The Shadow Court

By Acrobolt

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Book #3 in the Crime Lords series. Have you ever lost your girlfriend, adopted two pets that won't get along... More

Flashback 1
Chapter 1 - Adjustment
Chapter 2 - Knight in shadowy armour
Chapter 3 - Old bases, new faces
Chapter 4 - Natural therapy
Chapter 5 - Rose
Chapter 6 - We need to talk
Chapter 7 - Dirty secrets
Flashback 2
Chapter 8 - The Rebel Lords
Chapter 9 - Exiled
Chapter 10 - Wills' mission
Chapter 11 - Duels
Chapter 12 - Tutoring
Chapter 13 - Stronger
Chapter 14 - Dark hearts
Chapter 15 - The lost Samurai
Chapter 16 - Status report
Chapter 17 - Lone wolf
Flashback 3
Chapter 19 - Awakening
Chapter 20 - Stealth tactics
Chapter 21 - Power

Chapter 18 - Heist

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By Acrobolt

Three nights later, Wills had stationed a large portion of his crew at several spots surrounding a massive arms factory. The goal was for a small team of rebels to infiltrate the building, stock up on firearms and ammo and get out. The Crime Lords members were only there to alert Wills at the first sign of trouble and, if anyone showed up, to open fire. All was going well two hours in, as Harley, Wills, Briannon, and Ella had all got in safely and made it to the vault. The others had voted to stay behind, should any members of the court attack the house.

"Shit, what now?" Ella asked, assessing the massive steel door.

Wills swiftly attached a mine of some sort in response, then backed away. "Everyone down!"

They all scattered for cover, not that the room provided much, as the door swung open with a massive BOOM.

"Yep." Ella clumsily staggered to her feet. "That works, I guess."

The whole factory was filled with what criminals would consider gold, but Wills only wanted the focus to be on this vault. "Timing is everything," he'd said, "and we only have time to grab the important stuff."

"Holy crap, you were right." Harley patted Wills on the shoulder. "This was worth it."

Several shelves expanded along the length of the vault, making it appear smaller. However, each one was packed with heavy assault rifles, stacks of semi-automatics, armour piercing bullets, basically everything you couldn't get on the street. The four rebels quickly began filling their duffel bags with loot.

"We only have a few minutes!" Wills called out, shoving a grenade in his pocket. "Just take a couple more things and we'll go!"

"I'll take, you!" Ella snatched an AR-15 rifle. "And you! And you!"

"Would you shut up!?" Briannon snapped. "Let's get moving."

Ella glared and followed her out of the vault. Harley jumped out after them with a full bag and Wills quickly swung the door closed.

"Nice work, now let's get out of here!" Wills ordered, already running.

As the four of them wove their way through rows of tables containing unfinished guns, Harley felt a little nostalgic. It'd been far too long since he'd gone on a heist like this, and he almost wanted to stay a little longer. Then he smashed his hip into a table and changed his mind.

Wills' walkie buzzed shortly after. "Boss, we have two individuals approaching from the rooftops."

"Deal with them!" He shouted back. "We don't have much time!"

"They're taking down our men! We can't-" The voice was replaced by heavy static.

"Damn." Wills stopped and faced us. "Be prepared for a fight."

Almost immediately after exiting the building into a dark alleyway, a blast of red energy interrupted the group's path. Then a black suit of armour dropped down in front them with a bang.

"Rebels." The suit spoke, its helmet hiding a pair of bright red eyes. "I've tolerated your crap for long enough! Stand down, or your death will be painful!"

"Like hell, Callum." Briannon challenged, releasing her claws. She took a few steps forward, before another voice echoed from the rooftops.

"I wouldn't try it." A second figure landed lightly in a crouch next to Callum. She had short, chopped blonde hair that hung loosely around her glowing purple eyes, and sported head-to-toe stealth gear with dual blades to go with it. Strangest of all, she looked even more like Estella than Jack had described. "My brother here doesn't take challengers lightly."

"Rose, I'm assuming." Wills unsheathed his own blade. "Here to surrender?"

What once was Estella snickered without humour. "Hardly, though I imagine that would be your only chance of survival, wouldn't it. Either way, the police have been alerted to your presence, so you really don't have much choice."

"You can get a bad haircut and wear contacts all you like," Briannon taunted. "But you're still the same pathetic blackbird I used to cut!"

"Are you trying to get us killed?" Ella asked, raising her mallet defensively.

Briannon snarled. "I'm trying to make her remember!"

"Forget it!" Callum ordered. "The King's power is unstoppable! The sooner you realise that, the sooner your suffering ends."

Wills bent his knees and held his blade in both hands. "Who says we're suffering?"

"You may not be," Rose tilted her head to the side, then faced Harley. "But he is. The King gave me the power to manipulate emotions, so I can sense when someone is in emotional distress."

Indeed, Harley couldn't move. He was done with mourning, but seeing what had become of Estella was sparking something else. Something darker: rage. Incredible rage. Not only towards the King for messing with his head repeatedly, but also towards this imposter that thought she could get away with wearing Estella's face. Harley dropped his duffel bag, flipped both guns out of their holsters and aimed them straight at Rose's face.

"If you knew what I felt," he said, pouring every ounce of his anger into the words. "Then you'd already be running!"

Rose, instead, narrowed her eyes dangerously. "I have my orders." She turned to her comrade. "Take care of the others, he's mine."

"Harley, run!" Wills ordered, ditching his own bag and lunging out with lightning speed to intercept Rose's equally fast attack. The two engaged in a deadly dance of blades, Wills managing to draw Rose's attention away. Briannon was just as fast, joining in with her claws and Ella stood behind them with a rifle at the ready. Harley, despite wanting to help more than anything, followed Wills' orders and backed away to a safe distance. Until a heavy thud trembled the ground from behind him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Callum taunted, spinning his axe like it weighed nothing.

