My Ethalled: Super powers[ON...

By AMG297

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MAJOR EDITING PLOT CHANGING A LOT IS CHANGING Basically I decided I didn't like it so I'm changing it beca... More

chapter one - what the hell just happened?
chapter two - someone wake me from this stupid dream!
Chapter 3 - Finally some Friends
Chapter 5 - Silver Bow
Chapter 6 - Training
Chapter 7 - Dusty
Chapter 8 - The Truth
Chapter 9 - Morning!
Chapter 10 - How time flies
Chapter 11 - Akalterry Bloomsroad
Chapter 12 - "STOP"
Chapter 13 - More of my Past
Chapter 14 - War
Chapter 15 - Stop and Pop
Chapter 16 - 5 POV's (War has officially started)
Chapter 17 - Alive and Dead
Chapter 18 - Academy?
Chapter 19 - We have to leave

Chapter 4 - fighter or a planner?

189 19 4
By AMG297

Welcome back!
Thank you for spending the time to read my story, it means a lot.
Thank you!


"Oh and Thorn wanted to see you Autumn" Matthew said. "We might as well all go I guess, you'll get lost if we don't come,"

"True. Alright then." I said standing up, pulling Bell with me. "Let's go."

I followed the others out of the dorm and back into the training room. From there we followed down a corridor and at the other end stood 4 doors. One for each Team Leader. Jake pushed open the door on the far left and we walked in. Inside it was raining. Icy water droplets falling from nowhere. I practically screamed at the sight. At the noise, Thorn spun around, her hair the whipping her across the face.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry guys!" She said, pushing the hair out of her mouth, and in a blink of an eye the rain was gone and our soaking clothes were instantly dry.

I stood, my mouth wide open like a cod fish in utter shock.
I shook my head, shaking away the feeling of confusion and amazement.

"Super powers....."

"I prefer special abilities personally but yes. Is she ok?" Thorn quietly said the last part towards Jake.
I heard him mumble to her about my lost memory as I stood glued to the floor, frozen.

"Quick question." I asked. Thorn nodded. "Actually I have a million question but I'll start with this one."

"Ask away,"

"Why am I here? Why can't I remember anything? Am I a stick, the thing Scar said?"

I mentally slapped myself as I realised I didn't just as a single question but 3 in fact.

"One question you say," I heard Nick chuckle.

"Autumn everyone here has been chosen to train how to fight, why, I can't say but we leaders teach you. Unfortunately I don't know why you can't remember anything I've just been informed to train and watch over you. And no I doubt you are a stick, someone without powers because everyone who survived the leak so far has a sort of ability, you being our only exception."

"Maybe you do have an Ethalled Autumn!" Bell chirped in, "Maybe you just forgot when you bumped your head!"

I want to believe Bell in the fact that I did just bump my head and that I am just suffering bad concussion and loss of memory but deep down I know that's not true. But it just doesn't add up..

"We'll find your Ethalled don't worry," Thorn said, resting a rough hand on my shoulder, she made me feel tiny with my petite build against her broad one.

After a small conversation about rules, do's and don'ts with Thorn, I followed the others back into the training room.

"You a fighter or a planner?" Jake said breaking the silence as we walked. There wasn't much to fill the conversation with. I was as stupid as a newborn with my lack of memory so could do nothing but listen and learn.

"I have no idea. Haven't done either of them before. Not that I remember anyway," I replied sheepishly, tucking my hair behind my ears on either side.

"No offence but you look pretty weak" Nick said cutting in. I shot him a confused and hurt look.
"I mean look at those skinny arms. And you're short too!" I scowled at him.

"Give her a break." Jake said, pushing Nick out the way. He stumbled slightly over loosing footing before straightening up and continuing to walk ahead.

"Oh I am so sorry Mr Boss," Nick replied quietly with a smirk plastered on his face, his tone pushing the sarcasm.

