Afraid to Fall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

1.1M 31.7K 13.7K

In the eyes of the alumni of Beacon Hills High School, Kennedy Martin is the picture perfect girl. She has be... More

Afraid to Fall
Chapter 1. The Beautiful Cousin Conjecture
Chapter 2. Not Just Some Guy...
Chapter 3. Danny Boy
Chapter 4. Catching
Chapter 5. Superhero's Always Get The Girl
Chapter 6. Bowling Buddies
Chapter 7. The Dark Knight Brings People Together
Chapter 8. The Notebook and a Bone Saw
Chapter 9. Mall Invitation
Chapter 10. Mountain Lion
Chapter 11. I'm Her Peeta and She's My Katniss
Chapter 12. Beacon Hills High... After Hours
Chapter 14. Never Letting Go
Chapter 15. Drunken Slurs and Proposal Idea's
Chapter 16. Sharpies, Kissing, and Danny
Chapter 17. Ping Pong Balls and Fighting
Chapter 18. Papa Stilinski and Peter Hale
Chapter 19. Madigan to the Rescue!
Chapter 20. Parental Issues
Chapter 21. The Betrayal
Chapter 22. The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 23. Questions and More Questions
Chapter 24. The New Alpha and More Apologies

Chapter 13. Derek Hale Wants To Kill Me?

42.6K 1.2K 543
By simplystiles-


"Tell me again why I'm coming with you into this creepy ass school?" I asked Allison as I struggled to keep up with her. I really need to stop wearing heels because I'm not a very fast walker, and the whole concept of the near stiletto slows my pace. Well, and Allison was wearing boots and that didn't really affect her whole walking capability. 

She glanced at me oddly, "I think Jackson was flirting with me."

"You think?" I choked out in amusement, it was obvious that he was flirting with her. I should be angry about the whole thing, I mean Lydia is my cousin and Jackson is her boyfriend and I just witnessed him flirting with Allison, but for once Lydia's drama doesn't seem to be a big deal to me. I have my own things that I need to worry about and focus on, mainly that being Stiles and my growing feelings for him. 

I wonder what he's doing here with Scott? Apparently they were doing something last minute, because Scott had decided to send Allison that text while we were on our way to the movie theater. Maybe they're pulling a prank on Harris? That would be something.

Allison shrugged, "I may have mis-read it. I don't know."

"No, I think you read it perfectly fine." I assured her, the faint sound of a door slamming echoed around the hallway and I froze in place. Allison didn't seem to hear it, seeing as how she just continued to walk down the hall. 

We were by the swimming pools and for some reason she decided to walk into the pool area, why would Scott and Stiles be in the pool? I mean it's not like they came here to take a nightly swim, or at least I hope they didn't. That would just be weird. 

I sighed in defeat and followed after Allison, regretting the fact that I agreed to tag along on this group date even more than before. I just wanted to go and see a movie, not play a version of Manhunt in the school. I'm pretty sure we could get arrested for this as well, and I most certainly do not want to face being fined for Scott's stupidity.

Allison's phone began to ring and she quirked an eyebrow in confusion as she placed the phone to her ear, "Stiles?" At the sound of his name I became entirely too interested in the conversation that they were having. Why is Stiles calling Allison? 

"I'm at the swimming pools-- why? Okay, okay." She rushed out. I watched her curiously and before I knew what was going on, she had grabbed my wrist and was tugging me out of the pool area and down the dark hallway once again. 


"What is Allison even doing at the school?" I asked Scott quickly, increasing my pace so I could keep up with him. The fact that this psycho murdering alpha that's into team work, is running around this school, happens to be stressing me out. 

Scott and I have been running all over the place, trying to figure out a way to get the hell out of this building before the alpha kills us. Unfortunately, my jeep was damaged and the keys to Derek's car are on his body, and he was kind of thrown against the side of the building. We're basically trapped here, and now we found out that Allison, for god knows what reason, is running around the school too. 

