
By varzanic

92K 931 109

Pain is all Alex has ever known. Taken from his people as a child, he was trained to be a hunter for the huma... More

Chapter 1: Fear... Is Only the Beginning
Chapter 2: Kiya... Thrill of the Hunt
Ebook is Now Available!
Print Version of Evolution!

Chapter 3: Poison... The Rage of Destruction

4.6K 264 14
By varzanic

My eyes opened to the sound of something beeping. I tried to sit up but my arm crumbled under my weight. Pushing back the blanket, I found my forearm in a cast. I ran my fingers over the coarse material and noticed a thin piece of metal pressed under my skin on my other hand. I squeezed it between my fingers. Someone grabbed my wrist.

"Don't touch it," stated Sir.

Nodding, I hugged my wounded arm to my chest.

"You nearly died." He leaned over me. "And for what? Because those three are not worth having your arm ripped off!" Sir braced his arms on either side of the bed and looked me in the eyes. "What happened?"

"I didn't see him," I whispered, sinking deeper into the bed.

"For some reason, I'm finding that hard to believe." He moved in closer. "You better come up with something better, because I'm not going for: I didn't see him."

"I saw him," I said. "Just—not in time."

Grabbing a handful of hair, he yanked my head to the side. "You are by far the stupidest savage I have ever met," he yelled in my ear before letting go. "How many years have you been tracking down those parasites and you still don't know what you're doing?"

I touched the metal object in my hand.

"I told you not to touch it!" He snatched my wrist and secured it in place with a black restraint. "When are you going to learn how to listen?"

"Sir," I gasped, grabbing his shirt. "Sir, please don't."

"You should have thought of that before." He shoved me into the bed and began to secure me in place.

"Please, take them off." I arched my back. "I promise not to touch it. Please."

"I think it's a fitting punishment." He pulled them tighter.


"You're broken, Alex." He brushed his fingers along my cast. "This way, you won't be able to hurt yourself, anymore."

The tears began to flow before I could stop them. "I'm sorry, Sir."

"What am I going to do with you?"

"I won't touch it. I promise."

Sir shook his head and patted my shoulder. "I know." He turned toward the door. "I'll be back in a couple of days."

"Sir?" I fought against the restraints. "Sir!"


I struggled against my restraints, tried to avoid my own thoughts. The door opened. I was jarred back into reality. A man in a long white coat entered followed by a woman carrying a silver case. Breathing heavily, I watched them as they walked toward me.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked the woman.

I jerked away from his hand when he touched the reddened skin rubbed raw by the restraints.

"Holt wants it done," replied the woman, dropping the case on the table next to me. "That's what the report said." She popped open the top and took out a bottle nestled inside. Holding it above her head, she forced a needle through the top. A black liquid shot into the chamber.

The man pulled the restraints tighter. "Just try and relax. This won't take long." He cleaned an area on my shoulder. "Hand me the syringe, I'll do it." He took it from the woman. "Hold him still."

"What are you doing?" I lifted my head.

"It'll make you feel better." He forced the end deep into my shoulder. "You'll see."

I winced and watched the liquid being pushed into my body. A fire erupted in my arm and spread through my body. I screamed as every muscle started to spasm.

"What do we do?" asked the woman, pressing down on my chest. "Holt can't find him like this."

"I'll give him a sedative. He can sleep it off." He filled another syringe and injected it into my shoulder.

A different feeling entered my body. I fought the effects as long as I could before everything began to shut down.

The man tucked the blanket around me. "Let's hope this works without too many side effects."


I jerked awake as Sir's voice sounded down the hallway. Seconds later, he kicked open the door and a group of men filed in behind him, along with the woman from yesterday.

"What did you do?" demanded Sir, motioning to me.

"I just did as President Shaffer directed. He said you wanted it done. See." She held out a sheet of paper.

Sir snatched it from her and scanned it before crumbling it into a ball. "Seems like I need to have a word with the president. Take him to his room and keep an eye on him." Throwing the paper on the ground, he left the room.

One of Sir's men undid the restraints and helped me up. He removed the needle and bandaged my hand. Two men grabbed my arms and led me into the hall to the elevator. The doors parted and I was herded into the back. Sitting on my heels, I clutched my stomach. Something wasn't right.

The doors opened.

"Let's go." The larger one grabbed my arm and took me into the Haydean housing unit.

They led me to my room and punched in the access code. I was shoved inside and heard the door slam behind me. Wandering over to my corner, I wrapped a thin blanket around my shoulders. My mind was exhausted but I couldn't resist the urge to move. Climbing to my feet, I began to pace the floor. My cast was starting to wear on my nerves. I needed it off.

