Sweet Temptation (English)


132 3 0

Eva Dolan promised herself never to go through the same thing again. She wants to forget everything, and star... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

27 0 0

As we approach, I can distinguish a huge brick-colored building with Greek-style columns at the entrance. Ethan parked in a free space in the big parking lot, and when I get out of the Jeep, I let escape a laugh as I look around. The typical scene one hopes to find. Cars of all styles, colors and certainly of different values, are next to each other with their respective owners chatting seated in the bonnet or grabbing their belongings to start the day, couples embraced, etc. Some people wear classic university jackets with the name of a team of American football, baseball or Greek letters, which I guess alludes to the name of some fraternity.

Two girls with the signboard of "college sluts" on the forehead pass by our side. Exaggerated necklines, one is blond with straight hair and the other brunette with curly hair and of course, miniskirts. They wink at my brothers smiling stupidly. They approach them and speak to them in such a low tone that I can't hear what they say, but I assume it shouldn't' be anything that pleases Gray. He narrows his eyes, shaking his head, making a gesture to get them out of his way and stands beside me. But, of course, Ethan smiles openly and throws the keys of his Jeep to Gray. He leaves without even saying goodbye, hugging a slut by the shoulders with each arm. Instantly a sense of disgust takes over me.

Grayson and I rolled our eyes at the same time and then laughed at the coincidence of the moment. At least I know that one of my brothers is not going to abandon me today. He helps me lower my suitcase and then activates the Jeep's alarm. I sigh and we start walking. I watch him for a second and even though he doesn't show it, I know he's nervous, too. Not just for me, but because he wants this to really work. And knowing him, he's going to do it great, even if he's chosen a difficult career. I take his hand and I narrow it; Gray smiles at me in appreciation.

I look up and see a large sign that shows the University logo (an open book with a star on top as to illuminate or blessed it), with its motto below: Let there be light. I hope it's true and the "light" guides me to get away from my dark past. It's what I want and that's what I came for. We enter the campus and my heart goes to a thousand for hour. It is really beautiful.

I see small green spaces with sculptures and a bigger one in the center, where there is a huge fountain. Four brick buildings, with different styles each, surround the garden forming a perfect square. I glimpse trees with multicolored flowers and I aspire the purest air that exists. This place conveys peace and harmony. For the second time in my life, I feel that I made the right decision.

We glimpse the signboard that indicates where the "Administration" is, we approach and we stand in line, waiting our turn. After announcing our names, they give us a notebook with our respective schedules, examination dates and a map of the University, with each "School" (where you study a different career) marked with different colors. My notebook also indicates where my room is, so I'm already anxious to meet my room partner.

- Well, I have to go to the other building, the North Campus ...- Gray says, checking his map. - ... but I think I make time to accompany you to your room to leave your things.

- No, it's okay. I can handle it, don't worry. - I say him with a sincere smile. He responds in the same way, gives me a kiss on the cheek with a short hug and he leaves, I assure him that later we are going to see each other.

I begin to walk dragging my suitcase and consulting my map. I observe everything in awe and surely I have a stupid smile on my face, but I cannot help it. At first glance, this place promises to be quiet and great. I head to the area of the rooms, at Kinsey Hall. I have to climb three stairs to get to my room and the truth is that I don't complain. A little exercise will not hurt me. And that's something more than we share the Dolan triplets,we love sports and exercise in general.

A few minutes later, I'm in front of the door with the number 68. I sigh nervously and turn the knob. I look around, absolutely perplexed. It is a room with two beds at opposite ends; The one on the left has a pink suitcase over it and a pair of bags of different sizes around. Well, at least I know I'll share the place with a girl. In addition, there are two small closets that are more than enough to perfectly store all belongings of each, two desks, a door on the right side of the room (I guess it will be the bathroom) and also, a huge window. Even from the door I can glimpse the other building that is opposite and part of the garden with that beautiful fountain that I saw as soon as I entered the Campus. To amaze me even more, there is a flat screen TV that it's fixed to the wall and for its neatness, it should be brand new.

