Runaway Love[Completed]

Por HolaaHovito

188K 6.5K 2.2K

In the midst of their traumatic personal issues and life problems, Shawn Carter and Beyoncé Knowles cross pat... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
New Story Alert

Chapter 50

2.2K 84 39
Por HolaaHovito

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

Bey's POV

"Do you think we should've went to Six Flags instead?" Amari asked as soon as we entered my favorite theme park, Knotts Berry Farm. We were supposed to hang out over the weekend, but Amari figured, why not today? Apparently, today is senior ditch day. I had no idea because it was planned and set while I was in the hospital.

When Amari told me last night, I asked Nikki and Kelly if it were really true. Not that I didn't believe Amari, but I was just in disbelief that no one said anything to me about it. Not even Matt. I guess no one believed that I'd recovered as quickly as I did. The senior plan was to go to the beach and have a bonfire. It sounded like it would be hella lit because it's like three different high schools. But I'd rather ride rollercoasters, hang wit' Amari and get to know the person he is today. I wanted to really kick start this friendship wit'out the distractions and accusations. Maybe get a funnel cake.

Against my will, Amari paid for my entry ticket. It was only forty-nine dollars, but I still could have purchased it myself. I appreciate it, though. I'll buy his food or something to return the favor.

"No." I answered. "It's more expressive and has less rides, I think. Plus, Knotts is my favorite."

"Really? You get on every ride?"

"Yes, except Boomerrang sometimes. It gives me headache."

"Oh, me too. I brought some Aleeve just in case."

"Smart!" I smiled. "What should we ride first?"

"It's whatever you wanna do, ma." He chuckled.

"What about bumper cars?" I suggested.

"We could do that." He nodded his head.

"First we gotta find it." I said.

"I haven't been here in so long."

"It's been a minute. We can get lost together." I said laughin'.

"Okay. That's fine wit' me." He smiled.

"So, do you wanna be the next Tiger Woods?" I asked as we started walkin' around the park. He laughed and I couldn't help but laugh at his laugh. It was goofy but still cute.

"No. I don't wanna do it professionally. It's just for fun."

"So what do you wanna do wit' your life? Like career wise."

"I like electronics and computers, so something in that field. A technician, maybe."

"They make good money."

"Yeah, I'm tryna get [paid]!"

"Can you like, remove viruses or whatever?"

"Yeah," He chuckled. "and I can disassemble the computer and put it back together."

"Ahh shit. No need to brag." We shared a brief laugh.

"I'm not braggin'. I just want you to know how smart and talented I am."

"You are so cocky." I said jokingly, rollin' my eyes.

"I'm just confident and proud." He corrected.

"Another way of sayin' cocky."

"No. I believe in myself."

"If [that's] what you wanna call it." I teased. "Anyways. What are your other talents?"

"Drums, but you knew that already- and the keys."

"I wanna learn how to play the piano." I admitted.

"I can teach you." He offered. My ears perked at the offer. I really want to learn to play. I want to be great at it. If Amari teaches me, I'm sure I will be.

I looked at him, smilin'. "Really?"

"Yeah, if you really wanna learn."

"I really wanna learn." I confirmed.

"Then I gotchu, ma." He smiled. "We could go to the church an hour or so before rehearsal."

"Okay. I wanna learn how to play that guitar, too."

"You're on your own wit' that one."

"You're not that talented then huh?"

"We all have one hater." He said jokingly then then rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right!" I laughed. "I am not a hater."

"One day you'll be my biggest fan." Amari said for a matter of fact.

I playfully rolled my eyes again. "Fan of what?"

"I don't know. I'm just talkin'." He shrugged his shoulder and we laughed.

"You talk a lot." I told him.

"You always have something smart to say!"

"I wouldn't be me if I didn't." I said honestly.

"You right, you right."

"There won't be a dull moment wit' me."

"I don't think there ever was."

"Probably not."

"Wanna know something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Remember how you has a crush on me?"

"Dude," I looked at him. "I was like ten."

"Well, the feelin' was mutual."

