You'll always be mine(Harry S...

By torn_betweenfandoms

7.3K 79 5

A girl named Laura, aged 19,fell in love with Harry Styles. They were together for nearly a year until one da... More

Last day
One Direction
Seeing him again and why me??
Dont Worry
Finding out
The Night Club
Not you aswell
Back at the hospital
Shopping with Anna
Is this true?
Finding out
I hope you're proud
Get rid of it!
Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?
Section 25
It will be ok
2 weeks later
Suprise / getting ready
Going to america
At last
I didnt expect to see you
Im falling in love
Do you forgive me?
8 months and 2 months later
Im sorry
We're back!
Im not ready
Been a while


59 0 0
By torn_betweenfandoms

Harry POV

After a very long 12 hour flight, we have landed in america, at last! I got up from my seat and headed towards the door. The sun was blazing down and causing me to quint. I slowly went down the stairs that lead to the ground. I was followed by Zayn, and Niall. The rest were already waiting for us. I took several deep breaths of the american summer air. I stood for about 5 minutes until louis was saying something about looking around america for awhile before we go to our hotel. "Yes, lets do that louis!" I said, even though I didnt hear the full conversation. We walked straight inside the airport terminal to collect our bags and suitcases. From out of nowhere, cameras and lots of paparazzi bombarded us so we couldnt get through. Questions were thrown at us but one caught my attention. "Harry, where is Laura? Are you two still together or not?" I was going to answer it but I just walked off to the conveyer belt that had everyone's bags and suitcases.

I didnt have to wait long until I had found mine. I took it off the conveyer belt and started to pull it behind me, while my bag was over my shoulder. I wish Laura was here with me right now. And now that I think about it, 2 months is a long time, especially when you may not be having the best time. The limo arrived and I went straight to it and put my bags into the boot. I climbed inside with Niall who also climbed in and sat next to me. I stayed quiet for the whole journey to the hotel. I tried to be polite and make a conversation with the others but my mind seemed to trail off and think about Laura every 10 minutes. When we got to the hotel, Paparazzi surrounded the front entrance so we were adviced to go in through the back. Paul followed us all behind and checked in for us at the front desk while we went upstairs to floor 4 and to rooms 5,6&7.

Anna POV

I was at home alone watching Waterloo road when the phone rang. I was excited to see that it was Laura calling. "Hello?" I heard sobbing in the backround. "Laura? Is that you? Whats the matter, talk to me......please?" I managed to pick out that it was her crying and once she had calmed down abit, she explained what the matter was. "Just 4 days ago, we had a decision as to whether harry should stay with me or go and do his america tour. But I overheard Liam say that they had to go on tour to america and now...... He's left me to go to america and Im not going to be able to see him for nearly 2 months!" I felt really sorry for Laura. "Im sorry Laura," I said. "I'll come over and we can properly talk about this, yeah?" She replied to me with a simple yes and with that, I went to go and get my bag,phone,purse,  house keys, and car keys. I slipped on my black flats and locked the front door. I walked down the front garden path and hopped into my shiny black, new audi TT. I wasnt long before I reached where Laura was staying........................

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