By Anushka_Deshmukh

30.2K 1.1K 372

*Every boy wants a good girl who's bad just for him.* *Every girl wants a bad boy who treats her like she's t... More

Author's Note
Author's Note 2
♀ Chapter 1 - H O M E C O M I N G
♀ Chapter 2 - A B O D E
♂ Chapter 4 - P H A N T A S M
♀ Chapter 5 - I D E N T I T Y
♀ Chapter 6 - E N C H A N T R E S S
♂ Chapter 7 - I N T R I G U E D
Author's Note 5
♂ Chapter 8 - I S S U E
♀ Chapter 9 - Z I N G
♀ Chapter 10 - N I G H T O U T
Author's Note 6
♂ Chapter 11 - C H E R I S H E D
♀ Chapter 12 - P L E A S A N T
♂ Chapter 13 - A L L U R E
Author's Note 7
♀ Chapter 14 - H I N D R A N C E
♀ Chapter 15 - A L M O S T T W I N
♂ Chapter 16 - U N E X P E C T E D
♂ Chapter 17 - L I E S
♀ Chapter 18 - U N A W A R E
♀ Chapter 19 - F O R E W A R N I N G
♂ Chapter 20 - B R A S H
♀ Chapter 21 - U N C A N N Y
♀ Chapter 22 - A L I E N A T I O N
♂ Chapter 23 - V E X A T I O N
♂ Chapter 24 - P R O V O K E D
♂ Chapter 25 - W I N N E R
♂ C H A S E

♀ Chapter 3 - B E O W U L F

1.4K 54 22
By Anushka_Deshmukh

The next morning I woke up hearing Animals by Maroon 5 playing louding. This meant only one thing, Aisha had reset the ring tone set for her again before I'd left.

"Why are you calling me so early Aish?" I wanted to sound angry, but failed miserably because I'd been drooling while I was asleep.

"Well hello to you too. I'm good thanks for asking. And it's almost noon there bitch. Get your scrawny ass out of bed." She commanded.

"Yes ma'am" I said knowing I couldn't go back to sleep now. "Any specific reason as to why you're calling?"

"Can't I even call just to talk to my best friend?" She asked sounding innocent.

*Sigh* "Babe, I know how much you value you 'beauty sleep'. If it's 12 here it's almost 10:30 there and you don't stay up this late unless you're going to a party and I'm guessing that's not the reason. Am I right or am I right?"

She laughed then stopped immediately as if she suddenly remembered she shouldn't be laughing,
"Jake broke up with me today."

"Whaat? Oh my gosh babe, what happened?"

"He said it's not working out anymore and the chemistry we had has faded."

"What an ass! If it makes you feel better, he never deserved a great girl like you. He'll regret leaving you and he'll be begging on his knees, asking you to take him back soon."

"It does make me feel better. Even if he begs now I won't take him back. I'm done."

"That's my girl. You're coming here next week. Long distance relationships don't work out anyways. Don't stress babe."

"Yeah yeah. It's not like I'm crying my eyes out.. it's just that I SHOULD'VE DUMPED HIM.. THAT PIECE OF SHIT.. DUMPING ME.. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST GIRLS AT SCHOOL... AAAAH!" She started screaming suddenly and I had to hold my phone away from my ear to avoid hearing her screaming.

"Calm down babe. Inhale exhale inhale exhale."

After I was sure she'd calmed down,
"Don't stress babe, after you come here I'll take you shopping and we'll spend at entire day at the spa. We'll even have a girls night in with ice-cream and Channing Tatum movies. How does that sound?"
The girl was absolutely in love with Channing Tatum. I didn't understand why though.. I'd never been obsessed with any movie stars personally though I was kind of in love with Francisco Lachowski. I mean who isn't? ;)

"That sounds good enough."

"Good enough, that's all? Looks like I might have to reconsider our plans." I sounded angrily but I meant it playfully.

"Geez, calm your balls, it sounds amazing.. don't you dare change our plans. Anyways I got to go babe. Bye. Love you." And then after making some kissing noises on the phone, she hung up.

She's one weird girl I tell you.

After hanging up I immediately got a call from Sam saying he'd be there in 20 minutes.

I panicked and ran inside the bathroom to take a quick shower. I'd planned to take a bath in the jacuzzi today. I know, I know.. a real shame. *Sigh*

After getting dressed I headed down to make breakfast but realised that I needed to go grocery shopping first. I'd ask Sam to take me for brunch somewhere first.

I heard the ping of my phone indicating a new text message, Coming up the elevator now.

I opened the door just in time to see him step out the elevator. He patted me on my head like I was a little kid and we immediately left.

"Sam, can we go have brunch first. I'm starving."

He laughed. "Sure. Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know, any place is fine."

He took me to a cozy looking restaurant where I ordered a double cheeseburger with a side of fries and coke.

We spoke about my life in Mumbai for a while and he told me that he now had another daughter called Lily and promised he'd take me to visit soon.

"Sam I forgot to get some of the documents Greenie asked me to get. Can we go back to the penthouse to get them?"

"Greenie?" Sam asked laughing.

"Just an old nickname for the Principal." I shrugged.

When we got home I headed upstairs while he waited for me in the living room.