"You had a funny of showin' it, witcho rude ass!"

He laughed. "I was ten, too. What did you expect?"

"For you to be nice! Hopefully, you've matured since then."

"Of course! I'm so thankful for puberty. My voice was so high pitched." I laughed.

"I don't know what I thinkin', likin' that squeaky voice."

"Shit." He laughed. "Me either. You was trippin', ma."

"I was. For real, for real."

"Now my is voice deeper."

"And slightly raspy." I added.

"Coo. We sound alike." Immediately, I pushed him hard and he just laughed like it was the funniest thing ever.

"That crush I had is never comin' back. You're still rude!" We laughed and he tried to hug me as we continued walkin'.

"No, no." I pushed him off but he just came right back. "Get off me, squeaky."

"It's a compliment! Some guys like a girl wit a raspy voice."

"I sound like a man and you sound like a mouse!"

"Okay, that hurt." He looked at me blankly, tryin' so hard to actually be hurt. "We're even."

"You had the nerve to be rude wit' that girl voice." I smirked.

"I've changed since then. I'm nice now."

"Are you?"

"Yeah! You ain't know? And I have facial hair now, and tattoos."

"Me too- well, I have one."

"Are you gonna get more?"

"I wanna get something related to my Dad."

"Anything in mind?"

"Not really. I have to really think about. I don't want just his name or RIP. I want something that is symbolic for just him. Ya know?"

"Yeah. Maybe I can help. What do you remember about it?" I softly sighed before I opened my mouth to tell Amari all of the things that I remembered about my Dad. We walked as I talked while we continuously glanced at each other as he listened. It felt good that I could talk about my Dad wit' someone other than my family and Monica. I don't think I even talk to Shawn about my Dad, besides the time I told him that my was killed.

It felt good that someone was actually interested and wanted to listen because they genuinely cared. I could express myself outside of therapy. 

Wit'out noticin', we ran right into the bumper cars. We literally weren't even really tryin' to find it. Bumper cars was hella fun. It wasn't just about me tryin' to bump Amari. I got cornered by three other people. It was way too hilarious, more than it should have been.

"What's next?" I asked as we were exitin'.

"You winnin' me a teddy bear." He pointed to the basketball game. It's a small half court. It's obviously set up for a three point shoot out.

"It's the other way around, crazy. You're confused, boy."

"We're equals in this friendship, girl."

"I can't be mad at that. I'll get you a teddy." There's was no one in line to shoot so we just walked up to the gate surroundin' the court.

"You taking the challenge?" The guy in charge of the game asked.

"Sure, I guess." The guy opened the gate and I walked in. It was seven dollars to play. Before I could dig for my money, Amari was handin' the guy a ten dollar bill.

"You'll have thirty seconds to shoot twelve balls. The money ball is worth three points. Your prize depends on your score."

"Okay. I'm ready." I'm not gonna to take this seriously. It's all for fun and to win something for Amari. I walked to side of the court and stood next to the rack of balls. The time started and I begin to shoot the balls. I only missed the money ball, of course.

"Dammit, Bey! How do you miss the most important ball?!" Amari made fun of me.

"Shut up!" I laughed as I ran to the rack of balls in front of the basket.

"You better make the money ball this time." He said as I mad the first shot.

"Hush it, golf player." I said as the second ball went in.

"Ha-ha. You're so funny. How original." He laughed. This time, I made the money ball.

"Better had!" Amari said.

"Say another word, boy!" I threatened, runnin' to the last rack of balls on the other side of the court.

"Another word." I didn't think he'd actually say anything, so I unexpectedly laughed which made me miss the freakin' shot.

"That's your fault!" I said shootin' the second ball.

"Don't blame me for your lack of skill."

DING! DING! DING! The buzzard went off. My time has ended.

"You get to choose your prize these section." There's giant stuffed animals and jerseys. Apparently, I did pretty good. The other selection of toys are small and a terrible choices for prizes.

I turned to Amari. "What do you want?"

