Anywhere But Here

By Raythewriterforever

2.5K 17 19

Zyra wishes she could have her old life back. One that's less complicated and stupid. One where her father do... More

Chapter One, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Two, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Three, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Three, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Four, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Four, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Four, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Four, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Four, Zyra's POV
Chapter Five, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Five, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Six, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Six, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Seven, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Seven, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Eight, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Eight, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Nine, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Ten, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Ten, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Eleven, Zyra's POV
Chapter Eleven, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twelve, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twelve, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Thirteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Thirteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Fourteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Fourteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Fifteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Sixteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Eighteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Eighteen, Dawn's POV,
Zyra's POV,
Chapter Nineteen, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Nineteen, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty, Dawn's POV
Chapter Twenty, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-One, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-One, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Two, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Two, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Three, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Three, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Four, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-four, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Five, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Five, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Six, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Six, Zyra's POV
Chapter Twenty-Seven, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Eight, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Eight, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-Nine, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-nine, Dawn's POV,
Chapter Twenty-nine, Zyra's POV,
Chapter Twenty-nine, Dawn's POV,
Zyra's POV
Dawn's POV
Dedication/Authors Note/Thank you!
Fan Art?

Chapter Six, Zyra's POV,

65 0 0
By Raythewriterforever

Chapter Six, Where Do I go Now?,

When I wake up that morning Dawn is no longer there, but an unfamiliar person sits in her spot. The man in question had a short buzz cut brown hair, brown skin, and was wearing a suit. He held a clipboard with a paper and pencil in his hands. I don't recall ever have seen him before. My headaches are gone and I can think clearly enough to ask him who he is. He doesn't realize I am awake until I speak.

"Who are you?" I ask him in the kindest way possible but it comes out sounding rude and ignorant.

The man looks up at me and smiles. He can sense me being worried, I can tell.

"Don't fret child, I am Mark Yuan and I am here from the child protective services, we were called to your case last night, you have every right to have a proper and loving home and family, so, you're real mother is suing you're father for the abuse, and she is signing the papers so you can go live with her" He says brightly.

I grin. I will get to move in with my mother! I can finally go back to having a normal life again, one without pain and my father! I feel as if I am on cloud nine. The man can sense it and nods his head.

"But it will take a while and you'll have to stay at an orphanage till everything is signed, you'll also have to come to court to speak against your father, plus you will have to move schools if you're mother passes clearances, but the orphanage is right around the corner from your apartment so you'll have to stay in the same school till then and yes, I asked, you will have to stay here for a few more days while they run some more tests on you" He says.

My heart sinks. I don't want to go to some crummy orphanage and speak out in court, I can barely speak in class. Also the part about my mother signing the paper and that it takes a while, I hate that it would take so long to get clearances! I am her biological daughter! Then Dawn pops into my head. My newest, and only, friend. Does she know about all of this, I mean she has a right to know, she saved my life, didn't she? I should ask Mark if she knows, so I do.

"Does Dawn know about all of this?" I ask him.

He looks up from writing something down on his notepad.

"You mean you're friend who was here? Yeah, she knows, she begged me to tell her" he says and continues to write things down on his notepad.

I sink back into my hospital bed and sigh in relief. I did not want to explain to her all of this. I just want to be home, in my room, with my mother braiding my hair like she used too.

"Where is she?" I ask him.

He doesn't stop writing for a second while he talks, "She went home early this morning because her parents forced her to come home and here, this phone is for your own personal use, you have the contacts of me and the orphanage already programmed it, you can also get games and download stuff, this phone is all yours"

I nod my head and stare at the ceiling. He then pulls out a phone from his pocket and places on my hospital bedside table. Will everything be okay soon? Right? It's not like anything will go wrong with my mother, she's perfect. Little did I know, that fact was not true.

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