I glanced at myself in a mirror on the way upstairs. God, I looked like a mess. I quickly grabbed the documents and then went to my closet to pick an outfit. I got changed into a skinny black jeans, a white tank top and a black leather jacket. I slipped on my black converse shoes and headed downstairs.

I found Sam standing at the window in the living room. On hearing me approach he just smiled in approval at my change of outfit.

On the way out I grabbed sunglasses and a scarf. I put on those the moment I stepped out of the car, the scarf covering my head and face. I didn't want anyone at school to see me just yet. I stopped to ask for directions to the Principal's office. I knocked and was asked to enter. He was deeply engrossed, reading the file of a student. I managed to read the name Miller on the file before he noticed me. That's strange. Why is he reading this file? I was pulled out of my thoughts when Principal Greene greeted me.
Of course he knew who I was and who my parents were. That explained the sugary attitude.

"Ah Shanaya. You made it. I thought you'd skip coming today and directly attend school tomorrow." He said smiling and shaking my hand.

"Good morning Mr.Greene. I'm sorry I'm late. Yesterday's journey had exhausted me. I'm glad to be here." I said formally with a small smile.

"Ah yes yes. So are you looking forward to going to school here?"

"Yes sir. It's good to be back in New York."

"So have you got all the documents I asked for?"

"Yes." I handed him the folder. After a brief chat for a few more minutes he gave me my schedule and went on to explain the rules of the school. He spoke for 10 minutes straight.

"Yes sir, I understand."

"Good. I expect you to make us proud Shanaya. Have a good day."

"Thank you. Good day sir."

In the corridor I thought about how the conversation had been. He'd treated me differently, not like he would treat the others, asking me about my parents and being formal and sugary with me. That's how everyone treated me when they came to know who my parents were.

I took the long route towards the exit and saw my locker on the way outside. I set the code to 1807 and proceeded on my way out. I had the urge to pee suddenly and had to go to the girls washroom. When I was inside the stall I heard the door opening and voices. It sounded like there were two girls outside and they were discussing something seriously.

"...but everyone knows what she's trying to do Ciara."

"Shut up Melanie, she's been trying to do this for ages now and still hasn't succeeded. She joined school just a few months ago and now she's the queen. She stole it from me. I won't let her steal Zee from me too."

"But how do you plan to stop her? She's always with him and he never tells her to go away."

"Haven't you seen his expressions when she's around. Looks like everything he does is forced, even his smile. You should know he doesn't like her. Zayden Miller, the golden boy of our school, does not fall in love. But I'll make sure it's me he falls for. Let's go."

Now I understood who they'd been talking about. Zayden. Zee. They were talking about him.
The urge to see him suddenly hit me like a truck on the face. He was here. He was in school right now. I could see him. Without letting him see me.

I walked out just in time to hear the bell and students rushed out of their classes. He's probably outside, hanging out with his buddies. I was sure I would recognize him. If he was the "golden boy" of the school like that girl had described him to be he'd be in a prime position.

I headed out and saw people walking to their cars and bikes, heading out of the school. Then at the center of the parking lot, I spotted a group of guys talking together. All the girls around seemed to be looking in that direction, a dreamy expression on their faces. I walked towards them and then when one of the guys moved, I saw him, at the center of the group.

He'd always been taller than most boys his age. Now he looked like he was above 6 feet.

6 ft 2' probably. His golden hair shone in the sun. His eyes were of the same, a warm brown color that looked like they saw right through you and read your soul. His smile showed slight dimples and near perfect white teeth. He wore a brown trouser, white shirt and a grey sweater. The sleeves were rolled up. He looked amazing. Seeing him made me freeze for two minutes. I forgot that people were around me. I could only see him, no one else mattered. It's like I was drawn to him by an invisible force. It was only me and him. He laughed loudly at something his friend said. The noise was pleasant and it made me smile. I looked around to see that if I previously thought that most girls glanced at him occasionally, now all the girls looked at him. I felt a slight pang. I wanted to take him away, hide him and make him smile only for me.. no one else.

Why? Why do you care if they look? Just focus on him. You've seen him after 4 years remember?

Who're you?

I'm your conscience of course.


Now just focus there!

Yeah yeah! Bossy much?

As I had this silent conversation, I realised he would see me if I stood here (right infront). I moved so that he couldn't see me and I could only see his back. Then I saw a blonde move towards him. The crowd parted for her like she was the queen. Queen. I remembered the conversation I'd heard earlier. So she was the one they were talking about, the one who stuck to him like a leech. She smiled at him and stood next to him.

Yeah more like, she looks ready to jump his bones.

The bitch.

She smiled a sickly sweet smile at him and he looked at her. Then she kissed him on the cheek.

I really hate her right now.

He looked stiff and uncomfortable and he moved slightly away from her. He stood at a distance which didn't look rude but also made sure she didn't invade his personal bubble. Only one other guy looked like he understood. The others seemed oblivious to the situation. They seemed to have a conversation and she kept batting her eyelashes, smiling 'seductively' at him and touching his arm. She looked like she was trying too hard. It all became to much to watch and the burn in my chest had now started to change into a raging fire.

I turned and left.

Zayden ❤

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