I stumbled down the small set of steps in the lobby, my legs were burning from the amount of running and I just wanted to sit down so I could breathe normally. When I caught sight of who was standing beside Allison though, the ability to breathe normally was now no longer an option. Every last bit of air I had in my lungs disappeared as I just gawked at her. 

Of all the freaking places in Beacon Hills for her to be, she has to be here-- in a building with a blood thirsty alpha werewolf. I blinked rapidly, not believing that the girl I've been in love with for eight years was actually standing in front of me. She didn't disappear, and when it dawned on me that she was really here-- the fear and anxiety settled in. I need to get her the hell out of here. 

"What are you doing? Why did you come here?" Scott stammered out as he approached Allison, he was clearly thinking along the same lines as I was. He didn't want Allison to be anywhere near this place. 

Allison looked at Scott in confusion, "Uh, because you asked me to?" I swallowed dryly as she showed us her phone screen, a text was sent to her telling her to meet Scott here. Oh my god. Scott didn't send that.

We all fell silent and I kept my gaze locked on Kennedy, she was giving me a look of question and I blinked nervously. What the hell am I supposed to? Her and Allison have no freaking clue what they just walked into, and Scott and I can't very well tell them that an alpha werewolf is running around the school trying to kill us.

 "Why do I get the feeling that you didn't send this?" Allison asked timidly, her brown eyes glassing over as she looked at Scott, and only Scott.

My best friend nervously glanced around the lobby, "Because I didn't."

"Did either of you drive here?" I blurted out, if they have a working vehicle we can get out of here and then I can breathe normally again.

Kennedy sighed in annoyance, "No Jackson did." 

I decided to ignore the flare of jealousy that went through my chest at the fact that Kennedy was with Jackson. I know that she doesn't see him that way, well... at least I hope she doesn't. But the way that he looks at her sometimes just pisses me off, it's like he is checking her out and it's just annoying as hell. 

"Wait, Jackson's here?" Scott echoed that asshole's name in confusion. I have no idea why the hell Jackson, Allison, and Kennedy were all in the same car-- but something tells me that Lydia is more than likely here as well because her and Jackson very rarely separate. Which means there was probably some sort of group date in progress, and Scott was more than likely supposed to be going.

Allison nodded, "Yeah and so is Lydia."

I ran my hands over my hand anxiously, this is just great. I mean we practically have a freaking buffet set up for the alpha now. I'll be damned if I let that red eyed freak lay a furry paw on Kennedy. Scott needs to hurry up and figure out how to handle this thing, because if it winds up hurting her... I let out a shaky breath at the thought of Kennedy actually being hurt because of this. I can't let that happen. I refuse to let that happen.

The set of double doors on the other side of the lobby flew open and the happy couple themselves stormed into the lobby with annoyed looks plastered on their faces, "Ugh, finally. You found them, now can we get out of here?" Lydia's tone was snarky and I didn't appreciate her attitude. We're having a very bad evening, the last thing I want to deal with is her annoying ass comments.

Scott opened his mouth to respond but before he could utter out a word, the ceiling began to creak. I visibly gulped as my hand shot out and I snatched up Kennedy's upper-arm, already knowing what was about to happen. I caught sight of the alpha's large body falling from the ceiling and that was all the incentive I needed to start running, pulling Kennedy beside me. Scott was shouting at everyone, telling them to run. 

My adrenaline was pumping, and I didn't know where to go. Scott appeared beside be in an instant and he took a sharp turn into the cafeteria. I pulled Kennedy alongside me and once we were inside the room with the doors closed, I loosened my grip, afraid to leave a mark on her delicate skin. 

I watched in confusion as Jackson, Scott, Lydia, and Allison began to stack up tables and chairs in front of the doors. What are they doing? How is that going to help us? We are literally in a room with a wall of windows. 

