Naruto Kittens

By MonstahPop

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Naruto Kittens
Chapter 1 - Kittens?
Chapter 2 - Um....What...?
Chapter 3 - The Anime
Chapter 3 - School....ugh...
Chapter 5 - More??
Chapter 6 - I Know Who You Are...

Chapter 4 - You Can Still Use Chakra?

1.8K 48 19
By MonstahPop

Alright!! I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR ALL MY HOMIES DAT READ DIS!!! I wrote a long as fuck chapter on my iPod....AND THEN IT DIED!!! Like WHY?! I didn't save any of it cuz I don't do random saves in the middle of writing so...HERE YA GO!! It's gunna be a overview of what happened then when I get to the spot where I was I'll continue it like a real story. Does that make sense? Probably not....but it's what's gunna happen.... so .... START!!!!

Naruto and Leah had to walk home since they left early. Naruto asked where her parents were, Leah answered that they died in a car crash on impact 6 years ago. She cried causing the make up on her eye to smear then you could tell she had a black eye

They reached Leah's house

(Right here I'll try writing what I wrote before but it won't be exact!.........Stupid iPod dying on me......)

It's not really a home to me anymore, it's just a house. There are no warm welcomes, hugs, or anything. I'm not really happy when I come to this house anymore....not since the day they died.


Deidara greeted her with, "Welcome back, un!" (Love ya DeiDei!!! <3)

Then Sakura asked what happened to her, Leah lied saying nothing. Sakura turned to Naruto proceeding to ask the same thing.

Leah glared at Naruto her eyes basically saying, 'You tell her, you die...'

Naruto lied then Sakura threatened him, causing him to ask if they could speak in private. Sakura dragged him into the kitchen.

People started asking Leah questions like...

"What's school like, Leah-chan? Tobi wants to know!" - Tobi

"Are you okay, un?" - Deidara

Sasori, Itachi and Sasuke gave her worried glances.

Kakashi proceeded to ask, "What's going on at school, Leah?"

Leah lied saying nothing.

Once again Kakashi asked, "Look me in the eye and say that."

Sakura proceeded to shout interupting Leah, "WHAT?! AND YOU DIDN'T HELP HER?!"

Naruto - "I'm sorry!  I would have but I was a cat!"

Sakura punched Naruto threw the kitchen wall while he landing in the living room, unconscious.

Sakura ran over to Leah, grabbing her into a light hug saying, (I think) "I'm sorry. You had to go through so much! First your parents died-" cue Leah's eyes widening, "-and getting bullied and beat at school." cue Leah's eyes having small tears in them.

Sakura stepped away from the hug while everyone gave he surprised looks besides Sasori, Sasuke and Itachi cuz they widened their eyes. (They don't show emotion, broham! Mhmm!)

Sakura said she would heal Leah while Leah timidly asked that they could still use chakra?

Sakura giggled and answered of course then dragged Leah into the bathroom. Sakura healed Leah's eye, nose and lip.

(This part I'm gonna try and write exactly what it was, k?)

"Alright, pull up your shirt." Sakura said.

I blushed and stuttered, "Wh-What?"

"Not like that! Naruto told me that there was a bruise on your stomache, so lift up your shirt."

I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it further down while blushing a bright red.

Sakura sighed then grabbed my hands, lifting my shirt up reavealing only my stomache you pervs!

I blushed profusely while she healed my stomache.

Alright! I possibly, maybe, kinda,......ToTaLlY.......lied! I'm not gunna write sorry. Ples no, I fan! Haha! Please, I fan!

If you know where that is from you are officialy awesome and spectacular in the Sparkle Kingdom of the Doves. Why doves you may ask? Because doves are doves and they can have a dove land with a kingdom covered in sparkles. Problem?

ThAnKz FoR rEaDiNg!

HEY! BROhizzleDOGS!! PSST!! I have a favor for you awesome people to do for me. Can you do it? Thanks!

Write in the comments who Leah should be with. Here are the choices:

1. Naruto (Love ya <3)

2. Sasuke (Sas-Gay! Ducky! Duck-butt! Nah just kidding cuz I wuvles you! <3)

3. Deidara (Dei-Dei! <3)

4. Itachi (I love you, dork! <3)

Please choose one of these and if you do not like any choice please state your person and then a reason! 

TaNk YoU!

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