
Par varzanic

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Pain is all Alex has ever known. Taken from his people as a child, he was trained to be a hunter for the huma... Plus

Chapter 2: Kiya... Thrill of the Hunt
Chapter 3: Poison... The Rage of Destruction
Ebook is Now Available!
Print Version of Evolution!

Chapter 1: Fear... Is Only the Beginning

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Par varzanic


It pulsed through my back with each breath. Wiping my eyes, I placed my head against the wall and tried not to move. I noticed the eight white lines my claws had scraped into the cement floor.

Stupid savage. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the voice. Disgusting hybrid. The crack of a whip sounded in my mind.

The alarm sounding in the hallway jolted me from my thoughts. My claws slipped back into the slits between my fingers as I turned toward the door. I wanted to escape my mind but worse things laid outside.

Pulling my legs to my chest, I felt the resistance in my joints from the claws between my toes grated across the floor. I slowly rose to my feet and clutched the iron bed frame to give my sore muscles time to adjust. A stained mattress laid askew across a rusty metal-frame bed. I couldn't remember the last time I had used it. The metal springs dug into my skin and only made it worse.

Taking a deep breath, I walked to the door that had slid open. In the hallway, the other Haydeans lined the narrow corridor. Bowing my head, I tugged at my t-shirt. Blood could clearly be seen on the white fabric.

Sucking in my lips, I started down the white-tiled hallway toward the exit. Their whispers followed me as I passed. I tried to cover up some of the bruises on my arms when a hand landed on my shoulder. I flinched and prepared to run.

"It's just me, Alex." Jacob put a protective arm around me. He led me to the exit where his little sister, Sarah, was waiting.

She finished tying off her waist long hair and tossed the dark brown braid over her shoulder. "Alex." Sarah reached out a hand.

I avoided it. I didn't feel like being touched at that moment.

Worry filled her warm brown eyes as she examined my arms. "Are you alright?"

I nodded.

"Are you sure?"

I didn't reply.

"You're not going to get anything out of him this early," said Jacob, squeezing my shoulder.

I winced at the pain and pulled away from him.

He removed his hand. "Sorry."

The light above the exit turned green. Sarah led the way through the thick steel door that sealed off the housing unit to the elevator across the hall. Jacob positioned himself between the other Haydeans and me. The elevator doors parted and we filed inside. I stood into the corner and let out a sigh. We started to move.

The elevator stopped, soon after, and the doors separated on the tenth floor. The human guards were waiting. They stepped in line behind us and followed the group into the cafeteria. The three of us went to our regular table. I took the seat closest to the window while Jacob pulled out a metal chair beside me and Sarah took the spot across from us.

Resting my head against the glass, I looked out over the vast desert that surrounded the White City. Its towering buildings and factories remained safe behind its solid stone wall. My eyes passed over them to the small speck of green that sat on the horizon. It had always been a reminder of how life could be away from the Tower.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Sarah asked as a human served us breakfast.

I shook my head. She looked at Jacob, who only shrugged and started eating. Avoiding her gaze, I quickly ate and returned to my original position. I could feel her eyes digging into the side of my head. I didn't like talking to her about these sort of things. It just made her worry more.

"Alex?" whispered Sarah.

"Leave him alone," snapped Jacob in a hushed voice.

She glared at her brother. "I'm only trying to help."

"Well, it's not working."

They continued to argue. I bounced my forehead against the glass, just wanting them to be quiet. Another voice forced its way inside my head. Savage, worthless, filthy hybrid... I tried to block out his voice but no matter what I did his voice still pounded in my ears.

"I'm fine." I glanced up for a second.

"Alex, you can tell me." She reached across the table and clasped my hand. "I just want to make sure you're okay. You don't have to be so secretive all the time."

Withholding a smile, I looked at her, but Sarah's eyes were directed toward the entrance to the upper levels.

Jacob extended his claws and rapped the four-inch daggers on the table. I didn't have to look to know who had just arrived. My heart rate increased at the sound of every footstep. They stopped behind me, and his hands landed on my shoulders. My breath caught in my throat as his fingers curled around my neck.

"Good morning, Sir," said Sarah.

A dark aura fell over Jacob.

"It's a special day, Alexander," whispered Sir in my ear, his breath warming my skin.

Closing my eyes, I tried to stay as still as possible.

"It's our ten-year anniversary, my favorite little savage." He shoved Jacob's plate out of the way.

I jumped when it smashed onto the floor, but Sir hooked my chin, bring my attention back to him. I peered up into his green eyes as his red hair danced like fire.

"You were so small back then." Sir sat down on the table and looked me over. "Well, I guess not much has changed. You did grow a little," he chuckled, running a hand through my hair and tugging on the black strands. "You couldn't have been more than six or seven when I found you. Lost and all alone in the wild."

A deep growl came from Jacob.

"You disagree?" Sir slipped off the table.

The large Haydean didn't open his mouth.