"Guys," I said quickly, trying to get them to stop. Lydia and Allison continued to nervously hand their boyfriends chairs and the pile was getting bigger and wider. 

Kennedy glanced at me in confusion, "Stiles what the hell is going on?"

"Guys, stop!" I said a bit louder this time, trying to get them to listen to me for once. I know most of the time I say things that can be ignored, but this time I actually need to be listened to. 

I glanced at Kennedy worriedly, "I... I don't know." The lie tasted like poison on my tongue. I don't know why I decided to lie, that was a terrible idea. I'm trying to get this girl to fall in love with me, lying to her isn't going to work in my favor. 

"HEY!" I shouted loudly, the four of them stopped building the mini-wall of China and turned around to glance at me with wide eyes and worried expressions.

"Great job with the door, yeah I don't think he'll be getting through that. But what shall we do about the twenty foot wall of windows?" I snorted sarcastically as I gestured to the wall behind me with my free hand. I still had a hold of Kennedy, and I didn't plan on letting her go any time soon.

Scott shot me a look, and I knew that he wanted to talk about the situation. The war raging in my mind on whether or not to release Kennedy was giving me a headache. I don't want her away from my side, but I also don't want her to hear the conversation that Scott and I desperately need to have. 

I winced as I released her arm and stepped closer to Scott, Lydia immediately grabbed a hold of Kennedy and jerked her away from me. I ran my hands over my face and pulled Scott away from the group, we need to find a way out of here, now.


"What the hell is going on?" Lydia shrieked, her eyes wide and cheeks red. I was a bit shell-shocked to be completely and totally honest. I have no idea what just happened, and my head is still spinning. I feel like Scott and Stiles know exactly what is going on, but the hushed conversation that they're having right now is telling me that they aren't going to say anything. 

Stiles let out a sigh as he turned back to face us, "Someone killed the janitor."

"What?" Allison sounded like a totally different person, her voice was pitched a bit higher, and I suspect that the fear she is feeling is the reason why.

The boy that I have been falling for nodded slowly, "He's dead, we saw his body."

"What? I don't... Who killed him? Who is it?" My cousin was firing all of these questions at Stiles, and he kept glancing at Scott for help. They're lying. Oh my god, why are they lying? 

"Scott?!" Allison squawked, her eyes wide. She was standing awfully close to Jackson and for some reason that was the only thing that my mind registered at the moment. There are so many other things to be worried about, yet-- I notice that in her time of fear, she takes a step closer to my cousin's boyfriend.

Scott was blinking rapidly as he stammered out, "I--I don't know, but if we go out there, he's going to kill us." 

"Us? He's going to kill us?" Lydia shouted in a panic. My cousin never was good in a crisis. I've learned that when you don't know what's going on, it's best to keep your mouth shut and just listen. That's how I've gotten through most of my life, and it seems to be working just as well now.

Jackson blew out of his nostrils like an angry bull, "Who is going to kill us?"

"It's Derek, Derek Hale." Scott finally revealed. The last name of Hale sounded very familiar. I don't know who Derek is, but from the look on Allison's face she recognized it. I glanced at Stiles wearily, he was watching me with a worried expression and I felt my chest contract in nervousness. He was in danger. We were all in danger, because of Derek Hale. 

"Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson asked in disbelief, apparently he knew who this Derek Hale was as well. Why does that name sound so familiar? 

Allison then quickly added, "Are you sure?" 

"The mountain lion-" Lydia began to speak but before she could finish her statement Scott cut her off.

"No! It's been Derek the whole time, starting with his sister then the guy in the video store and the bus driver. It's been Derek this entire time." 

There's no way that it's been Derek Hale killing people this whole time, I mean I saw the freaking mountain lion. It stood right in front of me in the school parking lot. There was a mountain lion running rampid around Beacon Hills. 

"He's in here with us, and if we don't get out now... he's going to kill us too." Scott breathed out. 

