Knowing the Marauders

By silentbynature

1.5M 66.7K 36.2K

Bex Dumbledore, the girl with power and many secrets returns for her sixth year at Hogwarts. But after things... More

Knowing the Marauders
Birthday Surprises
Talk To Me
In Charge Of A Magic School
Telling The Muggle Borns
The Start Of Term
It's All Up To The Students
I Hate You Sirius Black
Those Eyes
Sacrifices Must Be Made
Ravenclaw's Power
The Truth Hurts
Finding Family
The Angry Red-Head
They Know
Lily's Grudge
Blood Isn't Everything
Dramatic Train Rides
Teaching Trixie A Lesson
Time With Tom
Shopping Adventures
Sirius' Secret
Sparks Fly
The Wrath of Mrs. Potter
Sleepy Surprises
Christmas Exhaustion
Crazy Mornings
New Girl
The Late Practice
Bex Day
The Hospital Wing and Sudden Sicknesses
Late Night Visits
Miss. Popular
Attack Of The Bludgers
Love Confessions
Kidnapping Severus
Late Night Detention
The Bex Games
Apologies and Threats
Saving Lives
Speeches and Sandwiches
Fire Erupts and Sirius Worries
Regulus' Wish
Death Trap
The Dance
Once More
The Speech
Potions With Peeves
The Power Of Bex
The Art Of Being Good
How They See It
Speaking Of James
Stupid And Sweet
Unlucky Spoon
Boggart Bonding
The After Math
Ozzy's Tricks
More Dramatic Rides
The Next Book!

Bickering Over Rosier

25.5K 1.1K 403
By silentbynature

Chapter 21: Bickering Over Rosier
-Bex p.o.v.-

"Where is she?" Someone asked loudly. The voices were coming from the front entrance, the loud voice demanded to know where this person was.

"She is busy at the moment." Someone told the first voice.

I sighed, ignoring the voices, I had better things to do, I couldn't sit around and listen to this mystery person.

I looked back at the letter, it had come this morning, from Sirius.

Do not forget that I will be picking you up tomorrow morning at your house. If you are not there, I will be forced to hunt you down. No matter where you are.
I'll come for you at nine. Be ready and do not even try to stay any longer at that friend of yours' house. I am picking you up no matter what. Even if I must enter this murderers house myself and drag you out.

With a sigh, I began to write a short response, tying it to Sirius' owl, who had been staring impatiently at me for the past thirty minutes.

"Take this back to Sirius, for me. And be sure to bite him, will you?" I stroked his feathers, grinning at the owl.

A frantic knock came at my door. I glared at the wooden door, hoping that this was important. "Who knocks on a door like that?" I muttered, annoyed, to myself. Leaving the owl on the desk, waiting to leave out of the window, I went to the door.

When I swung the door open, annoyed, the person behind the door didn't get the hint and continued to knock. Which ended up making them hit me in the face.

There was a gasp of surprise, the one that hit me was apologizing profusely.

I looked up at the person, rolling my eyes, "figures, you'd be the one to do this." Leaving the door open for him to follow behind me, I headed for the conjoined bathroom. "Bloody hell," I frowned, looking at the bloody mess on my face. "You know, I've never had a bloody nose, not once. Thanks a lot Lucius, you broke the record I was going for."

"I'm so sorry," he apologized again, "I didn't know you were opening the door."

"It's fine, quit saying sorry. It's just a bit of blood." I managed to say, blood pooling in the back of my throat. I began to take care of the mess, ignoring the bleeding. I grabbed a wet towel and started to wipe up the red spilt on the counter, with every wipe more blood spilt where I had just cleaned.

"Let me fix it, you're not going to be able to clean until you're healed." Lucius pulled out his wand and pointed it at me.

"Woah! Watch where you point that thing!" I ducked away from it, blood dripping onto the floor.

"I'm just going to heal you." Lucius explained, pointing the wand at me once more. "Episkey."

With a small crack, my nose went back into place, the bleeding had stopped. "That was painful." I muttered, my nose was throbbing, it would definitely be bruised.

"Again, I'm so sorry." He frowned, looking at me sadly. "Let me clean this up, skurge." All blood was washed away, leaving the bathroom spotless.

"Thanks," I nodded, opening the window for Sirius' owl, who was waiting impatiently. He squawked at me before soaring out of the window and flying away. "So where's Cissy?"

"She'll be up in a minute, she's talking to her sister." Lucius rolled his eyes, heaving a sigh.

I smirked at the mention of Bellatrix. "That's cool. So what are you doing here? Decide to visit me, seeing as you weren't here for my welcoming and I leave tonight?"