"I want the Kobe jersey." I grabbed the fake Kobe jersey and walked to the exist of the gate.

"You know this jersey is fake, right?" I asked, handin' it to him.

Amari laughed. "Duh, Bey. The point is you won it for me."

"Aaaw." I smiled widely. "Win something for me so that I can say the same thing!"

"Want do you want?"

"Uuuuum. A teddy bear, but it has to be cute and big!"

"I figured. Let's go over there." He pointed to the game where you have to knock the pins down wit' a ball. We waited in a short line, and as we waited, I told him which teddy bears I wanted.

"Three dollars please." The woman said smiling. Amari handed her three dollars and she handed him a ball. The first pin went down easily.

"Lucky." I giggled and shoved him.

"Skills." Amari knocked all of pins down on the first try.

"Luck. Like I said."

"Whatever. Which teddy bear do you want, ma? Pink or white?"

"The pink one." I pointed to the giant pink teddy bear and the woman grabbed it from the shelf and handed it to me.

"Of course. I can sleep on it, as a pillow."

"Just don't slobber on it."

"I don't drool." The two of us walked aimlessly as we talked. Eventually, we stopped by the ride that goes over the water. Standin' side by side, we leaned up again the fence. We watched the ride and laughed the horrifyin' screams and hollers. After the third ride, I was ready to ride something myself. 

"Let's get on the log ride." I said. The log ride is just what it sounds. The seat is a fake log. It looks like a log, but you're able to sit inside. It has seat belts. It's meant to be spooky, but it's not even close to spooky. It's fun.

"You wanna get wet?" Amari asked.

"Are you afraid of little water?"

He chuckled. "Nah. Come on." Amari grabbed the teddy bear from me and held it. As always and expected, the line was long.

But, neither of us really cared for the wait because we were able to talk and laugh more. Talkin' made the wait seem less than what it was.

"You wanna sit it the front or the back?" He asked when we made to the front of the line. Just as I was about to respond, someone roughly bumped into to me. This guy couldn't wait his turn, he was rushin'. It was completely unnecessary. Instinctively, Amari wrapped his arm around my lower stomach and held onto my hip. He pulled my body close to his protectively, my back rested against his chest. Three other guys wit' three girls rushed down and Amari tightened his grip.

"Damn, cuh!" He came to my defense. I turned my head to see how angry he became in a matter seconds.

"Are you in that big of a rush?" He aggressively asked the guy that bumped into me. "The ride isn't goin' anywhere. Calm the hell down, G."

"You shouldn't be takin' so long, fooh." The Mexican guy replied wit' nothin' but attitude as he shrugged.

"So you're not gonna apologize for bumpin' into her?" The guy hopped on the log and went about his business.

"I'ma see you later, cuz." Amari said in a dark threatenin' voice. My eyes widened instantly. I know it's been a few years since, but I've never heard him speak like that. He would see him later? What did that even mean? Does Amari actually know him? And what was he gonna do if and when he saw him??

"Are you okay, Bey?" He asked in a much softer tone. I felt a little bit better, but I was still confused about what the hell just happened and what it meant.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? He bumped into you pretty hard." He said rubbin' my shoulder.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Another log is ready." Amari released me from his embrace.

The way the log ride is set up, we're body to body. One seat belt for two bodies. Maybe five people can fit inside. There's a small partition in the middle of the log. Amari held my hand as I stepped into the log that's floating on water. He positioned himself behind me, I sat between his legs wit' my back against his chest. As he buckled the seatbelt, I got a whiff of his cologne. I smelled because I really like cologne and perfume. He smells good, I like it.

"You smell.." Amari started just as the ride began.

"Good?" I finished.

"Like shit." I should've hit him or elbowed him, but For some reason, that made me crack me up. Amari laughed wit' me.

"I smell like Chanel, Hater." One of my favorite perfumes.

The log ride inside of a "mountain". It's dark and it's supposed to be scary with the bears that pop out. They say that this the ride that couples ride, because you're so close and it's dark. The ride is slow until the big drop. That's when when you really wet.