We've been in the cafeteria for all of three minutes and already I know that this is only the beginning of this entire fiasco. From what I've gather so far, Derek Hale is the one killing people. He killed the janitor, he killed that girl, and he attacked the bus driver. I have no idea how the hell that's possible but whatever, I can't think about the technicalities at the moment. 

"Call the cops." Jackson's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I glanced up at him to see that he was glaring at Stiles hatefully. Why can't Jackson just call the cops? Why does Stiles have to do it? Just because his dad is the Sheriff?

Stiles shook his head from side to side quickly, "No."

"What do you mean, no?" Jackson retorted. I don't think Jackson Whittemore has ever been told "no" in his life. He literally has everything handed to him on a silver platter and has only ever worked for one thing in his life; lacrosse.

I watched in amusement as Stiles made one of his famous arm gestures, "I mean no, do you want to hear it in Spanish? Noh. Look Derek killed three people, we don't know what he's armed with."

"Your dad is armed with an entire Sheriff's department, call him!" Mr. Cheekbone's shouted. There was something about his voice that just made me want to bash my head into the wall, several times, with a lot of force. 

Lydia pulled out her cell phone, "I'm calling."

"Wait, Lydia--" I tried to stop my cousin from doing the one thing that Stiles obviously didn't want her to do, but my attempt fell short when Jackson stepped in front of her, his shoulder colliding with my own. 

My eyes widened as I gawked at him, "What the hell is your problem, Jackson?!"

"I don't have a problem, Kennedy-- you seem to be the one that has a problem. Maybe even multiple problems." He snapped in annoyance. 

"Hi I'm calling from Beacon Hills High School we're trapped and I need you to... but... She hung up on me." Lydia stated slowly as she glanced at her cell phone in confusion. Are the police even a lot to hang up on you before you actually tell them what you need help with?

"The police hung up on you?" I asked in bewilderment.

My cousin nodded, "She said they received a tip that there were gonna be prank calls about being trapped in the high school. She said if I call again then they're gonna trace the call and have me arrested."

"Then call again!" Allison shouted as if it were obvious. 

Stiles sighed, "They won't trace a cell. And they'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here."

The room feel silent and I let out a sigh, we were obviously getting nowhere with this entire calling debacle. "Okay, I think we all just need to calm down and--" 

Allison cut me off with a frantic string of questions, "Why does Derek want to kill us? Why is he killing anyone?" She was wrapping her hands around in her hair, tugging at the strands nervously. 

I could feel the tension in the room, and it was making me uncomfortable, everyone was looking to Scott for more answers, seeing as how he was the only one who was actually giving any. During this time, I realized that Stiles had gravitated closer to me-- I didn't mind that one bit. 

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Scott asked quickly, he was panicking as well. I guess I am the only one in this room that is able to remain calm in a crisis. Guess I have the whole finding my dead father when I was eight to thank for that one.

My cousin's nervous voice spoke up, "Is he the one who sent her the text?"

"No! I--I, I mean... I don't know." Scott stammered nervously. Well, someone had to have sent the text to Allison. Although, I don't know why this Derek Hale person would send that text to Allison so we would all show up here so he could kill us in the school. I don't even know who Derek Hale is, why does he want to kill me?

Allison decided to ask another question, "Is he the one who called the police?"

"I don't know!" Scott snapped, it was obvious that he answer was fueled solely on the anxiety and adrenaline that he was feeling. I don't think he meant to sound so hurtful to Allison, but it came across the way. She shrunk back slightly, obviously caught off guard by his tone and the way he reacted. 

"Alright--" I said quickly, before anyone else could ask anymore questions, Scott was more than likely about to have an aneurysm, "let's just all take a moment to relax a bit. All of this shouting isn't helping anything."

Stiles nodded quickly, "Yeah, why don't we ease back on the throttle here, yeah?" He then grabbed Scott's shoulder and pulled him off to the side, more than likely to calm him down so he didn't snap at anyone else.

