Playing pretend | ziam {mpreg...

By -straightforziam

260K 13.6K 7.8K

In which Zayn makes the biggest mistake, by changing himself to someone he's not and is completely oblivious... More

Introductions + warnings
00 | Prologue
01 | Last day of school
02 | The camping trip
03 | The plan
04 | Father son moment
05 | Finishing touches
06 | First day of senior year
07 | Unknown jealousy and making the first move
08 | lunch time and Invitations
09 | Small get together and warnings
10 | Climbing stocks and late night calls
11 | Wet dreams and motorcycle rides
12 | Early smokes and unexpected visitors
13 | Rude interruptions and the fight
14 | Threats and Apologies
15 | Suspicion and surprise Visitor
16 | Connections and sick day
17 | Skipping school and first audition
18 | The party
19 | Sleepover
20 | Sunday ice cream and the break up
21 | Teachers Pet
23 | First kiss and second base
24 | Morning smoothies and spilled milkshakes
25 | Daddy Issues and forgiveness
26 | Pep talk and getting ready
27 | The talent show
28 | I hate you, I love you
29 | Lies and guilt
30 | Morning sickness and pregnancy tests
31 | Telling Zayn
32 | Pain and sorry's
33 | Bathroom conversations
The answers to your questions
34 | Hateful Desire
35 | Awkward dinner
36 | Midnight thoughts and girl on girl action
37 | The talk
38 | Small gift
39 | FoOl FoR yOu
40 | First doctors appointment
41 | Baby shower planning
I'm deleting this story.
42 | Drawing the line
43 | 'Finding' out
44 | The baby shower
45 | Make up Sex
46 | Christmas Eve
47 | The proper date and New Years Kiss
48 | When time flies
49 | The beauty of birth
50 | Epilogue
Authors note

22 | First singing lesson

4.1K 242 195
By -straightforziam

A/n : like I said in the beginning this story W I L L have both Larry AND Narry, which means there are both side ships involved. So, I don't want to hear any complains on which you'd rather have. It's a love triangle, people, the whole thing is about one boy trying to figure out who he wants more and I'm still thinking about making them Nourry.

Also, read the authors note after the chapter 💕🙈


The was 3.15 pm. The school day has finally ended and everyone was on their way home. Except for Liam. He still had to stay longer for his singing lessons with mister Horan since he wanted to enter the schools talent show.

The brunette was walking toward the classroom where he was supposed to meet him, his heels clicked against the freshly polished floor and his hips swayed from side to side along with his flower dress he was wearing. He was humming softly to himself, looking down at the list he made with the songs he wanted to sing for the competition.

"Liam!" The seventeen year old turned around and to spot a familiar jock jogging up to him, smiling at him. "Hey Toni, what's up?" He asked and looked up at him once the way taller lad stood in front of him, panting.

"I um, well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? Me and a few friends are going to the new karaoke-sushi bar down town and I was wondering, since you love to sing, you'd like to join me, or more like us?" Liam couldn't help but coo at the dark haired lad, biting his bottom lip to prevent from smiling so much at how cute he looked while blushing.

"I'd love to." He told him with a toothy grin, giggling softly. He blushed when he saw the way his blue eyes lit up with so much happiness, his lips curling into a huge smile. "Great, that's, yeah uh so I'll— I'll pick you up around seven?"

"Sounds great." Liam chuckled, grabbing his hands to stop them from shaking so much. "I'll see you tonight then." He got up on his toes and pressed a gently kiss to his slightly stubbled cheek.

He gave him one last glance before turning around and walking into the classroom, quickly closing the door behind him. He leaned his back against it and sighed happily, biting his bottom lip so hard, he could taste the blood in his mouth, smiling to himself while doing so.

He jumped in surprise once he heard a loud crash of the instruments stumble on the tilted floor, his head snapping up into the direction to see mister Horan laying in the middl of the pile while groaning in pain.

"Oh god, mister Horan are you alright?" The boy dropped his things and immediately walked up to him, helping the blond haired man from the floor. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." The man assured him, groaning at the back pain.

