Midnight Memories

By Really_a_blonde

700 58 1

I am most likely the worst person alive at connecting my thoughts together in my writing. My best friend, who... More

You're fired (chp 1)
The bar (chp 2)
Midnight (chp 3)
Pizza time! (Chp 4)
The Office (chp 5)
The Park Date (chp 6)
Not a Chapter
Jen got a kiss and I have a date (chp 9)
A date (chp 10)
Kiana (Chp 11)
Happily (Chp 12)
Jealousy (Chp 13)
Isn't She Lovely? (Chp 14)
No Answer (Chp 15)
Tattoos (chp 16)
Forgetfulness (chp 17)
The Chase (chp 18)
Random Sucky Ending

Jen's got a date and I have wrapping paper (chp 8)

23 3 0
By Really_a_blonde

Not surprisingly, Niall had met Jenna at the grocery store and asked her out on a date. Jenna had been texting me the details for the past hour.

"What will I wear?" she asked. "What should I say?" she would ask for the millionth time. "Where do you think we're going to go?"

"It's all going to be fine..." I assured her, once again. God, where would she be without my guidance? "Wear that cute pink dress that you love; it looks great on you. Just be yourself. Maybe you should go to dinner or the park or something, besides he could have something planned already. Just be cool about it."

A brief silence filled both sides of the phone. Jenna finally spoke, "Thanks Kiana," The thing about Jenna, was that you could hear when she was smiling or when she was excited about something on the phone. Based off of that, boy was she excited.

I could only imagine what they would look like as a couple. All I could imagine were two people laughing and cackling at just about anything. I also wondered what Niall thought about Jenna's height.

Heck, what did Zayn think about my height? He was only 3 inches taller than me...

But I didn't care, so he shouldn't either.

Maybe that's how Jenna and Niall were seeing it.

At least I hoped that's how they were seeing it; Jenna was 4 inches taller than Niall.

I laughed, dismissing my thoughts.

"What kind of flower does Zayn like?" I asked myself, reminded of the eligant blue orchid that was sitting in the kitchen window.

To answer my question, I ran to my bedroom where my HP laptop awaited me with a gentle purr. I flipped the screen up and began typing away at the my keyboard.

"What is Zayn Malik's favorite flower?" I said in monotone as I typed the words into the glowing search box in Google. Responses like 'roses' and 'lillies' and 'sunflowers' all popped up onto my screen. "Too much trouble to figure out right now," I told myself. "He likes to draw!" I recalled the sketches he had on his desk.

Nodding my head in approval, I decided to get him a notebook to sketch in.

That's thoughtful, right?

Dashing to my closet, I had already decided that I was going to wear a black shirt, red skinny jeans, a red scarf, white Vans, and a my teenage mutant ninja turtles jacket.... don't judge me!

I got dressed in a jiffy and did my hair and makeup quickly. My hair was up in a bun, makeup natural.

Heading out the door, I grabbed my keys and tiny purse. My Mustang (I had started to call it Breadcrumbs... Don't ask) awaited me in the garage.

About 30 minutes later, I was back at home with a plain black sketchbook with 178 blank pages (according to the cover) and a crazy idea.

While I was at the store, I bought some liquid chalk, which was a weird little substance... It was white, like chalk, but it was permanent, like a Sharpie.

I laid the notebook out in front of me. The cover was black as could be, not a scratch on it. It was very plain; the only thing that was on the cover was, "178 pages" in the bottom right corner. I uncapped the marker-like liquid chalk and began doodling.

I drew a bunch of lines and squiggles until they became figures. Somehow, I had managed to doodle a lion, its mane was made of swirls and squiggly lines that extended to other doodles. I doodled about anything that came to mind. Cars, cats, flowers, hearts, stars, and an endless amount of quotes.

Enventually, I decided that I was done; there was no room left anywhere on the cover. The last thing I had done to top off the masterpiece was a semi-artistic word art of Zayn's name.

Looking over my work, I smiled.

I did damn good.

Now that I had his gift done.... I had to wrap it. It's the right thing to do... right? I mean, gosh, who doesn't wrap a gift?

I slowly trudged over to the pull out drawers in the corner of my room.... yeah, I keep wrapping paper there... it's easier....

My eyes scanned the drawer. There was red paper with little puppies on it, another one that was blue and had kittens, one that was silver and had sports balls, another one that was pink with little cartoon princesses... the drawer seemed like it didn't have an end.... Finally, I found the one I was looking for. The magical wrapping paper was a metallic silver that gleamed in the light with little red and blue vintage cars.

I collected a roll of tape, a pair of scissors, the gift, and the paper and laid it all on the wood floor. As soon as my bottom made contact with the ground, I was measuring the paper and cutting.

A few minutes later of making sure every line was perfectly cut and folded, I added the last, finalizing, most important part of the present's wrapping process.... The bow! It was bright red with little shimmery dots that also glimmered in the light.

Elegantly and gently, I set the carefully wrapped notebook on the kitchen counter.

I stood back and came to the realization that I had done a damn good job.

I spent the rest of the day watching YouTube videos and eating some snacks and whatnot.

My life is just so exciting sometimes!


Whatcha think? :D


AWWW YISSSS MUDA F*CKIN BREADCRUMBS!!!!!! *stomps feet quickly* *shows shirtless picture of Zayn* :3

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