"Stop being stupid and have some respect for Autumn,"

"Hey I am not stupid I have a higher IQ than you and plus I have loads of respect for everyone, just not you,"

"Guys Shut up and get moving," Matt said stopping the bickering. He slid between the two boys and they turned away from each other sulking like toddlers. I hid a laugh and smiled at the low level of maturity.

We stepped back into the training room again for about the fourth time already. I had been here for less than a full day and I was already walking round the camp in circles. To say the routes where confusing would be a understatement.

The training room however was large. A huge open space of two levels, with a balcony surrounding the second level. Some of the floor was rubber in the shape of a square, the rest surrounding it being a hard but smoothed over concrete.

"Let's go" Jake pulled me by my arm, weaving in and out of people, pushing his way past them. We were on one side of the training room and it seemed to be we needed to be on the opposite side.
I mumbled a few sorry's as I pushed through the groups. My eyes trailed behind me, looking at where I had come from and being the clumsy person I am, I managed to run face first into someone as I turned back around. I hitched in my breath in shock as I came face first with a solid torso.

"I am so sorry!" I said looking up at the face attached to the body I slammed into. Jake no longer had hold of my arm I realised. It was just me face to face, or torso to face I should say due to my petite height, with this person. A smirk grew across this new guys face as my eyes found his. First thing I noticed was his tanned skin against the dark grey shirt he wore. But what hit me was his striking eyes, a dark emerald green I have never seen before.

"You can run into me any time," he said with a smile and an eyebrow raise. As the dimples grew on his face, I noticed the sharp bone structure of his face. I shook my head quickly realising what he said. I felt a soft blush reach my cheeks.
I recognised him from somewhere.

"Hey stop standing around, Luke wants to show you his new move" said a new voice. The new guy grabbed his friend without seeing me and pulled him away.
"I'll see you around then Autumn," he called back me over his shoulder as he disappeared through the crowd.

My stomach flipped. I recognised him yet couldn't remember why. I felt a squeeze in my chest as I recalled his face and body in my mind. What amount of training must they have done to get bodies like that? He has clearly define muscles under his shirt and I'm surprised I didn't break my face running into his brick wall of a torso.

I don't know how long I have been standing alone, thinking back onto the encounter but I felt a hand grab mine. I instantly straightened, gasped a little, before meeting the familiar face of Jake again.

"We have to stop wasting time and find out what you can do."  Jake snapped, pulling me away from the crowd. "I let go of you for one second and you disappear"
After a quick 30 second speed walk for him and small jog for me, we were back with the group and outside what looked like a room. He pushed me into this room and the others followed.

"What's put him in a bad mood?" Nick whispered to Bell. She gave him the look of 'you know what you did'.

"First things first. Let's try you for a planner. Intelligence, computer control, mind reading etc"

He pushed down on my shoulders forcing me into a chair in front of a computer, well what kinda looked like one, more futuristic. It was large, very flat screen with three sides. He grabbed a load of wires, sticking them to my temples and with a click of his fingers the machine turned on. A bright green laser shone out of it, scanning my glassy eyes.

"Autumn Oakworth" it creaked "Age 18, born July 23rd, 2273, height 5ft4' hair colour auburn , eye colour grey, Ethalled ....."
The compute fell silent. I sighed. What was the point in this?

"Answer these next questions" Jake snapped. I looked at Bell, she looked back at me, worried.

"What is the Atomic Mass of Sodium Hydroxinate plus Nitrogen Floreneate."
I stared blankly at the screen and the question moved on almost immediately.

For a split second a memory of science class came flooding back. I could remember sitting behind a desk next to a person of a tall build, but as I turned my head in the memory the persons face was a blur. The sharp sound of the robotic voice asking the questions quickly snapped me out of the memory.

"If an army was invading at 300 hours on Tuesday the 22nd of Febuary 2317, and training took 7hours a day, 5 days a week, and you need at least 500 fighters and you have only 50 years to prepare, how many seconds do you have until the invasion and when should training start?"