Liam chuckled softly at the young music teacher, leading him to his desk and carefully setting him on the desk chair. "You got all the songs you could think of?" Mister Horan asked and looked at the boy who nodded his head.

"Yeah I got the paper right here." Liam smiled and walked over to his bag, picking the folded paper up since he dropped it on the floor along with his bag, making his way back to him.

"Did you already decide which song you want to sing?" The blond watched the student, Liam shaking his head with a sigh. "No, not yet. I'm not sure if I should sing one of my own songs or just cover one." He said and walked over to the piano, sitting down in front of it.

"Maybe preform your own song. It's way better. Plus you'll prove something to the talent scouts. I also heard Simon Cowell would be there." The man leaned himself back in the chair, looking at him.

"Maybe." Liam said and shrugged her shoulders, brushing his fingertips over the keys. "Mind playing your good ol' teacher something?" The Irish man grinned at the boy and stood up, slightly limping towards him before taking a seat beside the curly haired boy.

"You're not that old." Liam snorted and rolled his eyes at home, giggling. "You're like twenty-five." He smiled, making the blond chuckle.

"After that fall, I do feel like my grandpa." Mister Horan stretched himself a little, Liam flinching when he heard a few of his bones crack. "Ew." He scrunched his nose up in disgust, pushing the Irish man a little, causing him to huff out a loud laugh, his perfectly straight teeth showing.

"Yeah yeah, well less talking and more playing love." He chuckled and nudged the students shoulder, smiling at him.

Liam nodded and grinned, slowly starting to play a melody of his own songs he wrote when he was younger.


Liam was chewing nervously on his bottom lip, fiddling around his fingers as he examined himself in the mirror. He was wearing a short white ruffled skirt, a jeans/top jacket tugged into it whole a big light brown belt was wrapped around his waist. A few buttons were popped open, exposing his smooth and yet chiseled chest. He was wearing his favorite heeled brown boots which suited perfectly to his belt. His long curls were tied up into a pony tails, few of them dangling off the side of his forehead. The make up he wore was decent, the only thing popping was his black eyeliner and his light red waterproof lipstick.

He's honestly never felt this nervous before, maybe it was because he was going to hang out with Toni and some of his friends who were of course popular in their school and didn't like him so much. It wasn't a good idea that he agreed to the hang out. Definitely wasn't.

He feared that he would ruin their night, that he would embarrass himself in front of everyone. But mostly he feared that Toni would just do this out of pity, but he also didn't want him to think he was a rebound to him.

Liam shook his head. He was overthinking everything again, stressing himself. He sighed softly and took one more glance at him before slowly walking towards his bed. He stuffed everything he needed into his huge leather purse his brother got him for his birthday, biting his lip.

"You look beautiful." The boy jumped for the second time that day, looking over to his balcony to see Zayn standing there, leaned against his doorframe, wearing nothing but a pair of low hanging sweats. His breath hitched at the sight of him, his eyes gazing at the lads toned abs.

"What— um what are you doing here?" Liam cleared his throat, tearing his eyes off the lads body and continued to pack his things, biting his lip hard.

"I just came to check on you and I can see you're not getting ready for bed." The blond rose a brow at him and pushed himself off the doorframe, slowly walking up to him.

"I'm going out." Liam replied and slung the bag over his shoulder, turning around to face him, only to squeak when he noticed how close he suddenly was.

"Oh yeah? And who are you going out with?" Zayn asked, looking down and into the brunettes eyes. "Um that's none of your business?" Liam narrowed his eyebrows at him before rolling his eyes and gently pushing him away, making the taller lad grab his wrists.

"Um it is, since I'm your best friend." He mocked Liam, grinning down at the glaring boy. "Are you?" He retorted, returning the grin.

"Oh so that's how you going to play?" Zayn asked and chuckled deeply, swiftly pushing the boy against his locker. The brunette gasped in surprise and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Zayn..." His heart started thumping against his ribcage when the lad dipped his head down into the crook of his neck, a shiver running down his spin at the feeling of his hot breath against his skin. "Wh— what are you d— doing?" He stuttered, eyes fluttering close.