"I asked you a question, Jacob, so I'd better be getting an answer." Sir kept his eyes fixed on the Haydean and tightened his grip on my hair.

Gritting my teeth, I rose from my seat to accommodate the pain.

"He wasn't alone," stated Jacob.

"Really?" Sir let go and looked between the two of us. "Alex?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied sitting back down.

"How old are you?"

Biting my lip, I hid my trembling hands under the table.

"Don't make me ask again," he said while playing with the neckline of my shirt.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Who are your parents, Alex?"

"I—I don't know."

"He was too young to remember!" Jacob slammed his hand on the table. "You haven't proven anything."

Sir pounded his fist on the table. "That's enough." He locked eyes with Jacob. "If you think you know so much, then why don't you answer for him?"

Everyone in the room was watching the exchange. I turned to Jacob as well. Jacob backed down and sunk into his chair without saying a word.

"It's alright, Jacob. It doesn't matter, anyways," I whispered.

"What did you say?" Sir's head snapped in my direction.

I froze. "Sir, I—I didn't—"

"Enough." He wrapped a hand around my throat. "I don't want to hear another word out of you." Lifting me out of my seat, he jolted me against the window and tightened his hold.

I gagged and pried at his grip.

"You need to figure out when to remain quiet." He leaned in. "You're nothing. Just a disgusting little hybrid." He threw me to the ground.

Jacob's chair crashed to the floor. Standing tall, the Haydean clenched his fists. Sir faced his challenger and locked eyes. Sarah quietly slid around the table and pulled me out of the way.

"Is there something you want to say to me?" Sir moved closer so that their noses were almost touching.

"That's enough." Jacob's dark brown eyes pierced through his shaggy, black hair and met those of the human standing in front of him. The muscles in his arms flexed, stressing his abnormal strength, but Sir had never been afraid of Jacob. The Haydean wasn't the only one with an intimidating stature.

"Maybe I should take you and Alex downstairs and remind you both what is the punishment for challenging a human." Sir snapped his fingers in my direction.

Sarah helped me to my feet and I went to Sir's side. My legs were shaking. Jacob and Sir were two of the tallest people in the Tower and I was one of the shortest. I barely came to their shoulders.

"Do you get some kind of sick pleasure beating up someone who can't fight back?" said Jacob.

Sir pulled me closer and smiled. "Just Alex."

I closed my eyes when he lifted my shirt.

Holding up my shirt, he took a step back to admire his work. "Then again, if he was still in the wild, one of you would have killed him by now. That's what happens to hybrids, right? You kill them." Sir shoved me to the side.

I staggered back and scanned the faces of the other Haydeans.

"I don't," said Jacob.

Sir scoffed at the remark. "Well, you've always been a bit of an oddity." Sir folded his arms. "Watch yourself, Jacob. You might not care what happens to you, but you do care about what will happen to Alex if you continue to challenge my authority."

Grinding his teeth together, he bowed his head.

"You're learning." Sir stepped forward. "You may look human, Jacob, but your carnal mind makes you nothing more than a senseless savage." He jabbed his finger into the Haydean's forehead. "A creature who kills for sports."

Every muscle in Jacob's body was tense but he managed not to move.

Sir nodded in approval. "As soon as you figure that out, things will get a lot easier for you and probably even Alex." His attention turned to me.

"Sir," pled Sarah. "Please, Sir."

Sir forced me up against the window. "It's sad to think you're further down the food chain than even him." He patted my cheek. "Remember who's in charge here." He tightened his grip on the front of my shirt. "You belong to me, Alex. Understood?" Sir lifted my chin.

I nodded. "Yes, Sir."

He led me away from the wall and presented me to the room. "Look at them," he whispered, motioning to the other Haydeans. "You wish you could be them. Strong. Powerful." Sir turned me around and looked down at me with those poisonous green eyes. "But all you'll ever be is a pathetic half-blood."

I quickly cleared my eyes.

"What is this?" Sir asked. "Are you crying, Alexander?"

"Sorry," I whispered.

"You'll figure it out." Patting my shoulder, Sir motioned to the man posted at the door.

The alarm sounded that signaling it was time to go to work. The other Haydeans stood and walked toward the exit. Sarah and Jacob went to leave and I tried to follow.

Sir snatched my arm and jerked me back before I got too far. His fingers dug into my already bruised flesh. "We're not done."

I clenched my jaw.

"I want nine, Alexander. Do you understand what nine means?"


"Yesterday you had a hard time figuring out what seven meant. So today you're going to have to make up the difference."

"I will. I—I'll work harder."

"I'm not the one that will be in trouble if you don't." He let go of me. "Because if you fail to meet your quota again, we'll be spending more time together downstairs. Understood?"

I swallowed hard. "I will, Sir. I promise."

"You better." He slapped the back of my head. "Now, go put those eyes to use."

I stumbled forward. "Yes, Sir." I regained my balance and hurried after the others. Reaching the door, I looked back to find Sir watching me. Bowing my head, I continued toward the elevator with nine pounding in my head.

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