"Yes, I wanted to spend some time with you before you left. Though you will be coming back, yeah?" I nodded. "Thought I'd see you a little bit before that."

"Well Rosier and I have plans, care to join us?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"What plans?" Lucius asked curiously.

"We're going shopping. I need to find something for Tom and get a few other things." I explained with a small shrug.

"We'd love to."

Lucius and I turned to the new voice. Narcissa was standing at the open doorway. "Hello Cissy," I greeted, smiling slightly. "You'll never guess what Lucius just did to me."

"What did you do?" She looked pointedly at Lucius, who visibly gulped.

"Uh well," he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"He broke my nose." I grinned, "first bloody nose I've ever had."

"Oh!" She gasped, rushing forward, "are you alright? Does it hurt? Lucius you are in big trouble." She glared at him.

I laughed, "I'm fine Cissy," I pushed her hands, that were poking and prodding at my face, away. "I'm perfectly fine."

"How did this happen?"

"I opened the door while he was still knocking." I giggled. "Probably shouldn't have done that."

She sighed, shaking her head slightly, "I shouldn't have left him alone. He's like a child."

"One you're going to marry." I muttered.

"What?" They looked at each other, staring at me wide eyed. "How did you find out?"

"I asked Tom where you guys were last night." I sighed, "when were you guys gonna tell me?"

"We were planning to tell you later tonight. Over dinner." Lucius frowned, "but since you know, surprise...?" He tried to make it exciting.

"Why are you getting married? You're so young." I frowned in question.

Lucius rubbed the back of his neck, "um it's sort of an arranged marriage," he trailed off, not looking up at me.

I was silent for a second. "You guys are in an arranged marriage," I paused, "how long have you known?"

"For a couple of weeks." Cissy frowned slightly.

"Not that we don't love each other," Lucius hurriedly spoke. "Because I love Narcissa with all of my heart. This is just something we need to get through." He spoke more to Cissy than me.

Cissy frowned, "Lucius, how do you expect me to believe that? Your parents are pushing this entire thing! My parents are forcing me into marriage, yours are doing the same to you. How am I suppose to know if this is real or you are just doing as they say."

I watched in silence, trying to blend in with the bed.

"Cissy, listen to me," Lucius had started walking towards her, which made Cissy back up.

"No, Lucius, you listen to me." She said firmly. "I told you before that you are not going to touch me until I know for sure that you love me just as much as I love you. I'm not going to be part of a relationship that isn't real." She crossed her arms over her chest, turning away a little bit. "I don't want some feelingless romance. I want a real marriage; one with: love, fights, want; need for each other!"

"And we can have that!" He argued, "I love you. I want you to be mine forever. I need for you to be mine forever. Please, don't let this drive you away."

"What else is it suppose to do, Lucius? Pull me closer to you? Make me think that this entire thing isn't just some plot that our families cooked up? Because that's not happening."

I looked at the scene unfolding in front of me, something bad was about to happen. I could feel it.

"Lucius," Narcissa started slowly. "I think," she paused.

"No, Cissy, don't do this. Please," he seemed to sense the same thing I had. "Please, Cissy, I love you with all of my heart. Don't do this to me, to us."

"Was there ever even an 'us'?" She frowned, tears were building up in her eyes.

"Of course there was! My family didn't come into the picture until after we were dating for a few weeks," Lucius exclaimed. "Don't, Cissy, don't."

"What did you expect, Lucius!" Cissy is suddenly screaming, tears falling from her eyes. "I'm stuck in an arranged marriage! No matter how much I love you, nothing can fix this. I want a choice, I want to be able to truthfully say that I wish to be in a marriage with you. I want to say that I love our wedding. I want to say that I love you!"

"Then say it!" Lucius was yelling back at her.

"I can't!" She cried harder.

He was glaring at her now, "you can't or you won't?"

"Lucius, I can't say that I love you if I'm being pushed into this relationship. That's not how these things work!" She glared back at him.

"What if this marriage didn't exist, what then?" He asked harshly.

"Then I would tell you how much I love you." She admitted.

"Then what's the difference?" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"We're being shoved into this! That's the difference!" She yelled, glaring at him. "What happens if we don't love each other anymore? We can't just break up! We'll be married!"

"And that's what I want," Lucius told her, speaking softly.

She sighed, wiping her tears away, though they kept falling. "I want that too. But at our own pace. Not our parents pace. I want to love every single thing about you before we are connected through marriage."

"Then we prolong the planning. We make things complicated and take years before the wedding finally happens." Lucius suggested, he grabbed her hand. "And then, when we are ready, we have the wedding of your dreams."