"You scared yet?" He asked.

"Oh yeaaah. I'm terrified." Sarcastically, I said then giggled.

"You got me on this borin' ass ride. Supreme Scream is next." That ride is everything. It takes up hella high, you can see the entire park and the city, too. Then it just drops! You go up and down dummy fast at least five times.

"Then we go eat?"

"Yeah, ma. What do you wanna eat?"

"Johnny Rockets?"


"I don't know. Whatever comes to mind."

"You ready to get wet?" Amari asked when the big drop was nearin'.

"You knooooowwww iiiitttttt!"

As we dropped I held both hands in the air and screamed for dear life! Amari gripped my hip with his right hip and held his left hand in the air. It was so much fun.

"My face looks crazy as hell." Amari said standing behind me as we looked at our picture from the drop. Our mouths are wide open.

I laughed. "Look at my lip." My top is flyin' upward.

"Your lip? Look at my face. It's strainin'."

I turned to him. "We should buy the picture."

"Tuh. For what?" He joked.

"Memories. Duh."

"I guess. You wanna go half?

I giggled. "Okay. I want the key chain."

"Me too."

"You get the green one and I get the purple one."

"Nah, I'ma get the blue one." Blue?

"How much for two key chains?" Amari asked the cashier or whatever.

"Amari." I called and he looked at me.


"You don't see that sign?"

"Oh shit. My bad." Amari laughed at himself and we paid for two key chains. I held the bag since he's carryin' my big teddy bear.

We walked over to Supreme Scream. There wasn't much of a line because not all of people are brave enough to get on this ride. I took off of my hoops because they will fly off. And like most people, we took our shoes off too. I loved every second of the ride. Amari did it, too. We screamed so loud, but halfway down, I couldn't scream anymore.

Right after the ride, we headed to Johnny Rockets. We were seated immediately, thankfully. I didn't want to wait very long to eat.

"Where are you from?" I asked Amari as soon as the waitress stepped away from the table after takin' our order. Confusion spread across his face as he tilted his head a bit. Oh, God. I hope he doesn't think I'm stupid.

He chuckled. "What?"

"That guy that bumped into me.. You really plan on seein' him later?"


"Amari, it doesn't even matter." I shook my head. "Are you a blood or a crip?"

"A crip."

"Which set?"

"NayBahHood rollin' sixties."

"Are you.. like livin' two lives or something?"

"No. Why do you ask that?"

"You don't see gang member going to church or plannin' to go to college."

"Doesn't mean I'm livin' a double life."

"Are you bein' forced to go to church?"

"Kinda. My mom doesn't play about it anymore, but I like playin' the drums, so."

"So if you had your choice.. would you go?"

"No. Probably not."

"Why not?"

"Don't get me wrong. I love God, but I feel like going to church isn't the only way to believe in God. Not goin' doesn't mean you love God any less. You're just not religious as most people."

"I mean, that makes sense.. But.. I guess. What about college? Are you really goin'?"

"Yes, I hope."

"Amari, you aren't makin' any sense."

"I know it sounds crazy-"

"I'm lettin' you in, and I'm havin' a lot of fun wit'chu. I don't wanna be lied to. I've been lied to enough. I don't want that from you."

"I'm not lyin' to you. I wanna go to college, but there aren't any colleges that will accept me."

"Why not?"

"Look at my grades. My transcripts aren't that good."

"Did you take the SATS?"


"And? How'd you do??"

"Twenty-one hundred."

"That's good! Have you applied to any schools?"


"That's stupid. You still can. It's never too late. I only just got early acceptance because of basketball. You can try."

"My attendance is bad as fuck, and my grades aren't good."

"Okay, so. Take your yellow ass to school. You can do extra credit and bring your grades up."

"I got D's and C's."

"Your point is what? I can help you, if you need it."

"You serious?"

"Yeah, only if you are." I mocked him.

"I am." The waitress came back wit' our drinks and told us that our food would be out shortly.

"Tell me how it all started." I told Amari.

