By OluwayemisiRose

104 22 0

OVERVIEW Have you ever felt like you don't know where you belong or what you want to do with your life w... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

chapter 6

8 2 0
By OluwayemisiRose

Back to the schools parking lot, Ryan's point of view.

Smith and I watched has they drove away and I turned back to smith to only to see the hurt and devastated look on his face.

"Hey man you alright, what's with the look and her glare? Did you use to date her or something?" I asked walking to his side nudging his arm to get is attention but all Smith did was face me and smiled a little.

"No man, I used to be best friends with her and Rita but I was going through some shit and decided to cut off our friendship, not in a good way." smith explained.

"Let's just say I decided to be a total ass to them and cut off our relationship for good. It was about the same time in junior year we started to hang out but can we please drop this, I don't feel like explaining anymore." Smith said entering the car leaving me standing confused, I wanted to ask more questions but knew I had to leave it till when he is ready to open up.

Walking to the driver side of my new Lamborghini-aventador sports, I entered and started the car, reversing out of the school parking lot and speeding in silence the entire way leaving smith to his thoughts.

The sound of a speeding car must have alerted the security because it seems and according to my family I am the only one in our secluded street to drive like a maniac. Making a sharp U-turn I drove through the gate straight to our mansion, smith and I came out the car and I handed the car keys to our butler George and followed smith inside.

"Are my sister and her friends here yet?" I asked has we handed her our bags to the maid waiting for us inside. She collected them but before she could answer the girls came running down the stairs laughing.

"What is going on? Since when did you three become friends?" I asked watching them has they stood in front of us smiling at each other.

"Yeah Christy, when you said you wanted to be friends with them I thought you were joking." smith said has he looked at them with a confused expression.

"Nope smithy, I was serious about that, any ways do any of you want to watch a movie? I have the new fast and furious movie." said Christy.

"We have an assignment to start Christy, go watch it yourselves." I said and started climbing the stairs headed for my room.

When I heard no one following me I turned and saw Christy directly a glare my way, Rita was standing there clearly uncomfortable with smith still staring directly at her like a dog waiting for a bone and Kate standing next to Rita holding her hand, glaring at him with intense hatred.

Signing I ignored Christy and climbed down the stairs, grabbed Kate to follow me but she wouldn't bulge so I throw her over my shoulder.

I faced smith and said, "you guys need to talk about whatever crap is going on between you, this projects doesn't need your relationship problems and when you're finish, we will be upstairs in my room." I stated and climbed the stairs with Kate yelling at me to put her down and pounding on my back which is more like a massage. Reaching my room, I opened the door and walked inside and without hesitation threw Kate on the bed and walked to my couch to sit.

And has expected Kate started to shout, swearing like a sailor at me while I continued to sit on the couch and watch her throw a fit not even bothering to pay attention to what she was saying.

Watching her pace in my room screaming profanities at me was such a cute site that I couldn't help but think she looks beautiful like that, I thought smiling like an idiot.

"Why are you smiling at me like that? did you even hear anything I said?" she asked exasperated.

When I smiled wider, she just mumbled something under her breath and went to my bed settling herself.

"You looked cute just now." I got up smirking at her surprised expression.

"Close your mouth, you could catch files." I said walking slowly closer to her and drew my face closer so that we were almost kissing and closed her gaping mouth.

She pushed back on the bed coming out of her shock and stared at me for a full minute before saying "is something wrong with you? Are you sick in the head? Or do you just like playing games with me?"

"Am not playing with you Kate, all I did was close your gaping mouth because I didn't want you to catch files." I said smirking.

"Yeah you're just trying to be helpful, what do you have up your sleeve? There is no way you are just trying to be helpful." she said with so much conviction like anything else is preposterous.

I can't blame her for thinking like that, shit! Even I don't know what's up with me but I just cant stop myself from flirting and teasing her, she's just so cute.

"Your right, this does not make sense at all but for some reason..." I stopped releasing a sign, turned to get my bag walking to the bed, and settled down leaning on the headboard facing her.

"We should start on our assignment before time goes by." I took out my notes, textbook, and I-Pad from bag.

Opening her mouth she looked ready to say something but seem to think better of it and stood facing me. Am going to get our bags from Christy's room. She left and I used the time to reconsider my actions and the first thought that crossed my head was what the fuck, am insane? I signed to myself.

Its been a long time since I used to have a crush on Kate, Yes I know shocker but it happened when we were kids, now it seems there are still lingering feelings left.

My parents used to fight a lot when we were kids, they were forced to get married by their parents and have hated each other ever since. At the time when we were 10 I caught Christy trying to sneak out of the house.

8 years ago (flashback)

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked has I saw her try to sneak out the back gate leading to the forest.

