Because You're Mine

Par itsshewhowrites

4.6K 494 495

Completed (11.12.17) --------------- It hurts, really, to not have a lasting happiness in your life. Somethi... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Valentine's Day Special: Part 1)
Chapter 32 (Valentine's Day Special: part 2)
Chapter 33 (Valentine's Day Special: part 3)
Chapter 34 (Valentine's Day Special: part 4)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 15

92 11 22
Par itsshewhowrites

My mom and I finally headed home after two hours. My call with Austin ended just ten minutes before we left. He was getting a call from one of his gang members, Easton.

"So, how did it go with the boys?" My mom asked while driving.

"It wasn't bad. Well, except for the fact that Jake tried flirting with me multiple times even after I told him that I have a boyfriend." I exclaimed. My mom was still getting used to the fact about my relationship with Austin.

"Did you tell Austin about this?" She asked, probably already knowing the answer.

"Well," I stutter, "The thing is that he had given me a microphone about two years ago, and the last time I used it was a month ago. So, he suggested that we both would have the microphone on and we would be able to communicate with each other when we couldn't use our phones." I explained. She then connected all the dots and understood everything.

"You and your boyfriend are inseparable." My mom smiles while rolling her eyes.

He doesn't want me to be in any danger. So the times where he can't be by my side, he gives me an electronic device so that he can know where I am, who I'm talking to, and if I'm in any danger or not.

And once again, thinking of him makes me smile. Even I become a bit possessive over him. He's a crazy man, but I have to deal with that attitude. Speaking of, I'm going to have to tell the girls about what happened at the Wild family's house.

"What are you smiling about?" My mom asks, glancing at me every few seconds as she turned into our street.

"Um, nothing. Just excited about tomorrow." I lie.

I was done packing the day my mom and dad agreed for me to go to Australia yesterday. Since Cheryl was staying over, she helped me pack one suitcase and my bag that I'll be taking with me in the flight. I then went over to Austin's house to help him pack because he's still a child that can't do anything right, so he needs me to assist him.

Austin and I packed one big suitcase and one bag for him. Cheryl had to come, but she gave us our privacy when necessary.

We pull into our house's driveway and I get out of my mom's car. I then grab the keys out of mom's hand and quickly open the door. I leave the door open with the key hanging on the lock as I take off my heels and rush myself upstairs and plop down on my bed, not even bothering to get changed or freshened up.

I told my mom before leaving that we won't stay for over two hours. I couldn't bare being under the same roof as Chris after that day. It was so awkward and I hate being there.

Mom said that dad couldn't come along because he and Emily's husband went out tonight just to catch up on their friendships which were why I didn't see Emily's husband.

I'm just going to text the group about what happened.

Me: Hey guys.
Violet: Hey Jazzy.

And so I explain to her what happened, and Austin joined us like the others and kept on interrupting me to tell his part of the story.

Austin: How dare he try flirting with MY girl?!
Me: Babe relax...
Austin: I can't cuz I'm possessive over of what's mine
Jessica: I want a boyfriend like Austin
Me: I thought you liked someone...
Austin: Seriously?
Me: Who's the guy Jess?
Jessica: What no! I don't like anyone. Even if I did he wouldn't like me in THAT way
Alex: At least tell me!
Dave: And me!
Alex: Just tell all of us
Jessica: No point
Me: Guys don't force
Jessica: I'm not ready to say anything yet:/
Alex: Ugh fine.
Me: I'm gonna get some desert
Violet: Without me?
Me: Sorry but my food is mine
Austin: Share with me then?
Me: Sorry Austy...
Violet: Lol.
Austin: Hmph
Jessica: u guys r so cute
Austin: Not funny...

I think I should invite the girls over for a girls night. After all, we won't be seeing each other for a while.

Me: Girls, you wanna come for a sleepover? We can spend the last day together..
Jessica: I'm in
Violet: I'm also in!
Me: Great! I'll text Cherry abt it also
Dave: We boys can go to Austin's house and stay over. What say?
Alex: Sure
Austin: Ya come on over
Me: You all better come to the airport though
Dave: We will
Violet: Yaa now bye guys!
Me: Bye
Austin: Laters..bye princess;)
Me: Bye:)

Oh wait, I forgot to ask Austin what time our flight is.

Me: Austin I need to ask u something...
Austin: What's up?
Me: What time is our flight again??
Alex: Wasn't it around 4?
Austin: It's at 5 pm so we'll leave for at around 1:30
Me: Lol Alex you were close. Thanks, babe:)
Alex: I guess we can all go out for lunch?
Violet: Great idea
Austin: Sure
Me: I'm in
Austin: Alright then bye
Violet: Bye

Now I should just change and prepare everything for our girls night.

25 minutes later

I finally had prepared everything, including getting myself changed and freshened up. I organized some speakers and since I had about thirty songs downloaded in my MP3 player, so I plugged that in with the speaker. I had also gotten some movies picked out for when we feel the need to watch something. I had Suicide Squad, Bad Moms, The Mummy, Don't Breathe, and Rings.

I had the snacks ready in the kitchen, also including the dinner, which was going to be ordered, which was not decided yet.

My parents decided to leave us alone, so they had their night planned, which was going out and sorting things out between them, as they have been arguing a little bit over the last couple of weeks.

I was wearing a white lace romper with turquoise beaded slippers. My hair was put into a messy bun with strips of hair hanging by my ears.

Ding Dong!

I run down the stairs and quickly open the door to see Jessica, Violet, and Cheryl at my door with a duffle Adidas bag in each of their hands. I let them walk past me, into my house as I closed the door shut behind me.

"I've been sleeping two days properly because I had an idea that we were going to have a sleepover soon," Cheryl said excitingly as Jessica, Violet and I rolled our eyes.

"What's for dinner?" Jessica asked.

"I knew you'd ask sooner or later." I chuckle as we all plopped down on my bed. "I think you guys choose. I'm fine with whatever."

"Mexican food?" Cheryl suggested.

We all agreed on Mexican food and as for movies, we chose Rings, and since we knew we were going to be scared and freaked out, we decided to keep Moana as our second movie just to recover.

I'm wondering what the boys would be doing at the moment. Probably something like us, but different in a way.


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