New Units - 2p!Hetalia x Read...

By RoseFiammotta

336K 11.6K 9.2K

She really thought it was just going to be a small package or maybe even a small box, but she really didn't e... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~ Chapter Four ~
~ Chapter Five ~
~ Chapter Six ~
~ Chapter Seven ~
House Layout
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty ร˜ne~
~Chapter Twenty Two~
~Chapter Twenty Three~
~Chapter Twenty Four~
~Chapter Twenty Five~
~Chapter Twenty Six~
~Chapter Twenty Seven~
~Chapter Twenty Eight~
~Chapter Twenty Nine~
~Chapter Thirty~
~Chapter Thirty One~
Ay ay ay What up my friends
~Chapter Thirty Three~
~Chapter Thirty Four~
~Chapter Thirty Five~
~Chapter Thirty Six~
~Chapter Thirty Seven ~ SPECIAL EDITION~
~Chapter Thirty Seven~
~Chapter Thirty Eight~
~Chapter Thirty Nine~
~Chapter Forty~
~Chapter Forty One~
~Chapter Forty Two~
~Chapter Forty Three~
~Chapter Forty Four~
~Chapter Forty Five ~
End of 2018 - Author's Note
~ Chapter Forty-Six ~
~ Chapter Forty Seven ~ SUPER SPECIAL EDITION ~
~ Chapter Forty Seven ~
~Chapter Forty-Eight ~
Happy 3 Years! - Author's Note
~Chapter Forty-Nine~
~Chapter Fifty~
~Chapter Fifty One~
~Chapter Fifty Two~
~Chapter Fifty Three~
~Chapter Fifty Four~
~Chapter Fifty Five~ FINALE~Part One ~
~Chapter Fifty-Five~ FINALE ~ Part Two
~ Allen Ending ~

~Chapter Thirty Two~

5.9K 196 434
By RoseFiammotta


"Is there internet here? Cause if there's not I'm going to die." This is a life or death matter tbh.

"Internet." Oliver places a hand on his chin, stroking his imaginary beard, pondering the answer. "I think Kuro has that."

"Hm, we'll just have to go and ask I guess." I said as my conclusion.

If Mr. I-don't-give-a-fuck-I-watch-hentai has my internet I'll just have to confront him for it.

I got up from the dusty bed and dusted myself off, no pun intended. "Let's go and find out then huh?"

With a nod we both began our search for a certain black haired, stoic type, anime boy.

That was until, I got attacked.


"AH!" Stumbling forward but staying on my feet, a not-so-but-still-strange heavy weight pounced on my back.

"WHO IS THIS?" I hear a familiar accent but it is way higher and way cheerier than its counterpart.

The stranger wraps their arms around my center and I squeal in surprise. "She's got a nice figure." I hear him mumble behind me.

"Could you maybe let go?" I shriek and begin prying arms off of me.

Successfully getting away, I come face to face with of course, yes you guessed it, 2P Romano.
I can't say I'm not surprised.

But I'm not surprised....

Bright blonde locks, gravity defying curl, deep fuchsia orbs, and clean as snow white designer suit.

"AW she's so cute! Are you the bella they've been talking about so much?" He questions, latching onto my cheeks like a proud mother.

"uh I phink sur" I mumble between squished cheeks.

"Mi dispiace! You're just too adorable." He said letting go of my, now red, cheeks.

"Flavio this is (Name), she's going to be staying with us for a while." Oliver introduced us both. 

"Hi." I said nervously, my hand out for a handshake. Flavio scoffed and grabbed ahold of my shoulders, gently grasping them tightly and quickly giving me a peck on each cheek.

Right. I forgot. Italians greet this way. (Wth why didn't Luci greet me this way that Italian jerk)

I freak out of course, my cheeks becoming redder than a fire hydrant. "U-uhh" Was the intelligent thing to come out of my mouth. Flavio just smiled, like incredibly happily, which sort of made me smile. His happiness was radiating off to me. Then he looked me down and gasped, and well, let's just say I've never seen someone react so disgusted by my pajamas before.

"Oh honey, please tell me you brought other clothes...?" He said with a hand covering his heart as if he were about to have a heart attack.

"Ummm" I begin to remember all of my suitable clothing lying neatly in my dresser, all alone, never to be seen again. "No?" I said with a high pitched voice, afraid of the outcome of this.

He gasped once more and grabbed ahold of my shoulders again, rocking me back and forth. "YOU ARE GOING TO NEED A MAKEOVER AND YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!" I think saying Flavio was excited is an understatement. He's over-excited. "guh kay" I mutter while keeping eyes with him. There were sparkles, he was just that excited.

Then his phone rang.


~The central police station back at home~

"What happened?" The police chief questioned, glaring at the two officers that came empty handed. "I expected this to be a simple task of bringing them here, maybe charging them for destruction of property if the homeowners were to not push any charges, and end the whole deal." Geoff, the police head and chief was surprised nonetheless that these two came up with no one and half beat up. "What happened?"