"You." Harley pointed his guns like red hot spikes. "How can you stand there acting like the bigger person!? Doesn't it bother you at all that you're a slave to that old prick!?"

Callum brought his axe down like a guillotine, almost cutting Harley's chest. "Why can't you ever just stand still!?" He swung again and again, only slicing through thin air as Harley flipped and dodged each strike.

"She called you her brother." Harley spat, shooting Callum straight in the armoured face. "Surely that disturbs you as much as me!"

Callum took a few steps back, startled by the bullet, but otherwise seemed unfazed. "I don't care what she calls me! I do what my master says, and soon you will too!" He blasted the area with red hot energy, sending Harley tumbling backwards. However, the acrobat somehow leapt back to his feet and holstered his guns.

"Never in a million years." He said.

Callum teleported behind him and went for a punch, but Harley was faster. He ducked under the blow and aimed a powerful kick straight at Callum's jaw. It connected, but didn't do much in terms of damage, so Harley was met with a serious hook straight to the nose. He staggered backward, wiping the now dripping blood away with the back of his hand. Of course, this just smeared it across his face.

"You can't win, Harley." Callum said, slowly approaching him. "I've grown too strong for even you to handle."

"Oh, please." Harley rolled his eyes. "Take off the armour and tell me that."

A humourless chuckle escaped Callum's helmet, then a moment later the entire apparel disappeared. Callum's chest was bare, safe for several burn marks over a set of abs. Ruby's crossbow attack had certainly made its mark. Other than that, he wore black jeans and combat boots, very similar to that of Joel or Wills. With his brown curls tumbling past his eyes, he looked just like any other criminal, albeit a partially naked one.

"Even without the armour, I'll still win." Without the helmet, his voice didn't have that intimidating echo. "Now, let's settle this."

With the armour gone, attacking would be much easier. Harley took advantage of this and closed the distance between them in remarkable time. He sent a deadly kick arcing towards Callum's side, but his opponent was ready for it. Worse than that, Harley hadn't considered the downside of wearing all that armour: it reduced the user's speed. Now, without the excess weight, Callum blocked the kick with lightning speed and buckled Harley's other leg. Before any damage could be done, however, Harley rolled to escape and sprang straight back to his feet. Without missing a beat, he unleashed a tempest of kicks and punches. Callum blocked and parried with speed to match Harley's, slowly backing him towards the wall of the bank. Harley noticed after landing a successful blow to Callum's face that his hands had started glowing red, which was never a good sign.

He growled. "You're pissing me off, Chase!" Moments later, his signature red energy flared to life around his fists, lighting up the alleyway. Harley ducked just in time to avoid getting his face burned off, but Callum wasn't letting him go that easily. He sprinted forward and swung a flaming fist in Harley's direction. Since blocking or parrying wasn't an option now, Harley continued to dodge one punch after another. Eventually, though, Callum had mapped out his pattern and landed a wicked punch to Harley's shoulder. In retaliation, Harley angrily slammed his heel into the side of Callum's head, knocking him to the ground. It took a few seconds of stunned silence for Harley to notice that his singlet was on fire, but when he did he quickly ripped it off to reveal a large patch of charred skin on the bridge between his left shoulder and chest. It stung to the touch, but he'd been through worse.

"Is that it?" He asked, watching Callum slowly roll around on his back.

This seemed to aggravate him, however, because Callum's eyes found Harley and burned red. "Not... yet!" He struggled to his knees. "I'll... kill you... Chase!"

But just as his hands flared to life again, a very familiar noise echoed through the night sky: police sirens. Harley had almost forgotten Rose's threat. In fact, he'd almost forgotten she was even here. The other three had clearly gotten nowhere, because she was still spinning and slicing away with deadly accuracy. Wills was taking the brunt of her attacks with his sword, while Briannon managed to parry some attacks with her claws and Ella blocked with the handle of her mallet, apparently ditching the rifle. None of them had heard the sirens, evidently.

"Guys!" Harley shouted. "We gotta move!"

Ella and Briannon noticed then, and quickly backed away. Rose noticed as well, muttering a "no" before kicking Wills in the chest and sprinting straight at Harley. "I'll kill you, at least!"

Both she and Harley met each other in the air, taser glove meeting sword. Blue sparks flew in every direction and Rose dropped her sword in panic. It spun through the air and landed at the same time as she did with a heavy clang. Harley landed safely some distance away and immediately spun back to face her.

"You electrocuted me!" She snapped.

Harley narrowed his eyes. "You seem shocked."

"Rose!" Callum shouted, apparently recovered. "We gotta go!"

With visible reluctance, Rose snatched her smoking sword and darted to his side. "This isn't over." She said, a clear tone of threat in her voice. "We'll meet again, and you'll pay for what you did!"

And in a flash of red light, the two vanished.

Harley groaned and met the eyes of his teammates behind him. Wills was visibly fuming, Briannon flicked her hair away from her face with a sigh and Ella gasped.

"Harley!" She screamed. "You're bleeding!"

He followed her eyes to his stomach, where the entire right side of his ribs and everything below it was covered in blood. "Damn," he muttered, "Estella must've scratched me with her other sword."

"That," Wills snarled, "was not Estella!" He took off his vest and shoved it under Harley's arm. "Hold that there, we gotta move. We'll talk back at headquarters."

And with blood trickling down his face and ribs, a searing pain across his left shoulder, and sirens wailing all around him, Harley took off into the night shirtless with the footsteps of his teammates thundering behind him. Average night, he thought.

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