispered, her lips shaking as she attempted to stop already falling tears.

"Miss, it'll be okay." He tried to reassure her, but she simply couldn't think of a way out of this. It would be minutes too late before someone came. Hanging up on the dispatcher, Kelsey breathed deeply, throwing the phone against the mirror above the sink, cracking the mirror into dozens of pieces some falling into the sink, others into the floor. 

Swiftly, Kelsey gave Ty a kiss on the forehead and a soft reassurance as she sat his sleeping body into the empty tub before grabbing a tick washcloth towel in her hands. Reaching for a larger piece of glass, Kelsey gripped it tight her washcloth wrapped hand, feeling the sharp edges in her tight fist. Readying herself, she jabbed the air once or twice, waiting for the sound of a knock on the door from Sarah.

"Kelsey." Sarah sang, tapping the syringe against the frame of the door, "Come out, so I can kill you. I want to get this over with." She chuckled as Kelsey's tears dried on her icy face.

"Not today, bitch." Kelsey spoke to Sarah through the door, reaching for the knob just as she gritted her teeth, her arm up and lunging for Sarah.

Jax, with a large can of Pringles Original under one arm, and two chocolate chip cookie dough blizzards in each hand, made his way out of his truck once he parked in Kelsey's driveway, ready to begin his movie night with his beloved and gorgeous girlfriend. Almost with a skip in his beat, he hurried to the door that had strangely been opened, a hint of a bloody fingerprint on the knob.

Curiously, Jax stepped into the house, resting the blizzards onto a nearby table, the chips with it as he made his way up the stairs, stuffing his keys into his pocket, "Kelsey?" he cried out as he was midway up the stairs, his eyes scanning the house, not many sounds echoing through the halls as he tried to listen for anything.

"Kelsey!" Jax shouted questioningly as he stomped down the hallway toward her room, finding nothing but a dark, empty room. He sighed, making his way back where he came from just as he stopped a broken down door, barely standing just as he heard noises coming from behind it.

He pushed the flimsy door open, finding a fallen dresser, broken, lamp, and other tipped furniture, a hint of a long thickish blood trail from one end of the room to the other and then towards the bathroom where he could hear more groans. Just as he intended to round the room toward the bathroom, Kelsey had tackled Sarah to the ground in front of him, her hand holding a large shard of glass as Sarah held a freshly bloodied syringe.

Jax reached to stop it somehow by reaching for Sarah, but they had rolled across the carpet, changing positions from Sarah being dominant to Kelsey then back again. He tried to yell again, "Sarah! What the hell are you doing?"

Sarah was on top at this point, her syringe stabbing into Kelsey's arm as she turned her attention to him, "Baby, I've been waiting for you! I couldn't wait to show you her dead body, so you and I could be together again." She grinned at him as Kelsey writhed in pain, her arm covered in blood as she wiggled and pulled the syringe out, the gash wider than Jax thought was possible from a needle.

Sarah's hands found themself going toward Jax as she stood.

"Hopefully what we did helped create a child," She smiled as she neared him, his feet backtracked, "We can be a family."

Jax stared wide-eyed at her before shoving past her to Kelsey's side, his hands holding down pressure on the wound as he reached for the washcloth wrapped around the glass in her hand. Holding the washcloth on her wound, she mumbled, groaned, and moaned in pain as her arm shook in resistance.

"I don't want anything to do with you, Sarah. I'd rather you die." He cursed at her, attending Kelsey as she shivered and laid on her back, more than one wound from the syringe on her body. 

Sarah's lips shook in anger as she glanced down at the syringe Jax had thrown behind him as he turned his back on her, his hands holding onto Kelsey's arm as Sarah reached for the syringe, tears streaming down her face as she let out a scream, readying to jump for either Jax or Kelsey. Then just as she lept off her toes a bullet rang out, echoing through the room as Sarah fell flat to the ground, syringe still gripped tightly in her hand as Jax covered Kelsey with his own body in attempt to sheild her.

Then he looked up to find two police officers standing at the door, one with their gun still aimed as Jax eased his shoulders. "Thank God." He whispered, finding both hands on the covered gash again.