It was foreign to me. None of it made sense but behind me Bell seems she was about to burst like she couldn't keep the answer in any longer.

"Moving on" Jake said breaking the awkward silence left after I failed to answer the robotic voice.
"Next test. You have two minutes to decode and destroy the virus and send a copy back to where it came from"
Again I stared blankly at the screen knowing full well I had no idea how to do it.

" 3,2,1 go."

Thousands of numbers start covering the screen, green and black all spinning making me dizzy. I tried looking around but I had no idea where to start. I started randomly clicking but that's was no use.
"What's the point?" I whispered.

"Two minutes is up Autumn."

"Not a planner then" Nick laughed. I managed to grin a little and Matt even sneaked a giggle. I felt Jake's figures brush lightly against my temple as he removed the wire. I stood up from the chair, screeching it backwards before turning towards the group patiently waiting by the door. The computer screen behind me fell blank.

I walked over to Bell who I could see was bursting to answer the what I thought was impossible questions.

"Go on Bell answer the bloody questions. You look so desperate you might piss yourself."

An enormous grin spreads across Bells face." Question 1 was 503,921.38 and question 2 was 56003879.2227 times 10 to the power of 75 seconds. I won't go into time and date. Just easy math really."
"Easy for you. that's creepy how smart you are." We all laughed softly.

A loud bell started to ring and everyone started making there way out of the door. It was more of a beep rather then a bell, thumping through the speakers placed in the ceiling. I went to follow but a strong hand grabbed my shoulder. I quickly swivelled round, shocked by the force and strength of the simple comforting gesture.

"Autumn, don't feel down about the test, it's meant to pick out the weird ones like Bell"

He had a kind smile across his face which made me completely forget that I failed the test miserably.
"Thanks Jake."

"As first in command I order you to get food then sleep. Be awake and in here for 6 am sharp. The others get up at 7:30 giving you an hour and a half to practise with me. Now follow me to the food room"

Down more confusing, twisting corridors we arrived in a big room with 4 different registering stations. I watched as everyone lined up calmly at their station. The person at the front of the line places their hand on a metal slab before removing it and plugging in information.

"Every meal we must sign in letting the leaders know who is in the building and who is going to eat. It also eradicates the same person skipping meals over and over again."

"People skip meals?" I asked confused.

"Some people get obsessed with the training. We had a few problems so now have to monitor people."

I replied with a simple 'oh'. Jake continued with his little tour.

"There is a station for each team. Over on the far left is us Autumn. Featherfall. Next to that is Spikes Team, Golethal (said Gol-eh-th-all) On the inner right is Roses team, Penathal (said Pen-ah-th-all) and finally on the far right is Scars Team, Tyrethal. (Said Tie-re-th-all) If you wanna know. The few people in Tyrethal aren't exactly the nicest people I've ever met. So I recommend staying away from them."

I watched as Jake signed him self in at the station and copied his every move. Once done we quickly lined up got food, today was burger and chips. Of course I recognised the food, I could remember from the smell that I have definitely had it before, but I had no recollection of eating it or remember the taste.

Jake and I sat at one of the many tables, facing opposite to Bell, Nick and Matt.

"It's actually nice having another girl in our group" said Bell, munching on a chip. Overall in their wasn't that many people. It looked as if everyone was siting in groups ranging from 2 to 5 people. From a quick scan of the food hall there couldn't be over 40 sitting here.

"Another girl?" Jake said "you already have Nick"
"OI" Nick shouted as a chip flew past my face presumably aiming for Jake.

I stared at my food almost confused by it. This would be the first time I had eaten today since this morning when I woke up in the blinding white room. The sudden realisation made my stomach growl a horrible noise.

"What's up Autumn? Not hungry?" Bell said sharing at me and my plate full of food.

"Oh god no I'm starving. I just don't remember the taste that's all, it's really confusing me."