"Shh..." Liam gripped the cupboard behind him, his breathing slowly getting uneven. His lips gapped once Zayn moved his face up, their eyes meeting. "You really look beautiful." The older lad breathed out, his eyes slowly moving away and down to the boys plump lips, slowly licking his own.

Liam followed his gaze and looked at Zayn's, a soft blush creeping his cheeks as the lad caressed his cheek. "I hope you have fun tonight." He whispered with a small smile, tugging a loose curl behind his ear.

Liam nodded his head and looked back up at him, smiling softly. They eyes met once again, the both of them getting lost and before anything else could happen, the door bell rang downstairs.

"Looks like your date is here." Zayn said and cleared his throat, slowly pulled away. "Uh y— yeah." Liam fixed the purse on his shoulder and grabbed his phone from the charger, putting it in the bag. "I'll uh, I'll see you tomorrow." He sent his best friend a quickly smile before scurrying out of his and quickly walked down the steps, opening the door.

The boy smiled once he saw Toni standing there, a white rose in his hand. "Is that for me?" He asked softly and looked up at the lad who nodded his head, blushing again.

Liam chuckled softly at that and grabbed it, inhaling the sweet scent. "Thank you." He smiled and placed it in the case beside the door, walking out of the door.

Toni flashed him a soft smile and bit his lip. "You ready?" He asked, clearing his voice as he noticed how high it suddenly turned.

The brunette giggled at him and nodded his head, linking their arms. "I am." He smiled and gently patted his Bicep with was bulging through his thin sweater.

The two of them walked towards the lads Range Rover, Toni opening the door for Liam like the gentleman he was. Yet neither of them knew that Zayn was watching the two through Liam's window, jaw clenched and jealousy pumping through his veins once the car drove off.


So New Year's Eve is like in less than 24h. And I honestly just wanted to thank all of my readers and followers for supporting me and my stories, I really appreciate it, never really thought they would become some sort of success.😘

Now I just wanna give a shout out to my friends ( see what I did there👀 )

habibiliam you've been such a big support the past few weeks, always giving me some helpful advice and what so ever and I just honestly love you for every bit of it. You make me so happy and I just want to thank you so much Boobear💕

intopayne  you my friend, my dear dear dear trustworthy, dirty minded, lovely, beautiful, crazy friend are just so so so amazing and I just want to thank you for making me smile so damn much and laugh and be there for me, care for me, I just really love you babe and FINALLY FIND YOURSELF A PARTNER DANGIT❤️

daddymaIik  thank you for being such a great friend, thank you for being so strong, thank you for all you've done and thank you for just being amazing. I love you Happi 😘🤗

ZiamAmour can I just say how much I love your comments? They are hilarious and make my day every time I read them. Seriously, I love your stories and I just want to thank you for reading mine 😚 you and xzixamx  have both been big supports on most my stories and I love you both for it, so thank you 💕

zroyezivan just wanna say thank you for always being the first to add my new stories to your reading lists and always being the first to vote on them and I know we don't really know each other but I like you and I love your stories❤️

-ziamarvel  dear Leigh, all I can say is that you are truly a beautiful and amazing girl. I love you and I hope whenever I maybe visit France that I hope to meet you soon💜

spidermalik okay I can honestly say, and I know you'd agree with me, we've had a lot of tough times. Like, a lot of them. But we still managed to get through them, we still managed to stay together and I just want to thank you for this whole past year we've known each other. Thank you for being my best friend, thank you for all the support you gave me, thank you for being your crazy, stupid, beautiful, sometimes funny self. You will always be my best friend no matter how thin the ice between us will be. You will always be the girl I loved and still love the most than anyone else I ever had. You will always be that one girl that could make me feel like I was walking on cloud nine. You will always be that one person who I will trust the most with everything ( nothing against the others ❤️ ) and you will always be the one that won over my heart and showed me what the true meaning of love is. I love you Aisha and I will always love you 💜

I know I said amazing a lot but that's because all of you are amazing. I love you guys all so much and I don't want to lose anyone of you. And for those I didn't mention, just know I love you all too. You've all been such a great and supportive group and just, woah. So thank you guys 😙❤️

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