Using my claws, I ripped through the dense material but the unsettled feeling remained. I had to get out of this room. Confinement was only adding to the pain. I wanted out.

I rammed the door and dug my claws into the metal. The door didn't move. Heat boiled up from under my skin. Falling to my knees, I clasped my chest. Something really wasn't right with me.


Huddled in the corner, I waited for my heart rate to go back to normal. The fire had faded. I slowly stood and staggered to the demolished bed. The black stitches were straining to hold the cut on my arm together. Using a blanket, I wrapped the wound.


I spun around to find Sir standing next to the dented door. I staggered back to my corner and stooped down. It was starting to build again. His hand landed on my shoulder.

I flinched. "What did you do to me?"

"Come on." He helped me up and led me from the room.

Going to the elevator, he ushered me inside and pressed the button marked with a ten. When the doors opened, Sir grabbed my arm and took me to the cafeteria. The others were sitting at their regular tables. Jacob and Sarah rose from their seats when they saw us enter. I inched toward them only to be yanked back.

"Where are you going?" Sir yanked me back and gave me a gentle push toward the entrance to the upper levels. "We have a meeting to go to."

I glanced back to see Sarah clutch her brother's arm. Both looked just as confused as me.

Sir swiped his card and opened the door.

"We're not allowed," I whispered.

Our eyes met and I knew better than to say another word.

He nodded to the hall. "Move."

I started down the corridor. It was a lot nicer than what I was used to. The floor was coated with a soft material and pictures hung on the walls. At the end of the hall was another elevator. Arriving at the entrance, Sir pushed the call button. The door parted and we stepped inside. Sir pushed the button for the fifteenth floor. This is where the humans lived; I didn't understand why he had brought me here. Leaning against the back wall, I hugged my stomach. The rage was building again.

Sir jerked me upright. "You keep that little monster under control until I tell you. Understood?"

I nodded.

The elevator signaled that we had reached our destination. We stepped into the hall and Sir directed me toward the opposite end. With my head bowed, I did as I was told. The pain in my chest was getting worse with each step. We stopped at two wooden doors. Sir yanked one open and motioned me inside.

Humans sat around a large table that stretched from one end to the other. They were dressed in black suits. My eyes wandered to the wall made entirely of glass. Everything told me I shouldn't be here.

"Captain, what is the meaning of this?" yelled a man.

My head snapped back to the one positioned at the head of the gathering. My chest twisted with pain and I dropped to my knees. It was back.

The men sitting closest to me rose from their chairs.

"Someone's been tampering with my property." Sir ran his hand along the backs of the chairs as he walked to the far end of the room. "If you want to test some shit, do it on one of the others."

"Our best hunter was hurt. What would you have me do?" said the leader. "From our test, the drug accelerates healing."

"Have you ever seen a Haydean attack?" Sir sat down on the table and flipped through a pile of paperwork. "It's a thing of beauty really. The larger ones can literally jump from one end of the room to the other. That's not even the best part." Sir tossed the stack of papers to the side and walked back toward the doors. "Just wait until they go in for the kill." His hand touched the top of my head and tilted it back. "Haydeans have never been merciful creatures. They like to make their prey suffer before they die. Once they have you, though"—Sir tugged on my hair— "there's no escape. Why don't you show them, Alex?" His eyes met mine.

I shook my head.

"Go on."

"I can't." I clasped my forehead and felt the heat from before.

"Go on Alexander. Show them."

Biting my lip, I shook my head. "I don't want to," I said softly.

"That's not for you to decide."

Two men entered.

"Help him out. It shouldn't take much." Sir exited the room.

One grabbed me from behind.

"Stop it!" My skin was on fire and my head was throbbing.

They pinned down my arms. A feeling of helplessness spread over me. I wanted them off. My heart was pounding and something clicked. I had been given permission to defend myself and I was going to.


It was gone. It was finally gone. Curled up in a ball, I laid among the debris. I couldn't remember much of what had happened but from the shattered window and broken chairs, it hadn't been good.


I flinched at the sound of Sir's voice.

He knelt beside me."I'll take you back now."

"Why did you do this?" I whispered.

"To make a point." He held out his hand. "You're not their science experiment."

I drew away and stood by myself. "Please, don't touch me."

He laughed to himself and stepped back. We left the room and met an overweight human waiting in the hall.

"President Shaffer," said Sir, offering his hand.

"It's taken care of then?" asked Shaffer, shaking it firmly.

"I don't think your son will be causing any more problems."

"So this is the one." He lifted my chin.

I jerked back.

Shaffer smiled. "Alexander right?"

Sir nodded.

"I'll be keeping a close eye on you, Alexander. Maybe I can even talk Holt here into selling you to me."

Sir just laughed and led me away. "This one isn't for sale, Shaffer. You already know that."

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