"Take a bite. It's amazing!"

I pulled the overflowing burger to my lips and bit down on it. It was amazing! The delicious meat was beautiful and the melted cheese was mouth watering. I guess they could see how my I liked it through the look in my eyes because Bell just burst out laughing.
"My god this is just as amazing as I remember," I said with a mouth full messing up my words.

After what felt like hours of chatting and eating we walked back to the dorm and I collapsed on the couch. The warm fire was crackling and I could hear the others wondering around.

"How many people are in FeatherFall?" I asked slipping my hands behind my head. I quickly kicked off the shoes I was wearing before putting my feet up on the couch.

"Just us at the moment. FeatherFall and Tyrethal are very hard teams to be accepted into. There are about 10-15 people in the other teams. So we get the dorm to ourselves"

The voice had to have been Jakes. His voice sort of booms with confidence where as Nicks seems to always have a sarcastic tone to it and Matts is more soft.

"Can we like mix with the other teams?"
I sort of felt bad for bombarding them with questions but my curiosity was at its highest now we had finally settled.

"Yeah you can. Lover boy over here has had at least 3 girlfriends from the other teams"

I shuffled myself up to sitting and leant over the back at the couch to see the others. I saw Jake point over to Matt. I couldn't help myself but laugh. He looked pissed. He scrunched his nose and his eyebrows frowned in, narrowing his eyes towards Jake.

"Don't look at me like that! You always have girls throwing themselves at you. I've seen Scarlet in training."

Matt cheeks turns a dark pink before storming off into the boys room, slamming the door behind him.

"Now look at what you've done you boneheaded prick" shouted Bell running off after him. Nick must have seen the concerned look on my face as Bell ran into the boys dorm.

"It's fine we don't have any rules of no girl boy mixing. When your the only girl I guess it can get lonely so she spends most nights with us in our sleeping room. 30ish people in section Y. 5 for FeatherFall and Tyrethal and 10 for the other two. With you coming late our dorm was only 4 people for. 3 boys 1 girl."

Now I just felt worse than before. Bell had spent god knows how many years by herself as the only girl. As I thought about her, she appeared leaving the door ajar slightly so I could see Matt wondering around inside the boys sleeping room.

"What do I do now I've got Autumn? "
She must of over heard our conversation. "Where do I sleep?"

"Just stay in with us Bell" Nick said "Autumn do you wanna join us in our sleeping quarters? It's fine if you don't want to."

"Sure, I'm fine with that." I answered. Right now I couldn't care less where I slept as long as I had a bed and a cover I would be fine.

"Go on Jakey, be a strong man a get Autumns bed will you,"

Jake huffed but minutes later he was lifting the bed with ease, into the boys bunk. I blinked heavily a couple of times, still processing the strength Jake must have to lift something as heavy as a metal bed with complete ease.

"Your clothes are ready in the girls sleeping quarters draws and wardrobe for tomorrow morning. You can go have a look if you want." Bell said quickly before scurrying into the other room with the others.

The girls room now lay empty apart from two wardrobes and two sets of drawers. The door to the oak wardrobe was stiff and creaked as opened it. The hinges where an off colour leading me to think the other has been here many months if years before I arrived.

Dark grey, blue, and black tees where folded nicely in the open drawers beside it and many pairs of black sports leggings hung in the wardrobe. It was decked in all essential items including underwear and socks. A box lay on the drawer, newly placed as it wasn't covered in dust like the rest.
The box was filled with washing items, a mirror and more.

Once content I took a quick shower in the bathroom before changing into night clothing and joining the others.

After hours of chatting and laughing we finally fell asleep and I lay looking at the ceiling. I had the uneasy feeling that someone was watching me, the feeling making me shiver. I looked around the room but there was no one but the 4 people beside me sleeping. I quickly dismissed the feeling.

"Why can't I remember anything?" I whispered into the darkness, into the silence.

But only silence answered.

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