"What? Me bangin'?"

"No shit." I said then sipped my raspberry tea.

"I did what I saw. My brothers was from Sixties. I looked up to them because they had money, Jordans and hella girls. I wanted to be like them, so I got put on at ten."

"You're speakin' for seventy-five percent of LA."

"It's true. Growin' up, that's all I saw. That's all you know in our neighborhood."

"Monkey see, monkey do."


"Does your mom know?"

"Yeah, she knows. That's why she's sendin' me to college. She doesn't want to end up like my brothers."

"What happen to them, if you don't mind me askin'.."

"It's coo. One of them got life and the other one.." He paused. "He was killed."

"I'm sorry. Is that when you disappeared?"


"Losin' your brother didn't make you want to stop?"

"Yeah, but once you're in. There's no way out."

"Yes there is."

"Yeah. The grave."

"Or make a life for yourself and shy away from it."

He shook his head. "It's not that easy, ma."

"Do you want out, Amari?"

"I wanna live to see twenty-one."

"You need bigger goals."

"Most of us don't make past eighteen."

"And you made it. Now expand your goals." Amari didn't respond, he just picked at his food.

"Do you want out?" I asked because I wanted to know if he really wanted to stop bangin' and actually have a good life. You can say you want to stop and not actually mean it.

"I don't know." He said as he seemed to be in deep thought. The look kinda felt all too familiar. Like me when I was workin' for Big L. But I couldn't be too sure.

"What don't you know?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"One hand, I like the crip lifestyle. On the other hand, I want to better myself and make a life and name for myself."

Yeah. That's all familiar to me, sadly. I know exactly what he feels. I didn't bang, but the trill is all the same.

"You like the thrill and the rush? Right?"

"Yeah." His answered as he face contorted. "How'd you know?"

"I know better than anyone. No need to explain. Trust me." I said lookin' down at my glass. I felt Amari's eyes on me but I continued to stir the ice around wit' my straw.

"What do you wanna tell me?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"You sure you wanna know?"

"Yeah, ma. What's up?"

"I know what it's like to like the danger and the thrill. The feelin' you get when you're in middle of a shootin'. The exchange for money and drugs, it did something to me."

"Wait. Hold on. You were a 'delivery girl'?"

"It's all fun and game 'til that piece of steel shoots through your own body."

"Wow." Amari looked so shocked. "Was it really a drive by?"

"Yeah. I was in the jungles, and it was a Crip shootin'." His facial expression shifted. 

"Bey, I'm sorry."

"For what? You didn't shoot me yourself. What is there to be sorry about?"

"I mean-"

"Seriously, Mari. It's okay. I'm fine. I have bigger things on my mind." I spoke before actually thinkin'.

"Like what?"

"Nothin'." I sipped my drink.

"Why can't you talk to me?" Amari wasn't beggin' me to talk to him. He genuinely wanted to know why I wouldn't tell him anything. Even while my wall is up, he tries to be my friend.

I shrugged my shoulder. "It's hard. I only mentioned the drugs because I can relate."

"Maybe I can relate to what you want to say? It's obvious that you're goin' through something. You need a friend, and I can be that for you.. if you want."

I sighed. "My mom."

"Your mom what?"

"She's the reason why I have the bruise on my face and neck."

"What happen?"

"She hit me and I punched her back."

"You fought your mom?"

"I don't like to be hit, regardless of who you are."

"I understand. I'm the same way- unless you're woman.. Why did she hit you?"

"It was Sunday and I wasn't dealin' wit' her and husband's bullshit. I just snapped."

"Your mom is an addict?"

"How'd you know?"

"My uncle was an addict. It sounds familiar."

"Did he get clean?"

"Yeah." He proudly nodded his head. "Five years now."

"I don't see my parents gettin' clean."

"You consider her husband a parent?"

"Yeah, I do. He's been around for a while. He wasn't always a piece of shit. He helped raise me after my dad."

"You just need to have faith that they'll get clean. It's hard to get away from that life."

