The Missing Zodiac

By stardustdrip

148 11 2

Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Dragon, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, And Pig. Where am I you ask? I a... More


The Missing Zodiac

91 5 1
By stardustdrip

The Missing Zodiac


Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

Where am I you ask?

I am the missing zodiac. The one zodiac who is wanted for being born. The one zodiac who is not included. The one zodiac who hides away from the rest.

The missing zodiac. My name is Ceraphina. Call me Ceirra though. Ceirra Fox is my name and I plan to live up to it by showing the world who I truly am.

Ceirra POV (6 years old)

Kill her! She doesn’t deserve to live! She has no significance to us!


I hear mean people yelling. I think they are mad at me. I don’t know what I did wrong though. Mommy and Daddy are trying to talk to them about something. I’m sitting outside of a big room that Daddy told me is a special court. He told me that a court is when you fight for something you deserve. I wonder what that means. I could peek through the crack of the door and see Mommy and Daddy sitting at a table. In front of them were 10 people. All men seated in a curved shape around my parents. They wore big, long white hats and beautiful green silk robes. Some had canes and jewelry that sparkled. Right now, I hear Daddy yelling and Mommy is crying. Can I help? I don’t like seeing everyone upset. All of the sudden, everyone stops screaming and I hear a man speaking.

“We weren’t expecting another zodiac to have been born.  We need to take precautions like we would have with all of the other zodiac creatures. Your daughter is too dangerous and we can’t take that risk. Your daughter will be brought to the facility tonight. No excuses.”

Mommy was now pleading and crying.

“She is our own flesh and blood! You can’t take her away from us! It’s not her fault for being born this way. It’s ours!”

No Mommy! It’s not your fault. I watched my parents carefully as I felt myself tearing up. What would happen to them? Or to me?

“I’m sorry Ashlinn. But your daughter cannot live among us. You must accept what has been done. You may say your goodbyes tonight and we will have guards sent for her to picked up tonight.”

My father burst out in anger at the man.

“WHY?!” He fell to the ground. “Why us?.....” he whispered as he weeped.

The men sitting around my parents took their leave out of a door in the far right of the room. The last man on his way out stopped in front of the door. He turned his head to my sobbing parents.

“I am so sorry….” He said before he continued out the door and left.

After the door closed, my wrecked mother tried to stand. My father helped her.

“What can we do Jonathan? We can’t go against them….but the thought of them taking Ceraphina away just saddens my heart.” He softly cried.

“There is nothing we can do Ashlinn……all we can do is to pray for her safety and happiness.”

They held onto one another tightly. They sobbed into each others shoulders for what seemed like an hour. I carefully opened the huge door.

“Mommy? Daddy?”

I ran to them and hugged them.

“What’s happening?” I asked them confused.

My parents tried their best to wipe away their tears and hide their sniffles, but I could tell they were full of sadness.

“How about we go somewhere to get some ice cream?” my dad suggested looking at me for a response.

“Yeah! Thanks Daddy!” I said happily as we all walked out the door.

“Let’s try to make our last day, the best one we’ve ever had.” I heard my mother say.

I didn’t understand completely what was happening, but I knew that I might not ever see my parents after today again. I frowned at the thought, but decided to try to put on my best fake smile there was.

Ashlinn POV (the mom)

These 6 years with Jonathan and Cierra have been the best years of my life. Cierra was a cute little bundle of energy and was my pride and joy. I never knew that Cierra would be born with the curse. There were 12 zodiac animals. Every time a zodiac animal was born, the council would allow the family to live on like the curse had never happened until the child was about 6 years old. They would just take away their child as if it meant nothing to them. We were lucky they hadn’t sentenced Cierra to death because of the unexpected birth. Jonathan and I tried our best to keep the curse a secret with Cierra, but it wasn’t easy. Every time a zodiac gets frustrated or overcome with stress, they change from their human form into one of the Chinese zodiac animals. They can also change by coming into physical contact with someone else. Like hugging. Cierra was such a bright and happy child. She would always want to hug everyone. It was hard controlling her and hard to tell her that she wasn’t allowed to hug anyone.

On the day Cierra was born, me and Jonathan both knew that she was special. When the doctor handed me to her to hold, she transformed. I cried for the longest time. I had just become so overwhelmed with emotion. I was happy to finally have had a child, but I knew she would be taken soon enough.  I could hardly believe out of all the people having babies, that it had to be me and Jonathan to have Cierra in this condition.

All of the zodiacs were taken into a facility to grow up in. It’s been described to me like a prison. They also experiment on the zodiacs to find out how they transform and how they are born with the condition. I fear for Cierra that they will torture her. The council believes that to keep the zodiac under control is to severely beat them. They think they are disgusting creatures that are not meant for this world. I won’t stand for the council to torture my little girl like that. I have a plan. I will protect Cierra with my life.

My love. My life. My joy.

The fox.

Hey Guys! Loyal Enchantment here! :) I’m starting this new story because a spark of inspiration came to me today when watching an anime that involved the Chinese zodiac in it. I hope you will like it. I’m probably going to experience a lot of writer’s block because I honestly have no idea where this story will take me. xD Hope you all like the introduction and I’ll update soon.

P.S. If you love PewDiePie, I’m currently writing a story about him, so make sure to check it out! Thanks! <3  


Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks! :p

~Loyal Enchantment

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