She pulled her hand back slowly, "stop being so sweet, I'm suppose to be mad at you." Cissy glared at him.

He chuckled, pulling her to him by her waist. He leaned in, kissing her tenderly.

"Wow that was intense." I interrupted their make-out session, making myself known to the room. "You guys were at each other's throats then you just like stopped and now you're kissing. Crazy."

They broke apart, Cissy started blushing while Lucius smirked at her reddened cheeks. "It's like you and Black."

I gasped, "no! What are you talking about, Lucius! That's just disgusting, me and Sirius? Yeah right." I looked away from his smirking face.

"Come on, we all know you fancy Sirius Black." Cissy giggled, "if you guys get married, we'll be related. Cousins!"

"That means you'll also be my cousin, which means I can beat him up if he hurts you." Lucius grinned with pleasure. "I've been waiting years for an excuse to beat that kid up."

"Speaking of fights," Cissy looked at me, "what is Bellatrix talking about? You had a duel?"

Relief washed over me with the change of subjects. I chuckled, "well you see, what had happened was she started a fight so we duelled."

"What happened?" Lucius asked with a smirk.

"I may have set her on fire," I trailed off, avoiding eye contact.

"That's my girl!" Lucius exclaimed, attacking me in a hug. "Good job! How much did she freak out? Is she hurt-"

Lucius was interrupted by Narcissa clearing her throat. She had she hands on her hip, looking at Lucius sternly.

"Oh um, I mean, that's not very nice, Aria." Lucius frowned like a father would to his daughter after hearing she broke the rules. "Violence is never the answer. No more fight, you hear me?" He winked, a grin sliding onto his face.

I grinned back at him, "yes sir."

"Good girl." He ruffled my hair a bit, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "Anything else I need to get onto you about?"

"I may have blamed the lamp incident on you." I shrugged a little.

"What! We both know Cissy did that!" Lucius exclaimed, "why would you blame me?"

"I thought it'd be fun." I smirked.

He glared, "I know your secret. Tom told me all about it."

"What secret?" I rolled me eyes at him, grinning.

"This," he launched himself at me, attacking my sides.

I burst into laughter, struggling to get away from him and his tickling.

"Alright, that's enough you two." Cissy giggled. "We have some shopping to do, yeah?"

Lucius pulled away from me, leaving me to gasp for breath, lying on the bed. Slowly, I stood, narrowing my eyes at him, "I'll get you back."

Lucius stuck his tongue out at me.

"Alright, children, that's enough." Cissy pushed us towards the door, "let's find Rosier and tell Tom where we are going."

Lucius and I shared a look. "Bet I can beat you to Rosier." Lucius smirked.

"You're on." I smirked back, "get ready to lose, Lucy."


We both raced to the door, pushing and shoving. "Get out of the way! I was here first!" I tried to squeeze past him in the doorway.

"What! I was here first! You move!" He struggled to make it past me.

"You're both idiots." Cissy muttered, pushing us.

We fell to the floor, tangled around each other. "Ow! Get off my hair!" I pushed at his face, trying to get up.

"Well get off my spleen!" He grumbled.

"Do you even know what a spleen is?" I challenged, smirking.

"Shut up and just get off of it!" He pushed at my elbow that was digging into his side. It caused me to fall forward.

"Ow! Now you're on my leg!"

For a couple of minutes we continued to push and fight each other before we could finally stand. Cissy had already disappeared downstairs, off to find Rosier.

When we finally stood, I shared a look with him. We both took off, down the stairs and towards the study.

"Rosier!" I screamed.

"Rosier!" Lucius yelled.

"Rosier!" We called out together. We stopped in our tracks, turning to glare at each other. "Stop mocking me!" Our eyes widened at the unison speaking. "Stop it!" The speaking at the same time was getting frustrating. "Quit talking to me!" We glared. "Rosier!"

We took off again, when we got to the study we once again got stuck in the doorway. "I'm first!" I tried to shove last him. "Rosier!"

"No! I was here first! Rosier!" Lucius pushed.

"Rosier!" I screamed, "quit elbowing me!"

"You're elbowing me!" Lucius exclaimed, "Rosier!"

We fell to the ground, our limbs wrapped around each other. "Ow! Quit squishing my arm!" I tried to pry my arm from underneath his back. "Rosier!"

"Would you stop kneeing my spleen! Rosier!" Lucius cried out.

"You don't even know what a spleen is!" I accused, "Rosier!"

"Well get your knee off of whatever it is your digging into!" Lucius yelled harshly. "Rosier!"

"Rosier!" I called, "I can't unless you get off my arm!"

"I can't move because you are kneeing my spleen!" He hollered, "Rosier!"