"Well-" Began Henry, the first cop to speak with (Name). He genuinely didn't want any problems with the people, he was just doing his job.

"The bitch was fucking crazy boss, the three guys totally attacked us out of nowhere. I think we should inspect the house for drugs or some shit cause she acted bat shit crazy. Spouting some shit about how the guys didn't exist and how she couldn't leave. Bat.Shit.Crazy." Said Ryan. The second cop who had no patience.

"You have reason to believe that (First Name) (Last Name) of the (Last Name) family was hiding criminals AND taking drugs?" The chief summed up in a questioned, looking a bit irritated at the officers.

Ryan nodded. Feeling satisfied with his choice of words. Henry sighed. If this moron kept talking they were going to get in more trouble than before.

"What really happened was that we did try to enter miss (Last Name)'s home however, she kept stalling. Making it seem she was trying to get away. When she did open the door she began rambling about how the men were actually illegal, "not existing" as she phrased it. Then without warning they attacked and we went out cold."

"So you were still attacked by the men?" The chief questioned.

Henry cleared his throat. Yes it's true they were beaten by a girl but there was no way a man's pride could admit that. "Yes." He said.

The chief sighed, realizing the seriousness at stake. "Well, assault of a police officer is a crime. And if what she said was true then the men are illegal. If we don't have contact with (Name) in the next 24 hours then you have permission to search her home."

The two officers nodded to their duties. A case was forming and they were definitely part of it.


(song of your choice/a song you think would be Flavio's ringtone)

"Oh no! I have to take this, I'll see you later si?" Flavio said already walking away. "O-oh okay!" (Name) stuttered out. He waved a kiss and winked at the girl before turning his back and taking the call.

Everything about that situation freaked (Name) out. From the attack to the kissing, Flavio was going to be one hell of a friend to hang out with.
Friend? (Name) thought.

Will we really be friends?

"Should we continue?" Oliver woke her up from her occurring thoughts. Suddenly a rush went through her. Like a kick of excitement. "Yeah." She nodded, smiling happily.


The main room was mainly empty, only a couple people wandered around. Xiao was sitting on the couch, his black Changshan mildly open showing a tattoo on his chest. Now that I noticed it he had a couple of tattoo's, like really cool looking tattoo's but I don't think he'd ever let me see them much less touch them. He gazed at me for a second a smirk rising to his lips as he met eyes with me. My eyes grew quickly and I turned forward, eyes meeting Oliver's light pink sweater vest. Lutz was there as well, huddling next to Allen who was speaking on the phone angrily. Oliver and I walked towards the situation, sensing something was off.

"Is there something wrong?" Oliver asked politely in that sweet voice of his. "Mechanics." Allen mouthed then began shouting, "YEAH WELL YOU SAID THAT THREE FUCKING MONTHS AGO. NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN." I stood a bit shook(lol) being wary of the screaming zone. Oliver had his hand out to take the phone away from Al, acting like an angry mom. Allen gave it to him without a second thought, still fuming at the other person on the line.

"Who was that?" I questioned, warily.

"Just some dumb fuck." Allen replied furiously.

Oliver cast a disapproving glare towards Al and pointed to a jar that sat at the front desk, full of dollars and coins. Allen trudged over and put some money it, muttering more curses along the way. When he came back he seemed more calmed down by the sight of me. "Finished the tour yet doll face?"

I shook my head, "Nah, we're looking for Kuro."

"Why?" He said, obviously confused of why we'd want to find I'm-dead-inside-and-you-can-clearly-see-that-through-my-eyes Kuro.

"Cause I need to know if there's internet here." I reply. He nodded in response, understanding my struggle.

"You could have just asked me Liebling, I could let you borrow my lap-" Lutz stopped himself, sprung an arm over my shoulder then continued.

"Yeah I could let you borrow my lap." He said suggestively. With, I kid you not, the wink-y face on " ;) ".


I tugged his arm off my shoulder and began walking to the other side of the room. "Yeah, no thanks. I think I'm just gonna go keep looking for him kay?"

I glanced at Oliver who was still on the phone, speaking to the person in a serious tone. Walking slowly towards him I mouthed that I was going to keep looking, he nodded politely and signaled to the right side of the room. Mouthing the words "Try the library." I nodded back and flashed a smile towards him, beginning my journey the right wing of the warehouse.


"Bye boys." (Name) said sassily behind her, ignoring the loud cat calls her way.

The girl walked the light grey corridor, the silence engulfing her. Without walking very long she spotted a sign atop a door reading "LIBRARY" in big bright red words. She opened the door slowly(KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE), the light changing from the gloomy hallway. The room was pretty big, for a personal library it was huge. She wondered how it was organized. In the far corner stood the man (Name) was looking for. His crimson eyes scanned the shelves quickly, searching for new things. (Name) took a step forward and Kuro immediately sensed her presence. Turning quickly to see the wide eyed girl his expression snapped into one of boredom and almost hostility. He grumbled and crossed his arms. "What do you want?"