"It's stupid. I hate thinkin' about it, but it's hard not to. Ya know? People you look up to don't turn out the way you want them to. It sucks."

"I know that feelin'."

"My uncle and my brothers."

"What are you gonna do?" I asked referrin' to the gang situation and him wantin' out.

"I don't know."

"You have figure it out."

"I'm workin' on it." Just when he closed his mouth, the waitress brought our food out to us. Amari said a prayer and we begin to eat. Things between us fell silent because we were dummy hungry.

"Are you still livin' wit' your parents?"

"No." I shook my head. "They're in jail."

"Damn. I'm sorry to hear that."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's whatever, I guess."

"They'll get clean in jail."

"If they make it."

"You think they're gonna die in jail?" Hearin' those words in one sentence made my heart drop instantly. I opened my mouth to speak but nothin' came out. I just closed my eyes and sighed softly. As my eyes were openin', Amari was gettin' up from the seat and comin' around to my side of the booth. He sat down next to me and immediately pulled into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him the best I could and hugged him. I didn't cry. I just hugged him, and it felt like everything will be okay. That's exactly the type of hug it was. It felt so good. I honestly didn't want to let go but I wanted to eat my foodx

"How many years they got?" He asked once we pulled away.

"Fifteen to Twenty."

"Damn. I'm not gonna keep askin' questions, because I know it hurts to talk about. Just know that you can talk to me. Alright?"

"Thank you so much."

The rest of my time with Amari, was fun. We stopped talkin' about the sad and not so happy things and just laughed. We ended that conversation wit' him sayin' he'll help me and that I'll help him.

The park doesn't close until eleven o'clock, but we left at eight thirty. I didn't want to break curfew. I still had to drop Amari off at home, so..

"Shelly?" I called enterin' the kitchen. She was cleanin' up from dinner, I guess. She turned to me and smiled.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm back."

"Did you have fun?"


"That's good. I'm glad you enjoyed senior ditch day."

"I'm ready to ditch high school all together." I mumbled.

"You're almost there!" Shelly smiled. "Just a few more weeks."

"Hopefully it goes by fast."

"Cherish these next few weeks. You're going to miss it."

"I doubt it."

"Before you go.. you remember Sophie from the daycare, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Good! She's upstairs with your sister. She's feeling really sad. I hear that you two have some sort if bond. Maybe you could cheer her up?" I only smiled at Shelly before goin' upstairs to see Sophie.

"BB!!!" Sophie eyes lit up when she saw me walk in the room. She dropped her leap frog learnin' pad and jumped into my arms.

"Hi, Sophie! How are you doin'?" I asked, holdin' her in my arms.

"I awwight. How you?"

"I'm good. I'm happy to see you." I smiled.

"Aaw! BB! I happy, too!" She wrapped her tiny around my neck and hugged me tightly.
"I miss you!"

"I missed you, too, boo! I like your braids. Who braided your hair?"

"Mommy's fwiend." She answered plainly.

"Mommy's fwiend?" I mocked. "She did a good job. You look so pretty."

Her eyes lit up, makin' me happy. "Pweetty like a pwincess?!"


"Fanks, BB. You are da only one dat says dat."

"I'm sure your mommy calls you a Princess." I knew that Sophie was here for some abuse or neglect. This was my way gettin' the answers I needed and wanted. She wouldn't just come out and tell me, and I couldn't bluntly ask.

"No her don't, BB." Sadly she said.

"Then what does she call you besides Sophie?"

"Five dollas."

"You want five dollars?"

Sophie sighed dramatically. "No. Dat's what her calls me."

"Five dollars?" I frowned in confusion. "Why does she call you thaf?"

"Her always say 'sit ya five dolla ass down before I make change'." My heart literally skipped a beat. Why would anyone talk to a child this way? Especially a two year old. I don't know what all happened to Sophie just yet, but I'm glad that the fight wit' my Mom happened and that I told Ms. Maldonado about it. If I hadn't, Sophie would still be mistreated wit' her "mother".

"Your mommy tells you that?"