I go to the bed that is free and I put my suitcase on it. I want to unpack and accommodate my stuff as soon as possible. I lean over and open it, taking a pile of clothes, but a slightly loud voice startles me and I almost drop everything on the floor. Please tell me it is not true!

- Hello! You must be my room partner! - I turn around and confirm my suspicions. A girl stands in the doorway and is a Barbie, except for her red hair. She has a slim body, green eyes and a perfect smile. I envy her completely, but not her outfit. She wears a white lace-type T-shirt, with two horrible birds on the front, black knee-embroidered skinny pants, high-heeled boots and a thin black choker. She pulls her curls away with a quick gesture and walks over to me. Then she does something that completely surprises me: she hugs me as if we have been friends for years. - I'm so glad to know that I'm going to have someone to chat with and do "girly things"! Isn't it great?

- Yes, of course ... - NO. It's not, not even for a second! This girl has an overwhelming energy and the truth is that her voice is a bit annoying; Not to mention the fact that she looks like a fucking model. This is an assault to my patience (which is almost nil, by the way) and my low self-esteem. I pull away from her with a gesture of discomfort that I don't try to conceal at all and apparently, she doesn't notice, or decides to ignore it.

- I'm so anxious! I'm Dakota, by the way. - she smiles showing her perfect teeth.

- Eva. Nice to meet you. - I smile sideways just an instant and then I point to the closets. - Have you taken one of those, as with the beds?

- Of course not! Feel free to choose the one you like. - She says and smiles again. Ugh, I'm sure I'll be blind because of this girl and her white teeth.

- Okay. - I approach the one closest to the door and begin to accommodate my clothes. Dakota stays in the same place for a few more minutes and then closes the door, before heading quickly to the window. She sits down on the bench in front of it and looks down. Apparently, she is looking for or waiting to see someone. I follow with my things without speaking to her.

Five minutes later, she lets out a sigh and shakes her head before goes to the free closet. Her wardrobe has all the colors you can imagine and it even seems that there are some that I had never seen in my life. Then she opens the bags and what's inside surprises me and at the same time makes me roll my eyes: shoes and more shoes. I count at least fifteen pairs, of all tastes, colors and styles. I must admit, several of them are so beautiful that they take my breath away.

- Don't you think there are too many? - I say scathingly without even looking at her.

-No, I dont think so. - she responds and by the tone of her voice, I know that she is annoyed by my attitude. No wonder, I'm behaving like a bitch.

I sigh and try to understand why I do it. Dakota is really beautiful and even though her voice irritates me a little, she hasn't done anything that deserves to be treated like that. Maybe I should relax, starting a friendship would not hurt me. And, in truth, she would be my first real friend, beyond my brothers or those who belonged to the group of friends of my ex- boyfriend; Although I cannot even consider them MY friends. Only one, but it's very far.

- Wow! Those are great! - I say pointing at the black leather heels with interlocking straps, which she holds in her hands. - They should look great with your skin tone!

- Yes I know! - exclaims smiling, although I suspect it is more because I have spoken amicably for the first time since I arrived. A moment later, she looks at me confused. - Sorry, but ... do you suffer from bipolarity or something?

- What? Of course not! I suffer from many things, but I am not bipolar, as far as I know. - I laugh at her question and seeing that I'm not bothered at all, she also laughs. - I'm sorry, Dakota. I don't want to justify myself, but it's an important day for me and I guess I'm very tense.

- Don't worry, I understand. You sure have your reasons that you will decide if you want to tell me or not. - She smiles with empathy and I do the same.

I was right, being kind was not going to hurt me and I even decided that she like me. She is beautiful, funny and has shown character; In short, everything I admire in a person. I suspect that we will become good friends. We get to chat and we discover that we have many things in common, especially as far as music is concerned. It turns out that she is also a lover of novels and I don't know how much time we spent like this, getting to know each other, laughing and exchanging anecdotes.