"Jeez! Ryan don't sneak up on people like that," She whispered, her hand to her heart has she turned to face me. "If you must know am leaving this house because am tired of hearing their screaming match every single day." She walked out the gate and I followed her.

"Are you crazy? Where the hell do you want to go if you run away?" I said and pulled her to a stop holding her shoulder. She shrugged my hand away and faced me.

"Just to our tree house that we had built in the forest. I just want some peace and quiet today okay."

"How the hell do you want to reach the tree house?, its dark and have you forgotten we had it built in the farthest and deepest part of the forest that isn't safe to go to at night and what the hell do you want to eat when you get there?" I yelled.

"Chill I brought a touch light and some food has well to last me three days which is how long I plan to stay. Pepper spray, bug spray, blankets, clothes and my toiletries. Oh! And camp gear in case I want to sleep outside and it rains." She said smiling at me brightly.

I signed shaking my head and looked down noticing the large bright pink suitcase that belongs to my mum. She noticed my gaze and looked at me with an innocent expression shrugging.

"Stop being such a worry-wart, you can just come with me you know." I signed again and nodded. Smiling she rolled the stupid suitcase towards me.

"I can't continue to drag that anymore its heavy." I pushed it back towards her.

"Not my damn business, you packed the damn thing, you carry the damn thing." I smirked walking away hearing her mutter choice worlds at my back has she followed me.

We continued walking holding torch lights now since it has gotten dark already. I could hear Christy struggle with the stupid suitcase and I turned around to see she was pulling hard at it with frustration. Finally caving I walked back and collected it from her and she faced me with a grateful expression and slumped down on the floor leaning her back on a tree.

"Dude get up, its late, and I really would like to get to the tree house before I become food to the gators, snakes, bears and whatever human eating animal that lives here."

"Am beat okay, please let me rest a bit."

"Whose brilliant idea was it to run away?" I asked sarcastically folding my arms.

"Yes I know, it was mine but please can we just rest for 5 minutes." She pleaded looking up at me. I signed giving up, and joined her leaning on the tree.

"You know this was a stupid plan right, we are so grounded for the rest of our lives when mum and dad find us." And on cue my phone started ringing, pulling it out of my pocket I saw our mums name flash on the screen and showed it to her.

Rolling her eyes she said" I know its a stupid plan, but you know how impulsive I get. I just wanted them to think about someone beside themselves. We are suffering too and they don't seem to care one bit."

Signing she looked up staring at the stars "I left a note and they must have seen it by now, I told them until they learned to stop fighting and try to love each other or even live together in peace I am not coming back."

I knew our parents relationship had always affected Christy more than it did me. When we were little she always did the silliest things to make our parents fall I love but they always saw right through it and never caved just told her to not bother trying. Has tough has my sister is she's also fragile and I make it my mission to protect her even if its from my parents.

"Come on we better go." I said getting up and pulled her up with me. We walked for an hour before I noticed we were lost.

"Christy I think were lost."

"What! How the hell are we lost?" She practically screamed in my ear.

"First please do NOT scream in my ear! And were lost because I can't tell where we are going. I can't find the mark trail we made on the trees." She came nearer pushing me aside and checked the tree, then walked to the next and the next and the next then started crying and screamed throwing a tantrum.

I signed ignoring her tantrums, looking at the trees I noticed that these aren't the trees we used has a trail to the tree house. "Christy!" I yelled cutting her scream fest "these are not the trees that lead to the tree house." She walked closer to me wiping the tears away and looked at the tree noticing the differences.

Our tree has marks which we made using a rake from dads tools and tree sap plus its taller and a bit fatter than this tree. This one is thinner, missing the claw marks and no tree sap.

"You're right its not our tree." She said elevated dancing around and I just stared blankly at her.

We heard a rustle from our backs and froze looking in the direction it came from. It happened again coming closer and we huddled back with Christy at my back and me in the front holding a torch light has a weapon in that direction. Has it drew closer it stopped and we held our breath waiting for the inevitable but all that came out was a puppy.

I blinked a couple of times still staring at the puppy and we both signed relaxing from our fear. "I can't believe I was scared of a dog." Christy scoffed and the dog barked at us wiggling its tale.

I walked closer to the puppy I saw it was a German shepherd, crouching down I held my arms open and it came closer happily. Rubbing the dog I lifted it cradling it in my arms pulling it closer towards me and laughed has it started licking my face.

"No Ryan put it down, you don't know the kind of disease its carrying." Christy screamed at me in disgust and stomped her feet. Not paying her any mind I continued petting the dog do you have an owner?

Raising his head I noticed the gold pendent collar on his neck with the name Edward decorated on the pendent with small blue diamonds.

"Put my dog down, you dog-napper." A small voice yelled from behind us.

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