"Okay, assheads," Jackson cut in, he was already on his last leg on the drive here, and now I can see the full douchbagery that is Jackson Whittemore reeling it's ugly head. "New plan. Stiles calls his useless dad to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?"

For some reason I wanted to come to Stiles' defense, there was a reason that he didn't want his dad here. I don't know why he is so scared to have his dad show up with multiple cops, but his dad is all he has left, and if he doesn't want him to get hurt, the least we can do is respect that decision.

"Jackson, he just said he's not calling him. New plan." I retorted as I mocked his previous statement. I could then feel the dynamic in the room shift as I took a step towards Stiles. Jackson, Lydia, and Allison were standing together across from Scott, Stiles, and myself. I could feel the heat from the glare that my cousin was giving me, and it was making me uncomfortable. 

"He's right, call him. Tell him the truth if you have to. Just call him." Scott said quietly to Stiles. I wasn't supposed to hear the statement, but I did. Just like I wasn't supposed to be here tonight, but I am. Stiles shook his head from side to side slowly and then whispered something that I couldn't hear this time.

Jackson for some reason decided to grow some balls all of a sudden, "Kennedy, now would be a great time to use the fact that he's obsessed with you. Tell him to call his stupid rent-a-cop of a father!"

I don't know why Jackson said what he said. I don't know what he was thinking, or why he thought that what he said would be okay, but I guess I can't hate him for it-- because Jackson Whittemore is by far the biggest idiot I've ever met in my entire life. I couldn't stop myself from saying the one thing that I knew would get him in a hell of a lot of trouble, "Why don't you shut the hell up and go flirt with Allison behind your girlfriend's back!" 

As soon as I said it, I regretted it. Lydia gasped and Stiles reeled his head back to look at me in confusion, surprised that I came to his defense. I don't know what Jackson meant when he said that Stiles was obsessed with me, that's obviously not true. I do know that I shouldn't have said what I said, but my words had the intended effect that I wanted. Jackson's cheeks went red, and he clenched his jaw. 

Jackson's eyes then flickered to Stiles, who's back was facing him at the moment. I watched with wide eyes as the lord of dick's himself storm over to Stiles, he grabbed a hold of his shoulder forcefully, "Alright give me the phone--"

Time seemed to accelerate from that action on, Stiles spun around in the blink of an eye, his fist colliding with Jackson's lower jaw. Upon impact you could hear a cracking like noise and my jaw dropped at the sight. Jackson fell to the floor and for some reason, Allison scampered to his aid. The look that she gave Stiles was enough to cause another rude comment to slip from my mouth, "Don't look at him like that." 

Stiles then silently pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and pressed it to his ear, "Hey dad, it's me-- and this is your voice-mail. Look, I need you to call me back... like now." 

The door began to shake and chairs were falling off of the heap that had been created. Oh shit, Derek was out there-- and he was trying to break in. Stiles slipped his phone back into his pocket and grabbed my hand as he tugged me towards the kitchen.

"The kitchen, there's a door in the kitchen that leads to the stairwell." Stiles stated quickly, I prayed to god that Lydia was following, because Stiles' tight grip on my hand was seemingly impossible to get out of. 

"That only goes up!" Scott shouted after us, we were already in the kitchen at this point. I have no idea why Stiles is so adamant on pulling me along and keeping me by his side, but I'm really glad that he is. 

I glanced over my shoulder to respond, "Up is better than here!"


Here is the first half of the night school episode. How exciting! I am so tired. I've been at my cousins all day for her birthday party, and we got there super early because my mom mixed the times up so we had to help decorate and babysit and it was just a long and stressful day. I have a headache and am so ready to go to sleep, haha.

Let me know what you all thought of this chapter. Next chapter will have some more stennedy fluffy stuff, I promise.

Fan, vote, and comment! xx

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