She tells me a little about her family which, like mine, has a more than good economic position. Her parents are successful architects and it turns out that they designed the modern parts that were built in the University. Her mother wanted Dakota to be part of the same brotherhood that she attended in her youth, but her daughter refused completely and decided to settle in the residence. She also tells me that works as model (although I suspected that since I saw her) and all the problems she had in order to achieve it. Her honesty surprises me, that is, we hardly know each other. But there is something about her that gives you a lot of confidence, so I decide to talk honestly and tell her the reason for my move and my life before coming to Los Angeles.

Dakota has an expression of sadness mixed with pity on her face and the truth is that it bothers me. I don't like people to feel sorry for me or to look at me at the way she does it right now.

- Please do not look at me like that. - i say a bit abruptly and then I make a gesture of guilt.

- I'm sorry. It's just ... wow. You went through horrible things and I think you're very brave, Eva. - she shakes my hand gently and this time, her contact doesn't bother me at all, quite the opposite. Curiously, it conveys peace and confidence.

- I don't think so. If I were brave, I would have left him before and none of that would have happened. But thanks anyway. - I smile sincerely. - It's nice to have someone to talk to. A girl, I mean. I have always talked to my brothers and no one else.

- You're welcome. And I'd like to know what that feels like. I told you, I'm an only child. It's a bit sad. - She twists the gesture, but she recovers her old smile. - I suppose they must be as cool as you.

- They're ... particular, and intense. - I laugh when a thousand and one moments comes to mind, including the episode this morning. - But yeah, they're really cool. I don't know what would become of me without them. - Dakota smiles sweetly. Doesn't her cheeks hurt?

I take the silence of the moment to see what is behind the door of the room and as I had suspected, it is the bathroom. It's beautiful and spacious, with white tiles and marble. There is a bathtub in which of course I will take more than one bath with salts and oils that are relaxing and perfumed. I am grateful to know that in this place there are no shared showers and outside the room. I didn't think I was prepared to put up with it and it would have been very difficult for me. When I finish fitting the last t-shirts in my closet, someone knocks on the door. As I am the one closest to it, I approach and open it.

- Guess who belongs to one of the coolest fraternities in the whole place! - Ethan smiles at me on the other side and in his hand, has a university jacket purple and white, with Greek letters embroidered on it.

- Why is itn't surprising me at all, my brother? - I roll my eyes. Of course, Ethan was going to join a fraternity. He would never risk abstinence when it comes to parties and now he would have the opportunity to organize them as he pleases.

- I still have to go through a stupid initiation, but this is fucking incredible! - I had never seen him so happy in my life. I'm about to respond, but to my surprise, Dakota joins the conversation.

- We'll see if it still seems incredible when you have to spend the night tied to the main garden fountain as part of your "initiation". And you will do so wearing only your underwear. - she smiles amused and approaches until their faces are only a few centimeters. She looks at him with coquettishly and Ethan raises an eyebrow. I know he's totally captivated, I know him. I'm sure they're going to kiss right in front of my nose when my brother approaches, but Dakota walks away and winks at him. - Have fun tonight, Delta boy.

Ethan is perplexed. Never ever in his life, had he had a girl so close to his face and not at least gotten a kiss from her as reward. He must has his male pride more than wounded. I laugh at his expression and he kills me with his eyes. When he's about to open his mouth to tell me something, Dakota closes the door to the room. I look at her with a raised eyebrow. This girl just embarrassed my brother, the irresistible Ethan Dolan.

- You and I ...- I begin to say, looking at her seriously. - We will be very good friends, my dear Dakota.

She looks at me for a few seconds and then we both burst out laughing. A feeling of happiness runs through me completely and I suspect that this is going to be one of my favorite places around the world.

*NOTE: Dakota in multimedia*

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