I Could Be Nothing But a Memo...

By GotADreamGotASpark

13.2K 101 29

t's been 4 years since Leah moved away from Baltimore, leaving Alex and all of the guys behind. What happens... More

I Could Be Nothing But a Memory to You
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 14

583 4 1
By GotADreamGotASpark

When I woke up I struggled to open my eyes. Finally after what seemed like forever I got them open but quickly shut them. The bright light burned and I groaned. "Baby, are you awake?" I heard Alex say softly and I could feel him come close. "I'm awake." I said and I struggled to get my eyes open again so I could see him. Finally I opened my eyes and Alex's face was the only thing I could see. His big brown eyes were full of worry and his hair fell into his eyes. "What time is it?" I asked trying to sit up but the sharp pain in my stomach made me lay back down. "It's almost midnight." Alex said softly grabbing my hand. "What happened?" I asked, everything was foggy after Alex making me breakfast.

"Your appendicitis was broken so they had to take it out." Alex told me seriously and I couldn't help but laugh at how he explained it. "It's not funny, the doctor said you must have been feeling the pain for hours, why didn't you tell me baby girl?" he asked and I shrugged. "I didn't want to worry you love." I said squeezing his hand and Alex rolled his eyes. "If you don't feel good I want you to tell me, okay?" he asked sternly and I nodded. "Yes, now come lay with me?" I asked sticking out my bottom lip and patting the bed beside me. Alex looked me over worriedly before sighing in defeat and climbing into the bed beside me.

"Did you do the show tonight?" I asked yawning widely as I snuggled into his chest. "Unfortunately, Matt said you would be sleeping and wouldn't miss me but I missed you." Alex told me sweetly and I just wanted to kiss him. "You're adorable Lex." I said softly and he chuckled. "You're adorable." he said before pressing his lips to my head. "When can we leave? I don't like hospitals." I said while snuggling into his chest hoping that the bad memories of the last time I was in a hospital would float away if he was close. "Tomorrow morning and we gotta rush to the next venue." Alex said while making shapes on my arm with his finger which was soothing. The memories of my last hospital visit flew out of my head but now it was filled with other bad things. I felt absolutely horrible; I was ruining the tour plans. If it wasn't for me then the guys would all be on the road by now and Alex wouldn't look so worried.

I was sitting there starting to feel worse and worse as I thought more but Alex must have seen my face because he gently grabbed my chin and brought me out of my daze. "What has you all upset pretty lady?" Alex questioned and I shook my head. "Come on, tell me. I'll make it all better, I promise." he said nuzzling our noses together. "I just, I feel bad. You guys should be on the road by now and you're not. What if you miss the show tomorrow?" I asked and Alex growled in frustration. He gently took my face between his hands and twisted my head so we were looking eye to eye. "I care about you more than tour; you are one of my top priorities. Leah, you could have died from this, I want you to worry about getting better and not tour. That's my job, you got that?" he inquired sternly as he leaned his forehead against mine. I nodded and he smiled at my response. "I love you, now get some sleep." Alex said pecking my lips and moving back to how we were lying before.

I sighed in contentment as he started stroking my hair and I could feel myself starting to fall asleep. Hours later I woke up to a lot of movement around the room and I rubbed at my eyes before opening them. I looked to see Matt pacing and Alex sitting in the chair talking to him. I cleared my throat after they didn't notice I was awake and both of their faces lit up. "Great, you're awake! I'm going to go get the doctor!" Matt said excitedly before walking out. I looked over at Alex questioningly and he shook his head. "Matt wanted to wake you up so we could leave but I insisted on letting you wake up on your own." he said sitting beside me and taking my hand gently. I scowled at him, he should have let him wake me up but either Alex didn't notice or didn't care but he didn't say anything about the look I was giving him.

When Matt walked back into the hospital room there was a doctor trailing behind him who looked like Matt had harassed him to get him in here. "Well," he said pausing for a moment to look at the chart that he must have gotten seconds before being forced in here. "Well, you had surgery early yesterday so you should be all good to go home now, how are you feeling?" he asked me and I gave him a smile. "I'm great, can I really go?" I questioned excitedly and the doctor chuckled before nodding. "Just gonna get a nurse in here to check you out and make sure everything is good and then you'll be out of here." the doctor said going to walk out and Matt followed him, probably stressing that this whole process needed to be speeded up. I looked over at Alex who was shaking his head.