(Name) stumbled back, feeling the hostility in his voice. "I-I" "Stop stuttering." He snapped at her viciously, like a wolf getting annoyed by its prey. The nervous wreck of a girl tried fixing herself, standing upright. "Right, sorry." The thing she could ignore was his eyes, they were looking straight through her, and even so it was as if they weren't looking at her at all. Like he was seeing someone else in her.

She cleared her throat before beginning, "I was just wondering if there was any internet here?" She said honestly and sincere. Kuro grew amused by her questioned but didn't show it through his expression. He sighed and rolled his eyes, "There's a desktop in the warehouse."

Her eyes grew wide and she breathed out in relief. "Oh, thank god." She said with a hand on her chest.

Kuro mumbled and went back to looking at the books, completely ignoring the girl next to him. But (Name) wasn't quite done talking with the jerk yet.

"Is there a password?" She questioned, wanting the conversation to be longer. Kuro simply shook his head, still ignoring her.

(Name) grew agitated by this. "Okay, did I do or say something-?" She said in a tempered tone.
Kuro noticed her change in tone and faced her again, noticing her flushing cheeks. He raised a brow at her, "Excuse me?"

"Why do you hate me huh?" She wasn't holding anything back now, no siree she was laying it all down. He clearly doesn't like her? So why? She's got to know. So that she can fix it.

"Did I say something to offend you? Maybe I did something disrespectful but just tell me, don't silently hate me. And I know that's how you are, ya know, quietly hating everyone from a distance but I haven't done anything wrong...That I know of." (Name) truly just wanted to get along with everyone, and it was going to be hard if they held something against her that she didn't do.

"It's not about what you did, it's about what you're going to do." Kuro replied, monotonously.

"But I haven't done anything..." She said quietly, feeling accused and defeated. (Name) furrowed her brows and changed her expression, she was gonna fight this. "Look, I don't know what I have to do to prove it to you but I'm not like them okay? I'm not. So don't see them in me got it?" She said fully determined. A sparkle in her (eye color) eyes.

Yup. This girl certainly amuses him.

"What do you expect from me?" He questions her.

She purses her lips for a moment, questioning herself the same. Then her eyes lit up, "A chance." 

"A chance?" He repeated. This girl truly is crazy.

"A chance to show you I'm different. Let's start off fresh okay?" She said with a sickly sweet grin.
For once in his life, Kuro was baffled. Truly and utterly, baffled. Barely a chuckle came out from his chest, "Fine."

(Name) beamed with happiness. A goofy grin spread from cheek to cheek.
Kuro felt uncomfortable just by looking at her. "You can start by stop smiling so much."
(Name)'s mind recalled a very similar way of telling her to stop smiling. Remembering the outcome she burst out laughing.

Fucking crazy

Kuro was starting to wonder if the crazy one was him—or her.

The girl noticed his strange glare and quickly recovered herself from her fit, somewhat. "Ha I'm sorry I just remembered that Matt told me the exact same thing." She laughed so much a bit of a tear formed in her eye.

"I guess that makes you Mr. Grumpy Gills number 3." She said, wiping said tear.

"3?" 3?

"Yeah, Matt and Luciano are 1 and 2."


(Name) couldn't stop the "happy" that was flowing through her right now, sure it was gonna be a bit difficult to get this stoic perv to open up but she was determined.

Knowing the ice cold man would once open up to you, fills you with determination.

~~~A/N~~~Heyo all my peeps! I know it's 9 more days till Christmas but I thought I'd give you you're present early. What do you think? Are you happy? What do you mean, "Where's the receipt"? Anywho I do hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and if I don't upload after Christmas then Happy New Year too! Okay are you guys ready for an emotional moment? Get some hot cocoa and some popcorn cause this story is gonna be a long one. I never thought I'd get this far in New Units to be honest. I've never really finished things (as you can see with a lot of my other stories) because I either lose interest or forget the idea. But the fact that I've pushed so far with New Units has made me so happy, and actually really proud. I'm really proud to say I've written Thirty Two chapters of this ridiculous fanfiction. And I'm so happy to have you, the reader, read this. You all mean so much to me and I honestly wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. :) 2016 has been a hell of a year and I've met so many wonderful people that are so special to me. *shoutout to one of my best friends Eden waddup* Honestly I'd been struggling so much with a lot of things and the fact that this year has been so full of good memories makes me so happy to be alive. Thank you thank you thank you. Not just for reading my story but for commenting and making my day/life so much better. Whenever I feel down I come back and read your comments and I just smile, I realize I mean something and that I have a job to do. This story is nowhere near it's end, and I've actually got a lot planned for it so stay tuned and find out what happens with you and your new friends!! =3 And emotional moment over. X3 I sincerely hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And as always I will see you, in the next chapter luvs! Buh- Bye! :3

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