"You don't know what a spleen is! Quit saying I'm hitting it! Rosier!" I yanked my arm from behind him.

He pushed me away from him, freeing ourselves. Looking up, we noticed people were staring at us. Not just any people, but Tom, Rosier, and Cissy.

"Rosier!" I grinned, jumping up and running to his side. "I win!"

"No!" Lucius was right beside me, "I beat you to him!"

"Rosier!" We yelled out together.

"Tell him I won!" I demanded as he demanded, "tell her I won!"

We glared at each other once more. "Stop copying me!"

"Quiet!" Tom broke us up. "What is going on?"

We started yelling at each other, claiming to be the winner of our little contest.

"Quiet!" Tom yelled again. "One at a time."

We started again, glaring at each other, fighting for who would speak first.

"Stop talking!" He yelled. The room was silent. He sighed, "Love, what is going on?"

"He bet that he could find Rosier first and I was like no! And then we got stuck in the door and Cissy pushed us and he stated complaining about his spleen! Then we ran down the stairs and he started copying me! So we ran here and got stuck again! And then we fell and I saw Rosier and so I win." I explained, sending Lucius a glare.

"Lucius?" Tom asked.

"She got me stuck in the door way and kept hitting my poor little spleen! She even had the audacity to mock me! Then we got stuck again and she's hurting my spleen once more! But then I saw Rosier, so I win." Lucius explained.

"You don't even know what audacity means!" I accused Lucius.

"Quit insulting my spleen!" Lucius accused me right back.

"You're just jealous that I know what words mean!" I screamed.

"You're jealous of my spleen!" He yelled back.

"Why would I be jealous of something you don't know about?!"

"Because you are!"

"That's a great reason!" I rolled my eyes.

"I know it is! And it's true!"

"Will you two shut up!" Tom yelled over our arguing.

I gasped at him, sharing a look with Lucius, "did he just tell us to shut up?"

"He did." Lucius nodded.

"Well Lucius, I say we take this elsewhere. We don't need rude people interrupting our civilised conversation." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I agree," he shook his head in disappointment at Tom, "I expected more from you."

Tom sighed, rubbing his temples. "You two are impossible."

"Impossible? Us?" I gasped.

"Never." Lucius gasped as well.

"You're like two over grown children." Cissy giggled.

"I'll take that as a complement." Lucius smirked.

"As will I," I smirked.

"You're the one who has to deal with us." Lucius chuckled, his smirk growing.

"And you're also the one that is going to be married to one of us." I smirked at her, feeling superior when she turned a bright shade of red.

"Rosier, please, take these two and get out of this house. Take them to a muggle park, make them burn off all of this energy. Then you can go shopping as long as you want." Tom pretty much begged Rosier to take us away.

"Hear this, Lucy?" I glanced at him.

"People don't want us around?" Lucius faked surprise.

"Yes, I have heard plenty of complaints about you two. I think it's time we all get a bit of peace and quiet away from you two disasters." Tom rubbed his head, massaging away a head ache.

I smirked at Lucius, he smirked back at me.

"Let's go, Lucy. We have some playing around to do."

"And obviously away from other people. They do not wish for us to be around." We started to the doorway.

"Oh! One last thing!" I said, grabbing Tom's attention. "Lucius broke my nose!"

"I said I was sorry! Why do you keep telling people this!" Lucius exclaimed.

I giggled, "because it's fun to see you get worked up about it." I smirked, "plus it's payback."

"Is breaking your nose a good thing?" Tom questioned, confused by my happy mood towards the subject.

"Well it's a good and bad thing." I shrugged. "When I tell Lily she'll get really fussy about it and will start talking to me again. But I've never had a bloody nose before," I pouted slightly, "Lucius has caused my record to break."

"It was an accident! How was I suppose to know that you would open the door at that second." Lucius justified himself.

"No normal person knocks on a door like that." I rolled my eyes.

"No fighting, you two." Tom said sternly, "now run along and play." He shooed us from his office.

With a smirk, Lucius and I bolted to the front door, Lucius grabbing his coat on the way. We left the house, leaving Cissy and Rosier behind.

"Quick, before they notice we left without them." Lucius pulled me along. "Let's go to Hyde Park."

So I hope you all enjoyed the Lucy/Aria moment! I had some fun writing that chapter. I loved the bickering between the two, it's the perfect brother/sister relationship. You fight constantly but still get along and you can work together to get what you want.
Please comment, vote, share, fan, and follow! Thanks guys! Don't forget to talk to Bex on Twitter. Sirius was on their last night. Just ask for who you want to speak to and they will talk all you want!

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