"Where are the guys?" I asked but I didn't have to wait long for an answer because Jack tumbled into my room and then Rian and Zack stepped over him. "Speak of the devils!" Alex said and the guys all looked at us curiously. "I was just asking for you." I explained and they all smiled. Jack climbed off of the floor and walked over to the bed. "Thanks for scaring the crap out of us yesterday, would you please tell us when you're not feeling good?" Zack asked perching on the edge of the bed and grabbing my hand. "I'm fine guys, stop worrying." I said and Alex stopped what he was doing in the corner of the room to give me a look. I gave him a smile and he returned it but he shook his head worriedly.

*Alex's POV*

The nurse came in and checked Leah over while the guys and I sat over in the corner on the plastic uncomfortable chairs. I looked down worriedly at my cell phone, 7:05. We needed to get on the road soon so we could get to the next venue and get everything set up before going on. I knew Matt would have a fit if we missed the show and I didn't want him taking it out on Leah. I also felt bad for the fans, I didn't want them to miss out but I was worried about Leah first. Her refusal to tell me when she was in pain or not feeling well had me hovering over her like a mother hen watching for signs of her not feeling well.

When the nurse finally finished Leah shot me a smile. "I can go home!" she exclaimed and I grinned. "Good, Matt brought you clothes. Get dressed so we can go." I said handing her the bag of clothes but she looked like she was struggling just trying to sit up. "Can you help me?" she asked softly after a couple moments as if she was embarrassed to be asking for help. I was curious as to why she would feel embarrassed about asking for help but I decided it was neither the time nor the place to ask; I would bring it up later. "Get out." I said to the guys and Rian pushed them all out before shutting the door softly behind him. I walked over to Leah and helped her sit up. "Thanks for this Lex." she said softly.

"Don't worry about it; I'll have to help you for a while. I heard the nurse say no major activity for about 2 weeks." I told her and she grimaced at the thought of doing absolutely nothing for 2 weeks. "But Alex, 4th of July is coming up." she piped up as I helped her out of the hospital gown. "That's in about 6 days, so that means if you rest maybe we'll do something exciting." I told her while gesturing for her to lift her hands up so I could slip a shirt over her head. "Ow." I heard her say softly under her breath while she raised her arms. "You okay?" I asked while I slipped it over her head and pulled it down. "I'm okay Alex, stop worrying." Leah instructed and I sighed. "You were worried about me when I hit my head right?" I asked and she nodded but went to say something. I held up my hand stopping her, "You were worried just like I'm worried now. I am going to take care of you, no ifs, ands or buts." I said and she looked like she was caught between frowning and awing.

"Just don't worry too much, alright? You have a lot on your plate already." she told me and I shook my head knowing no matter how hard I tried she was going to think I shouldn't worry as much as I should. I wondered if I was this difficult when I was hurt but I didn't bother thinking about that now because currently Leah didn't have pants on and I knew if I didn't hurry that Matt would come barging in. Once Leah was finally dressed and we got the doctor back we were following them out as they pushed her out in a wheel chair.

The doctor was surprised at the tour bus in the parking lot and even more surprised when we said that's what we were going into. "Thank you." Leah said to the doctor as Zack gently lifted her into his arms to carry her up the stairs. I would have carried her but Zack was stronger and wouldn't have to readjust her as much. When we got onto the bus I nearly tripped over the stuffed teddy bear that Travis had insisted he get for Leah to "make her feel better because teddy bears made everyone feel better". "What in the world is all of this?" Leah asked gesturing to the flowers, stuffed animals and balloons all of the other guys on tour had bought so she knew they cared. "Well I'm pretty sure this," I said gesturing to the mass amounts of stuffed animals, "is from Pat, Kennedy and Garrett." I said and Leah smiled. "Those are from Danny, Hunter and Drew." I said pointing to all the bright balloons.

"What about these?" she asked motioning to the flowers on the table as Zack settled her onto the couch. "John and Jared, and this obnoxiously large teddy bear is from Travis." I said hefting the thing to sit beside her. Leah's face broke into a giant smile and she buried her face into the giant bear's soft stomach. "I have to thank them all, they're so sweet. Do you know where my phone is?" she asked and I shook my head, I hadn't seen it. Her face fell but I pulled out my cell phone. "I have their numbers too silly goose." I said sitting beside her and pushing the messy red locks out of her face.