The police men urged themselves forward to check Kelsey and Jax, their questioning already beginning as Jax simply thanked God and those police officers, his head falling forward against Kelsey's forehead, placing a kiss on it as the police called in an ambulance. 

Sarah's body lay unconscious on the carpet, blood oozing off her wound and onto the floor, Jax looking back in pity at her dead body before forsaking it to listen to the police comfort as well as question him. Kelsey, still barely conscious, reached her hand to grip onto Jax's free hand, and before blacking out, spoke, "Get Ty. He's in the tub in the bathroom, I had to keep him safe away from Sarah. Please get  him." She begged Jax before losening her grip as she fell into a gracious slumber readying herself for another hospital visit.

                         *                                                       *                                                        *

Steve paced his small visitor's cell, waiting on news from his men, as the lone nearby security guard gave him a nod. He was one of the few security guards Steve could afford to keep in his pocket, both through blackmail and payments; sometimes through loyalty. Stroking his fingers through his thick, combed back, dark brownish blond hair that had grown to his discomfort over the time he's been held in prison.

To say he was put out with Kelsey was an understatement, but the thought of Rhonda and his son put his mind to an ease for what little that did for him. He would be out soon. He was sure that Kelsey would be his soon enough. Every thing was in place. It was just a matter of time.

The sound of quickening footsteps urged the guard to make his way out of the room, glancing only for a moment at Steve as he nodded at the guard. Kieron raced down the hall, the security guard walking by normally, not looking back at him as he made his way to get a cup of coffee to gave them the privacy needed. 

Kieron burst through the door, immediately slamming into the bars, his brow stained with sweat as he tried to breathe away his exhaustion. Kieron, the male stripper from Steve's bar, was dressed in his khakis and green polo shirt, looking similar to the man off Blue's Clues as he straightened his stiff back. After just a moment, Steve turned toward him.

Steve looked over at him disapprovingly, "I wanted to meet with Jack. Where is he?" He questioned Kieron as he sighed, rubbing his arm against his forehead to wipe away the remaining sweat.

"Dead." Kieron answered, banging his head against the bars once before grinding his teeth guilt streaking his face as Steve stopped in his steps

Steve glanced over at Kieron before turning his back on him, his arms behind him as if he were some gentleman businessman, "How'd it happen?"

Kieron remembered what had happened and how it did, the blood still haunted him, "Sarah killed him because he tried to stop her from going after Kelsey." What he'd said caused Steve to turn his head immediately, "She was hurt, but she's been sent to the hospital. Sarah hurt her badly, but she was killed in the midst of trying to kill Kelsey and that teacher guy you mentioned."

Steve turned away again, his hands balling into fists as he glared at the bed nailed into the wall across from him, "That teacher was there with my girl again?" He questioned angrily, "My wife?"

Kieron paused pulling away from the bars as he tried to take caution in Steve's anger. He knew he had a sick passionate love towards his step-daughter. Kieron tried to keep himself objective while working for Steve, but it was sick to him that Steve thought Kelsey was a replacement for Rhonda.

"Yes, but the police have him in for questioning while Kelsey's in the hospital with your son. She's refused to leave his side." Kieron reassured, trying to enthuse him, "Also, we've gathered the funds."

Steve grinned, "Perfect." He angled his body back toward Kieron, "It relies on you now, Kieron. Pay for the release tomorrow, then I'll leave your award in your bank account." He turned to an opposite wall, and inhaled contently, "It's all coming together."

Kieron exhaled sharply, preparing to leave just as Steve stopped him with his voice, rougher than what it was, "Make sure to follow Kelsey at all times, do not get caught, and always from a distance. Are we clear?" Steve inquired, Kieron gazing over his shoulder at Steve's eyes seeming to bore into his heart to see the weakness around his heart.

"Yes." Kieron answered, gulping down the pain in his throat as he trudged down the hall, thinking of why he's doing this. For security, for his job, for his wife, for his son. It still felt wrong. All this time watching Kelsey for that man seemed to take it's toll on Kieron's morals. He'd began questioning how'd he react if this happened to his son.

As he made his way out to his sedan, his phone sitting on his lap with the picture of his wife and son, he began questioning everything, but his family came first. With a heavy heart, he made his way to the hospital, leaving a message for his wife, Amy, that he'd be late for dinner.

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