Code Geass: The F*ck just hap...

By Prince_Vertigo

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Chapter #1 I'm so into Anime
Chapter #2 I use Geass
Chapter #4 The New Student

Chapter #3 Suzaku Gets Blamed

468 8 0
By Prince_Vertigo



I awoke with a headache as the alarm went off. I walked to the classroom and sat down. The girl next to me had dark red hair and a bored expression on her face. I recognized her as one of the rebels during yesterday's fight. Her name (which I already knew) was Kallen Stadtfeld.

I asked Lelouch "what should we do..?" After I pointed out her identity to him. He spoke calmly to me " I shall confront her and test out my abilities upon her after class. Come if you want." I smiled warmly and listened to the teacher who always went on and on about some random nonsense.

Lelouch and I walked behind Kallen until Lelouch tapped her shoulder and said "May we speak to you Kallen..?" She nodded silently probably wondering what we wanted. We took her to an empty hall where Lelouch waved his hand over his eye and the symbol appeared upon it once more.

"You will answer my questions." Her eyes gained a slight red glow and she spoke "Yes , My Lord." Lelouch began to ask her a multitude of questions. After gaining his answers he waved his hand once more in front of his eye " You wont remember this conversation." She simply looked confused and said, "What are you talking about Lelouch..?"

He quickly muttered, " Nevermind." She gave us strange looks and left. Later that after we were hanging out in the Student Council room watching the news. The death of prince Clovis has shocked us all as the Vice-roy was found dead this morning. So far all we know if that it was murder. And this alledged murderer is Suzaku Kururugi , Honorary Britannian and pilot of the Lancelot.

Lelouch and I went to his room to discuss the matters at hand. " Suzaku didnt kill Clovis!" " I know the military is just using him as a scapegoat." I already knew what Lelouch was thinking ( I know about 99% of the story by heart.)

That day after school Kallen and other rebels were at the Japanese Museum. They were sent to the transit by Zero. They looked to the right of the train and saw the city. They looked to the left and saw the Shinjuku Ghetto. He told them to enter the front of the train and there they met Zero.

I was also in the front sitting in the only chair with my hair and a visor hiding my face from them. he told them that if they were to defeat Brittannia they would need his help. He instructed Kallen and Ohgi to construct a false version of Clovis' transport. Inside it he placed the chamber that held C.C. and had filled with a harmless purple vapor.

Later that night Suzaku was escorted to the prison by Jeremiah Gottwald and 3 other soldiers. Me and Kallen were in the front seats as Lelouch was standing on the top. Jeremiah allowed us to get close to him. He and Lelouch had a lengthy discussion ending with " Why don't you remove your mask Zero..?"

Lelouch placed his hands on his mask and then raised it into the air. His mask had a small piece over his eye that moved allowing him to use Geass. He ordered Jeremiah to do watever it took to get us and Suzaku to freedom. He gave us Suzaku and then the gas was released. we escaped to an abandoned theater where Lelouch and Suzaku had a long and boring discussion on how to change the corrupt land of Britannia. Suzaku left and the next day went to his court meeting.

He was found innocent for lack of eidence. I was in the room at the time as part of the audience. When he left I followed him and introduced myself to him. We walked outside where Euphemia would fall down and be caught by him. Sadly I was in the wrong place at the wrong time as Euphemia fell into my hands and I saved her. I mentally scolded myself for doing this but us 3 went all around town and I could tell she fancied me over Suzaku. These thoughts made me shudder as the princess was very beautiful but I was more interested in Suzaku.

We soon met Arthur, the lovable cat who attacks Suzaku. Instead of biting him he ran straight to me and cuddled up in my arms. Euphemia saw this as an adorable act of kindness. In retrospect I don't know why I stayed with them both but I didnt want to leave them alone. I wanted to point out that Lloyd and Cecile were following us but I deceided not to.

We walked to the Ghetto on Euphie's request and some students were making jokes about Eleven's demise. Tamaki and some other Japanese man were getting very angry with the students. Suzaku stepped in and tried to break up the fighting but Tamaki knocked off his glasses revealing his face. They began to harass him over his status as an Honorary Brittanian. He knocked them down and said "I was trained to be a soldier and will use that training if neccessary."

--Miles Away in the Tokyo Settlement--

Jeremiah had received a call about Zero being spotted in the settlement. He rode his Sutherland over to the sighted area where he was ambushed by fellow high ranking Brittanians over letting Zero and the others escape. Their fight was ended by Euphemia revealing herself as the 3rd Princess of Brittannia. They immediatly stopped fighting and apologized for it.

---- Meanwhile across the planet---

The Knightmares had destroyed the base as the last survivors escaped inside a very low-tech Knightmare. A larger Knightmare threw it's lance at the inferior one. Inside the large Knightmare the princess smirked. " Your death were asured the second you got in that inferior Knightmare." She tured her eyes to the middle screen as someone began to speak to her. "Are you ready to depart Princess..?" She quickly answered " Yes lets head to Area 11."

As soon as she heard of Euphemia's actions she scolded her younger sister. " You cannot be so reckless here Sub-Viceroy Euphemia!" Euphie grew meek as she replied " Yes sister, I'm terribly sorry." " Don't call me that here we may be related but here you must refer to me as Vice-Roy."

------ Back to the main character---

I walked to the store and bought some groceries as the fridge in my room had gone empty. I pulled out my wallet and went down the aisles grabbing anything that seemed edible. After piling up my cart I went to the cashier. Using my extensive amount of cash I had enough groceries for the rest of the month.

I unlocked the dorm door and put the newly bought food up in the fridge. I lied down on the bed and closed my eyes trying to sleep. I found myself in a strnge room with no walls just white that goes on forever. Inside it was a pure white figure with a shadowy silhouette. " Well someone is in the wrong place ." I heard in the direction of the figure, who had suddenly gained a evil chesire grin. " who are you..?" I questioned the figure. " Some call me God , others the Truth. But thats besides the point. The point is you are in a different reality. And you dont belong. I suggest you leave it. NOW."

I knew now what this thing is. It is the living embodiment of God. It cannot be killled or destroyed. BUT it was eaten by Father ( in Full MetalAlchemist ). " What if I dont..?" I asked gingerly. " Then I shall force you out." The grin dissapeared as the white room suddenly changed to my high school. I saw Jacob being asked why I hadnt been to school for the past couple days. Jacob turned around and envoloped me in a hug. " How did you get here Brandon..? I tried to get you back but it didnt work.." He asked with fear in his eyes.

Before I could reply everything vanished and I was back in my room sweaty from sleep. "Hmm that was strange." Appairently god wants me to go home. Well too bad. I thought to myself as I drifted back to sleep.

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