The next couple hours were spent in the back lounge watching different movies as Leah cuddled into me. She kept drifting in and out of sleep, the medication for pain they gave her making her drowsy. As we got closer to the venue Matt came into the back. "You guys need to be ready to jump up and help when we get there. Vinny needs help with merch and all the instruments need to be inside quick. We'll be there only an hour before the show starts and you still have to do the meet and greet." Matt told us. I looked over at Rian who was looking kind of worried; we were cutting it really short. "We got this." Zack said encouragingly clapping him on the back and I couldn't help but give them a weak encouraging smile.

*Leah's POV*

I woke up what seemed like forever later and cursed the medication. I hated feeling tired and weak. I slowly tried to sit up but the pain in my stomach caused me to stop every couple of seconds to breathe deeply before continuing. Finally I was up and it was easier to rise to my feet, my stomach straightening up now instead of curling. I held onto the wall as I walked down the bus knowing that if Alex saw me now he would kill me. He really didn't want me moving around like this but I really needed to pee and there was no one around to help me. When I finished in the bathroom I slowly walked out and sat in the front. I really wanted to get off of the bus and go see all of the guys and thank them in person but I knew I would regret it later if I popped a stitch.

I was lounging in the front trying to decide if I really wanted to eat when I heard the door open. I looked up to see John, Kennedy and Garrett coming onto the bus. My face broke into a smile at the sight of them, company was nice. "Hey there." John said coming to sit beside me. "Thank you for the gifts." I said as Garrett and Kennedy sat on the other side of me. "No problem, Alex was freaking out about you so we volunteered to come check on you." John said while texting who I guessed was Alex to tell him that I indeed was alive and well. "He worries too much." I said playing with the stuffed Mickey Mouse I knew wouldn't be mine once Matt found it. "He cares; you seem to confuse the two." Kennedy said grabbing my hand and squeezing it until I looked into his face.

I knew he was speaking the truth but I shrugged. I just wasn't used to anyone caring; it was always up to me. It didn't matter with who either; my parents didn't care, Chase hadn't cared and neither had Hannah so how was I supposed to just get used to someone suddenly caring? I knew it would take time but no one really understood that. Well I mean all of the guys knew of my past but either they didn't connect it or they had just figured I had gotten over it but it was still so hard to even be used to having someone checking on me or even something little like making me breakfast. I didn't know how to explain that to the guys without telling them my entire life story and I just wasn't up to that. I hadn't eaten all day and I was hungry and tired. I was just about to slowly climb to my feet when Garrett held up a hand.

"Sit, what do you need?" he asked and I wrinkled my nose. I could do it myself; I didn't need Garrett to do it. "Food but really Gary I can do it." I said but he shook his head. "You need to rest if you want to be back on your feet soon, what do you want?" John asked and I sighed while I thought about what I wanted. What I really was craving was Chinese food but for that I needed to order out and I couldn't for the life of me remember where my cell phone or wallet was. "I don't know." I said twirling a piece of hair around my finger but Kennedy, the member of The Maine I was the closest to saw through my lie. "I know you want something, what is it?" he asked and I shrugged. Kennedy gave me a look and I bit down on my lip. "Chinese food?" I asked timidly and Garrett smiled. "Yes! That sounds great, do you think the rest of the guys would want some?" he asked and I nodded. "Jack and Alex are fat asses, they eat everything." I said laughing.

"Maybe we should wait for them then, the guys should be off soon and everyone said they were gonna come harass you." John told me and I smiled excitedly. I would gladly accept the harassment, who knew how much longer I would be stuck on the bus with just the guys? I leaned my head against John's bony shoulder tiredly and my stomach seemed to ache. "Can you one of you do me a favor?" I asked hoping that Alex had left the bottle of pills where he said he was going to. The kid was so lost sometimes I was surprised he managed to get anything done. A lot of his time was spent staring off into space, completely oblivious of pretty much everything around him. "What is it?" Kennedy asked looking over at me. I put my hand over my mouth as I yawned widely before rubbing at my watering eyes. "Can you go into the back lounge, the closet on the right hand side is mine and Alex's, and there should be a bottle in there. Can you bring me a pill out of it?" I asked.

Kennedy nodded and had just walked into the back when I heard the door open and loud voices signaling the guys were in a hyper mood. I groaned as Jack ran onto the bus and I could just tell he was already drunk. "LEAH!" Jack screeched and I winced at the loudness as he ran over to me. "B-b-baby." Alex slurred coming in behind Jack and I raised an eyebrow at Zack who held up his hands. "Not my idea, these two idiots did this on their own." he said as Kennedy came back into the front. "Can you give me a bottle of water Zack?" I asked getting more and more annoyed with Jack and Alex as they began taking off their shirts and running around.

