The Cheese Maker

By thescarlettnight666

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Chapter 1: Pulling On His Heart Strings
Chapter 2: The Contemplations of a Nothing
Chapter 3: Drunk and Disorderly
Chapter 4: Curiosity
Chapter 5: 100 Ways To Hate
Chapter 7: Becoming the Bull
Chapter 8: Can I Play With Madness?
Chapter 9: Beast and the Harlot
Chapter 10: The Sinner
Chapter 11: Good Girls Bad Guys
Chapter 12: Heaven For the Weather, Hell For the Company

Chapter 6: The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You

27 1 0
By thescarlettnight666

Title from My Chemical Romance: my great inspiration in life.


"Emily, my name is Jack. I just can't explain what is happening to me" 

"Cut the bullshit, I have a daughter with the man you just killed! Did you think of that before you sliced his face open?"

Great. But how the hell was I meant to tell this woman about the cheese? Maybe it was best just to stay quiet and let her rant at me. God knows I needed shouting at. 

To my surprise, she did not speak. Instead, she hugged me. 

I am free. 

Hesitantly, I hugged back until the tears started to spill from her eyes. Surely there was some kind of reprimand I was due? 


Once the downpour of tears had ceased, she told me more about Ryan.

He had been her living nightmare since she was thirteen. He was a babysitter recommended by her parents' friends. Her mother and father foolishly accepted the man and trusted him when they went out for dinners and parties. All was well until one night, when they went out for a romantic holiday, Emily had been left alone with this man. 

Unknown to every person he knew, Ryan had a dark side. This 39 year old had resisted the urge for too long. That night, he raped an innocent, screaming teenage Emily.

When her parents came home the next day, they arrived with armfuls of presents to greet their daughter with, only to find her sobbing on the stairs. Dropping the gifts immediately, they ran to the weeping girl. 

"Where is Ryan, love?" the mother inquired, only to make the child sob even more on her father's shoulder.

"What ever happened to you, child?" the father asked softly.

Miraculously, her tears ceased long enough to explain that Ryan had raped her. For a single moment, her father's face reflected all the anger in the world.  But then, he plastered it all over with a strong smile for his daughter and promises that Daddy would make everything okay. 

Later that night, Emily's father crept out of the house and ran the miles to the traitor's quaint cottage and shouted at him. He demanded for Ryan to marry his daughter to make up for his unjust crime. Ryan was not pleased at all with this and punched the man square in the face. 

As his body thumped against the floor, there was a loud snap. Upon further inspection, Ryan realised that he had just murdered Emily's father. Swallowing the guilt he felt, Ryan dragged the body out into the street and made it look like a mugging. 

It was not long until the police discovered the body. They informed Emily and her mother who were both distraught. The mother, so much so, that she drained a bottle of sleeping medicine that night and never woke up. 


"And so you still married him?" I asked, shocked.

"When I realised I was pregnant yes! There was no-one else who would have me and it was his child. It seemed only fair", she shot back. 

"Fair doesn't even come into this story, Emily" 

"This is no story, it is my life! And I was being fair for Luce. Not for that arrogant bastard." She got up from where she sat and turned to leave. 

"Please don't go!" As I said this, her body froze as she once again glared at me, seeing only a murderer before her. 

"Just be grateful I'm not calling the police in on this, Jack Daniels. Now excuse me, I must attend to my daughter."


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