"Yeah." She yawned. "Her is mean."


"I dunno." She said innocently and shrugged. "I don't do nuffin but pway wiff my toys in my woom. They always bodderin' me. I dust don't like dem, BB."

"Who bothers you?"

"Mommy's fwiends."

"What do they do?"

"They take my toys, my nuchables-"

"What's that?"

"You know, wiff cheese and cwackers? Nuchables!"


"They pinch me, too. And guess what else they do, BB?"


"They wock ds baffwoom door and make me pee pee myself. Then mommy spanks me 'cause I not pose to pee pee on my undiewears."

"They do it a lot?"

"Uh huh." She nodded her head. "Evewyday."

"Your mommy whoops you everyday?" Sophie sighed.

"Yeah. One time her spank me 'cause I was cwyin'. I-I dust was hungwy. Her said to take my pissy ass to sweep."

I didn't know what to say. She probably never spoke about it, so I'll just listen and see how much she tells me.

"Then anodder time, BB. Her had a stick tube thingy, and her said it was mommies canny."

"Oh! Annoooddeerr time, her was poking me and it made me bweeeeed."

"Poke you wit' what?"

"Uuuum." She thought about it. "I dink it's called a cigganette."

"I'm really sorry that this happened to you, Sophie-"

"It's otay, BB."

"No, it's not, boo. Nobody is supposed to talk to you like that, hurt you, and make you cry. Especially not Mommies and Daddies. That's not nice and it's not okay."

"Otay. BB?"


"People can touch you pwivacy parts?"

My God. She's only two years old! How can people bring themselves to do these things? And how can a mother sit allow it to happen? Some people are so sick and don't deserve children.

"No. People are not suppose to touch you in anyway that you don't want, like or that hurts you. And if they do, you have to tell an adult."

"I tell Ms. K. Her said dat I sweep here now. Is dat true?"

"Yes, but it's alright because you'll be safe and nobody is goin' to hurt you anymore."


"I promise. I'll be here for a little while, too. I'll make nobody hurts you."

"Fank you!"

"You're welcome. So, what were you doin' when I walked in?"

"I was weadin' a story."

I gasped pretendin' to be shocked. Sophie doesn't know how to read just yet. She was probably lookin' at the pictures. "You can read?"

"Otay, I was dust wistenin'." She giggled.

"And lookin' at the pictures?" She nodded her head. I walked over to her bed and sat down. She was in my lap for a second before she moved to get her leapfrog.

"Mhm. What's dis, BB?" She pointed the a United States map.

"It's a map of the all of the where we live. These are all states."

"What snake are we?"

"California." I pointed to it on the map.

"Cana.." She struggled to say it.

"Just say Cali." I laughed..

"Cali?" She looked back at me.


"What about da odder ones?"

"Let's find out." Sophie and I tried to learn the fifty states. For a two year old, she did amazing. She's so smart. Sophie wanted to color when we finished, so that's what we did. Like most toddlers, she scribbles. It was beautiful, though.

"Do you like it here so far?" I asked her.

"Yeah. It's better den my old house."

"Did you play wit' the other kids today?"

"They wanna pway wiff me, but I not want to."

"But you like it right?"

"Yeah. Nobody touches my pwivacy parts no more, wright?"

"Right! If someone does something that you don't like you have to say something. Okay?"

"Otay. Can I sweep wiff you and can you tell wead me story?"

"Yes, but can you wait 'til shower?"

"Uh huh! I wait!" I granted Sophie's wish. After my shower, we laid back in the bed and I came up wit' the best story. It wasn't long because she fell asleep on my shoulder. wit'out wakin' up Sophie, I reached for my phone.

Sent to Amari: I'm home.

Received from Amari: I'm glad you're safe and sound.. You don't hate me do you?

Sent to Amari: No. Who am I to pass judgement? We're good, don't worry.

Received from Amari: Good. Thank you. So wyd?

Sent to Amari: About to go to sleep. I'll text you in the morning.

Received from Amari: Night, B.

Sent to Amari: Night, A.

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