"Leeeeahhhhhh." Alex whined draping himself over me and I screeched in pain as his full weight settled onto my stomach. "Alex, you dickhead." Zack said picking him up and tossing him away from me. I held back the tears that threatened to fall as I held my stomach in pain. "Are you okay Lee?" Rian asked stroking my hair and I nodded. "What was that for?" Alex whined. I heard an angry whispered voice and then feet as I held my stomach and tried to catch my breath. "M'fine, can you help me into the bunk?" I asked 10 minutes later when I got the pain under control. "Yeah, come on." Zack said putting an arm behind my back and another under my legs. "You ready?" he asked and when I nodded he lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I bit down on my lip as the pain went through my stomach.

"You okay?" Zack asked once he laid me in the bunk and I nodded. "You just took some medicine right?" he questioned and again I nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna get you something to eat. What do you want?" he asked and I shook my head. "I'm fine, I'm just gonna sleep." I said softly but Zack shook his head. "You haven't eaten anything all day, what do you want? My treat, you name it, I'll get it." he said sweetly and I gave him a small smile. "Uh, Chinese food?" I asked unsurely and he nodded. "Be back, don't fall asleep." he instructed before walking away. I was only alone for a second though because Alex walked past the bunk, then stopped and walked back. "Hi baby." he said drunkenly but I turned my head away and ignored him. Alex claimed he wanted me to get better but here he was jumping on me and what not. I honestly didn't get this kid.

*Alex's POV*

The next morning I woke up on the floor of the back lounge. I growled in frustration as I sat up, my neck cracking loudly. I couldn't really remember much from after the show last night. I remember Jack and I drinking but that was pretty much it. I leaned my back against the lounge and dazed off trying to figure out what the hell I did last night. I was still in that position when Zack walked in and glared at me. I didn't really notice him though until he kicked me. "What the fuck dude?" I snapped. "Your dumb ass got drunk last night and jumped on your girlfriend. She insists she's fine but you better go and check on her cause you know how she is." he told me angrily. My face went white when I realized I probably hurt Leah and I jumped up as fast as I could.

I pushed past Zack quickly and went toward my bunk. I pulled back the curtain and Leah was fast asleep though she did have a pained expression on her face. I pushed back her hair and whispered her name. It took a couple minutes but eventually her eyelids began to flutter and she opened her eyes. When she saw me her eyes narrowed and she pushed my hand away from her face. "Go away." she snapped and I frowned. "Baby, I'm-" I started. "I don't care Alex, I'm serious. Go away or I'm gonna say something I will regret." Leah said softly while massaging her temples. I sighed in defeat, "Call me if you need anything, okay?" I asked. I waited for a couple minutes hoping she would answer me but when she didn't I just walked into the front.

I sat down and then put my head in my hands. I had once again fucked up and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't keep doing this to her, it wasn't fair. I mean I had taken her away from her home, from her job, from her friends so we could be together and I wasn't treating her like I should be. I ran my fingers through my hair and sat up. I needed to do something to make it up to her. I was brainstorming about what to do when Jack who was looking extremely hung-over came and sat beside me. "What's up dude?" he asked tiredly. "Leah is pissed at me." I said and Jack looked up.

"What did you do now dude?" he inquired and I sighed. "I guess I jumped on her last night, Zack is furious with me too." I told him and Jack raised a thick black eyebrow at me. "I guess she was crying. I keep fucking up Jack and I'm running out of ways to fix it." I said feeling like smacking my head against the table. "Then stop fucking up Alex." Jack said like it was the simplest thing in the world. "It's not that easy! If it was do you think I would still be messing up? I feel so bad, it was my idea that she came on tour and I feel like all we have done was fight. I love her but do you think we've changed too much to ever have a functioning relationship?" I asked feeling completely lost. Jack looked over at me like he was at a loss for words and I felt bad for dumping my problems on him.

"Don't worry about answering that dude. I'm sorry for laying my crap on you." I said standing up and walking off before he could even say anything. Once I got to the back lounge I dug around for my sneakers and when I found them I pulled them on. I pulled on a beanie and sunglasses before walking towards the bunks and sticking my head into Rian's. "Dude, keep an eye on Leah for me for a bit? I need to go out and do some thinking." I told him. "Yeah, I got that." Rian said not looking up from his phone. "Thanks." I said before walking off of the bus. I needed to do a lot of thinking about Leah and where our relationship was going because I couldn't keep doing this to her.

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