Natasha Romanoff One Shots

By fire_piano_monkeys

69.5K 1.4K 289

These one shot stories are all about Natasha Romanoff. More

A Second Chance To Make Things Right
Caught and Crazed
Escaping the Hospital at 1:00 a.m.
Telephone Ringing
How SHIELD Found Out Natasha Romanoff Had An Actual Weakness
How The Avengers Found Out Natasha Romanoff, The Master Assassin, Had A Weakness
Junior Training.
Little Children are Terrors
Who Has A Good Idea To Prank Romanoff For April Fools Day?
Running Through Fire Is Not A Good Idea Even If You Have Level Seven Clearance
How Do You Take Care Of Yourself If You've Never Done It Before?
Thank God, Romanoff's Lost Her Voice
"You're dead, Barton!"
Driving a Motorcycle into a Truck Kills People, Didn't Ya Know?
Driving a Motorcycle into a Truck Kills People, Didn't Ya Know? (Part 2)
Dead Fish And A Mangy Cat
Just Shut Up, Clint

Alright, Who Set Fire To The Avengers Towers?

2.1K 70 3
By fire_piano_monkeys

Natasha Romanoff stared at the clock on the wall, ticking slowly. She willed it to hurry up, but if anything, it just seemed slower. Then Fury said something that made her stiffen.

"Alright, who set fire to the Avengers Towers?" Fury asked. 

He noticed Natasha didn't say anything and she was usually the first. The other Avengers: Thor, Steve, Tony and Bruce looked pointedly at her and Clint. 

"Well? Anyone?" He said. "Natasha?"

"It wasn't my fault they got in the way," she protested. 

"Which is why they look like they just had a swim in tomato sauce and biscuit mix?" Fury asked.

"I didn't mean to mean to make the oven blow up. Clint shouldn't have put so much oil on the tray."

"What on earth were you using oil for?" Fury said.

"The recipe said to grease the tray," Clint shrugged. 

"Alright. Maybe you two should go to a cooking class to learn what things like that actually mean," suggested Fury. "And also, why was there debris flying out of the kitchen?"

"Ah, that might be the reason why the windows shattered," Clint mumbled. 

"That still doesn't tell me why the windows shattered," said Fury.

"I put a metal bowl in the microwave," admitted Clint.

"You are all free to go, as long as you promise the two of you will never, ever try to cook anything again," Fury demanded.

"Okay," the two assassins promised. "Not."

The Avengers hurried out of Fury's office and out of the building, back to The Avengers Tower.

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